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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 11 hours ago, nuggetjr.6571 said:

    I do think it'd be really cool to make unravel a baseline skill f5 rather than a utility. 

    Give this person "balance team access" plz, that's one great idea and could be really usefull in any gamemode (maybe a bit overpowered in pvp)

    On 11/21/2023 at 10:42 PM, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    Let people bring what they want

    Ofc , let the troll departement be feeded plz , i'll come carry you with my healing alacrity soulbeast condi dps quickness ... Asking for a specific role then having a troll coming with the complete opposite you are asking for and expulse him is elitist ? then i am an elitist when i ask for a meat burger and is given a vegan one and start complaining about my wrong delivery.

    Sorry for the sarcasm , i know the game was selled as "come like you are" but that doesnt work in endgame content , nor in wvw and pvp organized, ofc pve open world doesnt need to be organized so come like you are there , but don't be  a burden to your squad in organized content.

    This is why ele is not appreciated in pve endgame , it doesnt shine in anything , complicated and very punishing rotation for damage and a very scuffed "meh" healer , it does the work as healer indeed , but it doesnt bring anything to the table for your squad, at at time where firebrand , hscg etc bring up some hard carry tools for your group , also i bet warrior is gonna be a better healer than tempest after the weapon patch , and look forward for herald shield rework and access to scepter , ele will be completely overshadowed (even more than actually) and it's not the weird pistol mechanic who's gonna save it ...

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  2. Think you don't use ride the lightning to also avoid "riding" to a hole and die cause unfortunate de-targeting.

    Another problem with weaver is the access to cc , with a 4 internal cd to each attunement you will be stuck in a combo or single attunement you don't want like air/earth and then you will be stuck in a earth attunement for 8 secs.

    bit sad that half of your skills aren't usefull in a  specific role , condi goes fire/earth and power fire/air only , you just attune to the other attunement to get value of Weave self.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/11/2023 at 1:51 AM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

    Staff is a hybrid weapon, with more utility than any other weapon in the game, it's not reasonable for it to outDPS other weapons that don't have the same level of utility.

    There you are screaming out loudly the elementalist most obvious weakness , he excells in nothing , he is hybrid everywhere and therefore is amost never picked up for endgame content.

    Ele pay highly the price of being versatile , because obviously : earth = tanky / water = heal / fire = aoe strike condi/ air = strike direct damage. So in order for the ele to not be broken he must be "meh" in all that stuff to not be a dps healer condi together , and as is showed in all snowcrow , hardstuck etc build , there is none (except soulbeast) hybrid condi/healer/damage build. Ofc you can make your own , if you like healing like a noodle and dealing damage like a dead weight , thats your problem , i am not from that part.

    the only weapon who doesnt seemed to be hybrid that much is hammer , where every attunement can deal decent to great damage , all the other weapons of ele have that kind of "hybrid" feeling : you don't use half of your skills in a very specific role , and trust me nobody ask in lfg for a hybrid healer damage condi , the only hybrid who is asked is boon/damage and boon/heal, sadly the ele is completely overshadowed by the herald (as many other quickness provider) and the tempest heal is far behind a lot of other healer as alac heal.

    You called out all staff cc , even the chill and the blind lol... (if those are considered a big cc part then my reaper is the king of cc cause he maintain chill ....) those are not accountable for cc , if someone else cover up your immobilize or blind or chill , your ccing condition will have no effect at all...

    Also reminder , you have 4 attunement and all cc you called out are from the 4 attunements , wich boss allow you to cc him more than 10 sec ? yes none , ty sir !

    And where the hell is staff 3 fire a cc ??? oh yes it applys blind ... woohooo so usefull against bosses with cc bar ....

    And i am not new to the game , don't know sh*t about wvw and pvp , but trust me i know a hell lot about pve.

