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Everything posted by ChrisWhitey.9076

  1. I believe someone mentioned that the WvW population was not that big and around 1,500-3,000. Having an alliance or guild capacity over 500 members makes no sense if that is the case.
  2. world restructuring would be live now if it was not for bugs. Feels like these changes were made to balance WvW outcome. WvW is meant to be a numbers game to be balanced is what it feels like now otherwise outnumbered would actually have an impact.
  3. These changes to defense are great. For too long have under populated servers suffered from not having people to cap during off hours then at prime time it takes forever to take things back. Thank you anet for looking out for the little guys.
  4. Cheating continues to be rampant in online games everywhere. Anti cheat has become the norm to balance it and it really depends on whether anet wants to pursue anti cheat measure to fix this issue. At the end of the day for most people WvW is a casual experience and nothing more so I don't see a big push for this to be fixed.
  5. Lag meta was a thing for months on reset. Now teams that are not comped for high lag get run over by no skill teams with lag meta builds. I think it is time to embrace a new meta because I don't see a fix happening when people have been crying about this for months. Ex. Berserker is meta in boonball but you can lag out their rotation to a point a scrapper can out dps them in lag meta
  6. Holo is built around its burst dps and fast ramp and if it can have access to weapon swap it could hit potentially 46k dps where the other professions are trying kept around 42k. If weapon swap was allowed things have to be nerfed to keep things balanced.
  7. Adding weapon swap would probably for auto attacks to hit like wet noodles on engi imo which would not be great for condi enjoyers having to swap to sword or mace if using pistol. Power holo and condi holo having weapon swap would basically nerf a lot of great things about engi to the ground if we got weapon swap. And supports having weapon swap would probably nerf medkit even more and I think its been tuned down enough.
  8. This is a great point and we did start early in the WR when we could and it worked great but all it did was make another guild have to cancel because it was too full for them. Most guilds run for 2 hours and a 15 person queue was moving at 30 minutes per 15 so 1 hour in the queue cleared and 15 people got in another hour and half the group is in and the run is over. It cannot be great for the calculating match making if guilds are not running when they should be then the next pairing gets all out of wack. Tried to move people over to EtoM and it is a mess. It is not easy to navigate for the new people that have not played it and need to run back and gliding and mounts could help the process but its not supported. If people played it more common it probably would not be as big of an issue but rewards in EotM are not worth playing it on the regular. Thanks for the feedback you made a great constructive post and appreciate the effort you put in to it.
  9. Queues are not a healthy game mode for team content. If all maps are queued to 15+ and a guild is scheduled to start they have no place to fit and cancel the run. This means anet doesn't even know how bad the problem can be. Sure it is not an issue if a solo player want to wait but it is not viable for a guild that has a set schedule to just move a 50+ group to play a few hours later. edit-it doesn't help that EotM is so bad that everyone would rather cancel then go to an overflow map
  10. So we agree that lag and queues are an issue, but not a lot of comments do think it is a high priority to be fixed? Just interested to know if that is just a few people in the forums or will it continue the majority of the forums as this grows.
  11. Getting an influx of new players is always a good thing and the beta I am all for but if you have an influx of new people getting a bad experience that is not a good thing so the beta should be on hold until it is fixed is my personal belief. Sounds like no one is denying that these issues exist my thoughts was are they a higher priority to fix then the WR or not.
  12. I think WvW devs had stated the WvW is a team game mode and they don't care about 1v1 balance. You might have better luck posting in the profession channels so the balance team can view it.
  13. This is a fair point as the cause is not population based but Anets solution was to always reduce the population size on maps to fix it to the point that we have seen around 60 be the cap per team. With queues being an issue that number has been increased to the point we have both issues. Boonball has made skill lag worse but that is better off for the balance team to fix hopefully they have done better work for the state of WvW than the WvW team.
  14. World Restructuring [WR] had large queues during prime time and prevented people from getting in the map. Skill lag was god awful because there were too many people on the map with boons. WR was suppose to spread people out to fix these issues but we know now that it is not an unbalanced population issue that is the source of the problem. Anyone else have any thoughts? Edit: So it sounds like all post before about WR fixing lag and queues with population re-balance were wrong so I will accept that and move forward. So if anet wants to put focus on WR over other issues that currently exist in game is WR really more important than stability? Also lets keep the class balance issues out of WvW. Blanace of classes is another team and not the WvW dev team.
