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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. All those ideas sounds good , fourth traitline or back to the old traitline system , but we must be realistic , balancing the game actually , with all the e-specs , is already hard enough for anet i think.

    So adding one of those two option , while i think everybody would be happy with a fourth traitline , the power creep will be even more insane that it is already.

    Also remember that each patchnote involving balance was for the most part haunted by a swarm of bugs (wink ele infinite sunspot every 0,015 sec) so if such a patch come out , i am already laughing and imagining all the myriad of ridiculous bugs or exploit it will make , like we could mix e-specs , a willbenbrand could be amazing !

  2. 4 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


    Unravel is temporary. 5 seconds. I think the OP wants a toggle to disable the weaving altogether while still having some of the other features that the weaver elite spec brings.

    Was more intended like a pun , but still it is an option , not 100% reliable , but still . And if he doesnt like the double attunement on weaver , i dont really can tell why he plays weaver , the whole spec is about that mechanic , now it's kinda of a mirage/thief mechanic where you have a skill unlocked for 1/2 or 1 sec after doing an action , feels just really weird to me .

    Without the 2x attunement mech , there is really no point in playing weaver , especially when traits like "elements of rage" dont work anymore with that disabling , i dont think they gonna rework those trait to fit with a bug .

  3. 14 hours ago, crosknight.3041 said:

    For Alacrity on Tempest, need more sources. would suggest on rebound (if effect expires natrually), as well as on warhorn fire 4 (able to copy the alacrity you have and give it to others). possibly also rework latent stamina trait (currently gives allies vigor when you swap to water + giving vigor restores endurance) to have a small amount of alacrity when you swap attunements instead (thinking really small like 2s). also for lucid singularity, give the large amount of alacrity at the start of the overload, that way it's less punishing if you have to dodge a big hit or get CC'd.

    my main concern is adding more healing options outside of water attunement so heal alac tempests do not have to worry about being locked out of water if they use the water overload.

    Nice ideas ! fire trait can get a  rework too , especially gm traits , the only good one is +2 sec on all fire fields and bonus damage , the other 2 are utter cr ap , blind every 8 sec on a target when you put them ablaze ... and pyromancer power who is just a prank trait reworked the 1st april i guess .

    7% of power converted to healing , your firefields heals allies (bit like firebrands )

    +1% burn damage for each stacks of burn the target has (max 10 or 7) , with a think like : burn all targets near when you combo into fire .

    I like how they completely reworked the staff to be very support , but i have a concern when you play Hat with staff ... how do you freaking maintain might ??? that tiny 180 aoe pulsing for about 7-8 sec ??? you think ppl will stay inside that thing to have 20 stacks of might ... that should be another trait somewhere , use "heatsync" when you do something , i dunno somewhere ... full of crappy traits can be removed with a nice idea , you have a bunch right up of my comment ...❤️ or just admit that the old spaghetti code can't be handled properly .

    And if Hat stays like that , plzzzz have concern about the missing pulse alacrity from earth and water OL , i know it's not emergency , but plzzz

    • Thanks 1
  4. They even didnt understand the bug about weaver x2 attunement , going transmo. tonique , going catalyst .

    They disabled the sunspot trait , but the bug worked with Healing Ripple , Electric Discharge , and all other traits who procs on attunement change... i am not a programmer and have little knowledge about that , but sunspot didnt needed to be disabled as all trait i mentionned work the same as this one , having electric discharge spam each 0,05 sec is pretty busted too ... i really don't understand ...

    Fun , it's about 3 months tempest has alacrity pulse bugs , ... but nothing , no changes at all ... the class is becoming more and more of a meme , i personnaly am off , will never play again the whole ele cluster f uc k class , only if a huge change come with it , ...

    And to be specific on the bug who can spam attunement swap traits every millisecondes , it happens when you are double attuned as weaver in any of them , then use a combat tonique to just change your appearance then go into catalyst or core ele traitline without any e-spec (tempest not working cause of its overlaod mech) , that make your attunement with 0 cooldown , so you can spam f1 and load sunspot like 50 time in 1 secondes making it 200++ burning stacks in secondes , but that also work with glyph of restauration , making you heal for tremenderous amount (being literally unkillable , except one shot ) and any other trait who works with attunement swaps , so it's pretty understandable they disabled weaver , cause the bug start with this e-spec , but sunspot ? no i don't understand why ... think it's more an emergency situtation , remove all to be safe .

