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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @otto.5684 said:

    @otto.5684 said:I tried tactics with dps. It does not work. I will try to go full support (heal+boon duration) and see if that works out.

    Not for personal DPS outside of PvP/WvW anyway. Did you try it out in WvW?

    I do not WvW. Only sPvP. It did get personal dps in PvE with the 7% increased damage and CD reduction of skills. It is not going to dethrone the other lines though.

    I am seeing a possibility of decent support in sPvP with healing and boon duration. I will give it a shot and see how it works.

    Tell me what you think you might gain from boon duration.

    Warrior doesnt have alot of boons to begin with and those they have frequently are already pretty long duration wise.

  2. @"Vincenzo.3145" said:Elite specs were meant as what Elite skills were to the rest. That's why they have their own slots. They are basically "upgrades", yes. But they are optional and not always optimal. There have been and still are plenty good core builds, some of which are even meta. It's all about choice, not shooting yourself in the foot to be a different class.

    No, they were never meant as simple upgrades, they were meant as their name implies, specializations.

    Means you specialize in one thing, but pay for it with something else.

    For example, spb gained boon removal and lost tier3 bursts.

    Scourge gained more aoe and corruption and lost its shroud.


  3. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:surprise surprise, hammer and mace used to be condi weapon untill they removed confusion from merciless hammer in 2018

    mace/sword lb carrion was the build.

    Suprise suprise nobody played a condi hammer specc, it was played as power weapon and nobody took that trait.

    surprise surprise, carrion hambow was played in duels.

    Not in wvw lol.I only remember hambow being played as power specc in pvp, that was also longer than 2 years ago.

    Also, that trait didnt exist (the confusion part) when the game was released, so even yeeears before hambow (i dont think even there nobody played the trait tbh) was a thing, hammer was a power weapon.

    And distracting strike wasnt used by the hambow build i remember.

    confusion part from distracting strike is there since beginning and distracting strike only had that effect since the beginning.and ofc power hambow wouldnt run distracting strike, because it's a condition trait, and warrior wouldnt run without defense in 5v5 because focus and thieves.so it's only played in duels where it's stronger then most.it's like how PU condi mes was never played in any 5v5 but it was played all over in duels.

    @Lighter.5631 said:surprise surprise, hammer and mace used to be condi weapon untill they removed confusion from merciless hammer in 2018

    mace/sword lb carrion was the build.

    Suprise suprise nobody played a condi hammer specc, it was played as power weapon and nobody took that trait.

    surprise surprise, carrion hambow was played in duels.

    Of the hambow builds I can find I'm not seeing carrion, or merciless hammer.

    Here's also a Vaanss build, with a link to the build in the video description.

    They also didn't add confusion to merciless hammer until the August 8, 2017 update long after hambow.

    im only using the name merciless hammer because the build existed before merciless hammer and it was distracting strike which was later merged with merciless hammer.
    i seriously can't understand how you can't find anything tbh, lol. i only did one search and it's there.
    the difference is just people ran lb in pvp instead of the sword/shield in video because you didn't need the mobility.

    the builds are super old, like
    the link to the build that is connected to the old forum is actually lost.

    and i did farther research and here

    Without the hammer or the longbow it's not hambow it's a condition warrior build, and that appears to be one of the cheesy perplexity rune builds people used to run.

    Might be time for you to find an internet time machine, not very many things that end up on the internet ever end up actually lost:

    it's completely swappable from macebow to hambow condi, it's less effective then macebow but it's completely playable and better then most warrior build at the time for duels. then it's after hambow got nerfed, which also hit condi hambow.btw condi hambow beats hambow in duels, only it didnt make meta, because warriors required full defense for passive endure pain so they don't get jumped by thief and insta dies and needed sustain against mutiple people focus. and also required full discipline.

    like if u look at hambows set, it's completely playable with carrion. most people don't know because they only follow meta.again, hambow is played with soldier only because warrior lacks sustain in group fight and thieves gank

    Like i said in my previous post distracting strike did exist before, but nit fused with merciless hammer, and like you said, it wasnt used at all, because it wasnt good enough and defense was just better, but that doesnt matter "coule have done that, if..."

