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Everything posted by Draygo.9473

  1. A luck gobbler would probably be fine. Raising the cap just isnt an option from the notes from the devs as to why MF is globally capped.
  2. Personal story is basically GW2's solo content. Which gets expanded every living world season and expansion. I would support a 'hard mode' for personal story where everything is tougher. It would take dev time and I would also support it being a bit more rewarding to do. Anet might have also considered it and probably determined it isnt worth the dev time. As far as current repeatable solo content: DRM's. The problem from anet's prospective is why you say you want more hard soloable content, the majority of the player base does not gravitate to such things. Anet has the stats, they know where the money is and they will continue to cater to that audience more so than what you desire. As far as this thread, the OP is taking an unfalsifiable position so, arguing isn't going to get you anywhere and probably wont be productive. In EoD anet has been smarter about setting up fights giving you multiple challenge levels, Personal Story - Strike - Strike CM. I wouldnt mind if anet added Personal Story CM as a step.
  3. There is no real consequence on just doing your story quest at a higher level. It will downlevel you.
  4. I consider the fact that anet does not invalidate older content one of the strongest points of the game in the games favor. I find the metas for EoD mostly enjoyable, with probably New Kaineng being the exception.
  5. They should replace vet with Reward Track Earner (Earn a reward from any reward track) and be done with it. The PvP dailies can be done in 15 minutes if you win, wvw should be just as simple.
  6. I dont think that is how the system will work. I'm sure if you are an active wvw player, even if you have no guild you will be assigned to a team when the restructure happens. I think for the first go of the system, these players were simply left unassigned. I had a few guild members that had to select their shard even though they were guilded. One of them was a completely new player, he had selected our guild for WvW but never played wvw before, reset happened, and he was unable to get into the map. When I had him share his screen, it was asking him what team he wanted to be apart of. Another player hadnt played wvw for over a year, and did not select a guild for WvW, and was able to choose which 'server' to join. So I think the system is allowing players that either have not played WvW for a while or havent played WvW at all to manually select their server for the first time. I do believe this is a 'first time only' and they will automatically be assigned in the next matchup. Its probably preferred to do this instead of throwing new players on a random team just because they dont understand the system.
  7. I think it has to do with the fact that the gunblade is a bundle, and you are forced to drop them in the arena.
  8. I would agree that Zhaitan needs an update. And perhaps a strike mission/cm ;). The biggest issues is that Zhaitan needs the ability to win the fight. Its the final boss of the core game, while it doesnt need to be super challenging, it needs to be able to win. A really soft DPS check so the airship or all its guns can be destroyed (and a continue button to reset the fight) would help it. Plus having mechanics that use the AoE indicators seen in future fights, (again not tough mechanics). It doesnt need to be super tough, you just need the ability to fail. I also think there should be strikes/cms added to pretty much all major story beats in the game, this way players are introduced and constantly reinforced on the strike/cm idea. Were getting a strike for LS1, then the next strike you get is in 2 expansions and 3 LW seasons later, a huge gap. We should have a Strike for Zhaitan fight, LWS1 finale, LSW2 (mord's dragon minion?), HoT finale, LWS3 caudacus fight? or defending the egg? or draconis mons finale?, PoF finale, and LS4 kralk fight. Doing this will better reinforce the 'endgame' of gw2 earlier and get more people into endgame content.
  9. Note that the asset kit also has some additional guidelines packed in it: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/media/asset-kit/ Considering that some of the assets can be used by for-profit publications there are probably some images that can be used in this way.
  10. The difference in DPS between 5 cats and 6 cats is really not all that much. But the difference between being able to place 2 cats instead of 1 cat for a small party is huge. Nerfing the supply requirements hurts small groups more than zergs. If anything I would like to see the target cap for ballista moved to 50 (from 10), and AC damage buffed 10% to make up for the defensive power creep this game has. Probably an unpopular opinion, but it is as it is.
  11. Hi, bug happened to me at 10:25 pm central us time. It threw me to the back of the queue after the popup happened.
  12. We trolled the queues on Friday reset on FA, EBG our friends had the outnumbered buff with a 70+ person queue. This might have had a knock on effect that caused other issues who knows. Queue doesnt immediately ask the next person in line if someone hits the requeue or cancel buttons for their queue notification, it seems to wait the timeout regardless.
  13. You mean, you have to take skills and plan your fight at a higher level to get those stomps in a fight? Which is exactly my point? Nice goalpost shifting. I was not advocating for or against changing things when a side has the outnumbered buff. Nor advocating for or against anets systems of balancing overall server population. I'm on fort aspenwood which is also 'full' pretty much forever, so I also cant have my friends transfer in even though we are likely in T4 for nearly every week (except when SBI was our link and people were bandwagoning onto that server). I am also fully aware its Realm-vs-Realm-vs-Realm, but your example is a 1v4 situation so I'm limiting it to the two interacting teams in that specific instance.
  14. Ive been stomped by Elixir S more times than I care to count ;D.
  15. Again, you are invalidating a completely valid way to get a stomp because why? Is Guardian invalid because it has easy access to stab? Is Warrior invalid because warrior stances is easy, or they - you know - have an elite skill that literally stomps people? Is Engineer invalid because it can go immune (tiny form) while stomping Is Mesmer invalid because it also has a class immunity mechanic? Is Necro invalid because it probably would rather not stomp and continue spamming giga aoe on anyone attempting to res? Why do you have the right to win in a 1v4 anyway, run or get a friend or both. Its Realm vs Realm style pvp not dueling.
  16. Finishing someone is a skill, and if you cant do it, you don't have the skill to deserve that kill. I like what downstate does in smaller fights, I find the mechanic fun. And who's to say if your fun or my fun is something anet should cater to? I gave you 2 points that I think would improve the overall situation and allow more skill and counterplay. You can take it, or you can just keep spilling personal attacks because I simply have a different opinion. Figuring out how to get a stomp off should be part of your build if you want to fight outnumbered, its part of the build expression you need to consider for your build. I for one welcome that challenge.
  17. Did I say that? Numbers are an advantage, full stop. Figure out how to stomp while outnumbered. Its a skill you can learn. Boonball is a different issue entirely. The 2 changes to downstate I would support: 1) Remove rally on kill ( hard res or res skills only) 2) Remove the brief immunity when a player is downed.
  18. People that outnumber you should have an advantage, they outnumber you. Part of the skill of playing outnumbered is being able to navigate downstate.
  19. I'm fine with removing rally for kill, but not fine with removing downstate.
  20. I mined my instance node and bought the rest off the TP. Now anything I mine off the node in my home instance I sell on the TP daily.
  21. Yes its 75 base, but were talking about Vigorous Shouts which gives 20% reduction, putting it at 60s. Speaking of that you cant take VS and Phalanx strength together, so I'm asking for clarification for the line in the op: FGJ: Grants 10 Barrier to allies per Might shared through this skill (Phalanx Strength doubles it). ??
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