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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Sovereign.1093 said:

    @zionophir.6845 said:if you can kill a deadeye rifle, with its stealth, teleports, probably higher crits, with a rifle warrior, what does it tell about you?

    that you are a god, or that the thief is utterly trash, or that he was afk

    Warriors has always done this. I suppose not many play riffle

    Warrior is heavily outclassed by rifle deadeye, and just because rifle gives him range doesnt do kitten. He wont hit any meaningful dmg.

  2. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Hannelore.8153" said:Its not effective right now, that's true, I think it affects PvE and WvW more than PvP though, because PvP is entirely skill-based play whereas in other gamemodes you have to rely more on surviving haphazard spam, etc which is where passive defense really shines. The larger and more noisey the fight, the less you can rely on dodges, evades, blocks and blinds and the more you need passives.

    I think that, at least in WvW, the minimum average armor rating should be 30%.. but maybe it's okay in PvP as it is ? The bigger problem is the extreme health disparity between classes which is completely rediculous (and always was..).

    Taking into account base health, Warrior has ~60% effective damage resistance compared to Ele..

    Yes, give ele 19k hp baseline.We will never see a downed ele anymore, because they have so much dmg mitigation and ways to heal themselfes back up. Same with guards.

    Oh also eles are ranged and can kite hardcore, while warrior is basically a full melee class (and no, rifle is not a viable weapon on war)

    Also, thieves max hp, to never be bursted down and always reset the fight.

    so ele ranged is viable and warrior not? :o

    Obviously, have you ever set a foot into wvw? Staff is a thing.Even fresh air is using scepter, which is ranged.

    wvw? this is spvp forumwhere staff ele is a thing? also rifle warrior is viable doing 18k crits, just one trick ponny

    And one trick ponys are generally not meta and thus not viable, so my point stands, rifle is not viable.

    Ive just checked metabattle, and there is a staff support build on the site, also scepter builds, like i said.

    You ignored my scepter comment completely.

    Btw no rifle metawarrior on there

    i ignored because scepter ele is a joke same as rifle warrior

    Ok, great argument, yikes, thank goodness ppl like you are not making the balance decisions

    what was your argument, metabattle? lmao

    I made points on why ele has less hp than warrior, you argued that my points were wrong without giving any proof i provided more arguments to proof my points, you havent done anything to disprove mine.

    And yes metabattle, because it generally gives a good starting point to what is played and what isnt.

    You obviously have a great understanding of pvp and everybody else is factually wrong when they disagree with you, you dont need facts and points to be right, everybody should just listen to your opinion, and thus this will be my last reply to you.

    Have a great day :)

    im not even talking about hp lol, talking about toughness, i agree with the hp sentences ;), but if you need metabattle to understand builds you cant say that you have great understanding of pvp

    Omg you are so kitten that i honestly have to reply again.I know that your original post was about armor, but the post i was replying to was about hp, and you replied to my hp post, so we are talking about hp (maybe offtopic, but who cares) .Maybe you should read and think about it before you reply.

    I never stated i use metabattle to understand a build. I use metabattle to get an understanding of what ppl play, because im not that high up on my horse to think that i know about every possible build for each individual class. Assuming that would be nuts. I use other sources outside of my own brain, because most of the time you wont be able to figure out every possible way to play or in general find every possible solution to fix a problem.

    Metabattle might not always have the best and refinded builds but it gives a good outline to what is played and viable, just because you think some of them are bad and "jokes" doesnt mean that they are, and that other ppl dont use them successfully

    Your only reliable source to appear credible would be yourself playing the actual class, if that would have been the case..you would have never stated something like
    viable scepter ele build on metabattle
    ..you lost any credibility once you've said that. Btw I do play warrior and personally if I slot : strength 3-2-2 / tactics 1-2-2 and discipline 2-3-3 with battle sigil and fireworks runes ( WvW) or strength runes ( PvP)....I would be effectively immortal to any ele build
    (outside fireweaver hence why you lot are so desperare to see it nerfed..it's the only ele build you cannot walk all over by simply breathing)
    ...nah I don't use SB to deal with a core/tempest ele, that would be overkill xd....