    On 11/11/2023 at 1:51 AM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

    If you're judging the value of a weapon purely by the highest number you see in arcdps

    I judge by the role the class is doing , a dps = high numbers / a boondps = boon uptime then dps / a healer = healing + boonuptime. That's the meta since hots , are you new to the game ? i am a player who has know meteor strike doing damage ...

    the fact is that most players will choose what is the most efficient in their hands , so we see barely any ele in endgame content , it's not even only staff problem , cause ele is hard to get value of , and even if you master it the reward isn't worth the risk having a low hp hp class with no survivability integrated in his rotation.

    Ele is difficult for the sake of being difficult , playing it in endgame content is making a challenge more challenging , it doesnt need some damage tweekd it needs qol and the next patch is in the good way for it with the change to Empowered Empowerment , same need to be apllied to tempest and weaver , tell me another healer who give boons with 4 skills on a 4 sec cast time , tempest is maybe the class who hates the most being without quickness... you feel like it deserve to have quickness integrated for the overloads, no other class has such long cooldown except bladsworn , but at least bladesworn can self aegis everytime he is IN for charging dragon slash, tempest cannot aegis while overloading.

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  4. On 11/5/2023 at 11:34 AM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

    all fair points. the unique thing about ele is the amount of AOE it packs, but yeah not useful on a lot of encounters where you just need to tank'n'spank the boss. the utility on the weap is also decently high as well FWIW, 2x water fields (blasted for heals by dps players), 2x fire fields (blasted for might, additional burning dps), lightning field (additional cc & vuln), ice field/frost aura (10% reduced dmg). it's not nothing.   

    The only value is frost aura (-10% strike damage taken) shared from water 4 , the rest as you depict it has n o value : water field blast heal if you play non healer is laughable healing , might with blast on firefield vs a herald or any other support who hurls might like no tomorrow , the cc on your staff air 5 is only if target go trough the line and depends on allys comboing inside and  vulénrability is covered by additions of players.

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  5. 8 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    Desert_Shroud and Plaguelands are both on the caster and therefore melee range. Having to run to the enemy every 20 seconds (without alacrity) is kinda crappy.

    I couldnt find any power mechanist build on youtube that isnt from 2022, but power mechanist is kinda trashy. Especially when it comes with rifle. It is easy to play but the damage is lacking very much.

    Lets face it, every ranged build loses damage if going FULL ranged and not going into melee every then and now.
    But I will still go with Chrono and Virtuoso probably being the best ones in that aspect. They both lose very little if going full ranged since every skill can be used at range.

    But if they all stack and you just chill somewhere else in the room which makes you not receiving any boons, they will probably kick you anyway because without boons you wont deal decent damage anyway.

    Manifest Sand Shade : casting your shade ability (f2 , f3 ,f4 , f5) also cast them inside your sand shade , sand shade has a 900 range --> scourge is able to do 100% of his damage at 900 range, and if you go range for only a small period of time with decent support you won't loose boon uptime, i agree on plagueland but going melee for 2 secs casting it is not very accountable as it has 90 to 60 sec cd.

    The only way you could achieve such gameplay in raids is by doing a specific role , like kiting qadim , or pilar on qadim 2 , those build specifically require you to stay alone and sustain damage on your own.

    For the mech power pew pew build you can go snowcrow in the legacy engineer build. https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/power-mechanist , yes the damage is kind of trash but still efficient and fairly enough to beat many encounters.

    Anyway it's a good design to me , no ranged weapon should beat a melee one in term of damage , or else what's the point going melee ?

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    That's why it's a good thing the majority of the Strikes in the game already fit that requirement. 
    Since Raids are canned and it's only Strikes going forward it's perfectly fine to have Strikes with varying levels of difficulty. 
    Shiverpeaks won't prepare people for instanced content, because it's basically an open world meta boss level of Strike. Going through all IBS Strikes however will help, since it goes higher in difficulty to a point where it's almost Raid level.

