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Sheader.6827's Achievements

  1. Problem is the inconsistent character arc of Rytlock. Compare him from the personal story, LWS1, 2, HoT and 3. In PoF he started gradually shifting to being a kitten. I want him to become the character he was.
  2. Open communication and admitting a problem? No no no, we can't have that. Our playerbase or NCSOFT would HATE US if we admit that something is wrong with the game. Everything is fine and dandy, there is no lag and OH LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FLOWER!
  3. The lag is now constantly occurring and is barely even stopping. I was doing some events with a group of players and all 4 of us were struggling to kill one veteran mob because none of our skills would resolve. The lag holds for several seconds, catches up for 3-5 seconds and then everything stops again. I just did Thunderhead Keep meta and some stages are unplayable. This map is still a total disaster to play on, and desperately needs a permanent fix.
  4. I'd love to have it like a weekly event like WvW No Downstate. A specific event just for Raids where reset would be daily and not weekly. Maybe more people will give it a shot :D
  5. TP and the game are 2 separate things. TP is its own browser that can only be accessed from the game. The amount of daily transactions (in general) is so massive the TP would crash if not for the data wipe a listed item goes through. New players barely account into it as the existing quantity of TP traffic is problematic in on itself for years.
  6. Why not? Wouldn't make sense to just give us the achievement that easily. Not that its anything important other than gloating to Bangar of how wrong he was.
  7. Also, Jormag may not want us dead, but that doesn't make it good. As its fond of saying "ice forties, Ice protects" It very likely wants to save the world... by turning it into a giant ball of ice frozen in time, with everything one of its minions. Not dissimilar to Zhaitan, whose minions constantly talked about how it wanted to end the pain and loss of death, by turning everyone into risen so everyone is undead forever. Jormag is just better at BSing then the other dragons were. Besides, Jormag is already a known liar. promising to not attack the Norn if Asgeir left, only to constantly send its minions to attack the Norn anyways. Smodur was level-headed in the face of Mordremoth literally conjuring gigantic vines in the middle of Ascalon. Now he basically lost his cool because of a way smaller threat. Jormag shouldn't be good, but that shouldn't make it bad either. In our eyes as small mortals, yes, ice shit and and Tyria becoming a big icy ball is terrifying. What if that isn't its goal? Jormag could have that in mind or a completely different mindset to preserve the balance of the world. Jormag didn't lie. It promised not to destroy the Norn. Its minions might just be there to keep testing them so that they fight for the reason it let them live.
  8. Smodur was amazing back in LWS 2. Now he was just a cunt. I hoped Bangar would become some sort of reluctant anti-hero rather than antagonist. Also why does everyone want to kill Jormag?? Why make it an antagonist at all? For the Six's sake its the most exciting, mysterious and baffling of all EDs so far. It didn't kill us, it doesn't want us dead and it has a seemingly non-apocalyptic goal in mind. Jormag might just be the most interesting character in all of Icebrood Saga but the community just keeps retconing the story potential just because "oh its another ED we gotta punch it harder till it dies".
  9. I find it a rather lazy design. Out of the countless emote potential they decided to reuse a recent one and add a bit of frosty breath to it. Its really uneventful.
  10. I believe the term "elitism" is being used in the GW2 community so much that people forgot what it even means, assuming they ever knew what it meant in the first place. Raiders don't quit on the first fail. Squads disband ONLY if there is a clear sign that there is no progress with the encounter after several fails, in which case, people don't want to waste their time. That is NOT elitism. If someone is mean to you, block, mute, leave the squad, make your own LFG set for your own standards and go at it again. Its always easier to blame someone else's standards, especially if those standards are severely misunderstood.
  11. LWS 2 is ridiculously overpriced that I have no clue why it still costs 1260 gems. You get literally NOTHING but story instances. LWS 3 and 4 I could get behind because you get both maps and story (+mounts and whatnot) but LW Seasons should be unlockable with the full purchase of the game alone. Its very very shitty monetization and and a good way to keep new players out of the loop and milk pointless bucks from them.
  12. Any update on fixing the lag on PoF and LWS 4 maps?
  13. Playerbase: I think I saw lag in the game.ANET: You didn't see lag.Playerbase: I did.ANET: You didn't, because its not there!
  14. Now you are just whiteknighting ANET's approach to everything that isn't PvE. You know what Drizzlewood is? Its a more polished Silverwastes map, that's it. Not some "oh we care about WvW we want to bring it to PvE". Alliances is so long overdue that everyone who wanted it already quit, and now there is little to no demand for it. Balance patches are baffling at best.
  15. LWS 3 Episode 3, a Crack in the Ice. The cave sequence with Braham and Rox. That one boiling moment where Braham becomes unbearable I'd love to have my character just beat the absolute shit out of him and spit in his face telling him what a ridiculous man-child he is.
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