  15. This was just closed because you continue to gaslight guilds on how you want to run. Stop trying to gatekeep.
  16. Applied force would not help condi quick scrapper. This was the idea that was needed since the bow is designed as support. Only other thought would be the bow works as holo support in WvW but since only a small amount of people play WvW I doubt they would understand support holo and even though it works it is still weird.
  17. I was hoping with WvW alliance guilds replacing alliances we would get an announcement on what the fix would be like more guild slots. Hopefully that will be addressed before this goes live.
  18. If we are stuck with a new support weapon and condi is not viable on scrapper then if nothing changes at best getting the short bow feels mid. Objects in motion needs to also give a buff to condi damage and blade gyro needs to pump bleeds. I am sure the bow might work on holo but holo is a weird support class. Anyone else have any thoughts? Edit - This is looking at the bow as an offensive support weapon. Defensive support I still think mace shield should be best in slot.
  19. There has been reddit posts about the issue and yep the a good portion of the map of friendlies and enemies are getting booted. I hear EU reset was a dumpster fire.
  20. EotM was designed to be an overflow map and I feel like it was never finished. I wonder if it was set to another EBG map and you get map rewards would make that more favorable.
  21. Technically large guilds already have first come first serve sign ups for every raid to help manage and do take attendance. Though yeah if the whole server guild stacking is not a concern I think this was funny and I am the dumb.
  22. Thanks for the feedback @TheGrimm.5624 I think my concern is that if servers stacking was an issue guild stacking is inevitable. I think you might have some thoughts that the restructure might remove stacking all together so if that is the case we might not have an issue. Anyways my thoughts are below so if there is anything you think is worth critic I would love to hear it to make sure the game has a positive direction forward. My concern is long term. If people are going through the effort to stack servers they will stack guilds. Some servers are already creating WvW guilds for restructure already to have many commanders and many hours of coverage. Once the 500 player limit is hit and people compete to who is in the guild then usually it is the casual players that get cut. This will not be an issue at the launch of beta but will be the overall outcome long term. This of course is speculation and I think it is great if competitive guild are happy to keep casuals and still be happy. This is again coming from hearing that WvW servers and making server guilds so I am sure it is a thing. This was just if casuals have to fight for a guild spot then it will be an issue as GW2 imo is not a try hard MMO like many others it competes against. (doesn't mean that there are people that do not go hard in this game cause there are). This is more of a dream in the future and yeah it seems like a mess but if balance is suppose to match guilds then there must be a ranking system for balance and I just think a rank system would be a nice touch. My thoughts that guilds with different sizes have different rank pools so 50 people guilds are not ranked against 500 but this is not important. I agree that it non guild players should not be able to stack groups as it would be a mess. Was just an idea to help people find new guilds as a few players with out a home might not make a difference. I guess in game chat the forums and social networking will have to do but it was a thought.
  23. That is a very fair point but that is where I hope that the match making that comes with it balances that out. If you want to fight only weaker teams to max k/d then you either get matched up against strong teams. Same could be said for guilds that PPT when it is dead to flip a map and leave they get other guilds to fight. I am thinking that it will not work at launch so I hope that it works out. If match making means guilds can still pick to fight bag farms and PPT at dead hours then it seems like a dead system at launch.
  24. I like the idea of balanced game play and think this is a great move forward for the veterans of WvW. I am concerned that if there is a 500 guild/alliance cap it will make things harder for casuals. If there is limits as to who can play it will cause guilds to cut baggage and inactives. Even if guilds have good players they might get cut if they only show up 10% of the time. GW2 is a game where I think people come and go and I think that is a plus for it but that is just my opinion. I think if players want to play with tag and some guilds play close tag these players have moved to other servers with more open tags for a casual experience. I think it should be good for players to be in a WvW guild overall but some casuals just want to play when ever and join who ever. I prefer the competitive style we are moving to but I think we will need something to make it easy for new players have fun in WvW. I would love to see guilds have ranks so that the best guilds are ranked from bronze to diamond. I think one solution would be guilds that need players that they could get fills in LFG from anywhere if the player is solo (and are not in a WvW guild) but then balance becomes an issue.
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