    True , the design of strikes is really well done , first you go the story mode , then normal squad content and then cm mode , thats great difficulty curves design (almost fractals without agony)

    The problem with normal strikes is that pugs can get carryed away by supports , i mentionned hscg for carrying , i am not joking , +-25 rez port on dagda ... i mean some ppl don't even try , big red aoe puddle pulsing around them , Zojja screaming " get out ! " and not seing nor hearing it ? then those ppl complaining here strikes are too difficult , invest time in it (6 minutes video) and they will get clues of how to deal with mechs and enjoy even more the game.

    I don't get it how it is fun to do a content and failing and failing over and over again and not questionning themsleves what did they do wrong , personnaly it would blow my mind to not understand why i die over and over again after sometime spend on a specific content. Also being a burden for your group is not a pleasant feeling, if you are not in a training session ofc.


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  7. 3 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    Isnt scourge more like a "fake" ranged?

    What i mean is, that your weapon skills are ranged, but your utility skills and scourge skills (f2-f5) force you into melee.

    So while you can play scourge ranged, you will probably only deal like 15-20k dps at best if you dont go closer to the enemy.

    Same thing is with condi holo where the kits and holo forge force you into melee even if the pistol is a ranged weapon. 

    Same With condi weaver, condi harbinger....

    I think the only classes which can effectively be used in full ranged (that i found on snowcrows) are condi virtuoso and power chrono because both all their utility and f1-5 skills can also be used at ranged. 

    (Maybe also power virtuoso but i didnt find it on snowcrows so idk if the utility skills are also ranged)

    The only reason scourge is a bad choice here is the Op asked for a Power dps not a condi one , and playing scourge power in fractals seems like trolling.

    Also scourge first mechanic is to land sand shades (deal damage and condition on impact and stay there for 8 secondes, and no it doesnt apply twice on a target near you and inside a sand shade , that would be broken), those copy your F skills and allow you to kite , clean condi , deal damage to targets at 900 , so basically the scourge has 100% dps uptime from a 900 range , the only downside is torch 4 being 600 range and maybe boon uptime from splits (but thats the case for any class you play), this is an intersting mechanic cause your F skills basically can touch 3 target max per sand shade , but you count as a sand shade so if your group is stacked and you have like 2 sand shades active you can hit up to 9 targets , maybe 12 if you land your 3 ammo sand shades quickly, i may be wrong about that not pretty sure  , but seems barrier was applied to 9 allies at a moment.

    The thing with virtuoso power is that it is only used for a very specific content (boss who needs burst damage and a portal) , it's a bit hard to deal damage and the way he wins dagger is lackluster , also he looses 10% damage due to Mental Focus if ranged , better play condi in any case , cause it hits hard in term of power and has the bleeding chomping up really quickly 

    A full dps power from range would be pmech (i hate suggesting this build ) it has 1200 range and barely loose any damage , can only think about rifle 2 and -15% crit. chance (you overcapped at 105 so it's not a big loss , still 90 % crit chance), all other build use ranged weapons but with melee ones , so from time to time you ll need to go melee.

    Thief is another choice , the sniper has a smooth rotation from afar with rifle and can self sustain some boons , but needing to kneel down and loose 75% mov. speed can be troublesome.

  8. 5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Technically speaking, thief is getting 6 skills (the three normal skills, an ambush skill, and dual skills with dagger and pistol), while elementalist is getting eighteen (twelve regular skills and six weaver dual skills). OTOH, it's possible that sceptre might have some 'varied depending on which legend you're in' effects.

    Mind you, to more directly respond to the OP, I have a sneaking suspicion that sceptre might be intended to complete Glint's set of weapon skills - she's currently the only legend that doesn't have a full set of associated weapon skills. If so, there isn't a need to pair sceptre with focus because in revenant's case, shield is the equivalent of a focus.

    Oh yes plz , make it a support weapon so we can go scepter/shield and staff , will make the herald really complete.