  5. 3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    So, there's a bugged interaction between combat tonics and these traits, right?  Why is the interim solution to disable weaver and not just disable combat tonics?  And no ETA on a resolution?  I guess I'll be playing something else for awhile. 

    A friend reminded me that 0,01% of the player are using weaver and 0,1% of the player are using combat tonics , so you have your answer here  , freaking cringe 🤣  . Ele had finally an easy build with 0 input doing 150k/sec ... 😭

  6. I play druid a lot , same as you i really don't like alacrity bend to spirits , make it a very static support .

    Without that it would be really fun , could bind it to glyphs , they are fast , you can change glyphs to adapt on each fight for stabilty , cc , more healing , push , condi cleanse . But by doing that you remove the possibility for untamed to play alacrity/dps (not that i think a lot of ppl will complain as untamed is a very rare sight )

    The rest is pretty good to me , very long range healing , adaptation with 2 pets , huge cc , mobility , the only annoying part is spirits who take 3/5 of your utilitys , so unfun to play i don't even remind what some spirits actually do as i use them only for alacrity uptime...

    • Like 1
  7. I think it's done mainly to not press by "accident" your attunement swap twice , launching your sphere when you don't wanted to , for building up energy or for not missplacing it . But i agree that ele has a loooooooootttt of button to press to be competitive , sure it's not a mech pew pew  build.

  8. On 4/3/2023 at 2:21 AM, Zenix.6198 said:

    I think when talking about auras giving alacrity instead of overloads, we also would need to consider non-healing variants.

    While alacrity on auras sounds amazing for healing builds, I think they would seriously pigeonhole dps-alac builds (Just from a design PoV, regardless of their current performance).


    Apart from the fire shout none of them are particularly useful for a dps build and the whole aurashare synergy is really counterintuitive since it would force you to take the water traitline.


    But other than that, I think I agree with all of you so far 🙂

    Edit: Meant "auras" when I said "shouts"

    i understand what you mean , bending aura to alacrity would make tempest alac dps even worse as it is now , non existent btw , because it will get the obligation toi run powerfull auras who is in water traitline , running all shouts would'nt be enough as the healing shouts doesnt give an aura and also the shouts deal practically no damage (except the fire one).

    but remember that they are pretty solid dps increase in water , power only unfortunately , you get a +20% damage strike bonus and a +10 when in water .

    If those changes occurs , anet should consider reworking some traits in water , making it also an option for condi .

    that is also a thing we need to point out , the disparity between weapons and traits , weapons are all hybrid with healing/damage/support making it , depending on the role you play , very frustrating to play because you bypass half of your skills , the only good weapon design is hammer for me , thats the only weapon where you go trough all attunements in order to deal max. damage and actually use literally all skills in all attunements , just a shame it's not full ranged...

    And for traits it's all the opposite , fire is damage (only one supp. trait for condi cleanse , not counting "pyromancer power" who is a garbage wtf trait) earth is selfish condi or sustain (only group stab) , air can share fury and thats all , water is pure healing with some badly designed dps traits (+10% damage when in water ? i only see hammer who would benefit from it) and arcane is a bit of everything but literally not relevant (i take for the +180 boon and -15% on attunements swaps , the rest is literally useless).

    But we see that making the alacrity pulse from overlaods was a bad idea , i saw literally none tempest player before and now it is like a cursed e-spec , i personnaly know players who have left the game after the pulsing rework only for that , waiting a real update to tempest... and now it is also bugged , ty anet ... we don't memed gw 2 as bug wars 2 for nothing... but still around .

  9. Alac should be in tier 2 traits , all the good traits are last Gm traits , the rest is utter garbage if you think about it ...

    Aura when you successfully overload ... useless without "bastion of elements" coupled with "powerfull auras" , vigor + regen whenever you share an aura ... come on this is bad , no straight up damage buff , no straight up healing , no straight up key boon uptime (vigor and regen are not key boons ...)

