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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 4 hours ago, xellink.7568 said:

    Our guild did the same sloth run with 3 hybrid scourges and 1 healer. No deaths on sloth middle tactic and ignoring all mechanics. Scourge can place 10-man stab using trail and that is what make groups really strong. Sure, the area of effect is very small, but well stacked groups will become overpowered just because theres a scourge than can keep 10 man stab at 50% uptime. 2 scourges can do 100% group stab uptime. Do you know how powerful that is? 

    I also tested it on the whole wing 1 (tank), wing 2 and wing 4. Hybrid heal scourge is really strong. We ignored greens for wing 1 too which is probably one of the toughest challenge for most non-meta healers.

    Strong in number but as a lonely healer it doesnt reach the hfb for me , also you should read what i said just above i did some testing too , and yes the healscourge is uber strong against some encounter , i did desmina cm with it and the uber condi cleanse was great ofc , then i tryed Olc cm and did crap cause of narrow aoe healing , so it is good (near op) in some situation , where the hfb is good in near any situation , my 5cc again , if you don't agree well you can , but i feel like hfb is still the strongest healer of all , it lacks mobility but thats all .

  2. 7 minutes ago, Nimon.7840 said:

    slight adjustments

    Indeed , i have to admit i tried it yesterday on just a full run nm on strikes to get a hand of it , it is clearly not that bad , the amount of barrier is insane , might up at 25 in just 1-2 sec , condi cleanse is almost like you don't see any condi and you and do it without even noticing , but lacks real true healing , so sorry i made statement without really trying , it is not as good as hfb for me , but clearly have it sale on some encounters where you can really anticipate incoming damage , the transfusion healing can almost be up 100% of the time and is largely a 2x régénération tic , but as it is your teleport tool to gather downed ppl you will prefer save it for emergency , also i dislike that in really stacked groups the skill doesnt teleport down ppl if they are not in your subgroup , not to mention it don't pulse port anymore , but that would be largely op 9 tic teleport almost up 100% of the time.

    My 5cc on healscourge , it is viable , with slight adjustement , maybe a mainhand support weapon , the f4 allowing to gather all downed ppl in 1 tic it could really be a top healer , as it is now i had my fun discovering a new healer , but i certainly won't use it on hard encounters.

  3. What i consider meaty i a spell or a combination of added spell able to quickly put a whole group from 10% to 100% life , being it firebrand f2 skills , druid celestial avatar or last tic of ele water overload , i have looked into numbers for the scourge and it's not really appealing , you have transfusion healing for almost 700 hp a sec for 100% of the time , but you will save this one for a fast tp rez , then well of blood normal who hits maybe 1300 hp sec but 5 ticks only (this kind of the only true consistent healing scourge has) and the passiv only occuring when you start rezzing do maybe 700 a sec and again those two are mostly used to revive so on fights where scourge shine like matthias were a lot of people go down you want to save those for quick mass revive and then vampiric presence who is hilariously weak as it heals maybe 150 hp from hits every 1/2 sec , but you need to hit the target on right timing or you gonna pass on a 1/4 sec cd lowering it even under a non healing regenration uptime.

    But as i said you all have your own thoughts about scourge having enough healing , my personal thoughts is that it lacks it a bit , not i said i mind having a healscourge as healer , he get the job done , and i can't help seeing on large scale scattered squad needing healing like OLC cm pull mech his healing being not enough cause of numbers or to tiny aoes , i know there is barrier , but again barrier ptrevent damage it not heal the damage.

    And btw obtena wingman refer to ALL scourges , and with a video off 8 scourge doing sloth without doing the shroom mech proves that this class as d p s is busted if you stack them , so numbers on wingman don't give you the % of healscourge played but overall scourges , same goes for druid now , people saying it has not decreased the play of druid ? ofc not , there is a dps druid now , so healdruid has indeed decreased , and scourge ramp up came just because he can add alacrity . But i know it must be difficult for you to read trough data as you simply put up some facts without any proof and now that the data favor your points you use it , how very confy of you .... 😏 i remember same discussion where you didn't even bring up any data , but now you do , sadly enough you can't read trough % so stick to your poneyworld (see ican put stupid emotes all around too) .

