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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. Thats the whole problem. U cant do them solo cuz there always people around that jump in and help you even if u dont want help. Sometimes u just want to do things on u own
  2. Pvp never gonna be good when. U have other classes that perform better than others. When u have elite specs that perform better than none elite spec = u have to pay real money to get these also u have to be lucky on u teammates as u can only queue with 1 friend. No match system cuz of a no playerbase for the gamemode . So many rng when u start a match that way pvp never gonna be great. Thats just how games like these works
  3. What i ask for is i want to do them alone with out help. No matter where i go when i start a hero challenge always people who join and help and that i dont want
  4. For expansion hero point challenges I wish there was a way to do them alone. Is not that i complain there people always to help u but sometimes u just want to try the challenges alone with out help and there are no option to do that. It would be really cool with a option so only u can fight them maby in a private instance or something.
  5. gw2 has high skill level xD man i heard it all
  6. did u just say this game has a high skill level ? my 10 years i never heard someone say that about guild wars 2 .. i quess doin almost anything this game clickin auto attack and still win is what u call high skill level lool
  7. is not about that. Is that i think is stupid at this point in openworld u can run around with evey boon in the game almost perma just for takein both jae tech way to overpowered
  8. so i just found out if i take jae tech both defensive and offensive i get evey boon in the game for over over 10 sekund and some for a 60 sekunds each time i i go in combat? ? ...... man this is way to much this way in openworld u dont need to set up a build for any boons? broken .....
  9. Cuz its has mostly nothing to do with you own personal skills but all about how lucky rng u get on you teammates and the fact u always stuck to play with randoms make this game mode unplayable to enjoy
  10. And this is one of the reasons why i stop bother or care about getting skins or anything this game nothing will ever feel speciel or uniq sadly
  11. before u could skip the whole game on a skyscale havin mounts make all maps feel so small and yeahh u can skip 90% of the game with them is not so cool
  12. There are 100s post om gamer sites and Reddit post around what seems to be gw3
  13. Thank you. Gant wait to see the game in unreal engine 5.
  14. When i Play ff14 Than come back in GW2 Than GW2 feel really dead as a mmo
  15. U dont need to pay to Play Pvp and we talkin Pvp and is fre to Play
  16. No is not .. whole core game is free only expansion and livin World maps cost money
  17. I got more than 14k spirit Shards and like 8 stacks tomes 31 million karma nothing to use for
  18. Been usin it for like 8 years. No u wont get banned
  19. please anet fix this eveytime i use my mount i have to re-click on stow pet 1 time clickin on it should be enouth.
  20. If u have tryed a consoll set up for this game than u know its not good.
  21. Pp Yes graphical this game looks really outdated sadly. Lets Hope 1 Day they update All the low textures this game surffer from
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