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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. If you are ok with an afk build doing 28k , well have your way , but anet should do the same to all other classes then.
  2. the build dont hit 28k well , here are facts ! done this morning . And i didnt even put all condi on it , so it should be a little more higher .. just change your mace for rifle and play power and you ok.
  3. here you go . A little far ahead of your 21-23 k , mmm ?
  4. Got one at 28k just fresh from this morning ,...
  5. I am angry cause they keep buffing and ease a build who is already freaking ez and pulls out good dps for a minimal effort (try not to sleep), and they are other class who need a lot love the most quickly possible https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity dont tell me what you see there is "normal" As for my ele , it's not about it being more viable , it's about just be viable, but he "meta defining" ya know , at 4% play rate all 3 e-specs combined ... And i know my statements can sound very selfish , but thats not the intention.
  6. yep , agreed , but as i always say , you should do damage proportionnaly of the effort you put in , having an afk build hiting 28k is not right .
  7. I agree mostly , but mech is op having like 6 way to play it : condi , power , alac , heal and all those 4 mashed up together , is op ! As for your vid , ty , didnt knew that one . But thats not an afk build 😁. I know i need to chill a bit and take a good fresh breath , but all those changes favoring lazyness , really deosnt appeel to me.
  8. Thats not being elitist (angry , sure i am , atm) but if for you being elitist is just stating that harder classes should be rewarded by more heals more boons or more dps , then yes i am elitist ! You do a freaking hard rotation to do damage , and get ripped apart by an afk build , how is that fair ? tell me ! And if i had a disabilty , i surely would play a low intensity build ! As for your information i sometimes have a a black out ( like 0,5 secs ) due to headwound , then what , i will ask anet to freeze the game for 0,5 secs ?
  9. You know the difference between ele dps being 39 k , and engi 31-33k , well yes the numbers and , ... freaking 300 action per minutes Obviously , you never played ele on endgame content , what you have to do to get to your minimal dps , when u have a semi afk/sleeping mech near you at the benchmark , it's frustrating as hell ... Just think about it , you do the same work in the same office in the same department as a random guy and he get payed twice your money , just because he has blue eyes and the boss like blue eyes , does that sound fair ? well no , and thats the feeling i have playing my ele atm (me luv mechs , duuuuhhh).
  10. What you dont get is low intensity build should never reach the same damage as high intensity build , and .. there is literally 1...1,5k difference , thats bad design ! As for ele , show me an afk build , who reach 25-28k on the golem , iam waiting....
  11. So just tell which dps only spec got a free utility , and dont loose any dps changing something , oh yes you have virtuoso , you could change one of his skill , same for mech you can get rid off one of his sigil. As for power mech rifle you have actually a free slot , grenade kit ! can take a turret if you are lazy , or the barrier sigil ... And 4-7% damage increase is something i crave to have on my ele ...
  12. Wait , ... more accessible , you mean for blind people ? Or people with physical disabilities (like no arms ?) , then quickly , we must say to anet to completely delete ele from the game !!! If one of those people try ele they could sue anet for false advertising !! Ele being not accessible at all (4 attunements , what the heck ! i have to hover to 4 attunements !!! ouinnnn ... they said the game was easy an accessible...) Leveling down , till we reach the bottom ---> mobile games ! 👌 I didnt mean to be offensive to you Obtena.7952 , you just state what anet said , but when you have an afk build performing as well as a crazybuttonmasher build , everyone is gonna take his wheelchair and fake the disability, if you get my point.
  13. So basically i cant take my ele , by your statement.
  14. 100% Agree with that . And for the sorry excuse that they are ppl with disabilties : well they already are low intensity build . What else , cause of that every game in the world should be easy piece of cake ? why not add a freaking rainbow in elden ring showing u the way 100% of the time ? Or a "boldeness" mode who increase your damage everytime you get beaten by a boss (oh wait thats sounds familiar, ...). What i will say can be rough but thats my feeling , people who wants things to be so easy can go play my little poney friendship is amazing or animal crossing.... Plz raise the bar ! Stop lowering it down! Skills need to be rewarded and lackluster lazyness should have peanuts ! I dont want that game to become a fusion between "demolition man" future world and "idiocracy".
