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  1. I think one of the biggest problems with support is how well it scales with large numbers. It is fine to have a guardian having lots of stab, it becomes a problem when 1 player can give that much stab for 5 people. Keeping the 5 stacks for self while reducing the effect for allies would keep the skill good for roaming and nerf it for zerging. 2 stacks from a single skill cast by an ally is quite a lot stab for a skill that is insta cast and has 600 radius. SyG, dolyak stance, armor of earth are super strong for self, but give nothing or very little for allies, not making them a problem in zergs. That is the biggest difference between roaming and zerging. In roaming those bad players get punished for wasting their stab skills. On a zerg you are incentivized to use a lot of stuff out of cd because you can mantain 100% uptime of pretty much all boons... Stacks are there for a reason. There should not be one skill that can give nearly infinite aoe " reliabe cc immunity" without a tradeoff. Reducing aoe stab stacks make people less willing to facetank CC.
  2. Stand your ground is one of the most popular sources of aoe stab. It has a good radius (600), it is insta cast and one of the few skills that give so many stacks of stab for allies. SYG cooldown in wvw/pve : 24s SYG cooldown in spvp: 48s While I think the low CD should be kept, because there are more CC in wvw, I think it needs some nerfs. I suggest reducing de amount of stability stacks for allies from 5 to 1-2.
  3. I believe you are wrong on this one. Most projectiles are single target skills. Even if there was zero projectile reflect it is hard to imagine someone hitting 1 guy will do more dmg overall than people blasting aoes hitting 5 people. Also, I suggested projectile hate to be toned down, not completely deleted. A group could still run full projectile immunity, like current state, but that would require more investment. Right now there is almost zero trade off. Only way for a projectile based skill to bypass a perma 100% projectile block/reflect is to have unblockable, witch very few skills have baseline and very few classes have access to that as a buff, and the ones that have only last a few seconds. If you are advocating that bringing non projectile skills is the solution, that is the equivalent to balance the game so melee becomes useless and saying that the bypass is don't play melee.
  4. Reflects and projectile block need to be toned down. 1 single wall of reflection or ventari bubble can conter an infinite amount of projectiles. IMO those skills should have a cap, block X amount of projectiles and disappear. That would make non ground target ranged skills more reliable. That would remove one of the benefits of stacking.
  5. Most annoying spec by a huge margin necromancer underwater. Other annoying specs: glass sword thief and harbinger.
  6. Harb is one of the most broken specs right now. Cata looks weak compared to that. Even on full cele the fight favors the harbinger. Your best chance is probably try to burst him super fast on a glass build, if it fails run away. Antitoxin runes makes harb nearly immune to condis, and very few builds have enough direct dmg to do more dmg than they heal. Harb mobility is also quite decent, so he can outrun some slow specs too. That said, like core necro, their defenses don't scale that well in groups. It is easier to fight harb in groups. The life force generation may be enough to tank people 1v1, but can't handle multiple people focusing. A cleanse spam build like tempest reduces the condi pressure a lot. Also, avoid the elite elixir. The animation is poor and it is hard to avoid when melee. It is easier to avoid if you are playing a ranged build, 99% of the time they will drop the elixir on their feet.
  7. This HP on the final boss is too much and needs to be reduced. The same group that completes other fractals ins 15min can easily take 30min on this one. It is overtuned. Let the big hp sponges to CM only
  8. Creating a a top 100 list is highly subjetive, specially when you don't use objetive criteria. Anyone can make its own list and put whatever game on it. That said, GW2 is not that popular. Outside the mmorpg niche, hardly anyone knows this game. Doesn't help that GW2 is also not very good at marketing...
  9. I prefer the effect been on swap instead of camping earth, but the duration is too short. Increase it a little bit and the trait becomes amazing.
  10. I would like to see trebs and mortars getting the same treatment as the treb in Batle of Kyhlo (spvp), where you have a better vision an can aim like an AC. OP is right about mortars been way harder to use than offensive siege.
  11. Meme worth patch. Another ele nerf.
  12. Didn't they profit hundreds of millions with Diablo Imortal? Sure the game is trash pay2win, but if people keep giving them money, I don't think it can be called a failure for the company
  13. For pve elementalist has a terrible risk/reward. You can achieve same dmg with a lot less effort playing other classes with a higher hp, armor, active and passive defenses. Other classes also tend to have simpler combos and setups.
  14. Right on point. Cele is not a problem, boon spam is. Without lots of might cele dmg is quite weak. Might should be made more scarse.
  15. "where it needs to be" is highly subjective. If anet just listened to everybody's demand the powercreep would be even worse. Everyone wants their skills to have smaller cd, do more dmg, pierce, be unblockable, cost less initiative, etc....
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