    In the end do multiclass before attempting any balance discussion

    You do know this post is pretty old, right?Second, you think balance devs of every game play every single class and build on a high level themself before they make changes?Third, ive seen good scepter eles, just because you cant win a fight with it doesnt mean the build is bad.

  3. @ThomasC.1056 said:

    @"Coinhead.7591" said:Is removing come stat combinations from gear a possibility? Personally I wouldn't mind to see minstrel gear gone :)

    To be honest, I think they should just put everyone in exotic celestial gear with superior divinity runes, for a 1 week to 1 month long trial. At first, I thought it as a joke, but I'm considering more and more seriously that it could be useful.

    You could see whether the stat choice is that impactful or not, and above all, you could see what part of the issues come from the stat, and what part comes from the skills/traits.

    Last but not least, you could also see whether a lower DPS/higher sustain actually increases the TTK, to what extent, and whether it's actually better/funnier.

    Or we could just use PvP style stat selection in a PvP mode, and make it fair on everyone regardless of PvE incomes.

    Must be new here in the WvW section :p

    Ammy system would kill build diversity. PvP has its own problems and special toxicity. To bring that into a grander scale would cause more issues on top of killing diversity.

    I agree. My suggestion is only a week-test, and specifically with celestial to equalize the stats of everyone, and see what comes from the stats, and what comes from the rest (passive procs, etc.), in the scope of the big balance rework that's in progress.

    Just because you "equalize the stats" does in no way mean that you also equalized every class. Necro, ele and guard for example benefit from every single stat of celestial, to a point where it was actually played basically as meta build for some time. While warrior, ranger etc. wont make use of alot of those provided stats, making them alot less effective than those other classes that can use those stats.You would effectively have some classes play with less statpoints than others, how is that anywhere near balanced?

    Id take pvp amulets ANYTIME over your all celestial proposal.

    You should consider reading more carefully.

    telling everyone should be in celestial all the time. Not at all.

    I'm telling that it should be a temporary check, specifically because, as you're saying :

    Necro, ele and guard for example benefit from every single stat of celestial, to a point where it was actually played basically as meta build for some time. While warrior, ranger etc. wont make use of alot of those provided stats, making them alot less effective than those other classes that can use those stats.

    So it's just a way to check what class is overperforming and by what mean. I'm not telling it's any kind of solution towards a more balanced game. Only it's an idea of a diagnostic among others.

    I understood that its temporary, but its not a "check". You wont see whos overperforming, you would only see who benefits the most from celestial gear, nothing more, nothing less.And we even know which classes are benefitting the most.This would only make sense if you wanted to balance classes around celestial gear.

    If you give them all celestial, then start balancing them, so that they all are equally good, and then go back to all armor stats open, what do you think would happpen?

    You gain absolutely nothing from your test. Ofc a warrior will perform worse on celestial than a guard, ele or necro...And there is no problem with that, it doesnt mean those classes are overperforming, just because they are able to make use of all those stats.What do you think you gain from your "diagnosis" ?

  4. Groupplay has also gotten less fun, for me atleast.The amount of dmg flying around is so kitten.Meteor casually hitting for 16k.Phase smash, cor, vaults, and many more, all this kitten has to be toned down big time. Its like rolling a dice.You either get hit by 1 or 2 of those whilst running in a group and die or you dont because target cap or random aegis.

    Most fights are over/decided in mere seconds.This is hella boring and imo very unhealthy for the gamemode.

  5. @ThomasC.1056 said:

    @"Coinhead.7591" said:Is removing come stat combinations from gear a possibility? Personally I wouldn't mind to see minstrel gear gone :)

    To be honest, I think they should just put everyone in exotic celestial gear with superior divinity runes, for a 1 week to 1 month long trial. At first, I thought it as a joke, but I'm considering more and more seriously that it could be useful.

    You could see whether the stat choice is that impactful or not, and above all, you could see what part of the issues come from the stat, and what part comes from the skills/traits.

    Last but not least, you could also see whether a lower DPS/higher sustain actually increases the TTK, to what extent, and whether it's actually better/funnier.

    Or we could just use PvP style stat selection in a PvP mode, and make it fair on everyone regardless of PvE incomes.