    I never saw anybod duel with that tbh.All i saw were mostly gs+axe/shieldAnd some ppl, including me, using hammer gs.

    In wvw pre hot i used to roam gs+ hammer with full soldier gear and had enough dmg to kill stuff

  4. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:surprise surprise, hammer and mace used to be condi weapon untill they removed confusion from merciless hammer in 2018

    mace/sword lb carrion was the build.

    Suprise suprise nobody played a condi hammer specc, it was played as power weapon and nobody took that trait.

    surprise surprise, carrion hambow was played in duels.

    Not in wvw lol.I only remember hambow being played as power specc in pvp, that was also longer than 2 years ago.

    Also, that trait didnt exist (the confusion part) when the game was released, so even yeeears before hambow (i dont think even there nobody played the trait tbh) was a thing, hammer was a power weapon.

    And distracting strike wasnt used by the hambow build i remember.

  5. @Lighter.5631 said:surprise surprise, hammer and mace used to be condi weapon untill they removed confusion from merciless hammer in 2018

    mace/sword lb carrion was the build.

    Suprise suprise nobody played a condi hammer specc, it was played as power weapon and nobody took that trait.

  6. I dont think the amount of strips is the problem, the problem is how powercrept boon application has gotten.Some builds just kitten out way too many boons for anyone to strip.

    Well, if you lose sustain youll need better support from your team, kinda logical, the problem is that warrior isnt a teamfighter in pvp, hes mostly running alone as a sidenoder,where he wont get much group support.

  7. @Shao.7236 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:The problem is not rly stab, but the amount of stunbreaks running around.

    @Shao.7236 said:I have a lot of stability as a revenant every so often and it doesn't stop anyone from CC'ing me out of it with Annulment or any form of boon strips. In fact Warrior right now has so much cleave damage it can just afk autoattacking anything even without any CC and will kill just as easily, or you can be a Spellbreaker and always have spare evade to randomly use and deal 3k to 5k of unblockable damage because having to already avoid being tethered by 2 unblockable burst skills isn't enough while everything else they do still deal a ton of damage.

    So for as long there's a class that can dominate without any effort, I wouldn't nerf stability further without nerfing damage. You can always use Toss Elixir B or land your Corona Burst like it was designed to be.

    I want to see any competent player die to a warrior that uses no cc ever.Pls stay realistic and dont talk kitten.

    I've seen hundreds of kills in tops without CC, damage is high, CC is irrelevant to it.

    If the warrior has no cc to setup his bursts nobody who knows the game will get hit by enough dmg skills to die, atleast not in a 1v1 situation

    Bursts of any sort on Warriors don't require CC to setup. Anything a Warrior does hurt, CC doesn't change that fact.

    Warrior Axe Cleave is 15k on 25 Might, Axe Whirl is 6k, Axe Throw goes up to 8k.

    Spellbreaker just dances around with Might while dealing 5k dodges among the other skills that hurts just as much if not more.

    Bullscharge is the only utility CC that they actually use and it's mostly just for the evade anyway. No one was using it otherwise when it had none and honestly people now started to use other things as well depending on the match up so no, CC is optional.

    I must be doing something wrong then.I also use dagger 3 alot, shield 4 and fc, also pulling enemies with magebane tether. Weirdly, the ppl i fight stunbreak the cc to avoid dying, those who dont stunbreak die.I duel alot in gw2 and ive met MANY ppl who were able to beat me on warrior with different classes and i used to be plat in pvp, when i still played rankeds.

    Btw axe throw only deals that much dmg if you are under 25% hp, where you would most likely die from pretty much anything, so that dmg number doesnt rly do anything, if it did 8k when you are full or half hp, id agree its op, but it doesnt.

  8. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Ourasa.7306 said:Staying on topic, Rampage is now all about using autos and the dash in order to deal as much damage as possible. Kick and boulder is mostly irrelevant now, unless you want to interrupt a stomper. Fortunately, the massive damage reduction, stability, and increased health allow them to still “rampage.”

    It’s far from being terrible, but it does take time getting used to the fact that almost half of the moves are ineffective.

    Whenever the 'Big' update happens I hope that they tweak the various traits that affect CCs to allow them to do stuff other than the damage they are taking away.

