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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Thats especially true in amnytas and tower of the sorcerer , don't know why these places take so much , new assets maybe ? cause first soto map runs super fluid because they are mostly old assets , well put together , but still old assets , the game is gorgeous in art but the graphics are a bit old , so i don't knwo why it lags so badly.

    • Like 1
  2. Guys , guys , stop dreaming it's gonna be a melee weapon , mostly like a shotgun , in every other game the "mage" class is melee why should gw 2 be different , ... ok i stop right there i got intoxicated by my own sarcasm...

    And it's gonna be op for a week , then nerfed to oblivion , and thats not a sarcasm. Will wait for snowcrow to bench 60k with it with 3 keyboards and a 12 buttons mouse .

    • Thanks 6
  3. Feel the same as you guys , was an ele player way before , but the constant changes , the lack of accessibility and all the training ruined after each nerf got rid of my patience , balance is more than number tweaks , even if ele got to a 60k benchmark with the same difficulty it wouldn't rise in popularity , so the problem is somewhere else , QOL ! But cannot blame anet , balancing such a mess must be god tier work ...

    6 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    (like not nerfing overperforming WH, but rather nerfing traits that every single build uses). 

    Exactly , they nerfed GS for rev but gave vindi. huge +15% damage , so why apply this logic to this only class ? is this balance a seasonal thing were some classes will have the cake and the others the garbage throw up dinner ? Ele had already eaten a lot of garbage in that case , it's full , even the teeths are drowing ...


    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/1/2023 at 11:03 AM, xChris.8904 said:

    condi virtuoso should be nerfed i agree. should be around 39k. but weaver/cata shouldn't be buffed. because balance is about dps everywhere across the board and the ceiling should be 45k. i think you have a hard time understanding that because you lack endgame content experience but that is how it should be. they will never be able to balance the game that way because the gap in skill level between players is just too big. some people will always be doing low dps no matter what the benchmark is, that can't be fixed by balancing

    First of all , i do not lack endgame exp. , don't make suposition about someone who you don't know , i said you could be juicy about yourself , but i also said it could be me , no need to bolster myself up , you can kp.me check (hint : the missing title is on the way and pretty near). 

    Just saying it's sad that ele and warrior have so low playrate , but ele is a top of benchmark ? so why nobody except a few are playing it ? damage maybe need to be lwoer , but heck ele could use some help , it's a scuffed gameplay , why do cata have energy do begin with , why does it generation is blocked every time you launch a sphere for 4-5 freaking second , nothing tells you the internal cooldown , nothing evens tells you it exist , if irst tough it was a bug ... , you have to guess or have played it enough to get the muscular reflexes , but never change your class or those reflexes are going away , nothing tells you how much energy you have , maybe it's 19 maybe it's 20 ... make a big difference ! tempest has 4 sec cast time spells , only spec in the game with so huge cast time , and for what ? a fiery tornado who don't even give 25 might  and is 180 aoe wide , a stormfront who does indeed decent damage , a rocky ride who's purpose is to look kitten without efficiency , and a bubble you don't wanna launch cause as healer you don't want your watre attunement on a 20-18,5 sec cd.

    the problem comes from this design with 20 weapon skills , in anet mind it's pretty simple , ele need to be scuffed beacsue it has 20 weapon skills ... but how much weapon skills you use when you play a specific role ? condi weaver goes earth fire fire  earth, and water and air ? no , so thats 10+ skills you don't use. Something who is played so low need to be rethinked and deeply looked into.

    What you say about dps is partailly true , for ele at least , a bad ele will do nothing , a good one will do great things , a bad mechanist will do good , a good will do good too if you see what i mean , some Qol like allowing cata to have beter use of empower empowerement for example , this buff is a joke how many players are able to maintain 10 stacks seriously , even on the golem you saw pros not getting it 100% of the time . They could lower the time to overload an affinity , give better access to stab for the htemp

    The truth is , they don't knwo how to balance the ele , cause average player does nothing with it , except playing the carpet body pillow , and players like you who represent 0,0000xxxx% of the playrate are able to wreck the arcdps ... if they balance around those players , ele is never gonna be an ok pick , this class should be advertise as balance free for all to new players , because i know players who have invested much time in it and just leaved the game cause of it's hard gameplay , unforgiving rotation , and permanent changes from anet , nerf , buff , nerf buff , nerf then renerf again the little buff , then renerf again ... that shows off anet is unable to balance this class , it's either completely broken for some player and mainstream garbage for most players , and the many changes it faces show again what i said , unable to balance it properly !