    And were did i say Scourge is bad at endgame ? where  ? i talk about healscourge  , i just stated i personnaly felt healscourge lack a bit of sustainable true healing , also i speak about HEALSCOURGE (read between the lines plz , i stated it twice because you seem to have tunnel vision syndrome) i know really well when pistol will enter i am gonna try scourge pistol/torch , scepter/torch same goes for harbringer , even now scourge as dps and alac dps is a blast , just healscourge lack something to my own taste , did i forbid someone to play it ? so stop your sjw virtue signaling plz , you are ridiculous and read the whole before ranting about just my own personal preference. Healscourge is not horrible for sure but it could be better , do it need to be better for the game ? ofc not obliged , i personnaly will not play it thats all , end of discussion. You have the right to appreciate it , i have the right to feel it lacks something. And did i say it is not played ? bias. Why did i even clean my BL list , i ll add a note that i shoudl leave you there , not worth my time speaking with you, i prefer speaking with clear minded person as shuzuru who has fairly good points to defend.

  4. You can stack up to 30 energy , so once full you are able to launch 3 spheres in a row , then wait 5 secs to get your refill... while is it always waiting for ele ? wait for my overload to go live as tempest and wait for my energy to be allowed to refill as cata , at least there is weaver who is not gutted by cooldowns over cooldowns over internal cooldowns.

    • Confused 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Although it is underutilised Search and Rescue is one of the better Resurrection utilities. I mean only Necromancer shares the ability to pull the downed players to them so even if this doesn't have a reduced cooldown it is still very strong in all gamemodes. 

    He is referring to the trait "allie aid" not the actual search and rescue utility who has his cd reduced by 20% from previous 60 to 48 , anyway allie aid is still even a crappy passiv (even if the -20% was applied) it just make you rez 1 ppl faster every 60 sec.... while search and rescue can be a solid tool , but i dislike that you have to be in range to not activate the skill for nothing , should leave the choice to target and specify out of range when you are more than 600 away.

  6. 16 hours ago, Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

    Scourge can pump out meaty heals

    Sorry but i don't see the meaty healings anywhere , if you are referring to well of blood , vampiric presence or transfusion , thats not what i call meaty personnaly , maybe i missed something , i don't know i didn't dive very deep in the new scourge.

    Kinds of matter your own preferences , but personnaly with the rework i don't enjoy any heal alacrity left , and sure the % healing downed needed to be tuned down a  bit , but not gutted from 7 to 2 for well and 4 to 1 for transfusion .

    Also i can't help feeling all my weapons equiped are near useless , yeah you have cc , what else ? a handfull of might and life force generator ? you already on soul reaping , no more life force generator is needed , i  would love the new weapon to be support oriented , the off hands are ok with torch and warhorn , but two handed and 1 handed right are near useless (don't tell me you heal with blood mark from staff i would  consider it a joke).

    And yeah mb , forgot scourge clean condi on barrier , that make him the king of condi cleanse , but tell me a fight were you need so much condi cleanse and not just 2-3 every 10 sec ?

  7. Yes and no ,  some skills got the -20% and others not , like fb got his stab shout on 24 cd instead off 30 now , but search and rescue has not , why ? even anet cannot respond to that .

    Franckly this new thing about getting rid off all -20% cd reduction on X or Y is great , but only if ALL concerned skills have this cd reduction implemented baseline .

    Also need to rework those trait now , because they are ridiculously weak without the -20%.

    • Like 3
  8. All what you just stated is not mandatory , they are fights without condis cleanse and without stab needed , if we make it this way then every support has no free slots as they need to put in stab and condi cleanse.

    But you have fair points too , the body rally is a tool not to be forgotten for sure , the huge barrier and ability to spam a shade far away for long distance support , but scourge lack proper healing , and barrier is mostly spammed now for alacrity uptime , same problem as druid has using the big healing skills to have a good alacrity uptime , not to mention the narrow aoe for aegis/alacrity  , stability with a trail , as for the weapons i can only see warhorn being usefull , no proper mainhand support.

    And for Fb , if you struggle upkeeping quickness ... , only with the mantra you can upkeep it now , giving 18 stacks of might and 20 sec of quickness while being on a 20 sec cd  (not counting with alac) and you don't need any condi cleanse on fb , he has f2 2 who is an aoe condi cleanse removing 3 condi on a 4 sec cd ... and stab is inside f3 5 who give 10 sec stab ( i am counting with 100% bd all that stuff) every 25 sec , so yes even if Fb need condi cleanse and/or stab , he can still have 3 slots free , scourge has condi cleanse too , but not as strong , if i recall it's on a 3 sec cd and only convert 1 condi.

