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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Exposed weakness and Premeditation are both scaling multiplicative Damage modifier. They introduce way to much variance. With balance changes generally nerfing overperformers, these traits as they are now, are chains shackling power thief. They also inflate benchmarks, and probably played a big role in DE nerfs. They should cap these traits up to a certain number of boons and conditions, then relocate the lost power to something else. preferable not in another %damage trait.
  2. Thanks to the multiplicative nature of the GW 2 stat, weapon and trait systems the rift between good and bad is ever increasing. Be it skill in executing a Rotation, weapon choice, trait choices or how optimized the gear is. The increasing Power creep widening this gap further. One good example for this is Power Daredevil with its high number of multiplier. With a empty endurance bar, 10 conditions including weakness and vulnerability, 90%+ health, 100% crit chance and a sigil of force the amount of multiplier is staggering. Just looking at the damage and crit damager modifier, while ignoring the damage increasing effect ferocity or other stat traits like extra power, the damage modifier double the damage. On a target with less then 50% it becomes 243.64% damage on targets above 50 % it is "only" 223.34% damage. Combined with the 270% crit damage such a build can have, damage goes through a Multiplier of up to 6.58. Daredevil may be one of the more extreme cases, but a lot of top builds are full of multiplier too. That is one of the reason why even with the big power creep, the effect on casual player seems minimal. Every extra damage trait someone may not take is in practice a huge dps loss. A missing stack of might is not 30 power, but 180. Non-Meta weapons losing thousands of dps in contrast to their meta counter parts. Every Piece of marauder instead of berserker costing tons of damage. Simple food buffs doing more for dps, then one might think. Rotation reliant specs losing enormous amount of dps if not executed properly. In general every tiny deviation from the optimal dps setup comes with a huge loss in numbers. Boons increasing this effect further: Quickness is another multiplying factor and 25 stack of might is a hefty amount of stats that is send through these multipliers. Not really a critic of the systems. Just something people should keep in mind, Devs included. If you ever wondered why the average OW player does less then 10k damage.
  3. Yeah it is crazy how out of touch some people are. The whole damage system of GW 2 is a ton of multiplier, do everything that is not the best or second best choice and dps falls through the floor. God forbid a casual walks around in OW with some defensive stats and a weapon they like that isn't blessed by the meta. I don't get how people, who should understand that, thanks to their high investment in the game, fail to grasp that. Lets have a look at the top benchmark: Deadeye with a gigantic 46k benchmark. Now lets equip Pistol, because they look cool, don't use consumables or stat infusion because they are costly, suddenly we drop to around 25k. Next lets have exotic gear. That is around a 5% stat change and lower weapon strength, so around a 10% damage loss. So we reached 22,5K damage on a golem with tons of buffs and condition, pure damage gear and meta traits to increase our damage. Drop below 75% HP? You lose 15% crit and potential 5% damage from scholar runes. 5 boons instead of 10, that is another 7.5% damage from a trait missing. It is thief so no reliance on weapon swap for dps, but that would be another factor for damage loss on other professions. Don't have full boon up time or have a defensive trait line or invest in some defensive stats you quickly drop to damage numbers you see in OW or low level fractals. All these damage multiplier means that the big Power creep in the game barley reaches the wider player base. A gigantic jump of 4k dps with a snow crow build on a golem, may be not even noticeable on a unoptimized build. It may not affect a Player at all if they walk around with a core build or carry a weapon that is not used by meta builds. Edit: A lot of power creep is also centered in Elite specs. Pretty Obvious in Daredevil and Spellbreaker. Power Daredevil has up to 10% and 15% multiplicative more damage then the next best core trait line you could take for a power build, that is an effective buff of 26.5%. Spell breaker has up to 250 extra Power, Precision and ferocity (750 extra offensive stats), up to 15% extra crit damage that is applied after ferocity, 10% damage buff that should be up 60% of the time and another 10% to boonless foes.
  4. I guess decay is continuous? So you had 1 decay from your 3 days + halve an hour inactivity. For each game you play you get 1 day worth of decay removed. That is normally 100. So on a win you "get" 112 rating or on a lose you "get" 82 rating. You probably got 12 real rating and 1 decay point removed. The fact you only had 1 decay point just made it less obvious what decay does. If you are inactive for a week it is much clearer how it functions.
  5. My last gold game had two top 10 ranked players in the match. Matchmaker is a joke. At least they were on opposing teams.
