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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @reikken.4961 said:

    @reikken.4961 said:staff is essentially support only. it works usably well on support builds.It's also good for wide area (stationary) power dps. and I do mean dps. like for things that take 10+ seconds to kill. For single target or just smaller AoE, or for faster damage, the other weapons are better.

    It's just way too slow to excel at doing damage most of the time.

    Lava Font needs to do a tick of damage as soon as it's placed. That would help quite a bit.And Eruption and Ice Spike need either the cast time deleted or the delay reduced. Lightning Surge needs the cast reduced a bit as well.

    Uhhh, no.In a wvw zerg a well played staff weaver is the topdog of dmg. Better than heralds and necros.I don't see how that goes against anything I said. WvW zerg is very wide area.

    Sorry my fault, i got hung up on the "staff is essentially support only."

  2. @reikken.4961 said:staff is essentially support only. it works usably well on support builds.It's also good for wide area (stationary) power dps. and I do mean dps. like for things that take 10+ seconds to kill. For single target or just smaller AoE, or for faster damage, the other weapons are better.

    It's just way too slow to excel at doing damage most of the time.

    Lava Font needs to do a tick of damage as soon as it's placed. That would help quite a bit.And Eruption and Ice Spike need either the cast time deleted or the delay reduced. Lightning Surge needs the cast reduced a bit as well.

    Uhhh, no.In a wvw zerg a well played staff weaver is the topdog of dmg. Better than heralds and necros.

  3. @KrHome.1920 said:

    ...a walk in the park.

    He can still run away, but every class can...

    The build does also work on celestial (less base damage but better crits = overall the same damage), but is overall worse because celestial can still be overwhelmed with a well timed stunlock burst.

    How would that build kill a warrior? No critchance and dmg will tickle him, and healing sig and adrenal health will keep him alive.

    As soons as you enter shroud, warriors will use 1 leap and wait for you to turn it off, or until your lifeforce is gone.You don't understand the build.

    It has 13% base crit chance and 33% base crit chance in shroud. So much about the baseline. Every chill adds 6% crit chance. Every different condition on the warrior adds 2% crit chance. Typical is 5 conditions at a time which means 10% additional crit chance. Axe+F and GS apply a ton of vulnerability. Every stack of vulnerability adds 2% of crit chance.

    In a sustained fight you have a typical crit chance around 40 to 60% and since reaper shroud got heavy damage buffs and you run power main stat on a 3 stat amulet (maximum power possible) even your non crit damage is decent regarding your tankiness. A non crit grave digger typically deals 5 to 7k damage on that build.

    The purpose of vita+tougness gear is that you can leave shroud at any time without having to worry about getting nuked. You have 29k life on 2,9k armor. The moment my target kites, I move in the opposite direction with RS2 and leave shroud. Good luck for him to kill me then within 10 seconds! Chasing on necro is impossible so you better never try and focus on your impact and sustain when your target actually engages.

    That build is weak to thieves (just go full berserk against them!) because you won't hit them often enough to build up your crit chance. But it gets stronger the more your target stays at range. And core warrior is full melee.

    This is btw. how reaper is meant to be played. Generating crit chance via vulnerabilty and conditions and better invest the stats that are not power into defense.

    This build shows why an instant teleport and a shroud cooldown reduction on necro is a bad idea. Give that build more mobility and better shroud access and it loses all its weaknesses.

    Oof, ill stop you right there. I understood what you were going for, i looked for the 33% critchance in shroud, but guess what, its not there, you linked the wrong build (i cant know that)The link you posted has curses and spite in it, 33crit is in soulreaping.

    So for me, it made no sense.

    And you think you can keep 5 condis on warrior for long? Each weaponswap every 5 seconds is 1 cleanse, add sigel of cleansing on one weapon thats 4 cleanses every 10seconds, add shake it off with 2 ammo stacks and 6 condis cleansed with 1 use.