    I ll gladly play the tempest as damage alac or heal alac if alacrity was bend to auras , you can have multiple ways to give them , fully commit on shouts to give alacrity , or to combo for having an aura , even some skills , or use the aura share with aura proc on overloads , so you have multiple choice to give alacrity and have another choice to get the juicy bastion of elements or transcendent tempest as traits .

    overloads are usefull as damage and buffs , aura are useless (except the frost one) so you can make them usefull if you bend it with alacrity and even more usefull as healer with bastion , just 1 trait need to be changed : invigorating torrents -> give x sec of alac when you give an ally an aura , and there you go ... i am pretty sure with a change like that tempest could be meta again as healer and newly meta as dps/alac , and some other tweaks for sure , but thats a priority , no other alac provider has to go trough a 3 or 4 sec cast time to provide alacrity , and thats why literally nobody plays tempest. Not even talking about the bugged pulse alacrity whenever overloading water and earth ... this bug has been there  for a couple of months now , but anet dont give a kitten about this dead e-spec.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    Nope, in the vanilla game those 2 animations looked exactly like in the animations of those links. They didn't change the animations, they just sped them up and reduced visual clusters. The main reason behind the change being WvW not PvE world boss (WvW was hell in the early day, for more than 80% of the players it was unplayable due to severe lags. Curiously PvE world boss were mostly fine).

    Yes i remember those two being like that , maybe they changed it because it was too big and interfere with mechanic vision ingame.

    Also if they rework the animation , they could add a bit more damage to meteor shower , it doesnt feel like a meteor shower , more like meatballs shower , damage wise.

  11. On 3/21/2023 at 9:10 PM, August.5934 said:

    Hammer skills: "I have reflect, Stun & double stun when u leap on combo field lightning & I have block with better damage. What you on about?"

    You: *Speachless*


    Shield trait give prot. uptime on a 5 peeps and also increase your own prot effectiveness by 20% , meaning a full -7% strike damage taken.

    I am not gonna do the same "quote" thing as you did , i am more mature than  that ...

    • Like 2
  12. 23 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    For context, HAM averages around ~14might if memory serves... albiet with a more forgiving radius. 

     Mech Arms: High-Impact Drivers + Mech Core: Barrier Engine is a 25 might stack easy .

    I agree with all you state except for the alac generator , fire overload and earth should pulse boons on at least 360 and you should be able to pulse some fury without taking air traitline .

    Alacrity is what make this class garbage , i largely prefer giving all my key boons safely than to rely on 3 sec casting spell.

    There is room for improvement indeed , i would mostly say a whole house to improve

    • Like 2
  13. 5 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    It pulsed for me when I played it in raids last night. After a few overloads I'm usually overcapped on alac by 15+ seconds. Could it be one of those bugs like the Mechanist toobelt bug that only affects some people and not others? 

    I strongly suggest giving staff HAT a try. A major issue I've had with it is being interrupted mid overload, but staff fixes that issue somewhat thanks to transmute earth. Between that, overload earth, and eye of the storm I've usually got Stability when I need it, so I've been feeling the pain of being interrupted less. 

    My build also runs full Celestial so I haven't had issues with frailty. if you don't want to tank, I suggest a mix of Harrier and Magi for a bit of extra bulk. Also grab yourself a Jade Tier 10 core if you haven't already. That ought to keep you alive.  

    Damage is indeed low depending on the build you run, but at least It's not heal scrapper bad.

    Tempest is still pretty high-maintenance to play, but it's absolutely not garbage tier. It's a solid healer/boon provider... provided your alacrity isn't bugged. 



    It is bugged , try it on the golem with quickness , your overload earth and water do not provide a total of 14 sec alac with full boon duration , they provide both 12 sec , missing a pulse of alac , i tested it , i finish with 11 sec of alac after overloading fire and air , and 9 secs when overloading water and earth . 

    And i am not making this up ...

    In 15 secs you are overcapped ? nice i am overcapped in 2 secs with my hfb with quick , about 3 secs with my druid , and maybe 5 secs with my healmech , then i can go afk cause my mace AA give barrier , and my mech pulse a barrier each 3secs , maintaining alacrity 100% of the time with the Apm of a dead oyster.