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity just reminder , that here is what we call unbalance ! Also anet could name those patches : UNbalance patches.

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  5. The numbers you put have no value at all , how ma,ny players are able to achieve that ? on a condi virtuoso , yeah you bet , on a weaver ... bet not.

    Balance should be well thinked about the dps and the effort put in the rotation , you said yourself condi virtuoso is about 41k and weaver too , is it normal for a class who has 4000 less hp , less range , less survivability , to bench less than the other easy one ?

  6. 13 hours ago, xChris.8904 said:

    that is a really bad argument. overperforming has to be based on it's ceiling, not what each individual player can do. balance has to be based on the best players. because if it wasn't based on that, then we wouldn't need any balance at all. if balance was based on what the average casual can do, it wouldn't matter because their dps will always be low. that is no excuse to have catalyst sitting at 47k. like Anet can't (and obviously shouldn't) make every class do 50k damage so as someone like you can have a chance at being good. it simply doesn't work that way.

    catalyst is not even difficult. and i am saying this as someone who knows this class as good as it is possible and plays it every day (so i have the experience to back it up and i can give an objective answer because i know it like the palm of my hand). the sword/warhorn build has a much simpler rotation and faster learning curve. so there is no excuse to say "you need to be a keyboard freak" or whatever. that is not true anymore. you just need to be somewhat good at the game and put some effort in it. catalyst should still be higher than other builds and it is. it is sitting at 43k right now. that is fair because it is a fully melee build and lacks any kind of utility (well it still has the boon extension which is good). these are factors that should be taken into account when balancing since they are reasons why someone wouldn't pick it so they need to be offset by more damage. but anything more than that would just be bad, no build should be above 45k and the ones close to 45k (between 44-45k) should be the most difficult ones like hammer catalyst, condi holo, rifle -dagger/dagger deadeye, axe mirage etc.

    the class seeing no gameplay doesn't have to do with the numbers, it has to do with the players. it had a 47k benchmark after soto and still few people played it. there is not much to say there, people have a general bias against elementalist as being "difficult" and 'squishy", both of which are untrue. energy is a simple and straightfoward mechanic with a restriction behind it which is fair to exist. most class mechanics have restrictions (tempest can't instanly overload, firebrands burns initative to enter tomes etc). managing energy is part of learning it, if you could just drop spheres freely the moment you switch attunements, it would be lame. not everything needs to be handed to you freely. comboing is extremely simple and happens as part of the rotation. there is nothing crazy and every interaction can be explained. i have made guides and uploaded them on youtube going over all that. weaver and tempest have their own level of complexity but nothing that absurd. but these specs are not the topic here. overall every rotation has it's difficulty to reach high numbers and a good player will be able to outdps the average cvirt or scourge on catalyst. 

    all i have to say is, if you don't feel rewarded by playing ele then don't. nobody forces you. it works that way by design but you are seriously overstating things. you don't need to master it to be able to play it. there are some simplified builds that still output pretty good damage (LI catalyst, condi weaver with fire ele for example). or just stop caring that much about your damage, it is not like you need to be doing a lot to clear any type of content. if you actually care about your damage then go to the training area and get better. it is a simple process that everyone goes through to reach that point. then after that it needs more effort and practice in actual fights. elementalist is nowhere near a "body carpet" if you are dying you are just bad at positioning yourself. that is the plain truth

    i don't think Anet cares about what snowcrows is advertising. seeing that catalyst overperformed last patch was really easy. also snowcrows had a 45k benchmark with the actual build reaching up to 47k. so 2k lower if that makes you satisfied. rewarding should be first of all because you enjoy it. and after that because of it's dps. but usually these 2 are combined. if you enjoy it you will learn how to play it and be good on it. there is nothing you can't be good on no matter how much or how little damage it does. i was playing catalyst when it had a 37k benchmark on hammer at the august 2022 rebalance when noone else wanted to touch it at that state. i kept using it because i had fun and i could pull some very respectable numbers on it (top dps in pugs which doesn't say much for me but it does to most people). and you are now complaining for a class that benches 43k. i think you are a bit out of touch here. the only thing to complain about would be hammer being below 40k. 