    Must be new here in the WvW section :p

    Ammy system would kill build diversity. PvP has its own problems and special toxicity. To bring that into a grander scale would cause more issues on top of killing diversity.

    I agree. My suggestion is only a week-test, and specifically with celestial to equalize the stats of everyone, and see what comes from the stats, and what comes from the rest (passive procs, etc.), in the scope of the big balance rework that's in progress.

    Just because you "equalize the stats" does in no way mean that you also equalized every class. Necro, ele and guard for example benefit from every single stat of celestial, to a point where it was actually played basically as meta build for some time. While warrior, ranger etc. wont make use of alot of those provided stats, making them alot less effective than those other classes that can use those stats.You would effectively have some classes play with less statpoints than others, how is that anywhere near balanced?

    Id take pvp amulets ANYTIME over your all celestial proposal.

  6. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I keep seeing several arguments about the idea that: "Kiting only happens while in combat." "When you are on Warclaw it is because you are out of combat, not in combat" "So therefore you cant be kiting while on a Warclaw, you are running away."

    ^ This is a ridiculous argument. First of all, kiting opponents is kiting opponents. If opponents are chasing you and you are moving away from them so that you can better position for a counter offnse, you are kiting opponents. I don't care if it technically is in combat or out of combat under GW2 terms, kiting opponents is kiting opponents, especially when they are moving faster than you in their own territory. I don't care if you OOC briefly enough to mount, if you plan on running the Warclaw up around a ledge and dismounting to bottleneck 2 opponents into a small area so you can damage both of them at the same time, it's still kiting according to game terminology definition, regardless of how in/out of combat works in GW2.

    So if you want to keep bumping this thread, let's hit the nail on the head here and discuss the mechanical statistics of lance, rather than getting caught up on this "is it kiting if it's ooc?" that's like if a group of people started a discussion about how a car engine works, but then some guy shows up and starts injecting comments about why he thinks the car was painted red. It's off topic, it's irrelevant, it has nothing to do the mechanics behind the engine discussed.

    Oof, if you think discussing the usage (when exactly its bad to be used against you) of lance is off topic, in a thread about nerfing the lance then im not sure about what to say anymore.

    You are crying about the lance and not being able to burst down a zerg, but is that rly the lances fault? No, if anything, the whole mount is at fault, it adds a second lifebar to anyone, 3 dodges, stomp, way too much movementspeed. And it wont let you disengage after your "zergbusting"

    If you nerf lance then you will again have ppl jumping around you on their mounts, without fear of dying, laughing in your face, oh hell yea, what a fun time to be a roamer.

    Just remove the mount entirely. Smaller havoc groups that try to sneak objectives would benefit from that too, because the big blob couldnt react as fast as they do now with mount, when the small group gets spotted.

    You didnt even get the point of my post, i asked you why you just want the lance nerfed, and not the entire mount, and you just rambled on about stuff, that its "offtopic" etc.

    Also you didnt say anything to my post, the "offtopic" kiting thing was just one point i made lol


    I'm trying to stray away from Warclaw or no Warclaw, because the fact of the matter is that Arenanet has given us Warclaw. And if it isn't apparent at this point, Arenanet is not going to remove Warclaw from the game.

    The point of what I'm posting here, is to point out that Lance made it worse.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    If you read both pages instead of just the OP post, you'll see that we've already covered all of this.

    It doesnt matter to me on what you want to stay away from.You will NEVER balance the warclaw, no change to any of its skills will fix that abomination for wvw. And i still dont see how nerfing the lance would make your situation any better.I know that anet wont remove it, but still, i can say my honest opinion on that thing.Whatever, keep thinking you could balance warclaw in wvw, good luck.

  7. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"jgeezz.7832" said:I have Seen and IE ranger spam 3 rapid fires in the space of 30 secs Also i know people say they arent cheat its a common thread that they are not, I am not the only one who has seen. All i am saying all you hear from the dev talks and stuff is PVP this or PVP that nothing new and transfer cost plus its not the answer. we need some like into hell game play. there are too many battle grounds not enough players to cover it all.Rapid fire has a 10s cd... untraited...