    • Like 1
  9. Can also point out the healscourge who has several pros now :

    -Most powerfull condi cleaner in the game (clean a condi with f2 every 3sec and on barrier application)

    -Ability to kite and give your group healing and boons from 900 range

    -Increadibly tanky with -15% strike damage taken , up 100% of the time

    -Best downstate savior of the game (signet of undeath and garrish pilar up every 10 sec)

    -Insane amount of barrier very frequently (honestly it needs a little nerf)

    -Lots of cc

    -can be very mobile with fleshworm and sand swell

    -can easily corrupt boons

    Minus :

    -no boons provided as swiftness and vigor , the lack of switftness in some squad comp. hurts a lot

    -Has a very long stab on a small cooldown , but it's very annoying to apply to allies and only give 1 stack

    -Decent aegis application , but far away from firebrand.

    -lack of real burst of true healing (you have basically 3 healing skills and vampiric aura ...+régen)

    -no invulnerability or blocks skills , can be hard to tank some bosses like deimos (taking death magic just for holy sanctuary hurts a lot)


  10. 2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    On the closing note. Nowhere did I say it's as efficient as mouse and keyboard. However, I have already said a few times to read my comment first before responding, so you can avoid making such mistakes like thinking I was exclusively using a controller, talking about it being just as good or still using it.

    Then we agree it isn't as efficient as mouse/keyboard , thats my point ... games are designed in a certain way to play with certain set of controls, nor i said it's impossible to land an aoe , it isn't designed for based , it's doable but need lot of practice. I may have a bit overstepped when i said it's impossible to land it , i agree , but never with same precision as with a mouse.

    • Confused 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, Skorpion.4850 said:

    That's because you assume inside the word "cellphone"  something like a star tak and not a mobile gaming console. The opportunities come from new processors and new rams inside the new phones (A17 from Iphone 15 models in primis but i assume Qualcomm gen 3 inside S24 will be on pair or better) and as you can see you don't have to sacrificate anything. https://www.androidauthority.com/resident-evil-village-iphone-15-pro-max-3380846/ All you need is a controller like backbone and you are good to go. 

    60gb or more is not a problem on modern phones (genshin impact for comparison is 36gb), all i can say is that prejudice is a big beast and can blinds people preventing them to really see the truth behind their eyes. But Blindness or not you can't stop the progress and you have to front the fact then in a future not so far you will have to play with people that maybe wont have the same dps like you do but they enjoy as mach as you playing the game. I call them numbers, you will call them noobies, ANet will call them source of money, NCSOFT will look at this project (GW2) with a new sight, just the opposite as it was in the past.

    We will see ! If you like playing on such a small screen good for (for me it's like passing an eye exam and will end up hurting your eyes more than needed just to look whats happening on the screen) you also can point out the small scale of a cellphone and how long it can handle high quality games , you could end up paying way more than a pc if your cellphone burns out in 1year... like my steamdeck burning my hands after 4 hours of elden ring....

    just saying if they wanted a mobile gw 2 they would have done so already .

    And this will cost some ressources for the studio , ressources way more players want to be invested in content , not in a portage for mobile.

  12. 3 hours ago, Efar.8153 said:


    what's the point of having a lot of content if only a few ppl can actually enjoy it?.... or having a lot of nice items (like the everbloom infusion) if it's close to impossible to get for the majority of players...

    it's a pretty awful move for ppl that like this game a lot and for different reasons(health, real life) cannot "play" at that level.

    the gaming industry probably misses the fact that most players just want to evade the stress and difficulty from real life by enjoying a game. Why introduce stress and annoyances in this world as well?

    there was a time when you could get anything in gw2 with just a little patience if u didn't have that thing called "skill". Now, is wow all over again(is a nice game, but very competitive and stressful for some).

    Icebrood fights are considered golem training (with little movement) if you have a half good healer you can sustain all the damage there , the only good strikes from Ibs are boneskinner and whisper , where there are actual deadly mechanics to avoid ... 