    Your points , but isn't it sad seing almost none ele players at all in pve ? basing your balance on the best players isn't either a bad or a good thing , this kind of attitude really matters in pvp or wvw , were you face other players . Also you sound like being juicy about yourself being the 0,01% mastering this clusterf**k of a class , maybe it's me , i kind have of a sick mind sometimes triggering when i read the forum.

    Also seing anet balance patch like banners rework , +5% crit put in the wrong traitline , +5% crit. only when in air , show off the balance team has a very narrow view of the game , almost no knowledge and can't face backlash (no patch preview show off anet has a fragile heart) , based on preferences and just look into what players a niche  playrate can achieve , if 0,01% of players (who you are part of maybe) are overperforming with a class and you say yourself catalyst is easy , so why isn't it played more ?

    I could understand they nerf warhorn , but why has cata veen gutted from 5ù less damage , why has weaver -5% condi dalmage and -3% damage lost , thsoe aren't warhorn related ...

    I have about 5000 hours on my ele , and now i haven't even touch it for a whole 6 months , just baffles me they nerf something who isn't played while anet stated they gonna more look into the % of playrate instead of the niche performance some classes have , personnaly it doesnt shock me to see an ele do 50k , for the effort ppl put into this class it should be worth it , i am not for a super easy rollface class like pew pew mech was , but being played less than 2% versus all other classes should be triggering a problem in anet's mind , that mean the class isn't appealing at all to most players , or maybe other classes are very appealing , or the most bets argument i think is : they don't know how the hell to balabnce this class. And plz basing your balance on a video were ppl basically bash a pinata raid boss (aka gorseval) ... why ...

    also i don't understand why classes have so much gaping hole between their Hps , could understand at release of the game , ele , guardian were the only specs with strong passiv heals , but now seriously ? There is no reason for ele to stay at 11600 hp in pve.

    You like it that way , good for you , but understand a lot of us wanted a "mage" class launching fireballs and meteor shower ... you get my point i guess , now we have a brawler glass canon (that doesnt even make sense) mostly melee , while some classes have much higher survivability , safeness , etc ... like, virtuoso blinking and attacking at 1200 range .

    Arguing here has no point nor valor cause once again anet showed they only look at benchmarks of elite players , so ele will stay like that for the rest of the game spawn live , an elite class only played by a very niche playgroup. And i don't care what the forums think , we ppl reading and writing in the forum represent also 0,01% of the playrate of the game , i am pretty sure you interrogate every newbie off the game who has tried out ele in some instanced content will tell you the same : "it's garbage , i do more damage with my pew pew afk mech" and thats a quote from some players i know who had faced this situation. At least i am very comfortable with any other class because i "tried" to appreciate the ele for almost 5000 hours ... what a chore it was.

  7. 3 hours ago, xChris.8904 said:

    dominating as the highest dps ele build

    ofc , they are so overperforming and completely op we see at least 4 cata per squad , right ? overperforming for 0,01% of the ele playerbase ! meta definign  when you represent about 5% of the playerbase 3 e-specs combined ... , cata is played at 2% in both raids and strikes , non existend in fractals , so yes it has freaking high numbers , but need to "kitten" your keyboard like a freak , meanwhile option who have better accessibility better overall damage because of range exist.

    The problem here is not the numbers , it's nerfing a class who see literally no gameplay , cata needs to take care of energy (with that weird 5 sec without energy after a sphere launch) keep stacks of +x% on all stats by comboing like crazy , tempest is the only spec who has 4 sec cast time skills , weaver needs you to press the F bar like it is the movement pad, the class has the lowest hp and the lowest armor , in a pug group it's high risk , even in pre made group it's high risk , but for a lot of us we don't see the rewarding part , so does ele need to stay like that , just an élite spec for player who master it , and an average carpet body for the rest ?

    it's absurd the warrior and the ele got nerf while they are the two least played class of the game in instanced content. As i said snowcrow should advertsie false benchmark so they can easily manipulate anet "so called balance" and be master of the trend cause thats all what anet is looking at : benchmarks !

    It's Qol the ele need truly , but we get nerfs instead , they nerfed weapons , they nerfed traits , so now it's even less rewarding to play it for the most of us.