    I wasnt sure how long it exactly had, but i was thinking the same, the problem with ppl calling others cheater is that many dont even look into the class of the "cheater" and what it actually can do.

    OP, was that your only example of a cheater?If ppl are not teleporting inside of objectoves etc, or with classes that have no teleport, then id be very cautious with accusing others of cheating

  8. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I keep seeing several arguments about the idea that: "Kiting only happens while in combat." "When you are on Warclaw it is because you are out of combat, not in combat" "So therefore you cant be kiting while on a Warclaw, you are running away."

    ^ This is a ridiculous argument. First of all, kiting opponents is kiting opponents. If opponents are chasing you and you are moving away from them so that you can better position for a counter offnse, you are kiting opponents. I don't care if it technically is in combat or out of combat under GW2 terms, kiting opponents is kiting opponents, especially when they are moving faster than you in their own territory. I don't care if you OOC briefly enough to mount, if you plan on running the Warclaw up around a ledge and dismounting to bottleneck 2 opponents into a small area so you can damage both of them at the same time, it's still kiting according to game terminology definition, regardless of how in/out of combat works in GW2.

    So if you want to keep bumping this thread, let's hit the nail on the head here and discuss the mechanical statistics of lance, rather than getting caught up on this "is it kiting if it's ooc?" that's like if a group of people started a discussion about how a car engine works, but then some guy shows up and starts injecting comments about why he thinks the car was painted red. It's off topic, it's irrelevant, it has nothing to do the mechanics behind the engine discussed.

    Oof, if you think discussing the usage (when exactly its bad to be used against you) of lance is off topic, in a thread about nerfing the lance then im not sure about what to say anymore.

    You are crying about the lance and not being able to burst down a zerg, but is that rly the lances fault? No, if anything, the whole mount is at fault, it adds a second lifebar to anyone, 3 dodges, stomp, way too much movementspeed. And it wont let you disengage after your "zergbusting"

    If you nerf lance then you will again have ppl jumping around you on their mounts, without fear of dying, laughing in your face, oh hell yea, what a fun time to be a roamer.

    Just remove the mount entirely. Smaller havoc groups that try to sneak objectives would benefit from that too, because the big blob couldnt react as fast as they do now with mount, when the small group gets spotted.

    You didnt even get the point of my post, i asked you why you just want the lance nerfed, and not the entire mount, and you just rambled on about stuff, that its "offtopic" etc.

    Also you didnt say anything to my post, the "offtopic" kiting thing was just one point i made lol

  9. @Tycura.1982 said:None stand out very much. The other specs should be buffed to match current performance. There's many viable classes right now and not a one of them doesn't have counterplay.

    In my estimation the classes in need of the most love are druid, scourge, renegade, core engie, dragon hunter, chrono, core thief, and berserker.

    How about we stop the powercreep and instead of buffing the underperformers, we nerf the overperformer to bring them in line?Your way of balancing brought us into this powercrept state of a game.

    @Hylo.1968 said:

    @Hylo.1968 said:Permastealth DE, condi Mirage, Symbolbrand, Bambi

    Edit: Warrior 0 effort self sustain

    Warrior has to hit f burst skills to get sustain, be it adrenal health (defense traitline isnt even meta anymore) or magebane tether/mmr

    If you avoid getting hit or break the tether you deny the warrior most of his sustain in the current metabuild.

  10. Well different amounts of players result in different playstyles needed to win a matchup (not that winning matters anything in wvw). When maps are full you need to be able to fight big scaled zergfights, when there are less ppl you need to be good in smallscale and defend/attack with small groups, completely different playstyles.If you cramp players into 1 group without an option for them to choose you will end up with just the same playstyle over and over again. Boring.

  11. I dont see how the lance particularily kittens you over when you are already infight...

    When kiting you are usually already infight, otherwise you would be just running away, there is a difference.

    So while infight you cant mount anyways, the problem i see is not the lance, but the mount itself, since when you kite a group some enemies will get out of combat and mount up, closing the distance again and reengage you with all their ppl again, making it impossible for ppl infight gaining any distance.

    You also talked about your guild fighting 5v10+ and bursting zergs down.