    You want the instanced content to be as easy as the open world stuff ? stop plz , you don't like difficulty obviously , that's fine, 90% of the game is for you open world ! But leave the somewhat difficult content alone , some of us like the challenge , like to feel super happy after nights of training and finally downing a hard boss.

    The everbloom infusion isn't needed at all , it's cosmetic. What enrage me most is the droprate of infusion like queen bee who is nearly 0,001% chance to drop , thats a d*ck move , to force you to play obnoxious sleepy metas where you already know that even if 3/4 of the squad is afk you still gonna succeed it , where is the thrill ? And the proof that a lot of players think like me is just look at the success all the soulsborne games have , games who don't take you for a little flower who need to be guided by a hand to find his way back to the candyshop he goes everyday.

    Harvest temple cm mode was a freaking great addition to the game , proof anet can do amazing challenge content who needs you to aplly everything the game has to offer, and this content made gw 2 very more visible by the hard tryers from others mmo , some raiders from wow did try the game only to fend off that content and the streaming community was thrilled to try it , 1 whole week of training for the first squad to finally drop it , thats some amazing way to say "hey we got challenge for you all , come and dare try it !" . The open world make me feel like a baby riding a rainbow pooping unicorn, every meta has 100% chance to succeed , 95% of mobs dies in 1-2 hits, filling the golden hearts quests is so boring i feel i have taken a whole box of valium.

    Game is designed mostly for casuals , so ty to leave the little "hard" content alone. Only thing i agree is Dagda having too much hp, but serus is gonna be very interesting in cm ! Really like to chose what mechanic he can/not improve.

    You want to go to hard content , well gotta work for it , you ain't doing it with your lvl 72 exotic soldier stats armor, make a group , ask for support/healers and even with failing mechanics you can go trough it , i always play hscg when i pug to these strikes so can bring back the hobos who thought we are gonna do the fight for them ! 

    I want the open world content to be more difficult , cause if it isn't difficult enough i fall asleep...(troll statement as you ...)

    Just watch a video of the strikes of soto , i can explain it to you in few sentences, but i am lazy so :

    That video is 5 minutes long ... don't tell me you have no time ... , Ty Mukluk. I just tipped "soto strikes mukluk" on youtube and watched it , process took me 6 minutes , and if you tell me you don't have 6 minutes to spend , well sorry to say so sir , but you have a shi**y live. It's more that you don't want to spend the time , have everything coming right in your mouth at the start , i can suggest you some mobile games who plays for themselves ....

    Sorry to be salty but it pisses me off reading those kind of messages , there is so little hard content in this freaking great gameplay game and some ppl find the way to still think it should be easier.

    Anyway the Op is certainly a troll as not responding and feeding on our answers.


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  13. 10 hours ago, scerevisiae.1972 said:

    Wow, TIL. Can see from patch notes it was added in Feb 14 patch but TBH I took a 6month break from GW2 and missed that change. 

    Of all the weapons that Ele has though I would be changing hammer first (add more ranged skills, make it a real midrange hybrid weapon), then warhorn (make several of the skills come out faster).

    I can't speak to PVE cause I avoid it as much as possible but is there really any reason you can't just play staff and take a small DPS hit? the boss is still going to die, just 5-10 seconds later.

    Sorry my ego can't afford my ele to be beated dps wise by an afk pew pew mech , while i swet blood on my keyboard and he is jerk**g off with two hands in front of his screen.

    And what do you call a small dps hit ? 10k ? not small at all...

    Also you know there are many toxic groups in pugs who can just throw you away if you don't bring up something to the table, and what does ele staff bring up to the table ? CC ? No , Dps ? No , Boons ? No , Healing ? we don't care we have a firebrand/druid/herald/hscg...


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  14. 23 hours ago, Skorpion.4850 said:

    no because the model business GW2 adopt (free base game paying expansion) is just perfect for mobile market segment; moreover this model is something unique in the game mobile business and will be something groundshaking with big numbers following; without changing anything else ANet have the power (tnx GW2) to make Big Voice out of there

    You know gw2 need a big motherboard more than a graphic card , don't think the cellphones can add gw 2 to their shop without anet working hard on the downgrade for it.

