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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 12 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

    How, you still will can only pick  2-3 of them

    Ofc , imagine a 4th traitline ... if it is to add a 6th regular traitline available , better go for another e-spec then .

    The thing is with your proposition anet will have to look in all e-specs , in all regular traitline , all weapon skills and utilitys to  see if with this new traitline something broken doesnt show up , especially with e-specs .



  2. 42 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

    Is quickness working on overloads its kind of hard to tell. It reads as an 4 sec cast time and it still seems to be taking 4 sec to cast when under the effect of quickness. Has any one else looked into this? (there oddly no one talking about the update but say for stone hart update)

    It was supposed to fix a bug on alacrity with Ol water and earth missing 1 alac pulse from Lucid Singularity , people thought overloads would go faster but no .

    it's boons pulsing trough them who goes a bit faster , so by doing that anet assure an overload don't miss a pulse because of animation i guess.

    Whats funny now is that it had a reverse effect on OL water , you now get 1 alac pulse more with quickness turning up 14 sec to 16 secs (thats how it should do for all OL btw) ... i know i know , shhhhhhttttt to me , for once there is a positive bug for tempest ...

    make that "bug" happen on all other Ol anet plz 😇

    And Ol cast faster with quickness for me (nothing changed previoulsy the patch) , i noticed no change and alacrity is up to 11 sec after successfully overloading , 2.8 sec to OL with quick -> 11.2 alacrity at the end , works fine , but still too weak 

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  3. 23 hours ago, pfuetzi.5421 said:

    Nowhere in the game it is said coms need to have the requirements they asked for.

    Nowhere in the game it is said coms cannot kick you without reason just before a boss is killed.


    So, we have established that what the commander role entails is a social contract of sorts that is not specified within the game 😉

    So whether it is "ok/sound/appropriate/dumb/irresponsible/necessary/etc." to kick or rather when to kick is up to debate.

    To me it's common sense , i get your point , nothing of that is listed to the game , basically a tag is just a tag , first purpose was just to be a "beacon" for players , acting like a moving POI on Open world stuff.

    But when you make a party (like in real life) you are the boss of that party and if you feel like your need to ask for 783 kp (even if it is ridiculous) well it's on you .

    People joining are free to not agree and can leave on their own , thats democraty. If you go to a party where you need to be well dressed and come just naked with your underpants ... well guess what happen.

    11 hours ago, Vilin.8056 said:

    Actually it does point out several fundamental  problems within this game.

    1. This game lacks a proper training model for entry players thus forcing them into joining a player group to learn the essentials.

    2. Instanced contents are too reliant upon manual filtering by the players, thus constantly creating conflict and people issues.

    Thats true , emboldened helps , but that roughtly just a stat increase for players . But it's an MMO if you struggle with something you can ask for help , best way is to join a guild , there are full off in the game , guilds with casuals , vets , hardcore , etc ... like in all other games , you have to improves yourself and sometimes you have to accept that you need help , but that require a little effort , just trying to leech isn't a solution , and it is certainly not the only option some players have , thats just acting selfish and lazy ...  If you don't want to do that little effort well you can stay doing open world stuff and not even think about endgame content , nothing wrong about that .

    it's not Anet who made guides , builds and record instanced content , it's a bunch of players . Anet gave the tools to build something and it's the player who build it , that what every MMO does.

    • Like 1
  4. They should merge hammer skill 3 with the f5 (so we finally would maybe see catalyst with something else than a hammer in pve)

    Make a lower treshhold for Empowered Empowerment , that wouldn't be op as big players can almost maintain 10 stacks all the time , but player like me who struggle with this tight , no room , no mistake rotation could do way better.

    And ofc skill 4 from air is just an april fool skill , you cc your target , so it's time to deal some damage to it , but no , knock you back at 600 range and if there is a wall between you and that range you will be part of the map as a living piece of art ...