    I often run sword+shield + gs on core warrior, and it takes 1 leap to get away from shroud, when you leave shroud i still have 3 gapcloser left to come back at you.

  4. @Kovu.7560 said:

    @Kovu.7560 said:Guardian should have votes, there's more of them in the gamemode than any profession other than necromancer. Doesn't matter how tanky they are, there are still
    of them

    ~ Kovu

    Most zerggroups i see have 1 guard and 2 necros in each subgroup.Both are slow af, but most guards play tankstats, while necros go for dmg, and guard has more active defenses than necro.

    Agreed, hence the "other than necromancer".

    ~ Kovu

    Why are you not voting for necro then, if they die the most?

  5. @"KrHome.1920" said:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2FlJwEZcMPWJOuLateA-zRIYS09XGZmq9WV2eSCj/A-e

    ...a walk in the park.

    He can still run away, but every class can...

    The build does also work on celestial (less base damage but better crits = overall the same damage), but is overall worse because celestial can still be overwhelmed with a well timed stunlock burst.

    How would that build kill a warrior? No critchance and dmg will tickle him, and healing sig and adrenal health will keep him alive.

    As soons as you enter shroud, warriors will use 1 leap and wait for you to turn it off, or until your lifeforce is gone.

  6. @Kovu.7560 said:Guardian should have votes, there's more of them in the gamemode than any profession other than necromancer. Doesn't matter how tanky they are, there are still more of them to kill.

    ~ Kovu

    Most zerggroups i see have 1 guard and 2 necros in each subgroup.Both are slow af, but most guards play tankstats, while necros go for dmg, and guard has more active defenses than necro.

  7. @L A T I O N.8923 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    Sentrys and Supply Camps are not game winning objectives, though they do contribute to the final score. No one is soloing Keep or Castle champions

    @RedShark.9548 said:On the red border id say lors are too strong even, being stuck in a tiny circle that isnt passable, even with stability can mean death to a whole zerg.

    4 minutes is a long time, not including how long it takes to get through outer and inner. If it took 4 minutes to take a Supply Camp a lot less would be flipping. Half the time if you can't take it before swords pop you're probably going to have to deal with minimum of one defender.

    I suppose I should rephrase though, what I meant was that people soloing Keep lords is uncommon. It can happen, yes, but it's time consuming and unlikely to achieve uninterrupted unless it's off peak hours. Anything can be soloed with enough time, but by that logic, all NPC's should be buffed in such a way that they cannot be damaged unless a certain threshold of players is met, which I don't think anyone would want.

    Im not sure what you are trying to tell me?Replying to the wrong post?

    Imo lords should just be dmg sponges to zergs, to give defenders time to actually come defend, and not help to actually wipe a zerg, like keep lorda on red borders can do.They should offer some difficulty to small groups or solo players tho. Keeps are important objectives and should only be capped by players that know what they are doing or big groups of players.

    Someone mentioned powercreep and how much faster they die now, but you also have to factor in that defenders are alot faster now, with gliding and warclaw riding.

    Camps are fine as they are, make them any harder and you will kill roaming even further.

    I mean i agree with you lords should be sponges on a certain level. Bosses on dessert bl have their own Theme, unique keep and a lord/Boss to match those

    And to be fair i like lordroom fights more there because IT can make you seize momentums more. For example airkeep isnt 'stack on the lord with 60 so those 20 cant Harm you', how open lordroom of firekeep is (but tbh they could add a bit more lava there).

    IT grants something alpine or ebg barely does; different encounters. Now its basicly who hits the most accurate on placebound red circles. On airkeep Being that team and rushing to lord Will get you killed (and lord is a big factor for that).

    Long story short; i wouldnt mind a tryout for different lords on alpine/ebg because they feel kitten An easy, especially since towerlord is single target damage

    Its hard enough to flip a t3 keep with defenders inside, these lords make it almost impossible, if the defenders have about the same numbers. No amount of personal skill or strategy will change that, if you cloud at the boss, you are an easy target for the enemy zerg, if you stack at the boss you will get caught in the circle and be an easy target for the enemy zerg.

