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Everything posted by Whirlygig.9685

  1. The first week this 'free' Black Lion items event went live i got around 25 letters to 'remind' me, now i know it was a bug and annoying but at least i got a reminder and went straight to the nearest city, the 2nd 3rd and fourth weeks though? nothing, no icon reminder like you get on the TP in the UI when there are gifts available, ni in game mail, i dont even recall it being on the log in which cycles special offers and freebies. Couldnt you have at least re set up the letters, or if not at least allow the previous week to be bought, or recycle the event so any with missed weeks can finish it.
  2. I was confused about defence reward nerfs to until i found out Anet has bought Paul The Octopus Oracle from the UK; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Octopus He now decides if a defence will count or not, this is why despite doing exactly the same thing from one defence event to another it can result in some/no/full rewards. ( but usually none because Paul is bad tempered) Did around 8 defence events on Friday, got rewarded for 1.
  3. I doesnt really matter if an idea or proposal for a solution is practical if its a bad idea. The way it would work at restricting to once per skirmish would punish smaller servers trying to defend their tier 3's on multiple fronts. Anything that attempts to fix a percieved defence reward issue but actually boosts the larger server on what is already a big issue with balance is not going to help WvW overall.
  4. I think this is too harsh and also punishes the server that is probably struggling. In 3 skirmish over the weekend due to the sheer size and coverage of the enemy, my server were working to defend all 3 home keeps/garrison, sometimes 2 at once, Stonemist and our EB keep. They had 3/4 squads plus cloud cover, we had one squad, a small roaming group and some randoms in EB. We still had all our keeps by the end of it but there is no way all that fighting would have worked with no access to supplies to fix after pushing them back.
  5. I appreciate your points. I was in an EB Keep defence yesterday that was very hectic and ran for around 7 ticks, due to lack of supplies and the fact i was trying to push them to at least the outer wall from inner only 2 of those ticks actually netted me contribution and rewards, which 2? the 2 that also involved me shutting inner after running to a camp. Your point above, its actually even worse than that, where is the 'active' area for a kill to count? I killed stragglers returning, it didnt count, too far out? Also the enemy team just stopped with siege at one point and despite us killing them on the border of the outer wall, again, i got nothing. Why even bother?
  6. The above is ALL i ever got from doing this rubbish Meta, a couple unids and a jewel. I compained about it in here and literally had it ignored or told that it 'wasnt' the ancient chests only that gave 'good' loot. I have the achievement for 75 chests open (i only only opened ancient ones) and i have not had any luxon chests, not one, or exotics or anything - so what are the chances of that? and now im told that the chests have been nerfed further?
  7. Tried all the options for getting Behemoth 3 completed mentioned, and tried it on FIVE maps., you would think seeing as its a fairly small update that things like this even if there at release would get a quick fix, oh well what with getting none of the new armor drops either or the ascended we apons i guess thats me done for now.
  8. I do not know if this is the right place to put this but I have now done this meta twice, was advised by the Comm to only open the square red chests to save on keys, which apparently drop better items. Missed one of the final after meta bosses but other than that opened all red chests and i got nothing other than around 30 green unid and 15 rare, plus a few white items and crystals. Thats it?! That happened twice, no new weapons or anything good, is it possible some people are bugged from getting the better items?
  9. Can anybody confirm and point to Devs saying that the original base xp was being nerfed, because i played last night and as well as struggling to get above Bronze in many scenario's it felt like sneaky grabs of towers without any defence were giving less and less rewards from killing the boss? Also being punished for not getting in circle was a pain in the backside, several times some of us were holding off enemies while others finished the boss, so despite killing many, doing siege, killing guards we only got bronze
  10. I already stated MOST casuals who are not hard core vets will not get beyond Silver each week, and if you are spending 7 days in wvw you are NOT a casual -the rewards seem to be directed at casuals, yet the requirements are way to high and i know this because i get silver every damned week so i k now whats possible. Stand down with the White Knighting for Gods sakes, and show some respect for someone who IS a casual but commited enough to do it every week - these requirements are not doable in the time it takes to get to silver and if you get Gold or above every week you are not a casual. Dont bother replying to me
  11. Who is this weekly achievement actually for? because it certainly isnt for players who like wvw but can only commit to getting silver each week due to time constraints, and if it was for vets it would give a currency they actually need. You cannot knock out these achievements in the time it takes to get to silver, the requirements are too high. So this weekly likely doesnt appeal to anyone I suspect, hell i couldn't even get into EB for several weeks due to queuing and good luck getting 5 keeps if you are red team and are getting double teamed until the middle of the night.