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  8. On 9/28/2023 at 2:24 PM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

    This is a pretty good summary on why the nerfs didnt hit me quite right.

    The captain always has such an elequant way with words.

    Ty , for sharing and the laugh , that was what i thought needing a spamming fire aura ele for this build to work , what a niche gameplay ... and they nerfed it .

    Also didn't know about the shield being so efficient for a condi build just because it's a combo  (show off how poor longbow and torch are for warrior) ... thats laughable , i guess anet just looked the bench and assumed it was a basic sword/torch and longbow build , what next ? they gonna nerf the ratio of shield bash ? lol

    That problem showed up with a lot of classes , catalyst , previously warrior , you have no trait to take for condis in 2nd selectable berserker trait , so ofc you take the quickness , and having 6 berserker well pretty much does it for quickness without any boon duration , and is that really a problem ? you have enough with 1 hand to count the number of guilds who are gonna try that out , same as the 8 bladesworn doing adina who was a beautifull gameplay to watch btw. 

    We should ask snowcrow , hardstuck etc to stop showing off their performance , if they run without any armor and white rarity weapons and kill a boss , you pretty much sure anet wil nerf all damage off white rarity weapons ... maybe we should ask them to do underperforming benchmarks , apply revert psychology on anet ? it should work.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  9. Warrior and ele are literally the least played class (all e-spec counted) and they nerfed these two , are they rolling a dice in the balance team to choose what to nerf or just do a party and go drunk before patching ? cause i understand the Gs nerf for rev , the scourge and the specter nerf  , but ele and warrior , why ?

    6 ppl in the whole game benched 50k and what ? everybody is able to bench 50k , duh ... right guys ? i benched 150 k with my bladesworn by killing a neutral rabbit with full boons , so if i send a video of me killing rabbits with my dragon slash will they nerf bladesworn ? wtf... stop looking at benchmarks , look at the % the class is played and look into why the class has no success at all instead of nerfing it ... 

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  10. "We will look more into class playrate than numbers of benchmarks " some anet staff .

    Well if it was really the case that nerf wouldn't occur at all , ele playrate is about 2% for each e-specs ... don't bother just leave the ele , let it sink below 0 , show anet nobody care anymore about that class who is only beated by warrior in term off success (who has been nerfed too btw ...)

    I've stopped play ele , i don't bother anymore playing this seasonal class who gets 1 month shining per year then nerfed and nerfed and nerfed cause an elite guild who represent , skill wise , 0,001% of the playrate has done some broken super easy raid boss similar to a pinata , ele is my storage now , cause like an idiot i spent bag slots on it ....

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    • Confused 2
  11. 20 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    If you want to follow that line of "basic marketing" to cater to open casuals only, they shouldn't bother investing in raids, strikes, or fractals either right?

    So what exactly is considered a "great success"? What line does it need to cross? 60/70/80% of the players in there? I'm saying 1/3 of customers were in wvw and you're still telling me it's not enough for anymore other than $0 investment. Players in wvw buy the expansions, they buy account upgrades, they buy cosmetics, regardless of how much or whatever content they play, they are customers too. The content is in the game, it should be kept updated, that's all I'm saying and asking for, not for some expansion dedicated to one mode, not constant system changes.

    I don't think it's too much to ask for some new rewards to earn every year, or updated the current rewards structure(which they finally did this year), or update the maps give them a fresh look, like they can't take the trees in auric basin and stick them in alpines and give it a forest look? small changes to the game system so players aren't steam rolling weaker sides? population bandwagons happens so fix the transfer cost? Throw in the 100%wxp event once a month like they did the months leading up to EoD, oh look they going to do special events again, why the kitten did that fall off their radar in the first place?

    It wouldn't take much to maintain the mode. Anet is so busy constantly looking for new customers they forget they have current ones that want to stay happy to also reinvest into the game too. This game is full of mismanagement.

    First they don't invest in raids (raids have stopped getting new content at the same time pvp and wvw : aka bastion + warclaw + adashim in year 2019)  , fractals have a big success just look lfg and don't forget if they add a new one freshly new lvl80 can bother with it doing t1 or t2 if they have enough Ar , and strikes design in the normal mode are very casual friendly , also ppl encounter a very easy mode in the story version of the strike , that only bolster enough the trust in somebody very new about the fight as a strike, the thing with the lfg is ppl are very often scared or shy to take command of a squad cause they don't know what is needed or how to display correctly a squad or even to be  accountable for a fail , just place your tag and tell "everyone welcome" and see your squad fill up like an ice cream machine on a cornetto.

