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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. I was really hoping for a kind of parangon spec too .

    The problem is  warriors are dps and only dps (banners are awfull to use and are the least fun boon provider of the game , while also being quite ineffectiv in term of offensiv boons) , thats the only spec that plays as dps and only that , all the others have a support way to play or some niche use.

    • Like 3
  2. I saw 3 options , didn't even read the two other , i just saw "canach" and hoped he will come in his new fancy costume , and i was not dissapointed .

    What dissapoints me is that anet obviously took all the ressource of the story in that part , the rest of the story was blablabla collect crates , read some books , remind all the fellows you loosed 


    who the hell is Vlast ... ah yeah the dragon we saw 30 secs and who act as a voiceover for nearly 50% of path of fire ...

     and all the other "snowflake"and "cringe" stuff ... If that was the true ending of Eod , i will do like dragon ball Gt , pretend it no exist.

    And for Rytlock ... he is not coming back guys , he is in crecia "care" now , so he is probably doing the dishes at home , and crecia after him with a whip , poor kitty ...

    • Confused 4
  3. First thing they will to do is ad more alacrity because if you play power , you go fire and air , going earth and water is big deeps loss (especially if you wait for the overload ...) and condi is fire and earth , so they will need to ramp up the alacrity like crazy cause 14 secs for one OL when full boon duration isnt gonna go , and you will not go 100% boon duration as a dps/support either , not even telling power/alacrity , when you will need to invest like crazy in precision as ele has only a +5% crit. chance ... and in boon duration , having awfull combination of diviner/assassin stats ...

    Then add some dps trait to tempest , look at all the traits and tell me which one increase your dps except transcendent tempest , who is at same level as alacrity ... having a whole traitline taken just for the OL and alacrity  is a waste ...

    But we all know that ele is the black beast of anet , they don't like 0,000...000001% of the players overperforming with it , after all ele is meta defining ! No ?

  4. 28 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    You can't maximise DPS on ranged builds, they simply don't have the firepower (which is why Power Rifle Mech was nerfed). Your group will always need to be mostly melee, just like any MMO.

    Sorry but if a deadeye power rifle , or a virtuoso condi go full ranged and are full buffed , they have 0 damage lost , and mech pew pew will only loose 15% crit . chance who can easily be solved by changing your runes for eagle runes with a minimal dps loss .

    I agree that most classes even when full buffed loose some damage at range with traits , but a new méta "whole area" boon will see only some classes in play .

    What about warrior , herald , vindicator , catalyst , ... and all classes who need to go melee . Thats my personal feeling but having the boon go crazy range will create a freaking secured méta for dpses while there will be like 3-4 people dealing with mechanics .

    The dps role is already a lazy role on first raids encounters if you think about it , they only deal with heavy mechanics further in the game . This is why cm strikes are a real good done thing , everybody has to deal with mechanics and everybody has to watch his step , take for example Vale guardian ? what do dpses care about ? green area ? overheal ! Red balls ? support push them away ! ah yes they have to watch blue aoe to not get ported , 66% of the mechanics are done by the supports , have you seen teapot going full range on sabetha , completely ignoring half of the mechanics of this encounter ? and not even talking my previous example , deimos , who used to be done ranged , making all the dpses ignore black aoes , pizza strike and mind crush , at least this tactic resumed in a big shortage in dps and more supports to keep the group buffed , but there are literally 3 people doing the job while the 7 others just mash buttons on a semi static target ... even the green mechanic is easily done as you only have 8% chance it goes on the black kite.

    It's a personal feeling , i can understand some of you want a new méta and a real use of ranged weapon  , while i just want some tweaks on very narrow boon sharer builds , but certainly not a 1500 range boon aoe ... ranged weapon have use of their range when it is needed and all last endgame encounters really shows it like virtuoso , who is a class who doesnt bench that high , but can pull of an amazing dps because of his fully ranged set and pierce access.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, crosknight.3041 said:

    this, they could have put alac on anything else but instead they chose to attach it to the most interruptible skills in the game. the alac trait also competes with the aura heal trait, which was the heal tempests bread and butter to reliably heal outside of water attunement. heal alac tempest is actively discouraged from using water overload otherwise they are locked out of the bulk of their healing.
    if anything, they should have made alac apply on auras, as anet has shown with catalyst they aren't afraid of putting extremely powerful boons on auras (stability in catalysts case) which itself is annoying since aura spam was a big part of heal tempests identity for years prior to them getting alacrity. granted i think heal aura should be moved to the water trait line and powerful aura should be moved to arcane, but reworking the traitlines is a topic for another thread most likely

    Man thats literally THE problem with it , powerfull aura with bastion was such an amazing combination for healing without water attunement , and that crappy alacrity on a 3 sec cast time , hell no i want my alac on a 1/4 sec cast time or instant like all other alacrity booner have .