  9. Data prove that scrapper players are in a big decrease numbers after the patch (for endgame content , i don't know about wvw or pvp , but you don't give quickness in those modes so...) , so maybe some of you are happy with the change , but mainstream is not , anyway as a scrapper quick dps what other utility did you use ? still a gyro , and the detonate mine instead of blast gyro , so what was the point of reducing blast gyro cd ? now while you were keeping your aoe combo field for cc you use them off cd to put quickness , put the off cd somewhere else, it's called just moving a problem to another place , but here it seems to be in a real bad place.

    Anet had a tunneled vision of this patch , every alacrity and quickness source need to be with the class mechanic ! ohhh too bad scrapper has no class mechanic (i don't count the f5 thats too poor to be a class mech) , so thats why we are here with that cluncky mechanic , meanwhile we have rev spitting and vomitting out might and quickness with 0 Bd with 1 button press every 10 secs... data proves again revs (especially herald) are more and more played almost doubles in % for raids and strikes countrary of the scrapper whose numbers are below 2% more than 2 times less than before the patch.

    Personnaly it was my favorite offensiv tank for raids (due to high barrier uptime) but now i just use it to speed Desmina on the river of souls , but i agree i left scrapper also because herald is such a beast now.

    Some class were leftover and some shine again , not everything can be equal i guess .

  10. It lacks a real support weapon , also if you have to compare every healer of the game to a firebrand , they all seem weak compare to him , if firebrand had a free port 1200 range on a 20 sec cd like mech or mez has , it would be played 90% of the time on htcm

    No other healer can spam breakstun like him , no other healers have such big aoe stab on a 24 sec cd , not even talking about aegis , it hurls out quickness , give might almost afk , fury with only 1 skill ,  2 free utility and 1 elite free slots .

    I sincerly preferred the scourge where he was before , the healscourge was a fun and a hard carry for beginners , now i mostly prefer playing specter alac instead of scourge.

    • Confused 1
  11. Yeah all elites besides Rebound are pretty kitten or very complicated to use , tornado should just spam a tornado who cc ppl inside and deal damage and condi in a single aoe spot , the elemental should be like a flesh golem , and once killed have a cd off 40-60 sec , feel like all ele elites are momentum skills , powerfull but for such a tiny period of time .

    Not even talk about fiery Gs , i hate all conjured weapon , it's a mess to keep track of the cd off those and the fact that anybody can pick up your second conjure is a troll move ... i do it just to kitten my ele mates .

  12. Skill is garbage in pve , but in pvp it allowed elementalist to have greater uptime on blocks and invul (obsidian flesh) , skill should interact with the class mechanic further , not just a worthless boon depending which sphere you are in , maybe a thing like recharge the sphere in your actual attunement and make it free energy 1 time ?

    • Like 2
  13. It's an ele , you expect to have any easy build with ele , the class has always been a burden to play in 75% of the encounters , the class is obviously designed for a minority of hardcore players (esêcially catalyst)

    If i have to compare quick cata with someone it would be herald , herald you pulse 1.75 sec (without any BD , full zerk) every second in a 600 range , + pulsing healing ...  , you maintain 16-17 stacks of might by just pressing 1 button every 10 sec and the rotation .... press 2 , 4 , 5 off cd , and AA , not to forget if you play dwarf , you can get your group -10% damage for a mom + stab , and brill can easily maintain a good chunk of regen , prot. , fury , while busting BD of all your group.

    Now look at shitalyst ... i can't go trough all you have to do , my fingers are already tired just thinking of it , remove the freaking energy , that was understandable with sphere on a 5 sec cd , but now they are on a 15s we can get rid off this clusterfu*** , or at least give us a trait who help manage this cluncky mechanic , 2/3 energy per sec , 2 energy on attunement switch ... thats way of the bottom...

    3 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    It should have clearer interface. It's too tiny as is.

    Have some numbers on it and make it twice bigger , managing energy feel like a visual test but with a barely see trough napkin on your face

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  14. From bada ss Balthazar , loved palawa joko , interesting and well written kralkatorrik , we go to head of dragon n*1 and n*2 (spoiler ahead : aka jormag and primordius) then an ok - meh story with eod (not even close to pof and ls 4) and after that ... the boxes ... the freaking boxes , and the freaking fishing and logbooks ... what happened ? did they fire the whole story team and get leftovers from dysney ? or they use an AI to do those storys ? not want to be offensiv but nobody seems to like the last story part , after all it's called guild "wars" , we have guilds , but where are the wars ? battle with my inner self is not a battle .