    What stops you now from doin that? Most likely you are engaging while stealthed (cant be mounted for that), you burst down your 10-15 ppl and try to run... Now again you are all infight and cant mount anyways, whats the lance doing now? You wont be able to run because the part of the zerg that didnt get hit can mount up and chase, closing the gap to kill you, while you are still infight.

    And i have to agree with dawdler on the part that ppl in the good ol days widely didnt know what they were doing, so ppl who actually did had it easier to bust them.

    Sure you had tryhards, but metabattle wasnt rly a thing and ppl in public zergs mostly ran own builds, not the metastuff that is all synergizing so well with each other and basically carries them.And dmg was much lower, so a smaller group wouldnt explode instantly when looked at by the remaining 35 players after they bursted 15 down.

  12. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Fueki.4753" said:Rather than changing the functionality, I'd like Anet to revert the bad joke they did to Rampage and add break bars to players in PvP for an
    overall nerf to CC


    But I still want to be kind of immersed when I use the skill is all.

    If I take a whole second-long animation to rip a quote "large boulder" from the ground, I expect it to hurt like a "large boulder" should, and not do half the damage of throwing a bolas less than a quarter of its size.

    The damage is fine so long as the skill makes sense. I feel like i'm trapped in the Matrix everytime I throw a boulder at someone, because throwing big heavy things and expecting big heavy things to hurt has been etched into our brains since the dawn of humankind. That's why a pebble would fit perfectly with the current damage, I think.

    Make the heartseeker deal fatal damage because mah immersion pls.Make 100b actually spawn 100 blades, because it takes me right out of the game :/Make the whirlwind cast actual whirlwind instead of spinning for some reason, or unplayable.Is bladetrail leaving the trail? I think we're actually good here, lucky!Also by that exact logic, you should be expecting a severe long-term damage from any stun skill. And you'd suddenly be fine with "pebble" somehow stunning people without inflicting the damage? That's not the immersion I'm expecting from a serious mmorpg.

    Pretending it's not a complaint about the nerf, but an "immersion" issue is just silly. :D

    Heartseeker is only seeking the heart, not 100% of the time always stabbing right through it.Silly

    Soooo you're saying there's a % chance to oneshot with heartseeker? :o

    Well, the idea behind it is, that the more wounded you are, the less agile etc, so less movement and easier for the thief to hit the heart. =more dmg the lower you are.

    But tbh, a hit to the heart probably wouldnt kill the PC anyways, plotarmor :^)

    Well that's one crappy assassin move then if he keeps missing unless the target is almost dead anyways. Took me right out of the game :angry:

    Thats why they have backstab, firat they backstab you, and if you manage to survive they stab you in the heart, to end your suffering

    If I trained for 80 levels and 375982346978 masteries/ELITE!specs "and whatnot" to have a move called "heartseeker", I did it to deliver accurate stab to the heart and end the fight that way, not use it as a finisher after backstabbing or otherwise slapping my assassination target. Even moreso, comming in stealthed to calmly aim my heartseeking stab would be a perfect opportunity to have a near 100% success rate, why would I want to just randomly stab someone on the back from there? I tell you, literally unplayable. All the previous immersion? Instantly gone! :/

    Because armor and randomdodging, dont you see ppl constantly rolling around, dodging those thiefs?

  13. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Fueki.4753" said:Rather than changing the functionality, I'd like Anet to revert the bad joke they did to Rampage and add break bars to players in PvP for an
    overall nerf to CC


    But I still want to be kind of immersed when I use the skill is all.

    If I take a whole second-long animation to rip a quote "large boulder" from the ground, I expect it to hurt like a "large boulder" should, and not do half the damage of throwing a bolas less than a quarter of its size.

    The damage is fine so long as the skill makes sense. I feel like i'm trapped in the Matrix everytime I throw a boulder at someone, because throwing big heavy things and expecting big heavy things to hurt has been etched into our brains since the dawn of humankind. That's why a pebble would fit perfectly with the current damage, I think.