  6. Already dropped in Price in since you posted. You have 5 easy ones you can buy. Another potential 5 from Strikes CM. On top of the potential 7 from meta. That is a potential supply of 17 per account per week. Challenge mode are challenging, but hideout and Anka are "easy" enough to learn if you care about extra stones. Meta is quite long, but you probably can squeeze 2 in, during the weekend. So the "reasonable" potential self supply is 5-9 in a week. So around 3 Months for a leggy, seems okay. Oversupply means no more free money I get from talking to a vendor-,-. I actually skip the Imperial favor trade often, because I'm short on them and 3g isn't that much. Oversupply could also tank the price too much, where they become useless inventory filler like prismatic crystal.
  7. That is just the game being silly. Same is true for most slow moving projectiles. You can do the same to thief's shortbow Auto attacks. Kill shot is one of the most disappointing skills. That has no business of doing so little damage, in PvE especially. More like Cuddle Shot.
  8. I'm fine with DD being thief+. Not everything needs to be complicated to be good. Only change I want is an increase duration of bound buff so I don't have to jump every second like a ADHD monkey. If you want to go full ADHA monkey there seems to be an easier solution. Replace Havoc specialist or Impacting disruption with a "endurance spend->initiative" trait. Brawlers tendency becomes a dps buff. Vigor is no longer detrimental. You can hold a dodge because initiative is stored. Anet having a second look on stolen skills would of course not hurt too.
  9. Just switch without emptying your initiative or take quick pockets. That is the most non-sensical buff I read in a while. Upvoted because "Buff ME". That is just a flat out not needed buff, that would start a cascade of really ugly nerfs to balance it out.
  10. Surrender worthy games are under 8 minutes. Not worth it to put a surrender option, that can bring other Problems in the game, for saving a couple of minutes. If your whole team really wants to surrender, your opponents are generally willing to speed up the process by spawn camping you:).
  11. Yes too remove duo Q and most of the Post. Profession swapping is a neat quality of live feature. Competitive Profession swapping should be dealt with, with closed doors and a hidden scoreboard in the preparation Phase.
  12. Trophy prices did sink so Tophy shipments are a worse deal, then they were before. They are however still the best way to spend volatile magic. If you plan on using the material, then it does make no difference at all. The sinking prices of Trophies just mean the monetary Value of volatile magic did go down with them. The information on the wiki is up to date. The value of 1.73 Gold (bid) and 1.82 Gold(instant buy) is the price to buy the materials. In your case that is the gold you don't need to spend, when you buy Trophy shipments instead of buying it of the TP. With the 1 gold cost of the trophy shipment, the 250 Volatile Magic for a shipment is 0.73/0.82 Gold saved. Now if you want to make profit from selling the Trophies you would need to account for the 15% TP Tax. So that would be (1.73g * 0.85) -1g = 0.49 Gold or (1.82g * 0.85) -1g = 0.55 Gold earned As long as you don't need volatile magic for something else it is 100% worth it.
  13. It is worth in the sense it is easy to level and useful. You can get the best Armor and weapons by crafting alone. With a guide you can max a discipline quickly for under 50g. GW 2 is online for a decent time so profit margin are pretty slim on crafting. Even stuff that is time gated has slim margins thank to GW 2 being old. If you want to craft gold one of the most important cooldown is Quatz you can transform 25 at a Heropoint to 1 charged quartz once a day, without even having crafting. The market is more or less saturated, so profit mostly comes from bulk crafts of things People need with slim margins so People rather buy it, then crafting it themselves. People had 10 years to optimize. That is a knowledge cap you probably need to overcome to make real gold with crafting. Crafting is good, just not a money printing machine. There is a lot of skins in the game. Achievements, "hidden" mystic forge recipes, crafting(!), instanced PvE content and so on and on. The visual most powerful armor is actually in raids, that armor is pretty involved with transformation on entering combat. So powerful(costly) they won't make something similar again. Legendary weapons come with involved looking skins. My favorite Pistol skin comes from a festival: Hardlight Pistol. Even has a unique sound effect. Depending on your taste of course you can may end up in a Situation, where you want to drop gems on something you like, but there isn't an gigantic jump in quality. For example there is a limited number of staff skin that look like scythes. I had In game skin then "upgraded" to Gem store skin. Some really old in game skins may lack a pixel or two:).
  14. Roam around the map and do what you want till you are 20 for the nest story step to pop up. I personally, when starting the game did let me be guided by hearts and map level. So I did go from heart to heart doing events and clicking vistas along the way. Then traveling to another zone, when reaching the suggested level bracket. So I open the map, look at queensdale(the area around divinity reach) suggested Range of 1-15, then go to kessex hill who has a range of 15-25. But you can do what you want:).