    Those ppl are first off a company , and as other company their goal n*1 is to make money , if ncsoft or anet sees an opportunity to make more money with adding to the mobile game they would have done so long time ago, the addition to steam was first for a better visibility (we all know gw 2 isn't the mmo you hear about in every corner , cause lack of visibility) more good reviews from already active players selling the game (good move) and , personal thought , to get the steamdeck addition , so here you have your mobile version of it , and steam deck is franckly struggling when there are big events with many players around.

    The best mobile games are honor of kings (wish version of league of legends) , monster strike (an anime game with so much pink in it i think i am gonna puke a rainbow), Pubg mobile (again a wish version of this slow a*s so called tps), pokemon Go (pokemon gameplay yeahhhh , snorrr , snorrr 😴), and all those games have in common is kitten graphics , very narrow gameplay (yes lol has a narrow gameplay , while not being slow i admit, i am not a pro , but you have 4 skills and a passiv , that kind of gameplay can indeed be adapted for a cellphone).

    Some games could be great on a mobile version like turn based games , i would see baldur's gate 3 on a phone , with kitten graphics of course and don't tell me the graphics are great , the screen is so tiny you can't even tell... and i don't say baldur gate 3 is a kitten game , hell no , but the gameplay can be easily adapted for a cellphone, i can't imagine gw 2 with his nervous gameplay having my thumbs marked all over my cellphone till the screen goes scratch , and don't bring up the controller or the mouse/keyboard for a cellphoen ... what's the point having those ... take a steamdeck then... 

    Once more controller are adapted , and steam deck version exist , so why do you want gw 2 on your cellphone ? don't tell me it's only because you think it would be great for this studio , that's hypocrisis, tell the truth.


  15. 16 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I used a controller for 2 months in 2021 as a replacement mouse thanks to a broken collarbone and placing AoEs precisely isn't as hard as you'd imagine.

    Good for you , so what's the point ? i play with a 12 buttons mouse , show me a controller who has so many buttons.

    As you said in 2021 , i guess you are still using it ? Some games are more ment to be played with this or this kind of controller , you can play how you want , but saying you have equal apm as someone with a mouse is optimistic , and playing a game with the "non optimal" setting is seen as a challenge , can't imagine playing mortal combat with a keyboard ...

    Again as my opinion under all text says , show me some gameplay footage with proof you have the same reaction , dps output , boon apllication than someone with a keyboard/mouse combo in a hard content , not killing moas in queensdale ... i can do that afk.

    I don't mean to be irrespecetable here but i like facts over being optimistic, play with what controller you want, but stop saying it is as efficient as the optimal setup , it's like saying whine for 2,99 euros taste the same as the old Bertani amarone (ty google).

    • Confused 1
  16. Staff is now mostly a support weapon with meh damage , meteor shower one of the most iconic spells of previous gw is now meteor sprinkles , not even worth casting 

    And even as a support it's largely beated by the warhorn who has amazing support skills (fire 4 and earth 4 with 600 radius boon...) , an overhaul to this weapon will be indeed appreciated , after all it's the symbolic weapon of every caster in other rpg games, i would rather play warhorn with no mainhand than staff alone ...

    • Like 4
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  17. 39 minutes ago, aetemes.2603 said:

    ow I use it and no one really says nothing...I just noticed my self when I dps and the quickness source is fb sometimes I am like....hmm what's going on...so decided to actually make sure of the output myself.


    ok ya I mean I try to be cheap and not use food xD cause like some other classes/specs really get away with no/little bd at all and np.

    I was really trying to play the don't use all mantra charges game but I will try the fire them all and be done with it approach.

    Is stoic deameanor better than loremaster or?