    Make the heartseeker deal fatal damage because mah immersion pls.Make 100b actually spawn 100 blades, because it takes me right out of the game :/Make the whirlwind cast actual whirlwind instead of spinning for some reason, or unplayable.Is bladetrail leaving the trail? I think we're actually good here, lucky!Also by that exact logic, you should be expecting a severe long-term damage from any stun skill. And you'd suddenly be fine with "pebble" somehow stunning people without inflicting the damage? That's not the immersion I'm expecting from a serious mmorpg.

    Pretending it's not a complaint about the nerf, but an "immersion" issue is just silly. :D

    Heartseeker is only seeking the heart, not 100% of the time always stabbing right through it.Silly

    Soooo you're saying there's a % chance to oneshot with heartseeker? :o

    Well, the idea behind it is, that the more wounded you are, the less agile etc, so less movement and easier for the thief to hit the heart. =more dmg the lower you are.

    But tbh, a hit to the heart probably wouldnt kill the PC anyways, plotarmor :^)

    Well that's one crappy assassin move then if he keeps missing unless the target is almost dead anyways. Took me right out of the game :angry:

    Thats why they have backstab, firat they backstab you, and if you manage to survive they stab you in the heart, to end your suffering

  14. @Aeolus.3615 said:

    @Junkpile.7439 said:That build isn't any kind of problem if he doesn't have friend who give him stealth. If solo player wanna troll and use that build it work maybe once, but one cancerous solo deadeye can ruin your whole evening.

    True deadeye is 100 times worst. However i did have like 6 footages of deadeyes dead coz i casted the shot before they stealthed. Just did not upload because it did not show the damage done and had to wait 20s for them to get out of stealth after being downed.

    How much unblocables deadeye has??

    On warrior if targets block they die... while facing DE u have way more chances to stall at least, or u can completelly survive DE burst if u have quite some dimes and blocks, againsta warrior u won’t since it can bypass easilly.

    Imo unblockable uptime on warrior should work only on melee weapons.Reduce the crit modifier on rifle skills and build becomes balanced.

    Because warrior has such a great unblockable uptime, they either have to run a kitten traitline (that only procs at 50% hp) or run signet of might that takes up a very valuable utility slot.

  15. @Dawdler.8521 said:@Zephyra.4709 said:

    Let's be real here, how many times did you die though making this? No endure pain, only 1 stab on bar, no resistance, no condi cleanse.Yeah I'd rather meet this build 3v1 than a meta spellbreaker because even if we instantly loose 1 of the 3 that rifle warrior is inevitably going down after the shot, whereas the spellbreaker could probably take on all 3 and win lol.

    If you lose 3v1 to any single player you should honestly think about changing your builds, big oof right there

  16. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Fueki.4753" said:Rather than changing the functionality, I'd like Anet to revert the bad joke they did to Rampage and add break bars to players in PvP for an
    overall nerf to CC


    But I still want to be kind of immersed when I use the skill is all.

    If I take a whole second-long animation to rip a quote "large boulder" from the ground, I expect it to hurt like a "large boulder" should, and not do half the damage of throwing a bolas less than a quarter of its size.

    The damage is fine so long as the skill makes sense. I feel like i'm trapped in the Matrix everytime I throw a boulder at someone, because throwing big heavy things and expecting big heavy things to hurt has been etched into our brains since the dawn of humankind. That's why a pebble would fit perfectly with the current damage, I think.

    Make the heartseeker deal fatal damage because mah immersion pls.Make 100b actually spawn 100 blades, because it takes me right out of the game :/Make the whirlwind cast actual whirlwind instead of spinning for some reason, or unplayable.Is bladetrail leaving the trail? I think we're actually good here, lucky!Also by that exact logic, you should be expecting a severe long-term damage from any stun skill. And you'd suddenly be fine with "pebble" somehow stunning people without inflicting the damage? That's not the immersion I'm expecting from a serious mmorpg.

    Pretending it's not a complaint about the nerf, but an "immersion" issue is just silly. :D

    Heartseeker is only seeking the heart, not 100% of the time always stabbing right through it.Silly

    Soooo you're saying there's a % chance to oneshot with heartseeker? :o

    Well, the idea behind it is, that the more wounded you are, the less agile etc, so less movement and easier for the thief to hit the heart. =more dmg the lower you are.