    I may be wrong about the success of wvw , but i am pretty sure pvp have a very little playerbase and i franckly have no source for it , it's just a personal feeling , most ppl i know play wvw to have their gift of battle then go the hell away till they need another one , thats what i do too. Anyway you have been promised alliances for how many time now for wvw ? that only should tell you how much anet care about wvw... it's sad for this mode , even if i don't play it , but 5 years wihtout any big content update ... or maybe anet is satisfied with the actual number of players in wvw and don't want to have more because of server management , and will add new content when they see the number decrease drastically below their standarts, thats also a method of marketing , "add new things , update ,content or -x% coupon when ppl seem to move away from your product", In that case , in anet eyes , wvw has enough success.

    But i understand the frustration only wvw players or pvp have , when they see what the pve (especially open world) have as updates.

  12. 1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    At one point in the past around hot, wvw had 30-40% player participation rates. I'm sure much more than what raids ever did and probably even strikes.

    People keep claiming wvw was never a success, it sells nothing, but if you don't provide products/content what do you expect to sell? It was also stated the reward changes this year promoted players to join wvw again, something that has been stagnant in wvw for 5 years, see what happens when you do an update? Never mind that players in wvw are just as likely to buy account upgrades, and all the other cosmetic fluff from the gem store other than multiple mounts and chair skins, and never mind that server transfer fees are still required for wvw since 2014 after megaservers were introduced.

    Content development shouldn't be 100% on one thing, it should be spread around, obviously there's a pecking order and pve will always be on top for mmos, that doesn't mean you take 5 years to update something, it should at the very least be once a year doing a systems check to see if everything is keeping up with the main section. 🤷‍♂️

    Players buy stuff when they are happy, shouldn't matter what section they play in, if they're happy they're more willing to buy something, period. If they only put out content for one section of the game, then you really can't expect the other sections to be happy to continue purchasing stuff. 🤷‍♂️

    And i agree with you i am just pointing out facts , the mainstream player of gw 2 is an open world player either we like it or not. And if wvw had such a great success they would have updated it , thats basic marketing , you do not invest in something you know not much ppl will  buy.

  13. 21 hours ago, Loke.1429 said:

    You got your strikes, fractals and what not, we wvw'ers get nothing

    Thats what i just told you , wvw and pvp have not enough success for Anet to take care off , it's sad and i wish they could do an amazing job on every side of the game but thats just not their goal. I just mentionned raids because it's in the same state as pvp and wvw , just barely chnages from balance patches

  14. 18 hours ago, Loke.1429 said:

    WvW balance when? Cornerstone?

    To be honest you are wasting too much balance changes on PVE. Balance there doesnt have a real consequence, outside of elitist preferences and trivializing content when you made ridiculous changes ofc. Real consequence for WvW and PVP is that people stop playing, since balance is everything for those modes.

    It has , we clear content in 5 minutes instead of 8 now with the powercreep , the healers have become so strong you can carry out a lot of new players with ease on certain content . It's not because you don't like a content you can pretend nothing affects it , it's like i say wvw is just a big bubble of people pressing buttons smashing against each other and pvp is full of bots anyway ...

    Also i know you don't like to hear that but wvw and pvp seems to not have enough success for anet to spend time on it , just look at raids in pve , anet has the numbers and it seems things ppl don't play as content are leftover , last pvp big added content ? stronghold (from 2019) last wvw big added content ? warclaw (2019 too) , last raid added ? adashim (2019 too) seems 2019 was a really sad year for gw , they left over all content they feel had not enough success , meanwhile look at pve open world who is blossoming and will , from anet words , have 3 new maps each year , i know it's casual stuff , it's easy , blablabla ... but thats what the meanstream gw 2 players wants , ppl on this forum , like you and me , represent a very little percentage of the kind of ppl playing the game ,.

  15. The purpose of this change was to not have off cooldown gameplay and forced utilities ,  we still use gyros and we are forced to use them off cd , and now you even have to use hammer 3 who lock you down in animation for 1-2 sec... the only change is now we can take the mine ... huge improvement ...