    Really depends on the encounter , if you need resistance because a lot of ensnaring conditions are up go for Stoic Demeanor, but don't forget if you play virtues your f2 passiv healing for the group will always be up and you reload your ammo way faster 6 vs 8 secs with Loremaster . 

    The thing with using the last charge of mantras has some impact on your gameplay if you have Weighty Terms , refilling tow pages is great as the cd of tomes skills is pretty low , but use only the last charge of Mantra of Potence which give a lot of might and quicknes and Mantra of Flame if you dps ,the last charge does ludicrous damage, but for the healing skill save your last charge for an emergency aegis .

  18. On 11/1/2023 at 11:18 AM, Sakiri.4809 said:

    I bring it up, because it's doable. Auto place on target, done. You also have obviously never played games with a controller. You can get really, REALLY good with it. 

    Done all Souls game with a controller (except sekiro , can't pass freaking Isshin...), so i know how to put the controller at work , ty.

    And landing an aoe with a stick on a 3d game who isn't even isometric vision is completely random , and the use of auto target for aoe , jeez , wait till you play support and land the healing aoe on the boss faraway from your team, you feel like a casual (no offense , being casual is ok) who just want to play gw in his bed...

    I want to see heavy gameplay with it not just a random dude saying you can do that and that while moving in a non hostile area ... on hard content ofc.

    Again steam deck is supported  , go buy it .... and the controller too , so why are you here telling it needs a mobile port and a controller support , it's already there !

    Steam deck is too heavy or what ?

    The fact you bring up the more money the mobile gaming has done is because ppl are freaking whales , doing everyhting to feel strong somewhere (even in a game) while spending tons of money for literall colors swaps and it's because of mobile gaming some great games like star wars battlefront where complete trash on release with predatory moneytization.

    Also because something is popular doesnt mean it's good , mc donals is popular , go eat there everyday for a month , you ll see if it's good ....

    Mobile gaming is the sh*t hole of gaming design, better flush it away !

  19. Porting something to a mobile game will decrease it's quality , look at all the cr*ap mobile gaming have done , monetizing everything , pay to win , automated gameplay , ... and all sort off diabolic "gaming" design , mobile gaming is what fast food is to the 5 star culinary world -> cr*ap (diablo immortal reminder again...)

    And i sincerly hope anet will not use ressource into that, so that just a M-i-n-o-r-i-t-y of gamers (Mobile "gaming" isn't gaming , i should have pointed that out) keep the ******** mobile gaming out of the true world of real gaming design, want some proof ? look at all the adverstising we have on youtube for mobile gaming , when you can see the amazing gameplay that even a deaf newborn can do .... hero wars , clash of clan (so called strategy game where you can't even control your troops, ... ) all of that is similar to me as diarrhea and i , as many others, don't want that to happen to this game, even if there is only a small chance to happen, and if you search you will notice all fervent mobile gamers are playing because they are bored and have nothing else to do , i play gw 2 and other real games because i want to play it, big diff.

    What i don't understand is you promoting the steam deck "amazing" controls , well go for it no one will retain you, ah yes sorry the steam deck is heavy ... go lifting !

    22 hours ago, Vilin.8056 said:

    Let's be realistic here.

    If you people haven't realized, right at this thread you're telling NC-Soft, one of the biggest mobile MMO developer on the planet, that porting its casual MMO onto mobile don't work.

    Feel free to browse its track record and sales number for the past few years.

    Yeah ... i've browsed , and what i see puzzup amitoi (candy crush ...) , lineage 2 (with his narcoleptic gameplay from 2003)... great , you want the game to ressemble that ?

    And btw gw 2 is ncsoft west who is responsible for gw 1 , lineage 2, blade and soul and ofc gw 2  , a company isn't all at the same place and have dedicated teams to dedicated projects , and ncsoft west isn't especially specialized in mobile gaming.

    So no Ncsoft west isn't the biggest MMo mobile provider. So the sound designer don't make artbooks , nor the graphic designer or voiceover make the gameplay, specific teams to specifics projects. Keep your candy crush gameplay where it belongs ... 