    I would not be against a trait that let Warrior's strip extra stacks of Stability for instance.

    Perhaps Body Blow would be justified in having more bleed stacks once they remove all the power damage from the hard CCs.

    If they remove the dmg from Backbreaker its the most laughable skill ever.

    Seriously, a 3 second singletarget knockdown with 1second casttime, 25seconds cooldown an 130 range?Lel.Most stunbreaks have less cd.No amount of bleeeeeeeed (on a trait) would justify such a bad weaponskill

    Well, you're kind of hitting the point here. If they completely remove power damage from these skills and traits that hard CC without replacing that damage with
    then what good are they?

    BB is a hard CC that needs another hard CC to even hit with, so without the damage why use it ever?

    Also I'm fairly certain there is an amount of bleed that would make Body Blow OP on a hard CC build, just don't ask me what.

    Yea, 20 bleed stacks per cc, but then you have the balance issue, that hammer would only be viable with that specific trait and turn it into a condi weapon, when its definately a power weapon.

    A power weapon now, until they remove half of its damage in whatever this big update will be.

    Hammer should clearly be a power weapon, it makes no thematical sense to turn it into a conditiin weapon, that would just be f kitten. And if any dev does it, then im going to go to his fricking house and...

    gratulate him personally to such a genius, never ever thought of before idea, that totally makes absolutely so much sense on a 2 handed blunt weapon thats meant to bash in armor and bones.

  9. @Shao.7236 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:The problem is not rly stab, but the amount of stunbreaks running around.

    @Shao.7236 said:I have a lot of stability as a revenant every so often and it doesn't stop anyone from CC'ing me out of it with Annulment or any form of boon strips. In fact Warrior right now has so much cleave damage it can just afk autoattacking anything even without any CC and will kill just as easily, or you can be a Spellbreaker and always have spare evade to randomly use and deal 3k to 5k of unblockable damage because having to already avoid being tethered by 2 unblockable burst skills isn't enough while everything else they do still deal a ton of damage.

    So for as long there's a class that can dominate without any effort, I wouldn't nerf stability further without nerfing damage. You can always use Toss Elixir B or land your Corona Burst like it was designed to be.

    I want to see any competent player die to a warrior that uses no cc ever.Pls stay realistic and dont talk kitten.

    I've seen hundreds of kills in tops without CC, damage is high, CC is irrelevant to it.

    If the warrior has no cc to setup his bursts nobody who knows the game will get hit by enough dmg skills to die, atleast not in a 1v1 situation

  10. The problem is not rly stab, but the amount of stunbreaks running around.

    @Shao.7236 said:I have a lot of stability as a revenant every so often and it doesn't stop anyone from CC'ing me out of it with Annulment or any form of boon strips. In fact Warrior right now has so much cleave damage it can just afk autoattacking anything even without any CC and will kill just as easily, or you can be a Spellbreaker and always have spare evade to randomly use and deal 3k to 5k of unblockable damage because having to already avoid being tethered by 2 unblockable burst skills isn't enough while everything else they do still deal a ton of damage.

    So for as long there's a class that can dominate without any effort, I wouldn't nerf stability further without nerfing damage. You can always use Toss Elixir B or land your Corona Burst like it was designed to be.

    I want to see any competent player die to a warrior that uses no cc ever.Pls stay realistic and dont talk kitten.

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Ourasa.7306 said:Staying on topic, Rampage is now all about using autos and the dash in order to deal as much damage as possible. Kick and boulder is mostly irrelevant now, unless you want to interrupt a stomper. Fortunately, the massive damage reduction, stability, and increased health allow them to still “rampage.”

    It’s far from being terrible, but it does take time getting used to the fact that almost half of the moves are ineffective.

    Whenever the 'Big' update happens I hope that they tweak the various traits that affect CCs to allow them to do stuff other than the damage they are taking away.

    I would not be against a trait that let Warrior's strip extra stacks of Stability for instance.

    Perhaps Body Blow would be justified in having more bleed stacks once they remove all the power damage from the hard CCs.

    If they remove the dmg from Backbreaker its the most laughable skill ever.