    But tbh, a hit to the heart probably wouldnt kill the PC anyways, plotarmor :^)

  17. You summoned me?@"Lan Deathrider.5910"Lel

    Yea, this is what i run in big blobs


    If you want more healing output eat healingpower food and stones, and change the stack sigil to healingpower.

    That will provide the most healingpower, as power is directly increasing healingpower with tactics.

    Boonduration is a complete waste on warrior imo. You just dont provide many boons, and most already have long durations.The only short one rly is resistance from horn, but you need kitten loads of concentration to get from 2 seconds to 3...not worth it.Also, your hammer will still hit with 3-5k which is enough in a 50man blob to kill stuff, when others press their buttons too.

    In my guild i often run this setup without the heal, focusing only on boonrips, cc, condiremoval and dmg buffs for my group.Swapping the gear to berserkers and empower allies and phalanx strength, for extra 500 power and instant 24 stacks of might for my group.

    If you want to go with the meme you can take monkrune aswell and heal for like 5.5k on everybody hit, but thats more likely to overheal 4 persons and just heal 1 person for that much, because in this dmg powercreep heavy meta you either are full hp or dead.So smaller more consistent heals are allot more efficient.

  18. @Hot Boy.7138 said:For a long time, the damage per second gap of power builds vs condi builds has shrunk. Condition damage builds often eclipse power builds when it comes to damage. The scale shifts slightly one way or the other depends on who is playing and their specific build, but one thing for sure is that condition builds can burst pretty kitten hard. It's time that protection also affection conditions. The initial reasoning to make protection only apply to direct damage isn't valid, and hasn't been in a while, with the current state of the game.

    I am for toughness reducing condi dmg

  19. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Fueki.4753" said:Rather than changing the functionality, I'd like Anet to revert the bad joke they did to Rampage and add break bars to players in PvP for an
    overall nerf to CC


    But I still want to be kind of immersed when I use the skill is all.

    If I take a whole second-long animation to rip a quote "large boulder" from the ground, I expect it to hurt like a "large boulder" should, and not do half the damage of throwing a bolas less than a quarter of its size.

    The damage is fine so long as the skill makes sense. I feel like i'm trapped in the Matrix everytime I throw a boulder at someone, because throwing big heavy things and expecting big heavy things to hurt has been etched into our brains since the dawn of humankind. That's why a pebble would fit perfectly with the current damage, I think.

    Make the heartseeker deal fatal damage because mah immersion pls.Make 100b actually spawn 100 blades, because it takes me right out of the game :/Make the whirlwind cast actual whirlwind instead of spinning for some reason, or unplayable.Is bladetrail leaving the trail? I think we're actually good here, lucky!Also by that exact logic, you should be expecting a severe long-term damage from any stun skill. And you'd suddenly be fine with "pebble" somehow stunning people without inflicting the damage? That's not the immersion I'm expecting from a serious mmorpg.

    Pretending it's not a complaint about the nerf, but an "immersion" issue is just silly. :D

    Heartseeker is only seeking the heart, not 100% of the time always stabbing right through it.Silly

  20. @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    @"roso.1536" said:Is this a "response" to Lord Hizen´s video? ... he posted one on youtube hunting you guys down? Maybe its another (cake) guild tag .

    It's the same tag, and the video he just posted is actually the second cake ganking video he's done. It's pretty funny, mostly because of how full of themselves cake come across as in their content (I've duelled a couple cake members and had fun, they're good players, but the stuff they put out like the intro to this video is just cringy).


  21. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:The problem with the old Distracting Strikes was that it required you to actually interrupt someone, so you'd never end up using it truly for condi. Body Blow at least applies weakness and bleed when you hit with a hard CC independent of an interrupt occurring. If they completely nerf the power scaling on hard CC, then bringing the confusion back onto Merciless Hammer and making it work on hard CC's rather than interrupts would be a good move.

    Can we fix the weapon instead of turning it into some condi kitten via traits?

    Lets be real, when you get hit with a big kitten hammer and a skill thats literally called backbreaker, you wont just be confused, you will feel the dmg straight up, not over time.

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