    + the lazy new last fractal full of bugs 


    poor kannaxai deserve way better

     i am afraid to see the story from Soto.

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  15. Also there is a bug (i already reported it , but i say it twice so maybe anet get a glimpse) but invigorating bound , who give your allies prot and vigor + healing on pet skill use doesnt work on new pets like turtle or white tiger , who is really annoying , especially for those two , a free aegis and a bubble who pulse prot. is not to get rid off , it has nothing to do with alac , but as heal druid use it , i thought i should mention .

    After testing finally the druid , the alacrity goes far enough , but same feeling : burning Ca only for alac and perhaps/not for healing is really a weird concept , imagine if firebrand had to use tome healing skills to put some quickness or Hat only pulsing alac on water overload , thats pretty much the same , while i admit CA is more available than those two. Anet wanted us to less spam skills and use it "cleverly" , CA 5 pulses some stab , but you use it for pulsing alac , same spam stupid mechanic than spirits off cd , n ow instead of 3 spirits i use 2 , great change ...

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  16. Matter of taste about the fight , i think it's far from sunqa cm , the grappling hook doesnt make you land everytime where you target (especially on higher grounds) and the "thetering" is awfull as it is now , sometimes the adds are locked in a rapid fire shooting animation making someone of the group thetered very late , and have no time to kill the add , maybe give us bouncing shrooms instead of the grappling and make add fresh respawn once 66 and 33% so they immediately start the thetering.

    Without those two bugs/features i don't know ... fractal would be alright (fight is not great , but matter of taste) and plz ...+-42 000 000 hp ....  that would be alright if it was more interesting , maybe a 21 000 000 hp but a phase two , if fractal stay like that i will do title run then i am off , never going there again .

    Anet staff has not tested this fractal cm or else such weird mechanics would not appear , i really don't understand why someone wanna be a dev and don't even play his own game, at least for the endgame content , i know they play open baby world.

  17. 23 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    He's talking about as the Druid player.

    The way it works now, just allow yourself take a bit of damage when you know it isn't a oneshot.

    This is how to keep the Alacrity cycle flowing.

    thats my point , at some state you will be forced to go in CA only for the alacrity uptime and maybe next after your Ca the squad kittens up , someone forgot a dhuum bomb , ppl stay with agony on cairn and whatsoever ,  bad timing <> bad luck .


    12 hours ago, Strider.7849 said:

    rather than being hard locked into a full bar of spirits

    You still run with 2 spirits and spam them of cooldown , and you can take water spirit instead of the glyph , not a huge difference .

    My main problem with that is that they are healers who's healing burst arent locked behind a key boon (hfb for example) and druid with that looses all his flavour , spamming your spirits ? or spamming your CA , skills , it's still spamming without thinking , but at least with spirit you could rest for a while.

    It's my point of vew , if you fellas enjoy it like that , i am happy for you , but for me now even Hat is becoming better than druid (and god know how i despite the Hat).

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  18. On 7/20/2023 at 3:34 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

    You can and should anticipate it

    a choice ... anticipate damage or work on alacrity uptime , Ham has the same choice to make i guess ? ahem....

    On 7/20/2023 at 3:34 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

    You are not supposed to react and heal in pve

    Sorry sir , but what the hell are you talking about , you think every player is able to dodge every attack a raid/strike/fractal boss has ? by your statement we should then  remove the heal from CA and just let it pulse alacrity , "not supposed to react" , ofc as a healer i just watch people die and scream at them "heh pal you have two dodges " "heh pal you have a healing skill" "heh pal you have régénération , run circle around the boss 2 minutes to get yourself full hp".

    On 7/20/2023 at 3:34 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Healers should get punished for mindlessly spaming their stuff

    So when we enter CA to "spam mindlessly" our alacrity uptime we should get whipped i guess ? druid still runs spirits and still spam them , what was the point of this patch ? it's no fun whatsoever , boon/healing should be two separate things , why you think hfb and ham are the most played healers (oh sorry i ment booner)  across the board , CA was used for healing and was especially enjoyable for his long range , now try healing at long range a single target doing a mechanic and we'll have ppl like you complaining alacrity is only at 75% uptime... , the better uptime on CA's alacrity can help i guess , but i can't help myself starting a fight with spamming all my avatar skills like a robot while the whole squad is at 100% life ... 