    Seriously, a 3 second singletarget knockdown with 1second casttime, 25seconds cooldown an 130 range?Lel.Most stunbreaks have less cd.No amount of bleeeeeeeed (on a trait) would justify such a bad weaponskill

    Well, you're kind of hitting the point here. If they completely remove power damage from these skills and traits that hard CC without replacing that damage with
    then what good are they?

    BB is a hard CC that needs another hard CC to even hit with, so without the damage why use it ever?

    Also I'm fairly certain there is an amount of bleed that would make Body Blow OP on a hard CC build, just don't ask me what.

    Yea, 20 bleed stacks per cc, but then you have the balance issue, that hammer would only be viable with that specific trait and turn it into a condi weapon, when its definately a power weapon.

  12. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Ourasa.7306 said:Staying on topic, Rampage is now all about using autos and the dash in order to deal as much damage as possible. Kick and boulder is mostly irrelevant now, unless you want to interrupt a stomper. Fortunately, the massive damage reduction, stability, and increased health allow them to still “rampage.”

    It’s far from being terrible, but it does take time getting used to the fact that almost half of the moves are ineffective.

    Whenever the 'Big' update happens I hope that they tweak the various traits that affect CCs to allow them to do stuff other than the damage they are taking away.

    I would not be against a trait that let Warrior's strip extra stacks of Stability for instance.

    Perhaps Body Blow would be justified in having more bleed stacks once they remove all the power damage from the hard CCs.

    If they remove the dmg from Backbreaker its the most laughable skill ever.

    Seriously, a 3 second singletarget knockdown with 1second casttime, 25seconds cooldown an 130 range?Lel.Most stunbreaks have less cd.No amount of bleeeeeeeed (on a trait) would justify such a bad weaponskill

  13. @Odik.4587 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:You didnt prove anything with your videos, only that its a memebuild that deserves to be reworkedSo, thief is getting deleted entirely too? Any spec (drd/core/especially DE) can oneslap you easly out of nowhere. @"Burnfall.9573" was right all along! DELETE THIEF !to be reworked to be actually a viable and FUN (for all sides) buildIn the same manner they did to chrono?I cant believe that anyone is having fun fighting any pof spec (excluding renegade ).

    Yes, thief needs reworks too, its not fun to play against such game designs.

    Sigh... Did i ever mention chrono? No.Wether they did a good job with chrono or not is completely irrelevant for the topic.

    You are way too defensive about mesmer, you think i want mesmer to be nerfed to the ground, but i want it to be a class thats fun to fight against. Its a general idea for all classes to have fun fighting each other.Or i'm merely making fun of your suggestions to make the game around "fun". Which is subjective, easy win - fun, loss - not fun. Chrono was just a good example how they fix stuff and how fun to beat that now minus the "fun" of playing it.And no, i dont want to pummel every mesmer to the ground without even trying, that gets boring very quick, but thats also the reason i dont jump every cheese train with the newest op build (some ppl do get fun out of easy pz wins, but not me)New and OP .... you are 7 years late boi.HOW this is achieved is not my problem to solve, im not a game dev.Was never their goal. kitten its bad to be a game dev, so high expectations but different goals... :joy:

    Yikes, so you outed yourself as one of the ppl who jumps the cheesetrain to get ez wins, without care how anybody else but you feel in the game.

    Since you are defending it, as a cheese player, must mean its a cheesebuild.

    Flawless logic. Next.

    And no, it shouldnt be balanced solely around fun. But if a gamemechanic is so unfun to play against, then you will lose players,losing players means less money, less money equals less devs, less devs means even less balance. Are you this dense not to connect the dots buddy?

  14. @Mil.3562 said:OP, you meant big nerf news? All i read is nerf cc, nerf dps, nerf this, weaken that, and now they even see a need to nerf healings.

    OP please change the topic title to ' Big Nerf News ' which is much more appropriate. Don't dissappoint players who thought ANet has finally awakened.

    Lol, ofc healing needs to be toned down if dmg etc is being toned down. Otherwise you wouldnt be able to kill anymore.

    I dont get how ppl cant understand that healing right now is absurd, but so is dmg.If you dont instanuke someone, he will be healed back in a second.Dying instantly with small reaction times is very frustrating for many ppl.Healer get frustrated, when they cant heal ppl, because said ppl die in a second from 100 to 0 hp.