    Problem with scrapper , same as chrono , is this e-spec has not special mechanics changes , you just have access to f5 function gyro , and  gyros and that basically the scrapper , as chrono : f5 and pits endpoint.

    The class wasn't played much before the patch and it's even worse now , so it's a mistake (pve endgame wise) .

    Also we have to admit that scrapper is in competition with herald , the two quickness power dps , and well ... herald can maintain 20-25 might , prot. , fury , has a variety of support (ventari bubble , dwarf road), while scrapper ... well has superspeed and thats all , not hard to see why it hasn't any popularity , i personnaly just use my scrapper to speed up desmina in river of souls , it's a bit sad.

    3rd AA from hammer should be a finisher , like a swirl , and kinetic accelerators shoudl also allow quickness trough swirl combos.

    4 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Just let us use any finisher to provide quickness. That would open up more build options. Yes, that means we could mortar 1 to spam quickness, but considering herald can just press spinny hammers and auto attack to maintain theirs... I think we'll be fine. 

    Thats literally my thoughts , but let face a fact : herald is busted right now.

  16. Plz anet don't just look at benchmarks , i barely see any ele in instanced content , it may be a bit overperforming with sword and warhorn but it's still a high difficulty curve to pull the bench , so maybe buff the other weapons...

    Scourge and herald are indeed overperforming but don't destroy those builds to oblivion , just force the herald to play a bit with diviner stats and reduce the base concentration it has because 40% boon duration without any concentration gear ... hell thats a lot , also i think a new stats combination for power support would be great , something like concentration/precision maxed and power/ferocity min max. , diviner is not likable cause you have to invest in high crit. chance from sigils , runes or assassin stats , while condi support loose barely any damage with some ritualist gear.

    Also i agree with everyone ... you told you ll show the pre released patch ... i just hope to not see a remake off the famous "banner patch" , i understand you don't like backlash (nobody likes to be backlashed) but this is part of the game , many players here have played the game so much they know better , they told you the banner rework was a joke , they told you putting +5% crit. chance in a condi traitline has no purpose , so the backlash , even if it is painfull to read , has some constructive part , tell yourself it's because we love the game we act so.

    And don't forget we still have purtid tier traits like Deadly Aim , Conjurer , ... who needs a purpose in the game , cause actually their sole prupose is to exist ... and to be useless. A lot of the trait who gave -20% cd reduction to X or Y still need an overhaul too.

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  17. Hello ,

    Just to report several bugs who hasn't been adressed yet :

    -collection of "eagle eye" weapons is currently bugged for those who had the starting chest for one of those weapon , i have the mace for this collection i can't unlock it for the collection , blocking the end achievement.

    -Silent surf fractal : even more undoable than previous patch , sometimes the adds just dissapear making the boss wipe attack unavoidable , it always bug the first time , so doing the achievement for the team to not die once is undoable.

    -Sunqa peak : Boss just stay in place the first 33% of her hp and even do it twice sometimes from 66 to 33 or 33 to 0. If we get pushed back inside the entrance when the boss does her water phase our char just glitch trough the door then get ported inside the arena again , like 5-6 times (even put a bugged portal who was inaccessible for everyone cause i placed it , techincally , out of the arena)

    -Shattered observatory : Artsariv (2nd boss) just stay in place when she phase from 66% and 33%.

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  18. If engi gets a weapon swap so do ele will deserve one too , yes we have 20 weapons skills , and you think as healer or dps we use all of them ? weaver condi go earth and fire , thats 10 weapon skills who arent used (even more with 2x attunement) , healer maybe utilize 10 skills either you play staff or dagger/Scepter/warhorn , and don't forget engi has his toolbelt , thats 5 more skills to use , i know some of them are really not appealing and get no use depending of your utilitys ,

    But if engi gets weapon swap , be sure to go to the nerf tribunal , same for ele , i can already see the 60k benchmark on the golem and the negative effect of the build would be "need to change keyboard and mouse every week".

    28 minutes ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

    Guardian has Tomes on Firebrand Spec

    Warrior has Gunsaber on Bladesworn

    Ranger has Celestial form on Druid

    Thief has Shadow Shroud on Specter

    Elementalists have 4 elements per weapon AND can Conjure Weapons

    Necromancers have 3 types of Shrouds

    At this point only Mesmer and and Revenant don't have some form of weapon kit.