  15. LoL. Calm down and touch a little grass. If I want a fast run I play on my main and do meta dps. How warped is you perspective man? Are you implying I'm doing lobby work to speed up my T1 runs? Over 10 minutes is a long time for a single boss for casual or new player. Also the new players I grouped with did 5k on eternal Battleground and cursed hammer not sure they do that on Silent surf, when they get to that. It is vastly over tuned for a T1, if you don't realize that you don't understand how the systems work in GW 2. Also please explain your mental gymnastic, how the game is doomed, when a T1 is casual friendly? Besides all that, you clearly not the target audience for T1, there are 3 other tiers and a coming challenge mode, so please leave your "informed" takes there. Cool? When was the last time you talked about games with Real life Acquaintances? You remember games are for fun? T1 is not the place where try-harding should be required to enjoy the content.
  16. T1 has 17mil HP. Icebrood construct has 12 for 10 People. Even Bones skinner where People asked for years, for kill proof has 21 Million for 10 People. Real inexperienced player don't do 20k dps. Comparing it to the unpopular Cantha strikes is just dishonest. LoL. Calm down and touch a little grass. Have some defensive stats, no boon support, the 3rd best weapon equipped and no Elite spec damage drops of fast. For something who acts elitist you know very little about the Game. A couple of days ago I ran T1 with new players, they did 5k. No one wants to sit through a 10 minute fight in t1.
  17. My dude. Its a T1. Let people have fun on their sub optimal build. Around 5k Dps is what i would expect from one of my alts in sub optimal gear, without boon support. The 15-17 Million hp the boss has on T1 is just over tuned for something that is meant for new or casual player. Almost having as much HP as 10man Strikes boss.
  18. My man, you need to go out more. You talk about the 200 like it is your family or nationality or something. Like I want to hurt your people. The loose Matchmaker makes game unbalanced, which is produces bad games. The People on the edges of the population benefit the most, that is why mostly they defend it. Not hard to grasp. I also have a dislike for duo Q for the same reason, is that also an attack on your people? I want PvP to be better, you just seem to want to leech of the corpse as long as you can. You know how you Queues also get longer? When even more People leave the game, which they do.
  19. A lot of false nerd assumption going on. Why the kitten would I care about top 200?XDWhat is important to me are balance matches. How rotten is your brain that you assume my plea for fairer game is to give me an advantage to rank up. I feel every third Post I need to remember people to touch grass. Could you please remind me of these good reasons. I have some vague memory of "pls don't give q times", a questionable 8 year old quote of of a dev and some cope about fairer matches are unrelated to the popularity and new Players should manifest out of thin air. Probably some wishful thinking how Anet should invest a lot of resources to do something. Reducing the range will help. Nobody wants to play unbalanced game, your opinion is based on self interest not fact.
  20. You said it happened rarely in the past, but it was not a big deal. Which I just disagree with. If faker shows up in my gold Promos in lol, I gonna leave the game simple as that. Your "data" about ff14 is not convincing. I just have no knowledge about it, to have an informed discussion about it. I'm in no mood to research it to talk about a tangent. Waiting 7 min in Q is fine by me. If I rank into plat, I still rather have 20 min Q instead of the clown fiesta we have now. I didn't meant to be toxic, but to be concise and candid a little rudeness can't be avoided. I will try to be as polite as I can. The class swapping, won't affect new players. If you don't know how the meta works and barley can play a single Profession it is just a Quality of life feature, so you can q on any Character without worries. It is uncompetitive, but that affects only People who have tight grasp on the meta and the countless hours invested to play multiple Professions on a High level. The idea that class swapping hinders the Popularity of the Game mode, is born from the overinvestment the higher rated Players have in the game. After the hundreds or thousands of hours invested player like yourself lose the perspective what affects new Players. This overinvestment and the assumption other player should follow suit distorts players perspective of the real Problem the game faces. While more frequent Balance Patches would be appreciated, their impact on the lowers tiers is less then you think, thanks to the focus on high level play. That is because casual Gameplay just differs from the High Apm, meta centric play of the top tiers, where Players are skilled capped. Besides easy to use Value buffs, the affect of changes is far less then you would think. Dragon Hunter with it easy to use traps is a prime example for how Balance affect different tiers. Still an almost oppressive pick that can swing games as high as silver 2 or 3. Probably a very suboptimal pick in Plat 1. Lack of content, bots and to a lesser extent more