    When the time to kill gets lowered, there is actually place for healbuilds that dont pump out heals every second, but for builds that use active burstheals, to actuqlly heal low hp targets.

    This makes for alot more skillful gameplay. Not just random spamming.Whats so hard to understand about this? Powercreep is way out of controll, and the only way to get it back in line is to tone down everything and not buff everything more and more, thazs how we have gotten here in the first place

  15. @Odik.4587 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:You didnt prove anything with your videos, only that its a memebuild that deserves to be reworkedSo, thief is getting deleted entirely too? Any spec (drd/core/especially DE) can oneslap you easly out of nowhere. @Burnfall.9573 was right all along! DELETE THIEF !to be reworked to be actually a viable and FUN (for all sides) buildIn the same manner they did to chrono?I cant believe that anyone is having fun fighting any pof spec (excluding renegade ).

    Yes, thief needs reworks too, its not fun to play against such game designs.

    Sigh... Did i ever mention chrono? No.Wether they did a good job with chrono or not is completely irrelevant for the topic.

    You are way too defensive about mesmer, you think i want mesmer to be nerfed to the ground, but i want it to be a class thats fun to fight against. Its a general idea for all classes to have fun fighting each other.

    And no, i dont want to pummel every mesmer to the ground without even trying, that gets boring very quick, but thats also the reason i dont jump every cheese train with the newest op build (some ppl do get fun out of easy pz wins, but not me)

    HOW this is achieved is not my problem to solve, im not a game dev.

  16. @"TAIKA.1903" said:I did play as a mesmer for a long time, at least, I wanna show you some video that core power mesmers are not as OP and easy as you think.All these videos are from White Short's twitch, this player is top10~25 in NA now.

    =============================================================1.In this video, you would see White Short's only 1 shot ppl from stealth successfully 4 times.A.14:30 RANGER (100%>0%)B. 10:10 Warrior (90%>0%)C. 8:40 Warrior (100%>0%)D. 2:50 Warrior (90%>0%)Because there was no thief on enemy's team, so he could try 1 shot easily again and again.https://www.twitch.tv/videos/516705405?t=02h28m30s


    1. White Short faced TEAM USA in AT. In this match, you can notice he only got a chance 1 shot rev. After that, he couldn't do anything.

    He couldn't join teamfight, because he would die so fast.

    He couldn't decap easily because the thief focused on him.https://www.twitch.tv/videos/515313010?t=01h30m35s

    ==============================================================3.This video shows he only got a chance 1 shot a thief. (at 5:50)Because there were two thieves in enemy's team, and all enemies knew they have to take care the core power mesmers (There were two core power mesmers.)https://www.twitch.tv/videos/518098743?t=00h25m43s


    To those who still think core power mesmer is a really OP class, just try it.

    Do you think it is a easy class that can help you get into top 100 in EU like shadowpass? OH, sorry, shadowpass did not get top 100 tittle with this build.

    White Short usually plays as a condi mirage in ranked, not core power mesmer. Because condi mirages could work in much more situations.

    Please take some defence-skill, and there is no chance that core power mesmer 1 shot you in a second.

    Oof.Its not about how far you can climb with it, its about the fact that its not fun to play against cheese like this, the fact that hes able to oneshot ppl out of stealth is the problem, no matter how good it is.

    Its a design flaw that ruins the fun of everybody who gets oneshotted, and infact also the fun of your team, if you are otherwise useless, if you are unable to oneshot someone.

    You didnt prove anything with your videos, only that its a memebuild that deserves to be reworked to be actually a viable and FUN (for all sides) build

  17. @"Hannelore.8153" said:Its even affecting T1 now, you get blobs for few hours a day at primetime and then the rest of the time it plays like T3 and lower always have. This is extremely different to the past where there was massive coverage in T1. Its interesting because the servers are still marked as "full" even though I know their population has dropped way off compared to the past like during the year following the release of HoT.

    If ArenaNet doesn't do something soon, even deleting tiers won't help, because T1/T2 will be wastelands too. I left JQ just because we kept getting matched against servers that had no players, and zerging 15vs5 just got tiring, and even JQ was getting sparse.