    Pve shouldnt have an impact on the outcome of 2 big blobs fighting, it should only impact small fights.

    Not sure if i understand what you mean by smallscale and largescale here ...and especially WHY IT needs pve

    A lord is pve... One that interfereces with the wvw player vs player combat.

    A small group, like 1-10 ppl should have difficulties taking it WHEN 1-10 ppl defend it.

    Big groups, like 50 man fullblobs shouldnt be phased by the lord, especially, when fighting another 50 man zerg, that has shorter ways to come back

    Hmmm? That sounds rather wierd...kinda contradicting to the nature of the beast, smallscale allready demands more tactical insight at a certain point then largescale. Especially if you relying more on the 'single' mind instead of the singular

    Contradicting what exactly? The role of the lord should be slowing down the cap speed during low pop hours, but it shouldn't be an upscaling raid boss for the zerg, at which point it should shift more towards mass pvp aspect of the wvw.

    And whats PVP without a little circumstancial strategy? There's always An option for open field fighting if you like. Secondly small scale been gutted to favor the zerg, which been favored on so many occasions last years in updates its actually crazy. But if you insist kid:

    I see 3 things happening if the lord gets 'harder' for small scale
    1. A strong 50 man zerg balling on the lord and cant be touched since support goes to the ones that need IT (most skills)
    2. A 10 man group struggling to get the right coordination out to kill the lord and the players
    3. A small havock group that gets inside need to kill in An x amount of time before the zerg responds

    I never said that lords should become harder. Alpine lords are fine, red border lords are too much.

    I qant it for smaller groups to be a challenge because keeps shouldnt be easy for small groups, those are objectives that, if not sneaked, should be taken by large forces.

    Its easy to find a small group to attack a keep, so it should be harder for them to take.But its relatively hard to find 50 organized ppl to attack, so it should be easier for them to take it.

    And 50 ppl vs 50 ppl takes enough strategy (even tho alot of ppl on the forum tend to say otherwise, but its my opinion) that there doesnt need to be some npcs kittening you up. Especially while being attacked from every side and having your opponents constantly running back with their warclaw after you killed them, and your dead ppl having longer distances to walk and most likely having to open the gates again.

  8. @L A T I O N.8923 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    Sentrys and Supply Camps are not game winning objectives, though they do contribute to the final score. No one is soloing Keep or Castle champions

    @RedShark.9548 said:On the red border id say lors are too strong even, being stuck in a tiny circle that isnt passable, even with stability can mean death to a whole zerg.

    4 minutes is a long time, not including how long it takes to get through outer and inner. If it took 4 minutes to take a Supply Camp a lot less would be flipping. Half the time if you can't take it before swords pop you're probably going to have to deal with minimum of one defender.

    I suppose I should rephrase though, what I meant was that people soloing Keep lords is uncommon. It can happen, yes, but it's time consuming and unlikely to achieve uninterrupted unless it's off peak hours. Anything can be soloed with enough time, but by that logic, all NPC's should be buffed in such a way that they cannot be damaged unless a certain threshold of players is met, which I don't think anyone would want.

    Im not sure what you are trying to tell me?Replying to the wrong post?

    Imo lords should just be dmg sponges to zergs, to give defenders time to actually come defend, and not help to actually wipe a zerg, like keep lorda on red borders can do.They should offer some difficulty to small groups or solo players tho. Keeps are important objectives and should only be capped by players that know what they are doing or big groups of players.

    Someone mentioned powercreep and how much faster they die now, but you also have to factor in that defenders are alot faster now, with gliding and warclaw riding.

    Camps are fine as they are, make them any harder and you will kill roaming even further.

