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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. If you play in Ow i can suggest the "jumping vindi" , while it is a bit stupid to play , it is well fun to watch , just play with a superior sigil of stamina , use all increase damage traits , be sure to have fury covered (with Roiling Mists) and just dodge/land kill everything , you will do an infinite loop of "iron man" landing on bubble of mob , while being on a dodge 90% of the time .

    Does not work very well on high hp lonely targets .

  2. On 2/21/2023 at 10:00 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

    i always thought its 4 seconds till you can overload........  today i learned    /sarcasm

    no it's 5 , you are your own source of alacrity , if you blow up your alac it's 5 secondes to have the overload , not counting water and earth overlaod are bugged ... loose 1 pulse of alac whenever under the effect of quickness ... tested !

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity i know i show this thing a lot but let's appreciate the 0% playrate on fractals and the average 1% in  strikes for tempest ... i know the API is bugged , but i am sure it's no way far from 0% .

    Anet there is a problem with tempest , yes it is bad , useless and bugged ...

    • Like 2
  3. I understand the point , all e-specs have obvious melee design .

    Tempest with overloads .

    Weaver with the sword , while you can use scepter as a range weapon .

    Catalyst with hammer , with obvious design to be played by hammer for energy management (no other weapon has so many multi-hit skills) and hammer is a peculiar weapon being half melee , half ranged (but way more efficient melee).

    There are indeed option for range , but they are too few for a "mage" .

    And staff is now more sort of a support weapon .

    If they make a new e-spec , i don't care the weapon it will use , but plz at least 900 range .

    • Like 4
  4. Whenever my character says that , i always though he is cooking ...

    I think all ele players must have their character scream "don't rez me ! i am doing my rotation! " when you go down , followed by a "Meowww" if you play charr .

    1st April is near btw .

    • Haha 3
  5. i too thought they would add a bit more runes/sigils out of eod  (new stats too) 

    We have the firebrand rune who is great on condi/quickness , adding the same variations to quickness/power , alacrity/condi and alacrity/power could help some e-specs .

    Dps alacrity are often asked in the lfg , as not many ppl like to play those (i personnaly don't like any alacrity/dps except mirage)

    Runes could go like that :

    +25 power or condi / +10% alac. or quickness / +50 power or condi / +10% boon duration /+100 power or condi / +20% alac or quickness and +125 expertise or precision . Mating a bit from firebrand and pack runes.

    • Like 2
  6. Mixed feelings personnaly , some maps seems unfinished (néo kaineng in particular) the new métas are okey-meh  , some e-specs are good and some are badly designed , the story is average .

    The real good addition of this expansion is the way strike missions works , having it tied to personal story (normal and very easy mode) and then having those as strikes missions , with a challenge mode is a good thing to me , there is challenge for hardcore players , and new players feel a bit more confident to enter a normal strike mission cause they have done the "story" version of it .

    Whish they do the same to raids.

    And the worst addition is , to me , Fishing ! boring , lazy , ... can't find out all the adjectives to describe it , perfect if you want to take a nap - you do 5 minutes of fishing and fall asleep , i guess it is a good way to spend time while queing for pvp or wvw (and metas when queue for it will be implemented) , but to me fishing has nothing to do in such an mmo , to think that was the first selling point of the game .... hopefully they added the jade bot who saved the day for masteries.

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  7. What a lot of people don't like is the cast time , if you don't want to deal with it , then this patch is a straight nerf to mantras (-1 ammo full , not for Fb elite though) .

    But while Fb mantras have a pretty strong effect on the last charge , mesmer is leaved with some weird effects , like reload f3 (2.25 cast time to reload that) add some might , and the heal who is the only one in my opinion who got way better , making it a 10 sec cd strong heal.

    Think anet need to look into mesmer mantras , Fb is fine , i don't like the huge cast time , but heh can't always have things suited your way .

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  8. Underwater is crappy for a lot of specs , rev. can't use kalla underwater , pits don't work for chrono , but the 1st place for most unusable e-spec is indeed the mech .

    Necro has his flesh golem turning in a ba dass undead shark , why can't we have a "submarine" version of the mech underwater ?

    Think it's too much animation work for a dead content who is underwater fight ?

  9. Thats the problem all other domes or walls are very window like and clear , not so much effect , you can see clearly trough.

    But for that one you have that cloudy effect going back and forth , the "distorted space" make it look like your character is drunk , i fail mechanics cause of that stuff ...

    And setting my shaders from high to medium is a tune down , but as i said , thx for the tip i will surely use it as a resort solution , just hope anet make that thing a firebrand like dome , but just green , i franckly think that it was made for pvp to visually confuse your enemy.

  10. On 2/25/2023 at 9:16 AM, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

    Turn shaders in the graphics setting to medium so you don't get the horrible green effect.

    So i have a to tune down graphics because i have an untamed in my team ... sorry don't want to feel salty , i appreciate the idea (at least one solution) but you get my point , it's like i have to wear special glasses whenever i have an ele or mesmer in my team cause flashy lights ...

  11. Any weapon (even a mace) but with a full skillset at least 900 range to 1200 range , we are playing elementalist , in any other mmo it's a ranged class , here 3 e-specs have obvious melee design tempest Ol , sword for weaver , hammer , all mostly melee ...

