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  1. Hammer's melee can be easily compensated with ranged kits that are just good damage - mortar and granades. Hammer has aggressive, defensive and utility skills, where most skills do more than 1 of these things. To complement rifle we'd need a good-damage melee kit with some defensive options, so Tool Kit if it was actually good damage dealer. Rifle has only aggressive and utility skills, with just tiny evade added recently as a defense which is pitiful. Shield is another good weapon to look at, althought offers only 2 skills, both are fantastic for both utility and defense. If we could limit rifle to autoattack, net shot and jump shot (nerfed to some reasonable degree), rifle/shield combo would easily match hammer. But alas, here we are stuck without one-handed ranged power weapon. To summarize, hammer is a "complete" weapon offering a wide set of options to do everything, and rifle needs to be heavily compensated with kits and traits to be able to mimic that.
  2. I'm so dissapointed that despite engineer CRAVING FOR power off-hand weapon ever since forever, they give us another 2h weapon. And support, on top of that. Also, found this trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcVVf-wYWy8 So we have 111 seconds trailer, with ~7s for intro and for outro, that leaves 97 seconds, which is ~10s for each profession. What's hilarious, engineer screentime is 4 seconds, which means even ANet knows this weapon is garbage and there's nothing to show.
  3. Don't be fooled that ANet will do to engi anything substantial. Those pleading to change kits will be disappointed, and those afraid ANet does anything to kits are forgetting we're talking about engineer. Nobody at ANet plays engi, nobody at ANet knows anything about the state of this profession. They changed gyros in 2019 after years of pleading, only coz it was supposed to be a selling point for HoT. Best we can expect is some number tweaking. My bet? Next on the priority list of changes that we will see is underwater mech, then mech skins and maybe balance of the god forsaken shortbow. Nobody cares we have solid 5-6 grandmaster traits nobody uses, or half of our core skills are shìt.
  4. Welcome to engineer. We only accept half-āssed implementations here.
  5. I created a beta engi, tried each skill once and knew this is the usual thing that ANet does when it comes to this profession. Rushed, poorly designed, "fúćk-the-deadline-is-tomorrow-and-we-have-nothing" trash they always do for engi. This is clearly something that would have been released as a kit if an xpac gave us additional utility skills. Skills are uninteresting and not impactful at all, cover barely enough area for PvE and won't ever work in PvP and WvW - with constantly moving targets. No movement, no CC. The exploding mechanic is super underwhelming and not worth exploring or paying attention to, you can just spam skills and the effect will be whatever. Stack current skills into one and make it possible to trigger with blast finisher maybe. Give the weapon some movement and CC. Also, we really don't need another support - condi weapon. This niche is filled with mace-pistol. We need a power off-hand. God I'm so disappointed again.
  6. I'm very certain the weapon won't have any special mechanics, it'll be 2 combo fields and a blast finish. Maybe a 20% projectile finish on skill1.
  7. How?! Like literally how does this happen??? The game's code must be such an absolute garbage, I wouldn't be surprised they can't rework turrets coz the game stability depends on them for some reason.
  8. Such a shame R is so bad, coz imho Throw Elixir R is an ideal ressurect skill. Not instant res like guardian signet or ele glyph (both of which are kinda insane...), powerful enough to make an impact, perfectly counterable with knockback or DPSing. Damnit.
  9. It is absolutely correct. We need more one-handed weapon variations - power mainhand, power offhand, for core engi. Introducing weaponmaster with the current weapons available makes little sense. Another 2h weapon won't solve anything, we *need* at least a power off-hand to introduce variation, and power mainhand and offhand would do wonders for build variety.
  10. Weapons on engi are so boring and similar it's honestly barely impacted in wvw. Holo with a hammer? Exactly 1 leap and a lightning field make it different from sword/shield... Mace is pretty useless and that's about it.
  11. Turrets should be removed and re-made into entirely different skill, like thief's traps.
  12. To be fair it'd be a nice way to balance core engi over scrapper/holo. Maybe instead of "select any toolbelt skill" do "any toolbelt skill from the same type of skills". So equipping Elixir B lets you equip any other Elixirs' toolbelt skill, and equipping Rocket Boots lets you grab toolbelt from the goggles, or slick shoes, etc
  13. Just another celestial engi throwing nades...
  14. We need to remove EB and replace it with Lion's Arch. I just think EB is bad and people should just hang out.
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