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Everything posted by CrowEschatologist.6214

  1. When I feel like it? GW2 PvP has less competitive integrity and worse matchmaking than World of Tanks, which is like some kind of lowbar high-score - at least there you can get rewarded on a loss for your personal performance even if your team are all drooling over their keyboards. Insisting that people try and fight uphill against the deranged matchmaking, queue manipulation and wildly oscillating broken builds seems rather doomed to failure when you can get a coffee and collect exactly the same reward unless you miraculously struggle to a close finish. I'm about 1000 games into PvP and currently taking a break as it is a total bin-juice sundae, but I am astonished that ranked hasn't just filled up with AFKs collecting reward track / ranked pips from losses. It's about what the game mode is worth most matches. FWIW I quite like PvP when you get a good close match and both teams have even skill (and builds): even given the dull map design and bland modes it comes closer to scratching the classic DAoC / Warhammer Online itch than any of the competitors.
  2. Warrior was my original main at release and stays my second most played character. I like Hizen warr builds for kitten around the OW and soloing whatever but I've generally found warrior stressful in group play. I play everything, but probably enjoy Engineer, Elementalist, Warrior and Thief in that order.
  3. I want to like Stronghold but it mostly makes me nostalgic for Super Monday Night Combat 😭
  4. I played 1 game of PvP pre HoT, and I have clocked up 500+ since returning to GW2 post EoD. I guess I hate it less than I did then? I can't say it scratches the DAoC Bossiney cluster small scale / solo itch, but it's an almost acceptable substitute some of the time.
  5. To be fair, the notion of spamming surrender votes while running in circles around a node if when someone starts flaming fills me with delight. I regretfully submit that this might be a good reason to not implement the feature.
  6. Communication is good an all, but in any given match I'm likely to have blocked some of the team previously or have given up entirely and turned chat off. The ratio of useful conversation to flames and whining is about 1:20, and having to read other players' psychic vomit can easily push my apathy to alt+f4 and read a book levels.
  7. I've liked Sahne's sceptre build a lot, my go-to PvP build right now.
  8. I mean, sure - why not? I'd never touch it with 2 bargepoles gaffer-taped together, but if folks want to do that let 'em.
  9. Rating probably means something - even if it is indicative rather than definitive. I'm likely to get spannered by a Holosmith ranked way above me. The same build played by someone way below me? Not so much. I suspect if you are ranked well above Gold2 you and I have competing incentives on queue time - as you observe players in the higher brackets will wait longer, but I won't be getting punched down on so hard (or punching down either, but that's okay).
  10. I'm 1 full season of PvP in and I usually wait ~ 1m 40s for a match to pop, but I'd happily triple the wait to get matches closer to my skill level. I'm pretty sure that seeing top 50 players when I'm barely in gold 2 hints at substantial issues in the matchmaking.
  11. I'm not great at PvP, but I have never been smacked around as hard as I was when I tried Renegade. Haven't dared try Revenant since . . .
  12. I don't think it's noticeably worse than its regular terrible self? Game quality seems horrible at season start both ranked and unranked. Had a single tight game and the rest were 1 sided stomps featuring the usual massive skill imbalances and AFKing.
  13. I thought Rule 1 of PvP is thus: "It beat me and is therefore overpowered and must be nerfed so I can always win on my perfectly balanced class."
  14. My first 2v2 season, it's okay - less of a hateful moshpit than 3v3 but trying to beat a duo that hard-counters yours over 3 rounds is a bit tiresome. Much prefer Conquest overall tbh.
  15. I'm a bit fed up with Spellbreakers as they seem to faceroll me and are everywhere in 2v2, but they don't actually seem unfair - but meeting a hard counter is never much fun.
  16. Seems to be an intermittent bug on the one time I've played my FB since the patch - reduced my interest to the point I've not bothered with it since.
  17. Have you shared that build anywhere? Looking to branch out from Condition Mechanist and that sounds interesting.
  18. This is the way - you miss out on the one worthwhile communication a week true, but you also cut the amount of brain cell death from the sheer idiocy in chat to nothing.
  19. It's interesting because Rifle mecha mostly die horribly to having to blow all their timers in the first 5 seconds of a fight not to get teleganked by a roamer and then having nothing left after. The only time I have seen Rifle mecha do well is open maps where they get left alone, but that's not a good indicator of strength. Sure it can stomp on folks that don't know better, but they'd get 2 shot by a Vindicator anyway . . .
  20. Which is the problem with most kits - you switch to it for the 1 decent low cooldown skill, lob it out, maybe chuck the long cooldowns if they are worth using and get out. Aside from grenade holo using the auto the entire grenade kit could be replaced with a "Throw Grenade" utility skill on 5 second CD that gained flip overs for freeze and poison grenades every few throws. Ditto for bomb kit.
  21. Yup - a whole other issue contributing to fussy rotations and piano style play. Have an extra 5 keys to press to be effective (or perhaps not, some toolbelt skills aren't worth the animation time). It's why since returning I've mostly played mech. The stupid green robot I could live without, but the design of the elite is cohesive and allows you to play without the nonsense of my old HoT 4 kit build: both builds get stuff done, but one doesn't require me to have more dexterity than a piano recital (1 kit, 3 mech skills).
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