    And franckly i understood why sphere cost energy when they had a 5sec cd , but now that they are on a 15 sec cd ... you can franckly get rid off that crappy mechanic , after that if cata overperforms , just add an extra cd to sphere cooldown , but needing to manage your energy (with that weird 5 sec of no gain after a  sphere launch) , EE stacks , hammer skill 3 , augments in the right sphere , what else ? ah yes we can play with conjured weapon to add  spice on the already spicy meal ...

    And give elementalist players -25% off keyboard and mouses , when i play it i feel like i am destroying my keyboard.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Squad members have duties, too.  If it is the commanders duty to instruct and lead, it is the squaddie's duty to listen and cooperate.  

    First duty of a the "futur" squad member is to read and fullfill what the com asked in the lfg , if that first rule is not fullfilled , well com can feel free to do whatever he wants .

    Only not listed rule for me as com is to be polite to a certain extend and one absolute rule is : the com must at least met what he asked in lfg (i've seen commanders with 0kp and 0 knowledge of the fight , but asking for 20 -30 kp , that also another form of leeching) but thats my personal thoughts.

    Nowhere in the game it is said that coms are free npcs explaining every mechanic , he can do that but has no obligation on it .

    Met the lfg requirement or just ask nicely to com without matching the  requirement and say you know the mechs and he can give you a shot , when i tag and ppl not met the requ. from lfg , but act very polite , ask for a try , and say they know the mechs , i will most often give it a shot

    But sneaking in , saying nothing (like you don't know how to write in the correct channel) and just lurking and waiting for the squad to carry you , then go mad and mp the com saying he is a bigot , a ss **** , and deserve kitten , because he kikced you and "wow you can write in a channel , wtf , why you didn't do that earlier ? " -> BL and report with a nice "leecher" surname in block list , i speak of personal experience , they are ppl who literally thinks of other ppl playing the game as just npcs and they must fullfill all their desire ... entitlement at his climax.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Leading is itself a form of instruction.  However I digress: I'm not saying that every run is a training run.  That doesn't matter much, though.  Even experienced players can be seasoned on different tactics for the same encounters.  It seems like every time I start doing fractals or strikes, there's some new strat that I'm not familiar with.  Almost every time when that conflict arises,  the squad leader (or one of the teammates in fractals) will simply tell me what the new strat is in one to two sentences, and then we carry on from there.  I've been both the recipient of these instructions, as well as the one to give them out as team/squad leader, and I've seen this little teaching exchange happen between others countless times.

    Tagging up is an act that broadcasts a promise for success.  People joining the squad is an offering, giving their time and their cooperation in exchange for the mutual goal of victory.  This is communication; a social contract enforced by the mechanical systems that the commanding tag offers.  It is the leader and subordinate dynamic, as seen in countless places in the real world, made manifest in the game itself.  Thus, as a commander it is expected of me to lead AND instruct people in order to succeed.  I despise the whole "commander has absolute power and no duties to anyone" idea because it is really an excuse to be antisocial.

    Your point . For me commander is just the beacon who sort the group and make sure the group needings are fullfilled (boon , healing , special mech like kiting , etc ...) tahts what they ususally do , but some can let you sort yourself .

    If he asks for exp. , people joining must be exp. or else absolute right to dispose of the members , if it's a training and he wants to give explanation  , good to go too .

    But ppl joining and expecting the com to just tell them what to do , whatever the lfg asked for , are just lazy , don't want to take time to watch a video about the mechs (you google the name of the encounter + mechanic explanation on video , or even on youtube and you get it ) you don't have time to do that ? well com have not the time for explanation too ! When i tag and i don't want to give explanation it's my right to ask for whatever i want .

    You despise com having absolute power and no duties to anyone , well i despite leecher who sneak and expect everyone to carry them , while they are literally a big burden to the group and can make you fail a whole encounter just because they are too lazy to watch or just read about the mechanic . " i don't have time for this !" "well i don't want to spend my time for you neither then , and why should i ? "

    Not saying i never give explanation , but when i don't want , i just do not . And com has all rights in a group , the game allows him to do whatever he wants with his squad , that why it is called a commander , should we rename it teacher ? hell no .