    -Tomes have ammo + a cd , but yes thats basically 15 more skills , but you cannot use them as you wish without care.

    -Gunsaber is your weapon swap as bladesworn you cannot properly swap to your 2nd weapon of choice , but yeah dragon slash is 3 same skills with different movement and 2 defensive skills.

    -Agree on ranger while the avatar need to be charged and last 15 secs.

    -Shadow shroud is 5 new skills , engi has toolbelt who is 5 skills you can choose (not the 5th if you play scrappy)

    -Conjure weapons on ele .... the worst design of the game , no track of internal cooldowns , horrible to use ... and sovort and as i said if you play right you don't use half of your skills or attunement (except for hammer)

    -Necro has 3 different type of shroud but can use only one , or else i can say engi has 40+ more toolbelt skills but he can also use only 5 (thats the same amount of skills btw)

    -Rev have 5 more skills too , changing your legend change your healing , ult and 3 utilitys ... it's the base mechanic of the class , ... whatever.

    -Mesmer has shatters , thats 5 skills .... and 2 more skills if you play mirage , dodging give you an ambush skills +- like thief going out of stealth.


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  19. Put alacrity generator in tier 2 selectable traitline and so we can take bastion of elements in tier 3 and there we go , we can go full aura sharing healing with alacrity as we were doing before alacrity showed up , healing with our shouts and after each overload with the good traits , it will also highly benefit dps/alacrity tempest.

    And give ele a reliable source of fury in arcane , who cares about 1 might each time you attune to fire ... , if in your sub you have none fury support you will need to change whole arcane for air just for the sake of fury , i know there are a lot of fury generators now , but other support can cover fury 100% of the time why could'nt ele , feel very bad to take air traitline just for fury , and don't tell me you use rebound for fury ,10 sec fury on a 75 cooldown that garbage... 

    33 minutes ago, Emberheart.8426 said:

    I am not sure why all overload cds need to be the same at 20 seconds. Can't it depend on the overload and its effectiveness? Rethinking this could especially help overload water.

    A little change could be in arcane Elemental Enchantment a bit more effective for overloads like -20% or -25% cd when overload successfully.

    Anet said they will remove all negative effects of elite specs anyway , berserker has no more the -300 thougness , druid no more -20% pet stats and vindicator has his two dodge back , so maybe +100% cooldown on an overload is a bit too much (not counting the 5 sec to wait in one attunement then actually overload , who takes up to 4 sec , +-3 with quickness) , also the cast time ... kitten , without quickness it's 4 secs ... so overaloads are base on a 20 sec cd , then on a 5 sec cd after you attune and take 4 sec to be successfull ... and wonder why tempest is one of the lowest tier healers ...

    And next problem is the staff who is now obvioulsy the best healing/support weapon , but nobody take it because you need heat sync from warhorn to provide might at a good range , fire overload give might in a 180 wide aoe , all other support have that kind of thing but 360 or 600 wide ... a shame when you see all the changes they made for staff , but very very few use it . Increase the range of the boon (not the damage) from fire and earth overload , also earth overload could give maybe a 1 stack of stab to nearby allies once successfull , we have eye of the storm , but thats 1 stack of stab 10 secs on a 30 sec cd , don't forget firebrand has stand your ground which is 5 stacks of stab 12 sec on a 24 cooldown ... not hard to the math.... even scourge can now give stab 12 secs and it's on a 20 sec dc ...

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  20. With such a map ppl will need a flying mount to get to different location , and with a  flying mount in wvw i can already imagine the new méta : airborne rangers , no more siege weapons needed just "parachute" the whole squad in the enemy base and why not add the fireball from skyscale , i am sure ground ppl will be happy being bombarded by 4000 range fireballs ....

    Can be a new map , but you will need to add bridges or portals and also safety guardrails all over cliffs or else it will knockback/fear fiesta.

    • Confused 1
  21. 2 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

    No idea what the bug is on that but i am finding if your using it right (staying alive though bombs) you should be able to keep a nice -50% to your team during major bombs with Lyhr relic.

    the power efficiency +25% from mabon's relic is shared to allies (4 max + you) but the allies don't ahve the sideway to loose all might afetr 8 secs , but still gets +30 secs to build up the stacks to have the +25% efficiency.

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