    • Like 3
  20. 5 hours ago, Sakiri.4809 said:

    I target aoes precisely with a ps4 controller in ffxiv, so it's doable, though most of the time they get macrod to cast on current target. I place aoes at my mouse cursor here, it auto casts on key up at mouse *shrugs*

    ffxiv is a game who is slower than gw 2 and has support for ps4, i don't even know why you bring this up, the games are completely different , it's like i compare gear of wars with doom eternal , "but it's the same it's an "f"ps were ya shoot stuff duh ...", why you think the devs didn't go to ps and xbox , the game is fast paced combat, with some training ofc everybody could do it, and anyway i doubt the support has the ressource nor the time to deal with that , there is already kind of a thing on the steam deck, and targeting an aoe auto on target in many case result in a death , use a teleport to go away , but oopsie you end up on the boss "shrug".

    Finally put i really doubt the devs commit to that just for a minority of players who want to go play in their bed with the mobile version (or on the toilet...)

    The point everybody bring you up here is that rather having ressources spend on that ppl would like more content for the actual state of the game , wvw and pvp players really need some update for their content , cause the game was advertise as having amazing wvw and pvp content and got little things updated for this content and i say that while i am not a pvp nor a wvw player, on the other hand there was aproject of gw2 having a mobile TOOL , not the actual game, on cellphones where you could access black lion company , have tracks of some events happening , it was ment to use while you play on your pc , the project was abandonned.

    I wouldn't mind if Anet was a big company like square enyx and has a team dedicated for this project , but anet isn't a triple A company in term of personal , i as many other are fine with it on pc , if you adapt stuff to mobile gaming -> the game is gonna be sh*t , comabat adapted for slow kids using cellphones , diablo immortal reminder ? cash and grab for the devs , pay to win added to the game etc ... real gamers despite mobile gaming cellphones and there is a reason for this , they completely ruined some games with their cash shops selling pay to win stuff , no wonder everybody goes jeopardy here ....

    So as someone said , mobile gaming should never have gotten past snake.

  21. 4 hours ago, Skorpion.4850 said:


    Try landing an aoe with precision with those sticks or even the fingerpad , if you play only melee it's okay ish , but anything range is really stuck in term of accessibility, the problem here is not configuration , teh steam deck handle the game pretty well , but gw 2 is jst not ment for many ppl to be played with a controller or sticks , imagine playing elden ring with a mouse and a keyboard , it doenst feel the same at all.

    guess it's okay on easy content.

    • Like 1
  22. On 10/30/2023 at 1:31 AM, MrGarlic.1834 said:

    Mobile Phones are getting bigger all the time, so when they have 24 inch screens with optional mouse and keyboard, then maybe GW2 could be ported over 🙂

    Ofc and someday your iphone is gonna get a 20 inch screen with a keyboard and a mouse included in the box ... oh wait it's a pc ! i'd love playing in the bus with my mouse on my thigh and keyboard on the other , while having a special hat who allows my screen to follow me everywhere.

    i've tryed on steam deck... and gameplay is dog🦨🤢🤮

    Also we pc gamers are elitist , we will not allow our game to be played on peasant cheap smartphones (i am joking ofc).

    And gl precisely targeting an aoe with the xbox controller.

    • Like 1
  23. They made a non timed puzzle version of it , where you can take your time figuring out where to go and which jump to make , it's supposed to train you for the timed one.

    I agree it's pretty difficult but you have to go mindfull "die and retry" before the explorable part was on, i failed it many times before doing it constantly, now i can do it at max speed and trying it as fast as i can  , knowing pretty well where to go.

    I hope you do not expect them to put clouds like in the super adventure box , who are literally a cheat code allowing you to fly to the ending ...

    Just do the explorable , watch, take your time , and once you have figured out a decent pathway try the timed one , i think thats what was in anet mind and goal , allowing players to train freely for this puzzle , it's well thinked and done.

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