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Everything posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. There's no evidence to suggest that it will nor that it has in a noticeable way. Sure better performance is usually good but there are things which players can currently do in-game to improve that on their end. Cost. It isn't cheap to upgrade the game engine and it's clear that Anet doesn't have the excess funds and resources to accomplish a task like that. They can't even fix long standing bugs in the game after all. Speculation. There are many other factors which are more likely to drive off players before this. I agree. Upgrading the engine won't really accomplish that though. No. It would be stagnant and bleeding players due to other reasons which started before the game even launched.
  2. That’s because it is on cool down. There’s nothing to fix as it isn’t broke.
  3. We won’t know for certain but I doubt it. They seem to have indicated that the achievements for the spotlight meta achievements are standalone.
  4. True, not many go away from trying to maximize DPS. For me, I prefer consistency over maximizing DPS. The thing about using gear with defensive stats it that it generally won't do you all that much good due to how some of the mechanics function and if players are performing their roles correctly (eg. tank, healer). I was just posting my disagreement about the enrage timer being what was holding players back from playing other builds. We can agree to disagree as I don't really feel like going back and forth right now when in the end neither of us will change our stance.
  5. And you're not understanding what I'm saying. The raid timers are not what are making things difficult as players are more likely fail to mechanics. There is plenty of buffer for groups to do less than optimal comps and still succeed. For VG, not accounting for the split phases, you only need group DPS of 47K to beat it. With six DPS players, that's like around 8K DPS each. That's significantly lower than the 20K+ that raiders do.
  6. I was arguing against the statement that the raid timer was what was holding players back.
  7. All groups that clear raids pretty much do so with excess time remaining on the timer. How much excess time depends on their DPS and how well they do mechanics. This leaves plenty of room for groups that don't do as much DPS to succeed as well. The HP totals for all of the bosses are known as well as the timers for the fights. You can easily calculate the minimum DPS needed in order to beat the boss. Spoiler alert: it's much less than what raiders are averaging.
  8. You missed my response to Astralporing's post then. Except maybe Largos, which is a moderate DPS check, the majority of groups clear the raid encounters with excess time remaining on the clock. This means that it is very possible for groups with lower DPS to succeed so long as they are able to handle the mechanics for a longer duration of time. Groups maximize DPS not in an effort to succeed in raids but to clear them quickly. This was done in dungeons as well when running them was a thing. Just because a group of players have a preference for high DPS to clear content this does not mean that it's the only way to clear that content. I still stand by that if having 15 players was an option, the raid should be balanced around that. See my response above to your response that you're referring me to.
  9. As I said, groups do not fail because of the timer. There is enough buffer with the allotted time for less than optimal groups to succeed so long as they don’t fail mechanics. Whether some groups devise strategies around high DPS has no bearing on this.
  10. They assume that it's "free" because you get the legendary amulet itself from the meta achievement. I'd say that it's a bit to early to say that it will be free, as if a fact, considering that achievements in future spotlight weeks could very well have costs associated with them.
  11. Leechers exists everywhere whether it be those who do the bare minimum to get credit or those who don't pull their weight. This really isn't something which can easily be resolved.
  12. Groups don't fail because of the enrage timer for the majority of bosses and there's actually quite a lot of time to have less than optimal groups succeed on the basis of DPS. The issue is that players fail mechanics which result in deaths/wipes and the odds of this occurring increase the longer the fight goes. Then the raids would need to be balanced around having 15 players. You'd then run into the issue of having to find 15 players. Raids would then need to be balanced around having a guild doing them. It would be a gimmick and not really improve anything.
  13. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Template:Daily_achievements Tables on the bottom of the page show the next day's. This is what I used when I used to do dailies.
  14. Yep that's one instance which I'm hoping that I can skip. Ember Bay was also one that had a ton of filler from what I remember as your entire time on the map was doing boring open world chores with the story instances being at the very beginning and end of the episode.
  15. There should be purple icons for the instances. I was half-tempted to try it next week to see if it'd count (I'm 90% sure it would) to skip all of the filler that many episodes have.
  16. This meta achievement is currently the only way to obtain the PvE. Implementing your suggestion would permanently lock players out of acquiring it later on if they chose another legendary. There's also the issue that players could effectively have two of the exact same legendary if they later decide to do the achievements for the one that they had chosen.
  17. All of the LS2 story instance related achievements can only be completed on a character who has already completed the episode.
  18. The achievements only include the major story steps. Prosperity's Mystery is the last story step for the first episode and it didn't have a part in the achievement either.
  19. like how the daily mystic coin from the leyline anomaly did the same?
  20. Did you previously do map completion on those characters before the west part of the map was released?
  21. They’ll likely be built with mounts in mind but mounts won’t be required. Kind of like how PoF maps were built with gliding in mind but gliding wasn’t a requirement.
  22. I say no to this simply because this is the only means to acquire this specific legendary trinket which may or may not have some special effect. If one were to instead choose another legendary trinket, then there's the possibility that they'd have two of the exact same one if they decided to do the achievements for them. I'm also against either of the rings being available as a selection from doing the open world. If things remain as they are, yes you'll have two legendary amulets but they'd have separate special effects. If the PvE one doesn't then simply don't do it if you were going to complete the sPvP one anyway.
  23. It's 25% for the current tier as each tier appears to represent one of the four living story seasons. There will be the next two episodes next week which you can track via the countdown timer on the top right of the screen in the game.
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