    I mean i agree with you lords should be sponges on a certain level. Bosses on dessert bl have their own Theme, unique keep and a lord/Boss to match those

    And to be fair i like lordroom fights more there because IT can make you seize momentums more. For example airkeep isnt 'stack on the lord with 60 so those 20 cant Harm you', how open lordroom of firekeep is (but tbh they could add a bit more lava there).

    IT grants something alpine or ebg barely does; different encounters. Now its basicly who hits the most accurate on placebound red circles. On airkeep Being that team and rushing to lord Will get you killed (and lord is a big factor for that).

    Long story short; i wouldnt mind a tryout for different lords on alpine/ebg because they feel kitten An easy, especially since towerlord is single target damage

    Its hard enough to flip a t3 keep with defenders inside, these lords make it almost impossible, if the defenders have about the same numbers. No amount of personal skill or strategy will change that, if you cloud at the boss, you are an easy target for the enemy zerg, if you stack at the boss you will get caught in the circle and be an easy target for the enemy zerg.

    Pve shouldnt have an impact on the outcome of 2 big blobs fighting, it should only impact small fights.

    Not sure if i understand what you mean by smallscale and largescale here ...and especially WHY IT needs pve

    A lord is pve... One that interfereces with the wvw player vs player combat.

    A small group, like 1-10 ppl should have difficulties taking it WHEN 1-10 ppl defend it.Big groups, like 50 man fullblobs shouldnt be phased by the lord, especially, when fighting another 50 man zerg, that has shorter ways to come back

  9. @L A T I O N.8923 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    Sentrys and Supply Camps are not game winning objectives, though they do contribute to the final score. No one is soloing Keep or Castle champions

    @RedShark.9548 said:On the red border id say lors are too strong even, being stuck in a tiny circle that isnt passable, even with stability can mean death to a whole zerg.

    4 minutes is a long time, not including how long it takes to get through outer and inner. If it took 4 minutes to take a Supply Camp a lot less would be flipping. Half the time if you can't take it before swords pop you're probably going to have to deal with minimum of one defender.

    I suppose I should rephrase though, what I meant was that people soloing Keep lords is uncommon. It can happen, yes, but it's time consuming and unlikely to achieve uninterrupted unless it's off peak hours. Anything can be soloed with enough time, but by that logic, all NPC's should be buffed in such a way that they cannot be damaged unless a certain threshold of players is met, which I don't think anyone would want.

    Im not sure what you are trying to tell me?Replying to the wrong post?

    Imo lords should just be dmg sponges to zergs, to give defenders time to actually come defend, and not help to actually wipe a zerg, like keep lorda on red borders can do.They should offer some difficulty to small groups or solo players tho. Keeps are important objectives and should only be capped by players that know what they are doing or big groups of players.

    Someone mentioned powercreep and how much faster they die now, but you also have to factor in that defenders are alot faster now, with gliding and warclaw riding.

    Camps are fine as they are, make them any harder and you will kill roaming even further.

    I mean i agree with you lords should be sponges on a certain level. Bosses on dessert bl have their own Theme, unique keep and a lord/Boss to match those

    And to be fair i like lordroom fights more there because IT can make you seize momentums more. For example airkeep isnt 'stack on the lord with 60 so those 20 cant Harm you', how open lordroom of firekeep is (but tbh they could add a bit more lava there).

    IT grants something alpine or ebg barely does; different encounters. Now its basicly who hits the most accurate on placebound red circles. On airkeep Being that team and rushing to lord Will get you killed (and lord is a big factor for that).

    Long story short; i wouldnt mind a tryout for different lords on alpine/ebg because they feel kitten An easy, especially since towerlord is single target damage

    Its hard enough to flip a t3 keep with defenders inside, these lords make it almost impossible, if the defenders have about the same numbers. No amount of personal skill or strategy will change that, if you cloud at the boss, you are an easy target for the enemy zerg, if you stack at the boss you will get caught in the circle and be an easy target for the enemy zerg.

    Pve shouldnt have an impact on the outcome of 2 big blobs fighting, it should only impact small fights.