  12. Thank you for letting me know, I will check chat log but they definitely are not showing in my inventory as i am checking my bag before i go through the portal. This is not the way even auto chest looting happens for me normally so something is up. I have not had any of the drops associated with that chest
  13. I have tried this public meta now around 6 times, and I cannot open the Lions Champion Chest at the end. Both auto loot on and off, with two different characters, checking bags before i take the portal and looking at the side bar to see if anything is scrolling, and i am getting nothing! If rewards in the public meta are linked to completing the story it does not say anywhere and I have checked the GW2Wiki to see what is supposed to drop and I am not getting a thing. The chest doesnt open, or get the 'glowy' look of having been opened its not auto looting for sure, any ideas?
  14. Not 'anything' Kettering, a genuine point of issue for peoeple who have paid into the game and cannot get the 'gift' in terms of what the gift IS, its great, but thats not what I am unhappy about, I have the 'gift' on 2 accounts that have acces to it, family members who are newer to the game do not, neither does my alt account. Thanks for the tone deaf sneering, it was a reasonable point to make and thing to request.
  15. Come on Anet, really?🙄 This is the Anniversary present and only people with PoF can get it? Not people who upgraded from a free game to the base game or Herioc ? Not people who bought EoD and have 3 of the mounts available to them to use in game? If you are playing the game when the occassional Living Story freebies happen you can log in and claim them despite not having the expansions attached to them, for you to use at some point if or when you upgrade but you cannot claim the Anniversary mount? Having these things available to accounts that are not fully equipped with DLC's or Expacs is a good thing, being forced to upgrade in the next few days if you want to get your 'free' mount isn't. I could understand totally if you said no to free accounts, but all of the above have invested in the game and deserve access to this mount too.
  16. Thanks, I think i am now set up. Its telling me in twitch i need to claim gifts from the 'inventory' can someone clarify do i collect twitch drops from Twitch or in GW2 account/game?
  17. Can someone explain to me what to do regarding these drops? i do not have a twitch account, do the drops accrue over time? is there a deadline to get particular drops? ( i want one of the outfits someone mentioned on reddit) can i get all the previous drops since Tuesday if i keep streaming? Thanks
  18. It's the worst of all worlds, they have got rid of all the previous tutorial achievements the ones that actually gave boosters and achievement points, useful things. They did this for no reason at all then they replace it with a character bound system that gives NOTHING, literally nothing and force level 80's to go through it on all their characters, and they do this on the 10th birthday when they should be thanking vets in some way. It's all about the new blood isnt it, look at what Steam people got offered in the gem store, but to do things like this on the anniversary is not good.
  19. They were talking about a new 'adventure guide' that we now know replaces ours and they did not think at any point to mention this? not that i think they should have removed them, because i don't , it does not have any rationalisation that is reasonable. To make it worse for me, i was trying to persuade a couple of people to get an account as they only really game on steam, so i was waiting until steam launch with an offer to buy a new character slot and do all the tutorial areas ( 25 things per map needed for each) with them, and get my achievements!
  20. Grouch - this is a personal request to you, it's really not on to remove these with no warning, especially as the new ones are not direct replacements and they do not give achievement points anyway. This was a bad move, its the 10th anniversary and you take achievements out of the game? this is bad for steam newbies AND vets, I think you should at least re implement them for the next month or explain why you cannot
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