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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. Why do you think mounts ruined the game? They did for me. I always enjoyed the speed and pace of exploration of Tyria in the base game. Your feet were always on the ground and it was centered around your character and his/her abilities. Gliders were a welcome addition. They didn't so much meddle with things too much, and only opening up more options when exploring. But mounts completely change the speed and pace of how we explore the maps, and further add to the mindset of rushing through everything (im more of the -slow down and smell the flowers- type, when it comes to exploring in my games). And it's not like I can simply opt out of using them because then I'll just fall behind as everyone will rush past me and reach events faster than I can. The flying mounts are the worst of all. Try a google search on what the addition of flying mounts did for World of Warcraft. Ideally mounts should have been constrained to the POF maps only so that they could be optional. Except instead, this new Meta is forced on everyone and trivializes base game maps. Nothing makes me wish GW2 was a single player game more than mounts do.
  2. POF made me quit GW2 for the first time since launch 2012.. If there's hearts on the maps again like POF, I won't be coming back to GW2 for this expansion. But I still might not since mounts are a thing now and ruined the game.
  3. Makes you wonder how any of the friendly NPC's survive in this world!
  4. There's still too many - even for some mounts to handle. Forget it if you aren't using raptor, and forget stopping to gather any resources. Is it really necessary for every resource node to be populated by a horde of monsters? :/
  5. Specifically, I am talking about the PoF and Season 4 maps. I actually wish they would reduce the population of hostile mobs in the open zones. I'm pulling mobs from everywhere anytime I step a few feet in any direction. Exploration is the games strong suit and I want more instances where I can do that unhindered. However, it seems they've purposely gone out of their way to put a hostile mob on every inch of the map to the point where I cannot avoid combat no matter how hard I try. I can only wade through them with the raptor so far, because I get flung off and forced to fight another trash veteran mob that has 100000 health, does 100000 damage, and drops nothing when I kill it.
  6. I just wanted to give this a little bit of a bump for 2019. I'm sure many of us are still keeping our fingers crossed for a Sylvari hound mount or similar :)
  7. I would like to add, this could include Sylvari themes of other mounts. Sylvari bunny, Sylvari raptor, etc. I would choose any of those for my mount if I like the style :)
  8. I know this would mostly only appeal to Sylvari players but I could really see my character riding this style of mount. Thus far none of the current mount skins appeal to me as a Sylvari main, so I've settled with default bunny for now :)
  9. Hello, the Elonian heavy chest and Elonian greatsword there is clipping on Char. from the side: This happens only on chestpieces that came in Path of Fire. Here is another greatsword on the same chest piece: here is same weapon with an older, core game chest piece
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