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  7. The cost of vital essence normally only affect scourge , vital essence F skills cost a base price , so having more hp increase your max ressource to spend for scourge skills.

    But reaper has % per sec life force drain , so any hp more or less shouldn't make a difference because its' a % pers seconde (only if you take hits) , same goes for harbringer (without hits) , the only thing i could say is it's maybe a bug with the blight who reduce your max hp and with a skill like voracious arc getting 10 stacks of blight out , maybe the calculation is made first on your max hp and not on your actual hp with blight stacks , complicated harbringer ... it normally should calculate the % of your max "actual" health. 

    if this is true , after the patch we gain 2 blight each sec isntead of 1 in shroud , it is gonna be epic ... calculation 

  8. On 4/27/2023 at 11:16 AM, soul.9651 said:

    Sure but how many people want to join guild yet cant find one?so if some cant find the guild to join despite asking people for it in forums or reddit, can you call it having an option to join the guild?

    Looking for guild is always up with some of them being beginner friendly . If they don't want to make the little effort to join one they should understand that the kind of content we are talking about will be very hard to reach


    12 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

    Well if the narative is "fullfill your lfg expectations no matter what" its time to start kicking veterans too who joins cm runs while "not fullfilling my expectations" and performing like crap 🙂 seems like people want to bring this on themselfs

    There is a difference between someone failing a mechanic and someone who doesnt understand or know the mechanic (running away like a dead chicken with a green 'social activity' aoe / Or pressing on the last seconde a dash who get you off the group while having this aoe , one is a lack of knowledge , the other is just bad luck , wrong button or input ... that can happen to anyone)

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

    Or they just want to do the content and its their only option how to do it... Do u think the new person will instantly gonna have a 300g tag, will know all the roles and gonna make their own lfg from day one they started to think doing eod nm strikes?..

    this is why you have the option to join a guild , to ask , to improve by learning from vet. players .

    if they don't want , well it's their choice , and if the only option to do this content is to sneak after a non asking kp nor exp. lfg , ... thats called being a leech.

    I remember playing the game where 30k was the optimal benchmark and training on endgame content knowing really well we gonna fail 15 times before succeeding , now ppl want access to all of that immediately ... ofc today on half of that content you can bring up 2-3 new players and carry them with very little effort , but are they gonna learn how to dps , how to heal , how to boon that way ? no , this way they gonna stay underforming and once they join a group who asked some exp. and get kicked , they gonna get angry ... and not understand why , it's endgame content for a reason .

    i know we talk about nm strikes missions here and those are really not endgame content , but if coms ask for 250 bananas as kp , you have it or not and it's his choice to kick you or not , the kp system exist because ppl know they gonna face lyers who say they know everything and just hope to get carry , this is why kps exist and were used by players , it's not an "elite" thing , it's born because a lot of people can't be trusted.

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  10. Staff/staff is really strong only on a couple of bosses , and just horrible on non confusion friendly targets , i bet anet want every offensiv support in the game to run either diviner or ritualist stats , will it really affect the dps that much , don't know if mirage staff/staff is pretty reliant on strike damage , but it will loose sharper images bleed proc on crits 

  11. Don't be rough on yourself you asked experienced players , they are not , your choice to kick them or not , as everybody says they can make their own squad , join a training guild or look for hours in the lfg for a non asked exp. group.

    I'd rather feel bad entering an exp. squad , lie about my experience , and make them fail an encounter cause my lack of exp. , so waste 9 ppl times , thats the worst , and ofc you know that happens a lot "afk" sneaking without any kp when you asked for it not saying anything expecting you to forget about them and get carry by the whole team.

    You asked for a sandwich with beef , you get one with tapenade only , what do you do ? kick the sandwich and ask for another one .

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  12. 6 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Stab, stun breaks etc, there are a few reasons.