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  6. Well if you look at the last endgame content anet put out , stacking/destacking is more and more in it , with increasing numbers of mechanics needing a bunch of the party to literally leave the group for a while , OLC , KO , HT cm .

    The good example for me is largos raid encounter (ofc there is the portal strat) but this need you to split in two separate groups and ... yeah you still stacked but as 5 instead of 10.

    But giving such an amazing range to boons will alienate the instance content , i can see deimos range strat. coming again , where the tank , the black kite and the Hk do all the work when the dps are far , chilling behind the boss . Going range should be an option when a deadly mechanic occurs (like undead quaggans on ankha).

    Many mechanics on encounters happen in melee , but as i said the latest content added tend to make you split sometimes your party.

    I am for a larger boon range on some classes only , mecha. obviously doesnt need that , Fb maybe a larger 360* mantra range , tempest overloads boons larger too . But party shared on a 1500 range or higher .. that feel too much and will mostly be used for dpses to go far away from the boss , not doing any mechanics to maximize the dps , and as a support/tank enjoyer i don't want to be the only one to struggle :).

    Also a thing like that will largely favor long range classes having near max dps output at 1200 range , virtuoso , pew pew mechanist and ... we could see deadeye rifle not being a niche class , i agree that this one is not bad at all.

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  7. Personnaly i stopped playing entirely ele , i didnt get any fun when staff was nerefd in dps till now , it's a mage and we are here with a lot of melee .

    If you want big numbers (what i usually want when i play hard class like ele) i have to commit to this class entirely , no fun , hard to keep alive when fully geared dps , hard to master.

    Catalyst in pair with chrono and fervent force untamed are by far for me the hardest class to master and have a big gap in term of efficiency between average player and master player , all other class i can do with it , maybe not full potential , but not far from that , if i play cata i feel like a nugget trying to hit a dinosaur , class isn't fro me , yes really upset with catalyst and the whole ele class entirely.

    There is too many things to manage with cata , your energy ... i could understand why energy was there when sphere was on a 5 secs cd , but now on a 15 really not , has this class not enough mechanics to deal with ? hammer skill 3 / EE stacks / augments timing . And the way this class give quickness ... all other quickness booner have many sources of quickness , fb has like 2 traits and 2 skills to give it , herald has 5 skills , scrapper has 5 or 4 skills (grenades or no grenades) and cata ... 1 skill , who also need you to play arcane for more concentration and -15% attunement/sphere cd.

    Weaver , same too hard , for a meh result in dps.

    And tempest , oh god i really want an updated tempest alacheal , but it is out of competition with other healers by far.

    This class is just not for me. 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Esufer.8762 said:

    I am, I wish that hammer was a bit less meh. Maybe a couple extra weapons added to core overall. Class is fine.

    Yes thats maybe my own personal downside for rev. in general , i really like vindi. and herald , not a fan of renegade .

    And thats why i hate the hammer , it's the only ranged option for those two , and it is so bad , so slow , and have some weird skills , like skill 3 is for what ? dodging ? that the only think i could see of it ...

    But in general rev. feels good to play , the energy management add something special to this class.

    • Like 4
  9. 22 hours ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

    I know more than a few people who share your opinion, and can respect it even if I enjoy the downtime fishing represents.  That said, the activity could be amped-up, optionally for users to use or not, by increasing the 'action':

    - Weaponizing the skiff.  Add a weapon to the skiff to allow players to engage land and water based hostiles.  This could be fleshed out in considerable detail, with a dedicated mastery track associated... Start basic and add additional components like increased range, AoE, ammo/damage type, ability to man solo... they already have these in various aspects of the game (the cannons in Siren's Reef fractal come to mind), so it seems pretty plausible... I didn't include weapon-type, as this is where Anet benefits from the endless skins (cannon, heavy rifle, harpoon, etc) that Anet could gem-store off it, for those who are interested.  As has been mentioned, the skiff isn't more efficient than the skimmer, so adding this feature would provide even non-fishermen incentive to use...

    Other wish-list items (beyond the hundreds of posts on some form of tackle box and stack-preservation):

    -Angular Sense is a level 2 mastery.  It's useful... but why have the 15 second countdown?  You have the mastery, it's enabled... one and done.  Seems like a needless mechanic.