  10. @Aeolus.3615 said:

    @Aeolus.3615 said:Buff healing signet XD


    Need moarz green numbers.

    Healing signet should have a trait: signets perform better the more signets u have, since signets are tied to magic rituals and the chosen.

    It does: Signet Mastery. Adept tier in Arms. CD reduction, +100 Ferocity per signet used, and if you hit someone below 50% hp you get a proc of Signet of Might, which also gives +100 ferocity along with unblockable attacks and 10 stacks of might.

    Oh yah ._. totally forgot about it, 10sec of unblockables if i recall.

    6 seconds, and technically it doesnt boost the effect of a signet, it gives the unique ferocity buff (i still liked the preci more, for builds with no preci in gear)But you are not healing more from healing sig, or get more buffs from rage.

  11. @SeikeNz.3526 said:too bad they didn't nerfed the whole warrior kit, because they can still do 10k dmg per hit while cc you without rampage

    Seikenz at it again, lel, nobody takes you seriously anymore because of your overexaggerated statements, please stay true to the facts, thanks.

    Rampage definately needed those nerfs, even as a warrior main it felt lame and just overpowered to use. And also dying to it feels just as bad.

    They really should buff signet or banner tho, those arent rly good in pvp... Banner better than signet, but still.Id rather have a normal utility slot instead the elite slot for pvp honestly

  12. @"Hannelore.8153" said:Judging by my own experience fighting them, Revenant. I think this has to do with the fact that if you catch them in the wrong Legend they're basically mince meat, its kind of like an Ele without Water except if they only had Fire and Air equipped.

    It always seemed like the class would do much better with three legends, given their limited utility skill selection.

    Ooof, no 3 legends would be the worst thing ever. OP af.

    And no, you dont die just because you are on the "wrong" legend.

    On glint you have 3 seconds of dmg to heal. And you have a fricking staff with a dash/evade and a pretty good block abillity.

    And on shiro you have a stunbreak that also evades and rolls you backwards, making for very easy repositioning and you also have a teleport of 1200 range, so if your commander pushes through the enemy, just pick a target infront and teleport over the enemy melees.

    If ppl die alot on rev, they have bad positioning and no idea how to reposition.

    Im sure its necro, becaus3 there are ALOT of them, more numbers means higher chances of bad players.They barely have any repositioning tool, so if in a bad position they die quickly.

    If there were as many eles and necros in a zerg id probably say ele, because they are even squishier, but there are way more necros.

  13. Try running spellbreaker with magebane tether, strength with might makes right and defense for adrenal health.

    Paired with healing signet you get alot of hp regen.

    Avoid taking dmg, with that build you can dodge ALOT also spellbreaker fullcounter when you see a big hit incoming to block it.

    If you have 4 allied players around you swap out defense for tactic and use phalanx strength and the shout "for great justice"This will result in "for great justice healing you, with mmr, phalanx strength and mending might, for around 5k with the shout having ammo on low cd.

    You can also use frenzy for 10 stacks might, resulting in even more heal for you.

    (i guess you are talking about pve)

  14. In zerg shoutwarrior with sword+horn, hammer and for great justice, shake it of and balanced stance.Tactics, spellbreaker, defense

    For roaming i mostly use spellbreaker, defense and discipline with greatsword, dagger+shield

  15. @Liza.2758 said:the real fight is in spvp.

    if u know what you are doing or well if u r at least gold in spvp u should never die in a fair fight in wvw.

    there are too much stats , un nerfed traits , perm stealth and disengage tools.

    i was wondering why rune of speed is expensive since it's garbo in spvp then i found out oh ..... for wvwers

    More stats also means there is alooot more dmg going around. I find it alot more difficult to disengage and survive smallscale battles in wvw than in pvp. Alot of it having to do with ppl in wvw speccing more into mobility than dmg, because stats give them enough dmg to kill.(im not using a stealth class)

  16. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    Sentrys and Supply Camps are not game winning objectives, though they do contribute to the final score. No one is soloing Keep or Castle champions

    @"RedShark.9548" said:On the red border id say lors are too strong even, being stuck in a tiny circle that isnt passable, even with stability can mean death to a whole zerg.