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  12. There is a same topic about that , and i franckly think that making those two skills targetable aoe would be way better , so you can choose to move to your target or go away (with or without targeting) and aslo choose the range of it (like druid staff 3 , but with a trail of fire or earth spikes)

    • Thanks 1
  13. Yep tested too i can confirm i end up about 11 secs of alacrity when overloading fire , and ended up 9 secs of alacrity in earth ...

    Ele is truly a master player game class , now you have to avoid quickness in fights in order to give full alacrity ... interesting concept !

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  14. On 2/21/2023 at 9:47 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

    they made the CD reduction baseline for the skills. Which means, you can now use these WITHOUT HAVING TO RUN THE WATERTRAITLINE!

    No , cleansing fire , armor of earth , mist form and tornado have not the cd reduction (some have in pvp , but pve none) , proof :





    thats 75% of your cantrips , ... but whatever ...

    • Like 1
  15. Hello , 

    Don't know if i am the only one that have issues with that skill , but "enveloping haze" is a visual nightmare to me .

    Whenever the untamed use it  i can barely see trough , it has some distorsion trough and is vomit green (almost fell like someone puked on my screen) 

    Could it have the same treatment as catalyst sphere had , reducing the opaqueness of this skill ?

    And before somebody  ask , i run everything at maximum quality.

    • Like 2
  16. On 2/22/2023 at 6:26 AM, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

    It has been mentioned by players, I can't remember exactly where though.

    Tested on the golem with and without quickness , same duration at the end of the OL +- 10 secs in the two cases , which leaves you with 6 secs free to start another overload  ... great gameplay ... this i swhy ele needs sand squall to upkeep that tight timing .

    • Thanks 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

    HFB, HAM, HAT and HQherald are the best all round healers. Druid can fill in most of the time but simply lacks in stabi/aegis

    druid has better aegis than Hat , white tiger can pull off an aegis every 25 secs , and while stab isn't great on druid , still better than healmech (2 glyph can give you stab , and one is a pulsing stab) , and in term of pure healing , the avatar can simply play yoyo healing with all your group , what a hat or healmech can't do cause healemch has poor healing , but great accessibility , and Hat has strong healing , but poor accessibility . 

    So overall druid , hfb and healmech are the most played for a good reason , while Hat and his cluncky alac is behind them all ,  source ? https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity Hat was at 2.3% right after patch , now it's already under 2% , ppl tryed and are now running away from it , while in strikes it goes up i agree , still healmech and hfb are far higher than him.

    Pulsing alacrity isn't enough and it's funny now that you struggle more to upkeep it ...

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  18. Just replace the equipement slot you need as ritualist or draconic with celestial , you won't even notice the difference.

    The post is a bit controversial , as example when i needed a specific world boss for a leg weapon collection , it bored me to death to wait for that world boss to spawn (and doing it , is actually also boring), so much i fell asleep and actually ... missed the boss , great ... 2 hours more to wait (kitten you , too confortable gaming chair)

    Almost everything is available in OW , you just miss actually those two new stats and the leg. pve armor.

    Think about us , having some stuff locked behind boring content that our eyes can't even stand open  , and i am not joking , falling asleep is an actual problem for me , it happens so many time when i try fishing ... and on boring OW metas .

    In gw 2 , there are Ow players , endgame pve players , pvp players , wvw players , you cannot satisfy them all , really pisses me off to do wvw for a leg. weapon , but i get over with .

    • Thanks 1
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  19. 21 minutes ago, Markus.6415 said:

    Still don't know why cleansing fire isn't a group cleanse. It'd get useful even in pve 😮

    In pve it would be a great add indeed , but think about that in pvp or wvw. (the added might is purely for pvp/wvw , you don't care about self might in pve)

    One main problem with balancing things is thinking about the impact it has in both pve , pvp and wvw . They can change it on differents levels for each part of the game , but they avoid making it too complicated , like completely having another effect on a skill (like firebrand heal : giving aegis in wvw/pvp , and prot. and resolution in pve).

    They just need to get over with , separate completely each game modes , make all skills that need to be tuned down weaker in specific game modes , while making them powerfull enough in another mode , like in gw 1 ... get the skill completely different or act differently. 

    look , elementalist ... you barely see one in pve ... and in pvp last tournament it was 5 ele versus 5 ele ... complete unbalance ... how can you balance a class like that to be competitive in each game modes , it is obvioulsy a monster in pvp , but is only played by high apm kinda elite players in pve (a very low % of the playerbase) So they really need to get ridoff their mind "If we get this skill x more y in pve , it is gonna be op in pvp ..." no just make the skill less powerfull in pvp , add more cd , remove half of the boons it get if you think it is too much.

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  20. If balance updates , new rewards , rework of traits or skills are not content updates , then wvw players have been without content updates for ... when did the warclaw came out ? and not talking about pvp either then .

    free to you to think what you want Op , but having something that shake up the meta is content .

    Example i never played vindicator before it got buffed to 2 dodges , and now i like it .

    • Sad 1
  21. What would have been great is to make those skills little aoe target , like druid 3 staff , you go where you want , max range or somewhere between and the direction you need, it would just loose like 1/4 sec of reactivity for the players who have the habit to play with it.

    • Like 2
  22. 3 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

    not even, the golem alone is enough to upkeep 100% alac 

    Golem can maintain 66% of alac completely afk , and if you choose to "auto" all his skills it's easy 100% alac , fury , might , with some prot. , aegis , and stab . .... vs a tempest who has to go trough overloads , but all that trouble make tempest a far more efficient healer no ? not at all ! Think people don't want an easy healer as mech is , but at least not such punishing mechanics .

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