    The guarantee of having fights no longer exists, even at the top of the food chain.

    Its full because there is no set threshhold to how many ppl can get into a server like 450/500 for example.The numbers are calculated from the overall wvw population.Low population server can "rise" in population even without ppl joining them, by just having the same amount of players, while all the other servers lose players.

    A full server can open, if all the other servers get more players and numbers between them balance out.

    @KeyOrion.9506 said:

    @"law.9410" said:-Promote a SINGLE style of gameplay for the entire population, don't like zergin? gtfo.I would actually take offense with that. Anet has over the years listened to complaints about the zerg - in particular with nerfing siege costs and boosting damage when it basicly became unviable for smallscale to siege due to objective creep - and not understanding the effects of their kitten PvE balancing when WvW players start stacking is ignorance, not promotion.

    Its the
    that has taken this to heart - especially commanders that only want to win - and not Anet.

    How many commanders do you even know who want to "win" anymore? From what I hear in discord most of the time now and for the last three years is "I just want bags." Or worse yet, "I just want fights. I don't give a kitten about capping...." Your commanders are few and far between that care about "winning". Now all they care about is "having fun". Winning for them is just ...not part of their equation any more.

    Well, there is no incentive to win, except maybe whats left of server pride. When you drop tiers, and land in a place where you have nothing to fight, you win and go back to the tiers with fights automatically.

    So why do stuff that you dont like, when you can do stuff thats fun for you?

    And if the majority of the zerg wanted to defend they can just open their own tag and defend, but guess what, they keep following the commander that wants to fight. Its anets fault for not giving anything for winning (more pips? Wow)Its a video game, ppl play it to have fun.

    Giving more rewards for winning promotes winning team joiners, which is not wanted aswell tho.

  18. @"expandas.7051" said:Hey folks. Bags with Pandas is recruiting 50 NA GvGers to cross the pond and farm EU. We'll be moving after relinks and raiding Saturdays and Sundays at 10AM PST (EU prime time) for 2-4 hours. If you think you're up to the challenge, shoot me a message! Cheers.

    I remember the last time NA gvg guilds came to "farm" EU they got destroyed lelBut ofc then its the overseas lag.

  19. @"ViperWire.4261" said:

    Add pips to Edge of the mists, keep mounts out.

    To do so should not take too much effort from the few remaining Anet staff to add pips and this should improve fight quality on home WvW and give an outlet for people that want to zerg/ktrain everything. So much could have been done or rather not done to avoid this state of decay in WvW, but given where it is right now, what do we have to lose with seeing if bringing pips to Edge of the Mists improves quality in home WvW and improves quantity in Edge of the Mists.

    Back in it's prime, populated instances of Edge of the Mists enabled the WvW community to communicate with players from other servers which was great most of the time. Granted the overall Gw2 population has declined greatly since then. A lot of players that were bored of PvE and not attracted to the semi-serious nature of home WvW would go into Edge of the Mists for a more relaxed WvW experience (this was also before auto upgrades and someone asks for donations to pay for Keep upgrades). It was not as demoralizing for new players or more casual players when we lose objectives in Edge of the Mists compared to home maps where chat is likely complaining if an upgraded objective was lost. I know firsthand a good amount of PvE players with little to no interest in PvP would end up in Edge of the Mists and followed me only to tell me how it was the most fun they have ever had in Gw2 when the match was over or when they had to leave. It even helped some commanders that were not so capable in home WvW learn some of the basics of leading without such a strong backlash if you failed to win a fight or attack/defend an objective. Edge of the Mists even helped guilds that were split across servers WvW together when they were the same color/team without needing to transfer, especially helpful for those guild mates on other servers that have not signed in for a while but are the same color/team as you (often not these players either did not have enough gold or incentive to transfer to their friend's server).

    Nowadays in Edge of the Mists you would be lucky to find 1 enemy at any given time much less find a sizeable group that is taking objectives and/or ambushing incoming enemies. I know that I would go to Edge of the Mists commanding pugs again even if there were only enough people to fill 1-2 instances and I am sure there are others that would too.