    All other healers have that too and mostly more efficient than Hat ones . Hat can use a bit more boon uptime on alacrity , will help it to not have a tight rotation (only healer who actually has a rotation ...) and use Ol with more room , the aurashare with aura proc right after an Ol + bastion was such a cool synergy ...

    druid is the best ranged healer 

    Hfb is a monster , slap aegis and stab , + ammo breakstun , area condi cleanse on a 4 sec cd , does not need any cast time for quickness , so he can heal while booning 

    Ham is stupidily easy to play , has access to a perma boon beacon and can be an amazing tank

    Sure 75% of the endgame content doesnt need a super optimal healer and Hat do the job and is usefull on certain bosses because of rebound . But franckly as soulknight says , it is not fun , it plays like a dps , you have like 4-5 secs free after each overload and need to swap asap to anither one , wait 4 secs for your Ol to be ready , so it's either i heal or i boon , cannot do the two at the same time and the way every player plays it for optimal boon uptime is swap attunement , squeeze as many skills as you can till the Ol is ready , OL , then swap attunement , repeat ... the other healers can just relax , have passive boon procing or on a very tiny cats time , so they can focus on healing .

    5 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

    Sure boonuptime on squad could've been quite abit better

    Ofc playing with staff boon uptime will be crappy , you need everyone sticked to the boss to have your alacrity and not talking about might and prot. uptime for QTP , as i said it's either a very good healer with staff or a really good booner with dagger/warhorn , but cannot be the two at the same time .

    I don't count it in the méta healers , i've tryed it , and i have 0 fun with it , the aura sharing is useless , except the frost one (who you don't take mostly) alacrity should be put in tier 2 traits (as all other healers have) thats really frustrating to see that the only good trait for tempest are in the last row , all the other below are franckly useless ... i'd rather play a core ele heal able to have shouts instead of a tempest ... it is the least "méta" played healer for a reason.

    5 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

    and just autoattacking with your staff in water is alot easier then all the mess that the Dudu needs to go through to get roughly the same result

    Except that you cannot stay AA in water for the previous reason mentionned , druid can go avatar and still pull off his might , his alacrity , his régen , his prot. , fury etc etc . With alacrity , druid has his avatar available each 7-8 secs and can stay in avatar for a total of 15 secs , his healing output to allies is way stronger than Hat with all the +% healing on allies he has , but ofc if you camp water staff AA you will be the best healer of the game , boon uptime 0 , but best healer ...

    Hat need to be improved if anet want it at the same level of the other healers , but does they want it ? or even care ? For ele (once more) the patch is for pvp/wvw , nothing in pve adressed , just a bug fix for tempest , the least they can do ...

    and i think you forget the elite glyph able to ressurect on it's own people far away , it is a higher cooldown than the geyser passiv down healing from arcane , but geyser heals up to +35% , the glyph is ridiculously more powerfull than that , and slap some boons at the same time ,12% 6 pulse ... far more powerfull.

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  13. No way , i can already see the trolls using it in pve to get a target out of range and out of combat so it start regenerating his life (remind ranger longbow skill4 knocking off away a boss and dies before you could even tag it ?) , not to mention pvp/wvw ... imagine a bus versus bus with all people using that skill , will be a clown fiesta .... and an insta dead skill if you get ported inside an ennemy bus. 
    Without trolls who would use it in pve , it could be an interesting concept , great use in some endgame content , but sadly some people just love to annoy the world for some reason ...

  14. I personnaly don't use mirage in pve open world and i don't play daredevil , i kind of agree that mirage -1 dodge in pvp/wvw is a huge handicap , but if you want it back be ready to suffer extra cooldowns/nerfs on all mirage cloak skills , remind that there was a pvp build that allowed mirage to be on "dodge" like 66-75% of the time , this nerf was mostly because of that.

    On daredevil the fact that your dodge (for power mainly) is huge damage on landing and dodging force you to a ceratin direction , make it really hard to hit small mob hitboxes , and on certain endgame content with narrow platform and deadpits everywhere i would stress out to play daredevil.

    On the other hand vindicator is simply a monster in open world , if you use the two sigils who give you endurance on swapping weapon and full back on a kill , you can just perma dodge , combined with the Gs skill 4 block who has a 12 sec cd only . and it's very satisfying to spam dodge on a pack of mobs and see them melt .