frequent, more thought out Balance Patches are resource intensive solution. I fear Anet don't plan to utilize these for cost reason. I also suspect balance Devs that collect opinions from Pro players on discords to so in part because of a time crunch. That biased feedback acquisition naturally leads to a blind spot. That blind spot being the skill level new or casual Player occupy. That does in my opinion lead to the game mode being less popular then it should be, if this Blind spot wouldn't exist. The Devs often times are pretty invested player themselves, worsening the Problem further. I wholeheartedly agree that Duo Q is a problem, I just disagree that the generous range of the matchmaker is a lesser Problem. You may disagree, but I suspect you are somewhere in Plat. A elo range where the too big range is a lesser Problem, if not flat out beneficial. Someone who is currently ranked lower then their peak, may be able to handle the trickle of higher players. Player who reached their peak below plat are stuck the rest of the season in a cycle of swingy, uncompetitive games. Many will sooner or later choose to leave PvP behind, like many Players before them. Problems that are worsen by alts and other form of match maker manipulation like duo Q. This Problem of players ending up in a Position they can't affect the game got recognized by the top warrior NA(as I was told). Not as a dangerous sign for the health of the game, but an hindrance to his rank climb as his "useless team mates" can't affect the game state and fighting such Matches is apparently unfavorable from a rank point perspective. The conclusion of the highly upvoted thread was that some low skilled players are unfairly boosted by the system and should be somehow stopped from getting easy rank points. Multiple Players stating they are in Games were halve the the team has virtually no affect on the game. While I'm sure there is a lot of Ego and hyperbole in these statements, if only part of it is true, it is no wonder People leave PvP.
  21. Why should I read it again buddy? To read your cope again? Yes, Duo Q and bots need to go as well, but the matchmaker range is as harmful as them. Especially Duo Q in combination with the gigantic range make for heinous matches. I know how a matchmaker functions, thank you very much. You basically saying: Yes it was a Problem, but it did not affect me and the following lower Player numbers are unrelated to that. That is not an argument, it is wishful thinking. It is all nonono don't touch me, please manifest new player out of thin air, who are willing to deal with that BS. The statement about fairer matches being bad and not affecting Match quality from a dev 8(?) years ago, can you put where the sun doesn't shine.
  22. @razaelll.8324Please spare me the speech about "getting good". I'm Gold 3. The whole mentality that only Plat Players are real Players is 80% of the reason PvP dies. Yes class swapping is uncompetitive, door should be closed and scoreboard hidden or something. If you think that has an effect on the Popularity of the mode for casuals you need to touch grass. Also I need a source on it wasn't a Problem before. Top player showing up in games they shouldn't be is a Problem for years now. It is only has gotten worse now.
  23. Fair enough. If you have yellow mismatched trinkets it may not be obvious, but accessories are a big source of stats, almost giving as much as armor and weapons' combined. I assumed something like that, that is why I suggested changing out a couple of pieces not all. You probably will still end up with a sliver, thanks to killing stuff faster. There are also a couple of healing Option you overlooked. Adrenal Health from the defensive trait line heals you for 6k HP over 15 seconds after a 3 bar burst. Mending Might from Tactics counts you as an ally too and counts each stack of might. So giving yourself might does heal you for each stack of Might, so "For Great Justice" heals you more (473HP) then the other shouts. Mending heal skill has halve the cooldown of "to the limit" and cleanses up to 5 potentially dangerous conditions. Rifle is the best Power option. I also like the feel of the weapon. The numbers are just kind of low on Rifle. It is indeed a LOT. Best of luck.
  24. No, I say the top 200 leeches of the Player base via the matchmaker. The range is too big and you have to sit down and wait. I honestly don't know how Anet even justifies PvP balance Patches right now to be honest. They are mostly aimed at top player, so 200 people times 2 for each region. That is a meager 400 People. Mister CmC does cost money you know. Don't know if 400 People can pay that bill. I can't even talk about the top 250 because there are not enough plats to fill the leaderboard anymore. It is a Joke. Nobody gonna play the game you have invested so much time in, when the Matches are so out of balance. Simple as that. You can accept that, or play in your own filth for a year maybe two.
  25. Better grieve the remaining player population thanks to lack of good players. The whole "poor good players"argument is literally advocating for leeching of the remaining Player base. There is not enough good player to sustain themselves, what value lies in appeasing 150 People, for no return?
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