    - Unlimited Bait.  There are 14 bait types, so these could be highly desirable items... Whether they be super-rare drops, purchasable through BL tickets, quest-able rewards or gem-store items... Not saying obtaining should be easy, but as convenience items, they do have endless gathering tools, etc.

    - Summonable Fish Supply vendors... If unlimited bait is just too crazy, how about replicating those merchant/trading post express vendors for the bait and lure guys?  Provide the same offering as the Fish Supply guy does from the map from which you summon...

    Please?  Pretty Please??

    Yes like having a big fish starting to pull your boat while you try avoiding sinking and try getting the fish .

    It is soooooo boring right now , i did all the achiev and now i don't wanna even try it , too afraid to fall in slumbersness.

    About weaponizing the boat i agree , could be a first step into navy warfare , a little bit more exciting than fishing, adding jade canons like turtle has could be interesting , but i think it's gonna be too harsh to balance and even to make .

  10. 5 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:


    I see many places saying the staff is mandatory for Might generation... But the only skill I see on the Staff line is the channeled ability. And it only provides 9 stacks for 10s... Of course boon duration exists. But am I missing anything more on it?

    Staff 4 give 9 stacks and with boon duration goes to 20 secs , it is also a freaking powerfull long range pulsing heal .

    Staff AA is useless , no way around , and staff skill 5 is handy sometimes (but very few) , on the other hand skill 2 and 3 are great in combination , they are both 1200 range , skill 2 healing for a good amount (also a blast finisher) with a low cd , skill 3 pulsing heal with Writ of Persistence equiped and the two combined make also a little aoe condi cleanse , this is why staff is used as tank/heal/support .

    Staff is the only (but a good one) option for consistent healing at long range , bow of truth can do the job , but after the ammo is depleted it has a long cd.

    If you really struggle on upkeeping migth you can use Empowering Might , even with 30% crit chance this trait can be worth it , with all the aoe you are doing and solid boon duration the skill can maintain in figths like 8-10 stacks of might , but you loose the two other handy trait , thats one of the solid points of FB , you have multiple ways to play without loosing too much efficiency , wanna play mace ? what about fury uptime ? go feel my wrath . Need stab and breakstun ? mantra of liberation and play with axe for fury if your group lack it . Fb has the very good selling point that he has 2 utility slot and his ult free to adapt to every encounter , his only weak points are lack a bit of range healing and is not mobile at all.

    No questionning he is (in my point of view) the best healer of the game , and he has the monopoly of healing in higher tiers/cm fractals .

  11. As a firebrand support/tank ppl will assume you provide perma quickness and a good stack of might , without playing staff it is very difficult for might uptime .

    But if you really like the pull thing from Gs , you can just use a second equipment set for that matter , playing with Gs to pack mobs , then when it ends re-change to mace shield / staff . Greatsword has litterally no use if you don't play power build , except for the cc coming from skill 5.

    Mace is a good option for healing and defensiv boons , but you have to look if your group has good fury uptime , cause axe has a fury aoe pulsing , if not you can still play with "feel my wrath" (with alacrity) this skill can almost maintain fury on your group by his own.

    Tomes are very situational and you don't spend a lot of times in those as they have an ammo mechanic . If you play support , focus on tomes f2 and f3 , use f1 only to cc your target. the f2 is used for area healing and condi cleanse , the f3 is used for stability , damage mitigation and reflect , and f1 has only a cc ability who is usefull as support , though you can use skill 4 for a fire combo field and blast staff skill 2 inside for more might uptime.

  12. 18 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    Reflect Does Not Belong In Guild Wars 2!!  Remove It In Its Entirely!!

    Matthias Gabrel the raid boss agrees with you .... And i am pretty sure giganticus lupicus , back when he was considered the endgame boss , would really appreciate that .

    You feel like a soulbeast player having too many times his rapid fire fired back .

    And what will all those skills become ? I counted , there is more than 30 skills , traits , ... that acts as reflect or have the potency to reflect , need to all rework them ... seeya in 10 balances patches then.

    • Thanks 3
    • Confused 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

    They would have saved a lot of production money had they removed professions and races and had the human elementalist the only playable thing in the game. It seems as though this profession is used as a benchmark for every other profession, and has recieved the largest number of minor tweaks throughout the years.

    I smell a hint of sarcasm or is it me ? yeah it's so good on a static golem you see them everywhere in endgame ... back before tempest was a beast cause of might sharing , but today all support belch might like no tomorrow ...

