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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. The Achievement is bugged no matter how many times u kill Suneh Stormbringer it dosent count.
  2. Evey other mmo games have fishin.. I really cant see the fun in that. No raids or cm fractals No end game other than some Strike missions. I am more hyped for ff14 expansion for sure
  3. pvp is what it is is not great for sure. gw2 the only game i can think of that have more bots than diablo2 has. same goes for pve 1000s of places where people afk farm even youtubers have dedicated videos where the best places to afk farm is. just stupid. but that what u get for a cheap game like this
  4. I wish the new expansion ultimate Edition had something like the Lily of the Elon so you can fast travel to the map a vip Pass. Thats the only thing holdin me back not buyin it.
  5. This game was different from other mmo games not havein dedicated healers tanks and so on as they said long time ago. A shame this game turned out to be just like evey other mmo out there. it runied the game. thats it. have a nice day
  6. smart anwser from someone who have almost none achievements on hes account. play the game before tryin to be wise
  7. When you begind to give Legendary gear for free than they should just stop call it Legendary. But that just me and how i think about it
  8. I know alot of players that really did grind and try hard to get these wins now that you remove the need to get 20 wins in Touney to get this specel effect from it / the red orb. When you nerf things like this you just make these things less prestige to have and not so Legendary worthy to have. Return to livin world already give u a free Legendary amulet for almost doin nothing. Dont drop Legendary gear for almost free in this game or stop call them ''Legendary'' Let me hear what you all think about this
  9. https://youtu.be/-nx9Pm65kqc I think this should be a wake up call not to make stupid elite spec like scourge in the New expansion
  10. When i think back on the build template and how they made that worse than the free version addon People used i don't have alot of Faith in whats gonna happen tonight
  11. equipping the legendary sword Bolt in two weapon slots, you’ll need to obtain and bind two copies of Bolt. For me that does sound like u cant do that trick anymore
  12. Yes i know but from what i understant what anet said u cant do that when armory comes
  13. From what i understant u cant do that anymore put 1 in each Weapon set
  14. But its a nerf cuz right now u can use the samme legendary 2 times 1 on each Weapon set so armory a nerf?
  15. Yes they say 1 legendary works only for 1 Weapon slot so if u want to use the same Weapon in each slot like the dagger dagger dagger dagger build than u need 4 legendary daggers and 4 legendary sigils 1 for each dagger
  16. Let me understsnt this right.. So if u want to run dagger dagger in Weapon set one and dagger dagger in Weapon set 2 lets say i have cleansing sigils and dodge sigils on. I need to have 4 legendary dagger and 4 legendary sigils on each Weapon?? Thats almost 10000 gold? Thats crazy....
  17. Lfg have like 100s of mesmers ready to portal u it Toke me 15 min when i Asked for some portals and I was done so i cant see why this a big deal for u
  18. Make rr / Red resign where Red team wins evey match for faster wins 😅 😁
  19. Thats the Best news i ever heard for this game. Thanks anet :)
  20. Match look yestoday i had more than 12 win row i think lol match system is totaly gone or ?
  21. is naive to think the new expansion gonna make it all better. Havin even more skills to balance when they cant even balance what they have now makes no sense.
  22. PvP gives you a bad experience and here is why 1. Team queue gets matched against solo queue. That just bad. 2. You can only play 2 friends together in ranked 5 vs 5 and than you stuck to get random players the rest. 3. 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 both you need a premade team else you will have really low win rate thanks to all the bots. 4. Automated Tournaments is a closed clown fiesta where match manipulation and win trades is a big deal. 5. Bots eveywhere or players bein afk in the match farmin gold for doin nothing. 6. nothing bein updated.. Achievement, Rewards , Maps .. Nothing really bein done 2 new maps or whatever is all we gotton in like 5 years else u stuck doin the same maps for 9 years. Guild wars 2 pvp in 2021 is not worth it 😕 I know that most bots is in lower division but that dont justify that u have to be in second highest division to enjoy pvp. Thats my eyes on pvp share what u think in comment
  23. After so long why this not been fixed yet? Today i made pharus legendary bow i feel kinda disappointed that half the time usin it the bow string cant be seen. Most the time it happens when you use mount skills. Please fix
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