    As a Maguuma player since beta, I do not ever recall any Anet devs playing on our server in WvW. Magswag, GLFR, and the blessed trolling was far too overwhelming for Anet staff to comprehend, especially in WvW. Although, in Edge of the Mists there were a few times we had someone from Anet play on the same team and were able to offer feedback for home WvW and Edge of the Mists that actually was implemented. Equally, there were a lot more Anet staff on enemy teams in Edge of the Mists than in our home WvW which offered the best kind of loot bags and was also refreshing to see Anet staff playing their own game which is much better than devs that 'balance' game modes they do not actively or competitively participate in.


    Nobody was complaining about losing things because they could cap it back for more loot.

    Ppl even complained when a group went and defended stuff or killed the enemy over and over again, because it would stop the karmatrain.

    Most of your points listed had absolutely NOTHING to do with wvw, you even admit that pve ppl went there not to play wvw, but to farm.

    Since it has nothing to do with wvw, it should NEVER give wvw rewards to ppl who play on it.

    It rustles my kitten jimmies to see ppl who just want to karmatrain all day long, avoid most fights and still reap all the wvw rewards, holy cow.

    Idc, give ppl as much karma as they want, but dont give them ANY wvw rewards, no wvw xp, no badges of honor and no pips.

    Earn that kitten, normal wvw maps already turned into enough karmatraining, we dont need more.

  20. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:I love when people constantly cry about too much damage in the game but at any sign of dmg nerf they declare anet bias against x class and the class becoming unplayable. (there's a tiny possibility those are different people, but I don't care enough to check :( )

    Comparing bursty FC or rampage to backstab isn't exactly a perfect fit either considering additional things those skills do, which most probably is also a reason for the nerfs -not the isolated damage, but the damage on top of crapton of utility.Aaaand calling people "noobs that kept letting themselves get killed by it" while at the same time complaining about backstab is ironic to me but ok :D

    You kind of evading the point that a Backstab can come from off screen with you being unaware of it happening where as FC is something that the opponent has to proc for you, and is dodgeable. Even Rampage can be kitted or blinded, and is what most people do to mitigate it. Things like Backstab don't have that counterplay other than Defy Pain if you have it traited, or a twitchy finger on Endure Pain.

    I'm not evading anything about it, at least not intentionally. How many times have you been hit with an "off screen backstab" this week? This month? Not to mention you can't be hit with "offscreen" malicious backstab, because you need to be marked/hit before stealth to actually gain malice. Also stealth gives invisibility, not invulnerability/stability. You can hit your aoes easier than thief can hit his backstab. FC "needs to be procced" if you use it with a bad timing, otherwise it's pretty much already procced on use.

    Anyways -are you trying to tell me nothing was wrong with rampage in its previous form? And are you saying that it's useless -or even close to useless- now?former rampage which can be interrupted, blinded, dodged, evaded, blocked, shadow stepped away from, swooped away from, and any or all other forms of disengage/damage mitigation

    And so can the backstab :DIt's pretty funny how you think there was nothing wrong about pre-nerf rampage. Not much to talk about here I guess.

    Except backstab requires stealth, and a good thief will get into stealth and wait to strike when backstab won't be mitigated.

    Yeah, because perma stealth thief builds are super strong. And if you're talking about a mid-fight 2-4 second stealth then, uh, I guess keep doing nothing, whatever you like. :D

    You're also ignoring where I explicitly stated that I am making no argument in favor of the old Rampage.

    Sure... and yet the fragment of your post I quoted in my previous answer was strictly about the pre-nerf rampage, right? Seems like you're
    you're not making an argument in favor of the old rampage but at the same time you're actually trying to make one. What am I missing here?

    Overally if backstab is so kitten broken with no counterplay and it oneshots warriors from out-of-screen stealth while freely shadowstepping in 24/7, then I'm seriously wondering why aren't you playing it.

    What I think you are missing is what I mentioned within said post. That there is a disparity, perhaps selective, between what gets nerfed even when it has vast counterplay versus what is allowed to persist that does not have the same amount of counter play.

    Anet pushed measures to lower TTK on the one hand, but on the other nerfed strong traits and skills that had ways to play around them. So here we are with FC and Rampage nerfed, and I make no arguement in their prior versions favor other than they had obvious counterplay, but other abilities that are more egregious on the power scale and lack of counterplay remain as they were.