    Btw you say we "should anticipate healing" , then come with "you are not supposed to react and heal in pve" , anticipating is kinda of a reaction and not reacting to healing needed is not anticipating , so better pull it together and make a choice , cause you are freaking confusing to read and blend up a whole nonsense.

    And switching pet's like a numb**** is very intuitive and clever gameplay too i guess ? At some state i wish anet get rid off alacrity and quickness , those two boons are the cornerstone of pve endgame and ruined everything for me.

    • Like 4
  19. 16 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

    Let me just get this straight. You picked scenarios were the damage output is a constant thrum, thereby enabling you to enter CA regularly and pointed at it saying "see, it works now", but what about fights were the damage isn't constant? What about scenarios where your group is actively avoiding damage, or fights were there are dead damage spots? I'm asking what happens when you can't do constant heal throughput and suddenly you can't go into CA form often. This is a really biased test.

    That aside, is it fun? Did they make it enjoyable to play again? Are you just spamming 1 and 2 in CA just to keep alac up and calling that dynamic play? I'm impressed they managed to make pets EVEN WORSE for the druid because now I don't even care what they bring to the table, being originally a CC and aegis, or turtle bubble occasionally, because I gotta spam these swaps and beast abilities on cooldown, so why even bother?

    I'll admit the gambit of boons the druid provides is pretty impressive, I could see that without testing and just looking over what options were available to me. It just doesn't feel anything like it used to, and yea I used to pop into CA on cooldown before the changes too but now my pet feels like baggage and if there's a reason I would want to save CA for what I know is coming (or if I suddenly want to be able to use the rez part of the glyph) well too f'n bad for everyone I guess.

    Same thoughts in a nutshell , i use my CA only for healing , might was done for me trough warhorn 5 + rapid fire and frost spirit , i didn't care much about CA for might generation , now i have to pull my CA at the start of a fight and use all my healing skills just to pulse alacrity while the group is full hp , thats stupid ! and to generate might i have to switch my pets constantly off cd .... great gameplay , i agree spirits were boring to play but at least you could spam 3-4 of them , get alacrity up to a 25-30 sec and care about the healing.

    Best example would be OLC CM were damage come into huge spikes sometimes , i used my CA on pull and push mechanic , while also being able to heal people afar from the group , now i'll have to use my CA to get alacrity , and in scenarios were your group avoid any damage your CA is a burden to load up , for me it's a freaking bad idea to have alacrity there , but anet was focused on "get all quickness and alacrity out of utility skills" , think they forgot Firebrand , oops ... plz don't ruin FB , i already see quickness coming with tomes skills ... yuuukkkk.

    • Like 6
  20. Hello,

    Agree that the change on herald are completely busted , some specs have to run diviner/ritualist to have the good boon uptime , herald is just overcapping with nothing .

    I stopped playing scrapper after the blast/combo for quickness , why impairing myself to do weird interaction , pay attention on combo fields , use skills (who are normally not used for a dps : aka hammer 3) in my rotation ?

    If you compare herald to other specs who are dps quickness like the harbringer ... this one generate fury/quickness 3 secs every 3 secs ... can harbringer have the same kind of love herald have , like 1 sec of quick every 1sec and +240 concentration while on shroud , herald pulse quick every second 100% of the time if you play it correctly , harbringer does that 15 secs each 25 secs... ofc you have potion of quickness but it's like 6-7 sec quickness with a 25 sec cd.

    Think a lot of people complained cause on htcm the herald had holes in quickness on people doing mechs (like portal virtuosos and Ham), wich i agree was annoying , but that kind of change could be applied to any alacrity/quickness provider then . I mean +240 concentration and 13% of power convert into BD , thats huge !

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  21. Personnaly the instabilities are the the most fun things about fractals , you have to adapt to them any time so it make fractals go a little bit different everyday.

    Some of them are annoying , but thats their purpose , to be annoying sometimes , for the player to scratch a bit his head and actually read what is up , getting one shotted by a trash mob because you didn't read you take +x damage when alone and +x when hit in the back is a really good design and keep fractals fresh .

    On 6/30/2023 at 4:12 PM, Balsa.3951 said:

    they are no fun and they restrict future combat designs.


    You will notice that some insta. don't come up any time in some fractals , you will never have "flux bomb" or "mist convergence" on tier 2 , 3 , 4 sunqa peak for example , never have the "puke insta." on nightmare frac. (cause it is up 100% of the time already and 2x puke would be really funny , but completely nuts) so if the devs find an instability who will really be game breaking in some content , they will simply remove it from this precise fractal.

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