    4 minutes is a long time, not including how long it takes to get through outer and inner. If it took 4 minutes to take a Supply Camp a lot less would be flipping. Half the time if you can't take it before swords pop you're probably going to have to deal with minimum of one defender.

    I suppose I should rephrase though, what I meant was that people soloing Keep lords is uncommon. It can happen, yes, but it's time consuming and unlikely to achieve uninterrupted unless it's off peak hours. Anything can be soloed with enough time, but by that logic, all NPC's should be buffed in such a way that they cannot be damaged unless a certain threshold of players is met, which I don't think anyone would want.

    Im not sure what you are trying to tell me?Replying to the wrong post?

    Imo lords should just be dmg sponges to zergs, to give defenders time to actually come defend, and not help to actually wipe a zerg, like keep lorda on red borders can do.They should offer some difficulty to small groups or solo players tho. Keeps are important objectives and should only be capped by players that know what they are doing or big groups of players.

    Someone mentioned powercreep and how much faster they die now, but you also have to factor in that defenders are alot faster now, with gliding and warclaw riding.

    Camps are fine as they are, make them any harder and you will kill roaming even further.

  17. @SeikeNz.3526 said:well the server is full on pve, wvw is boring so no one plays it

    Pve gametime is not counted into the calculation of how full a server is.

    It will take a few days, even 1 or 2 weeks for the server status to change, otherwise it would be way too easy to just tank, open the server up and let a big load of ppl transfer onto the server and then play on full force with an overstacked server.

    @""SeikeNz.3526"What are you even doing in the wvw subforum? All posts ive seen in here from you are negative towards the mode and in not a single way constructive.

    Did the pvp ppl bully you away?

  18. @SeikeNz.3526 said:i dont think the mounts are that bad, wvw is nothing more than running around one tower to another, theres no pvp only aoe spam fest, wvw is boring as hell

    Lel, found the guy who never played wvw more than 20minutes.

    About topic:Mounts are bad. For various reasons.Eotm should be deleted or become one of the border maps (with balance changes)Eotm was never rly a wvw map, only karmatrain.You can still level in wvw, you dont get exp, but tomes of knowledge.

  19. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    As i mentioned before, the cd is lowered if you pick it up before it runs out on its own.

    I always hated rampage, and it being nerfed is the first step of other things being hopefully buffed.

    It will probably take a while, but whatever.But ppl in higher tiers of play will realize very quickly that warrior will underperform without overpowered rampage, so logically there has to be made some adjustments (i know anets logic is questionable alot of the time)

    Maybe Signet of Rage could refresh all Bursts and refill the adrenaline gauge when used? That would make it worth taking in every game mode.

    Yea, well, in wvw id still use WoD in zergs and rampage isnt changed there, which still makes it the strongest skill when roaming solo

    In pve, it would make sense if you are berserker, i think in core you only use bursts to keep berserkers power up and using them more is actually a dmg loss in raids...

    For pvp it would make sense. Might actually make it a bit too strong.

    Well, for a Roaming Berserker it would also be a benefit over Headbutt and would save a healing/utility slot that may have been used for adrenaline gain/burst refresh, or could be used with Blood Reckoning for triple bursts.

    As far as Rampage goes, it would be an elite that doesn't get kited. Some people may prefer the instant refill of their adrenaline and recharged bursts on Core rather than Rampage. Back to Back Arcing Slices or Earthshakers would be very nice on either Core or Spellbreaker.

    Mmmm on Spellbreaker it would refresh FC as well. So you could have Burst->FC->Burst->SoR->Burst->FC->Burst... That would be rather aggressive so long as kitten players procced FC for you...

    Like i said, in some cases it might even be too strong

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