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Everything posted by HawkMeister.4758

  1. I'd like to agree with you before the thread gets trash-merged and forgotten, like all the others.
  2. Good for YOUUU! Have a Hamsterparty hat.. 👑
  3. Why did you have to Necro this? There's more than enough drama on here already! If they could they would, they can't anymore. All the good Devs have been fired.
  4. YOU ACTUALLY CAN DO ALL DAILIES! Which you very likely cannot, as we already found out in the first week of the new system. Check the hamster forums here.
  5. You know that that currency is supposed to buy the login rewards they took away, right?
  6. I think you should make yourself a TAG-Hat for Halloween. ⛑️ Just the in-game one clearly isn't satisfying you. 🚬 😜
  7. Can you then please tell me my suspicion is wrong that they simply can't do it, because the whole Wizard daily is now working inside the embedded Chrome browser? It's basically just Web Designers working on this now, the real Devs who could code the achievement system are probably gone?
  8. Pretty sure they simply cannot. The new system has been offloaded to the embedded chrome browser, it's why you have to click the top now just like the BL trade window. The "in-game" achievement daily has been deleted and it can't come back, as they cannot code reward currency into it. The new "multicolored hair" devs are very likely just web designers, nothing more. Likely also the reason why we can't have universal dailies anymore. The old devs have probably been fired a while a go.
  9. Buying anything but the core expansion is virtually pointless, With the premium packs you get another basic dino skin instead of a hamstering Skyskale one as you should. I can't even understand anymore what they are thinking.
  10. Heh, yeah. Guess just outright deleting code is about as much as they are safely capable of.
  11. If they could do it they would've. I'm pretty sure all the old devs who coded it are long gone and the new crop is too afraid to touch this perfectly fine functioning code with a ten foot pole. So we get another bad rewrite with all the old failures.
  12. You did the same "error" I did. Leaving the boxes checked in all categories. open the settings in that Wizard window and only activate the PvE, BUT it only takes on NEXT reset. So your daily is basically done for today, aka lost and your weekly too, unless you drag yourself into WvW. On next reset you will have PVE only tasks. It's the stupidest content nerf I've seen in an MMO, for quite a while.
  13. Amazing, the old dailies were too complicated and having 4/8/12 freely choosable picks was too restrictive. Guess I'm smarter than I look, but you learn something new every day.
  14. considering that it killed big F2P map daily event gatherings, jumping puzzle player events and swiped WvW clean, yeah enjoy your massive new rewards while the servers are still on
  15. I like height challenged and abelist oppressed persons and bears but not like that.. 😝
  16. Your math is irrelevant because rewards are NOT the problem. GETTING them is! DELETE all these new dailies and the stupid locking mechanism only changeable on reset and copy-paste the old dailies system back into it. There, problem solved. Now back to the actual expansion and lack of content in it.
  17. The fault of the SUPERHAMSTER who suddenly made a win/loose situation out of something that never was supposed to be this stupid? AND who's so bad at coding the whole soggy kitten is suddenly locked permanently until a krytan reset?
  18. WvW a wasteland F2P maps a wasteland Royal Terrace much less crowded. Yeah, that went well.
  19. The change only takes effect NEXT reset. So your are UTTERLY HAMSTERED this day or even this WEEK. Like me. This is objectively worse and you people KEEP defending it. I guess you're just those happy people who you keep paying the same price for less content and LOVE IT! gOoD FoR yOUUU
  20. Agreed with OP. They literally killed ANY emergent game play that the old system fostered AND made the game MUCH more unappealing for new players. These are ROOKIE MISTAKES that this obscure MMO CANNOT sustain.
  21. Agreed. They literally killed their game with this. WvW is dead now. F2P maps are dead now. Jumping puzzles are dead now. I won't bother to log in today for the first time since I returned a year and a half ago.
  22. For everybody who suddenly had EVERY game mode in their daily or even none at all, check the settings in the Wizard title bar again. Oh and any change only takes effect on NEXT reset. Well done A-Net. 💯% 💩
  23. A VERY well working player reward system has been replaced by a clearly inferior and not properly working one. Do you guys always defend corporations when they make you buy an inferior product for no real reason?
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