    We had this discussion many times , i do all endgame content as all roles , if you like your Hat this way , good for you , but for me it is garbage tier and bugged .

    Staff ? nice for healing , how do you maintain might ? do everyone in your group is able to stack in  a 7 sec 180 aoe without moving out at any moment might is required ? you must be playing with qherald all the time . One of the many problem of Hat , choose staff for good healing , or choose dagger (crap) with warhorn for good boons , while all the others have both at same time , i wonder why the % of ppl playing Hat is so low , it started going up after the "pulse" update , and now no one plays it , it is arguibly below all other meta healer , even snowcrow putted it out of the "meta" class ...

    Anyway you look at Hat  there is better , safer , stronger options than him , and i am not even talking about dps tempest who is a meme class , no damage boost from tempest trait if you want to alac , just look at those traits ... , all the good ones are in the Gm last line , all tier lower are garbage ... win an aura on overloads ... give prot when heal is used , give vigor when you go into water ... shouts give might and weakness , you have stab when you overload , your aura gives regen and vigor ... where is the damage ? where are the healings ? ah yes in gm , just near the alacrity provider ... too bad ... tempest design would have been good if all others healers had to make the same choices or trade off than him , i largely prefered my hat healing 10 ppl , playing with bastion of elements , at least he had one solid purpose to be the sole healer in 10 peep contents ...

  14. Don't know if you talk about pve wvw or pvp . My subjectiv opinion on it in pve:

    While i agree on hp and armor , the weapon swapping is intented and normal (like engi has) just imagine a weaver having 26 weapon skills x2 , thats way too much .

    Weaver is coming back , you see more and more of it playing condi or power . While it is hard , usually the very good players are wrecking the dps bench on some encounters.

    Catalyst is indeed very hard , but it is benching pretty high for a class who can give some boon uptime , some quality of life should help it (like not having to maintain 10 stacks of EE for a x2 bonus stats , or pulsing quickness from each speher 1 at at time)

    For tempest i think you are completely right , tempest is garbage tier , 4/3 sec cast time boon/damage , cluncky boon giver , narrow aoe for boons , kitten damage , fragile to interruption , very punitive (without any benefit) , and on the top of it : it is also bugged as alacrity sharer. I havent seen any tempest since the patch who made alacrity pulse (except for some guildmates (1) who insist on it )

    Playing tempest is not knowing it is garbage , or being a bit masochist on the edges.

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    • Confused 3
  15. I personnaly like how it is now , whenever you entered a tome you had to burn all skills anyway , then go on the freaking long cd to have it again , now you can use any skill , any tome whenever you want and have to manage your "mana" .

    It is more clever to play and less spammy , at least for pve.

    Try a bit more , i too was really puzzled when i saw how it would work , but after a few hours of play you can get use to it .

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  16. I'd rather see that skill with a -6 cost over time and archemorus launching the spear to your target every 4-5 secs .

    Archemorus is the only legend who has no over time cost energy , making it a bit weird to manage energy on it .

    On all other legend you can actively play a cost over time skill and come to near 0 energy when the legend swap is ready , making it very efficient as support (with ventari bubble or soulcleave summit) or damage wise , i don't feel like i am doing more damage with archemorus than with shiro/dwarf.

    For the range i agree in pve for a 2000 range , but for wvw and pvp 2000 is a bit too much , can catch of guard very easily.

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  17. A range weapon plz , shortbow is the only decent ranged weapon for rev. and is locked behind renegade .

    Nor herald , nor vindicator have range option ... and don't tell me i forgot hammer , hammer is so weak and slow i don't even consider it being an option , a virtuoso afk dagger 1 deal more damage than a rev. spamming all his hammer skills.

  18. 1 hour ago, Avatara.1042 said:

    Quickness causes alacrity pulse loss?

    Yes , for an unknown reason overloading from earth or water get you one less pulse of alac , ending up at 11 secs in fire and air and 9 secs in earth and water . This bug occurs only if you have quickness while overloading .

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  19. Maybe a reward and lesser reward should help it , it is quite annoying to look at your energy bar while in tight fights.

    25 energy given back if you are under 10 energy and 10-15 energy back if not ? would feel a bit better to play , especially if you play glint/Viktor.Archemorus/Kalla. 

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