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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. I remember anet said that long time ago they wanted fractals to be something u can do quick in you lunch break .. but that dosent add up anymore. I dont understand that they heard how all dislike how long sunqua pre was and said they heard the feedback but than they make a new one right after with same long pre. Im doin fractals daily each day and sunqua and this new one many people simple skip.
  2. The time ? Each raid boss take around 5 min to kill or less ..
  3. No. We have 1 for each game mode. No reason to have more than that. Also at this point they should stop maekin Legendary items and just make them skins to unlock for cheaper price.
  4. Last PvP update was like 2016 or something for PvP .. they dont maintain anything and they for sure spend resources on everything else
  5. I agree. This rune should not be a thing for sure. It does to much in 1 thing. Super speed and stealth..plz
  6. I mean they already have the animations for throw Spears added if u go to eye of north u see a sunspear guy throw Spear
  7. Thank you anet. Now i can finally enjoy the game with out looking at silly discoballs infusion abusers
  8. i was lvl 2 and i clicked my lvl 50 tome nothing happen and i used like 80 tomes to get to lvl 80 i was lvl 50 after that + i watched each time i clicked my lvl up tomes sometimes i clicked and 4 desapired each time in 1 click
  9. i used a lvl 50 lvl up scroll i dident get any lvl i used like 80 tomes and i still was lvl 50 and when i click the lvl scrolls sometimes i click 10 times and i only get 4 lvl ups and they all used
  10. no 1 cares about peoples paid and win traded gizmo's. when a match start is not funny for people who are new to the game to see that the other team maby be top 10 pvp player. it really kills the fun for most.
  11. Lets face it. Pvp is not a nice place or any good place to be right now. Something needs to be done. if u make some small changes it might be a better place. 1. Do not show account names or character names. 2. Do not show others titles or pvp gizmos. 3. Get ride of that after match standin up there and dancing thing it does not bring anything good to the game and Do not show who won the match affter you are teleported back in town. I think this way u make a much less toxic environment.
  12. I think people should be allowed to pick what they want to see and what they dont wanna see .. that way i think u make most happy. But big backpacks legendary trinkets and infusions effects they are the most annoying for most
  13. Yeah.. how can i forget this amazing moment doing that ... Sorry
  14. I was ready to get back in action and do the new story just to find out i have to spend more than 1 haour doin nothing and just lising to npcs talkin ... after that i was to Burnout and i had to take a break :S
  15. 1% playerbase in pvp thats whats going on
  16. Nice. Gz. Now we just need a settings to turn off all these stupid looking effects on our screen 🙂
  17. Thiefs them self is not a problem but builds that give u 90% stealth uptime is a problem.
  18. Ranger downed skills always been unfair with that pet ress
  19. Give it a cc bar u ally can break .. i mean anything that has 0 counter to it is just bad game design
  20. People with true skills dont play Guild Wars 2 son
  21. Yeah i played for 10 years a d i got like 13k haours in spvp but over 100 win and 14 loose no way u do that if u play legit
  22. 121 win 14 loose. please .. we all know cheat manipulation with the system and all is goin on. is sad cuz the gamemode it self is good but its bein abused so much that is imposible to like
  23. If u played Guild Wars 1 back than u will remember the patch update where it said report system dident work for 10 years and they now fixed it. So dont count on it in this game either to work
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