    59 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Maining human Ele since 2012


    And I still suck with it 😄

    I share that feeling 😢

    • Haha 2
  14. It fits the archemorus theme though , i found it pretty badas-s to leave your weapon , jump and hammer your target with both hands , especially the asura animation is neat (roll , roll , roll ...kick in the ballxx) ! matter of taste i guess

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  15. Nerf on aim assisted rocket and buff on explosive temper 

    It always puzzled me why a trait who literally need 0 interaction with the player (the only one being to have a target ...) is more powerfull and used on every engi dps build (except holo , because no low cd range attack) than a trait that needs you to use explosive attacks which endorse you to use grenade kit with a good uptime to keep the 10 stacks so to be a bit more active in your rotation .

    And a good slap off "sharing boons" for scrapper , because today scrapper vs herald ... superspeed yes ... against a crazy boon extender who can perma bubble or have a stab source and give a fairly good amount of boons for a dps supp.

    • Confused 2
  16. 11 hours ago, jcH.7109 said:

    No, earth traitline is good if you want to play condi weaver in fractals/raids/strikes. It could be better, sure, but it is not pointless.

    Ofc because there is nothing else to take , but playing arcane instead of earth with sharing arcane power conditions with allies (which i recently discovered) is not that big of a deal , ....

    I mean only line 1 is good in earth traitline as dps , the rest is literally no use , only the +20% bleed duration and damage +5% are good , line 2 give you roughtly +100 condi damage ... , and line 3 give your fire signet a  lower cooldown and let you have it's passiv forever (yeah +180 crit.chance as condi ...) , ... franckly thats very underwhelming... 

    There is very few good traits for a condi build with ele , even in fire it's not that great , burning rage being the only good too... , 33% chance to set on fire every 5 sec if you crit .. (the +20% burn though is good) and having firefield increase duration and increasing your strike damage , super usefull as condi ...

    Also there is only one fire gm trait , being persistent flames , the two other are complete trash/jokes, i mean we could use a +x% burn damage replacing pyromancer puissance or the other one .

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  17. 18 hours ago, jcH.7109 said:

    You have mastered the rotation and yet you still do "daily rotation training" on golem? Go ahead and upload proof of getting a higher number than I can.

    Sorry but ele is not like a bike , you can quickly forget that stuff or loose reflexes, if he needs to train his rotation everyday , well thats his problem , i personnaly run off ele dps , can't go above 33k ...

    And Venres.1603 said he had 97% of totals crits... (dunno if he ment 97 with supérior elements or without ) if you do your rotation on a golem with 100% weakness uptime it should be at 100% .

    Maybe you are lucky with crit. chance and didn't missed one single or play with one more assasin piece , but thats a possibility.

    As i said all weird stuff happen after a balance patch , remind rolling proc fire blast bugged because they changed the actual skill or the nuts sunspot with 2x attunement bug ... having a trait reversing to it's previous state (+10% crit. chance vs +15% ) is not so akward when you see all the other stuff happening , i mean seriously ... i can f1 my minipet as specter to give people around some might , fury and swiftness ...

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  18. Should make it a flat -15 or -10 % strike damage taken .

    I am not a pvp/wvw player so i don't care , but 3 secondes into earth then 1 secondes exiting earth ... man thats not a nerf , thats a sink ...

    I hope earth traitline is in the target for the next patch , because it's kind of trash atm . Even for condi dps , playing fire and arcane can do pretty much the same job .

    • Like 5
  19. 6 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

    Thay plan to look in all core specs, and all regular traitline, weapon skills and utylities anyway, here is a source:

    I think what they will do is just rework some traitline who are never used , as acrobatics for thief and look specific traits also very akward and never used ...  i feel like adding a new core traitline will be more complicated than adding a new e-spec , because with an e-spec you don't have to look after what all other elites specialisation of your class can do .

    On the other side with one new core traitline you have to look all 5 already available core spec and further more the 3 e-specs to not bump in something that make your class completely broken , like a traitline who give you invulnerability uptime topping with all other invulnerabilty uptime your class already have .

    If anyway they do that and managed to make something balanced i will clap my hands and be very happy , but i am quite optimistic , i hope anet prove i am wrong.

  20. There are always bugs after a balance patch .

    For example specter can't use Thrill of the Crime with his Siphon , it give 0 boons , but you can target your mini pet with it , and then it give the boons from this trait ... hilarous . 

    Venres.1603 check with Superior Elements and without , a fella ele players think the +15% crit. chance seems a bit off , this may be the issue as you have 97% crits , as i remind before the crit. chance was 10% so maybe this balance reversed it to a previous version . I can't test it out , i suck with ele dps whole.

    Anything can happen with this spaghetti code .

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