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  15. 1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Its not like its gonna help HAT. It needs some slack on alac uptime a sec or two extra would make this actually fun to play. Otherwise ur are forced into warhorn gameplay and/or miss out on some combos during ur attunement swaps. But hey i guess we will have to wait for another two months. 

    You are optimistic  , but i hope you are true , more alac (enough to not go Ol - then attunement swap - Ol again) and plz better range on boon share .

    staff had a massiv rework but nobody will use it except on very easy static fights (were there is no need for this extra heal bonuses from staff) .

    Atm i see no benefit for a group having a Hat instead of a ham or a druid , mainly because boon access.(rebound being the only benefit)

    I really miss the bastion of element gameplay , you could take aura on succeeding an Ol + aura share , auras from shouts for some really nice healing access , now if  attune to water and leave it , i feel very lackluster on heals.

    As for dps alac tempest , i don't even want to mention it , feel like a bad joke ... not a single dps improvement trait for a dps/alac in the whole tempest traitline .... not mentioning the huge investement in precision needed to be slightly correct on crit. chance...

  16. 5 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    For that build the elementals are necessary.  The skill Arcane Power combines with Elemental Surge to make you and everyone around you inflict burning on the next few attacks.  Think of it like a Burning Venom skill.  Because of this, to get the most out of this skill you'll need to be surrounded by allies.  The easiest way to ensure that is to create your own allies.  So yes, the Arcane trait line and the lesser elementals are a pretty significant portion of your damage here.  

    Ty you for the tip , i didn't know arcane power combined with elemental surge  worked a bit like firebrand ashes of the just  , but as i said the elite elemental is ok , but the lesser one need like 1-2 minutes to have the 3-4 elementals up , having like 3 ammo on this glyph should make it worth it . But ill definitly use that one build , tyvm.

  17. On 4/20/2023 at 1:00 AM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


    Not all Elementalist builds are hard. If you want to play raids and do DPS, this is a very simple build that does not break your brain remembering a rotation.

    Just stay in fire and spam all your skills as soon they come available:


    Good maybe i can give this one a try , but i really don't like the use of lesser elementals , you have to wait like 90 secs to get the full use of them , do they really contribute that much to the damage or can i replace it with anything else ? like play earth traitline instead and use signet of fire 

  18. 23 minutes ago, Esoteric.7263 said:


    I don't get how it could be faster without shortening the channel time. Part of the alacrity generation is for completing the channel. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying. If I'm reading what you are saying correctly you would channel the same duration but the effects would occur quicker. That would mean there would just be dead time at the end of the overload. Why would they do that? Other abilities affected by quickness cast quicker don't they?

    Also, the bug was just for earth and water overloads. If it was purely just a bug fix why would they say all your overloads instead of specifying earth and water

    It's actually traducing in a bug fix for the alac pulses , i think we misses 1 alac tic in earth and water cause the animation was maybe too fast with quickness resulting in that loss pulse , thats what i think . But as i said i really hope your conclusion will be the good one , Hat and even tempest is an e-spec who need some work done on it , it is not good as alac provider , not good as dps and is a lackluster healer.

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  19. "The effects of channeling tempesst's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness."


    I think it will not cast faster , it is just that the effect will follow the curves of quickness cast time modificator , but i hope i am wrong and that you are true Esoteric.7263 , if tempest can cast his overloads in 2 secondes instead of 3 with quikness , that would be a huge +

  20. cfb comes with handy boons and other stuff with all the damage packed up , but now that tomes have ammunition , giving boons to your allies will impact your damage , if you do the rotation correctly with only the f1 involved , you ll see that you will come short in ammunitions ... no problem at all after the patch you will see no more cfb or qfb , only hfbs .

    anet wants to shake the méta and so instead of making everything a little bit equal it destroys builds and make previously destroyed build méta again , i am surely gonna run harbquickness now , and go for a reaper power .

    it needed some nerfs ofc , but having burn duration halved on passive , 3 to 2 stacks for f1 skill 5 , no more +20% burn duration on f1 skills , after the patch it's dead ! oh but wait we gain some bleed ... as FIREbrand , hurray ! putting ice cream on a tu rd doesnt make it a sunday ... I would understand some hfb nerfs , but the condi damage wasnt that big of a deal ...