  15. Big deal ? i want my ele to have all on autos too , to reach 37k , while afk . Not a big deal at all i think.
  16. Ty , thats literally my thoughts . You can be ok with this patch , but as i said this is "leveling down" skill floor. If that's ok with you , then complicated classes should do 50k damage average . I am not amazed or horryfied when i see a catalyst at 45k, when i look at all the button pressing in a specific order. I am speechless (in the bad way) when i see a guy around 30k literally afk . And thats what we gonna get if anet continues in this way , a bot "game" !
  17. Dude i just test it out iam at 28k rifle mecha with autos toggle on mech skill , just doing launching the AA rifle and then afk , i literally fell asleep in front of my monitor . Dont know with what you are playing to loss 2 k damage .. maybe mace ? Dont forget auto rockety thingy work only on projectiles now , and your mech trigger it only every 6secs instead of 3 . There are your 2k loss.
  18. I was an ele player (not anymore as the class is trash tier now) so i know what button spamming is . According thats a good feature (even only an option) , is litteraly nonsense to me . Pressing buttons isnt fun ? Dont play vidéo games then , it's all about pressing buttons ( i know the thing about the iboga skill on a 3secs cd was pretty annoying ,...) And the point i want to make by my sarcasm is not that the game get easier , it's literally let the game fall in an automated mode like disgusting mobile phone games. You thought mecha player were all around the world ? Well good for you , you gonna see more of them, till they represent 50% of the meta. You will like playing an actual class , who require skill to do damage , get overrun by a mech player basically at 1 action per hour ? I sure not ! Thats my opinion , but that patch is stupid and shows that the game is literraly falling in a black hole. Thats a basic rule for me in vidéo games : You press a button -> something happen , you press nothing -> nothing happen. And again if you think it's annoying to press button (even the same every 3 secs) , i literally dont know what to say . It's like saying i am a fervent vegan but i work in a butchery... But everyone has his vision and opinion of the game , for me it shows a dark future . And if for some of you it seems bright , well good for you then .
  19. New patch is out and ... ohhhh we can toggle auto launch skills for pets . Funny enough now mech ( who is already broken op) can also do that to all mech skills So my opinion here is to make all skills , utiltys , healing skills , special action keys etc etc etc ...being able to be also toggle automated , so we can basically let our character do everything for us ...yayyyy Why even bother playing the game , let the game play for u ! Guys , welcome in 2022... "For those who didnt noticed it was sarcasm " If you took the time to read my crap , ty and have a nice day
  20. I think thats already kind of happening right now .
  21. Yep and it wouldnt even be a little slightly op , when u have skills like mech f2 support : aegis , stab. , prot. , alac , condi cleanse , group breakstun, on a 600 range with 0 cast time , that skill should do the laundry too , feel a bit underwhelming ... Just look at the launcher atm "The robotic future arrives with the jade tech appearance package" Arenanet wants us to play mech , it's a subliminal message 😒.
  22. Whats funny about ranger and mecha is that ranger is supposed to be the "pet" class , got completed eclipsed by mech , dont know if it's funny or cringe , ... would go for the cringe i guess 🙃.
  23. Putting +5% crit. chance into arms traitline : the "so called dev" who did that has never played warrior , or is the kind of people playing full minstrel in wvw , just to annoy everyone. Like the +5% crit chance only into air for ele , "yeah , we ele want only to crit . into air . Fire , earth and water , tsss never heard about that" . Good thing they have changed all that crap , but the damage is done , we know they are devs in this game who dont know a kitten about it . "I like robots ! lets overpower mecha , cuz i like robots ,..." . Mind of a 5 yo child. I am concerned about people who will get the game with steam. If one of them play ele or warrior , and hope doing endgame content with it , kitten they gonna struggle.
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