    33 minutes ago, athorias.1380 said:

    and thats gets even worse with HFB

    Who didn't get nerfed btw ...

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  21. You once said you will stop looking at some people performing very well with a specific class and look more into the % of what is played ... then this comes up : fervent force cd reduction from 4 to 3 sec , i just ask you how many untamed have you seen in the game (i personnaly don't play the class) same for firebrand condi , reducing the fire duration but increasing the bleed effectiveness ... should we call it the bleedbrand now ? ofc it needed some tweaks , but there you will completely destroy it.

    Same for warrior berserker , you made the same mistake you did with ele +5% crit. chance only in air , so what ? are berserker go for a 85% crit. chance and 100% while in berserker , 1 attack out of 6 not criting while not in berserker ...thats weird and confusing , you are throwing numbers ramdomly ...

    Don't get me wrong some balances are good , harbringer , reaper , Dh , but  i think people are sometimes confused about what you make cause you look at performance instead of what is the most played , i barely see any mirage , i never see a single untamed , as for firebrand , we all know it's the healer version of it who is the most taken (same for mechanist now) , a qfb is only taken when there is no hfb and the boss is more condi friendly , or else it will always be a herald , that said hfb is so strong on many encounters it's rarely the case .

    So can you please enlighten your community about your real intention and say once and for all you don't like a class benching 42 k and will nerf it , even if 0,000001% of the player base is playing it . You need a dedicated player in your staff for each class , for each mode , or esle how can you talk about balance ?

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  22. You can double attune as catalyst , tempest overloads will last forever 


    Daredevil gonna have the "malice" mechanic 


    Bladesworn will be rooted in place forever after using one dragon slash


    If you recall mech as mechanist , it's your character who will flew away instead of the mech (if you play norn or charr you do 2x damage on landing , -50% if you are an asura)


    Soulbeast will merge with his pet instead of mergin it with you 


    Chronomancer will be "lost in space" if he use continuum split


    Firebrands tomes will have no more ammunition and 0 cooldown , willbender virtues will have infinite dash , tp range (you will mostly bug out of the map if you use them)


    Harbringer blight will instead increase your hp and decrease your damage


    Each time you switch legend as revenant you will instead have random healing , 3 random utilitys , and 1 random elite of all available skills (even the e-specs you arent playing)


    Sorry , cannot take it seriously after the ele bug , so instead i imagined the bugs that could appear after the balance patch.

    Sorry for wasting your time guys .

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  23. On 4/18/2023 at 1:59 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    Hands off "Eye of the Storm" please. I prefer it as it is. Superspeed + swiftness + stability + stunbreak makes a perfect utility skill for me. For sPvP and fractals to move faster (as there are no mounts there) and for any situation where you are being knocked down or dominated by CCs.


    This skill seems to be a bit unloved by the community but it is in almost all of my builds. It's my "gotta move fast" and "cut the crap already" button.

    I too think that the shouts are great , except the feel the burn and flash freeze , who are garbage , the problem is in pve auras have no use and it's one of the main thing Hat can give to his team , cmon flash freeze give 4 secs of régénération ... 4 secondes ... and feel the burn , well better call it fill the bun , but eye of the storm and aftershock do the job sincerly , wash the pain away is just an aoe healing skill nothing else .

    Hat had a great mechanic involving auras for healing , but too bad they put alacrity only source in the gm and now no way you gonna use bastion of elements instead of the alacrity (in pve at least) , it's a trade off ? Yes Ham also has a trade off for healing in gm traits ... as hfb has ... as druid has ... (druid a bit , but it's just for more might , who sincerly if you play well , you don't need that extra might ).

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