    Ok.It's not a disparity (if you mean that in the context of unfairness in nerfing the dmg?) because these skills do different things. One provides single target burst damage from specific position and literally nothing else; the other one(s) have strong utility and -from what I think/understand- that's the reason their damage got nerfed. Because their utility is already strong enough to not burst people down for free on top of that.

    Also all of the counterplays listed by you in that post work against backstab as well. Yes, you can say that if backstab can be counterplayed, then time it better. And that's literally what I'm saying about FC/ramp.

    I think this is one of those cases where you and I will just end up in a circular back and forth at this point.

    Yeaaah, seems like it :p

    There's some unofficial news about a big patch they're planning on (not sure if it's both for wvw and pvp) and anet says they're looking into reducing hard cc skills' dmg on a bigger scale. On the other hand there's also something about reducing 'big instantanious damage'. So lets see what they'll do with that.

    Again, if you're so adamant with your claim about backstab being uncounterable out-of-screen oneshot skill, then why aren't you abusing it? Why isn't everyone abusing it? From what you're saying it's literally a free win against anything. Then lead by example and abuse it until it gets nerfed to be 10 damage out of stealth that does nothing else, because apparently that's the skill equivalent to FC/rampage. This whole comparison you(?) brought up is insane to me.

    Maybe I like to Warrior better than Thief? That's how preferences work. Same as anybody else.

    That's fine, it is a good enough reason. But I also think that you didn't really play thief too much and your idea about uncounterable easy backstab oneshots is pretty one-sided. I easly might be wrong though and maybe you've tried it, kept one-shotting people and still didn't like it. Seems to me that if what you're claiming was true, it would be abused way more than it is now (if it even is abused atm). w/e, we can agree to disagree.

    To be fair it does feel cheesy that thief doesnt get revealed after a missed backstab attempt.Seeing a single evade note on the screen feels so good, but thieves are still in stealth and get a second chance for it...Even when blocked. Youd think that hammering a dagger into a shield would reveal you instantly lol

  21. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:So I think it would be cool to have a couple of events that start and end each and every weekend. There could even be more then one event at a time! With the release of WvW Restructuring coming sometime in the future, we know that each season lasts 8 weeks. That in mind, we're looking at 8 different weekends of crazy shenanigans, hopefully them being all fun and increasing participation! Weekends are the time to mess around and not take things too seriously, so why not I say.

    Here are some more ideas that could be standalone or combined:No downed stateNo downed state (res traits instantly revive)No rallyCore professions onlyNo mounts5 lords per capture pointNo siege except for rams (or no siege no gates)Yak attack (all npcs everywhere become champ yaks)Gates revenge (gates fight back vs player damage, not siege)Double heavy loot bagHealing reduced by 50%, no mightWaypoint bonanza (keeps and towers get uncontestable permanent waypoints)No tactivatorsEveryone gets roller beetle mountAll boon and condi duration halvedProjectiles have half rangeMelee does 1/3 less damageSquads of 25 or over get a -33% slower speed penalty and can't gain swiftnessOutnumbered squads of 5 or over grant -33% damage and condi damage buffCritical hits heal you for 100 hpGetting knocked down, launched or stunned gives 2 stacks @ 1s of stability when the effect ends (does not break stuns)Retaliation only works on non-critical hitsNo trebs

    What ya think? Got some ideas peeps?

    Why is there one that punishes melee, but none that punishes ranged classes?And yes, ive seen the projectile one, and most viable ranged classes dont even cast projectiles.

  22. @chicos.7165 said:Guys can you link a rifle + gs build for wvw ? Is it working well ?

    Not working well, its all projectile based, so 1 reflect can kitten you up. Yes, you can play signet of might, but still thats only 6sec of unblockable.

    You bring nothing for your team as rifle zerker.

    Pretty much every other ranged dps class does a way better job at it, and also brings something else (necro has corrupts, herold has boons for his group, ele does best dps and has some support)

    You better stick to spb and provide winds of disenchantment for your team (one well placed bubble helps your group more than any rifle skill will ever do over the course of the fight)

    If you want to know for roaming... Its a gimmick build, you will kill unaware foes, but ppl that know whats up will pretty easily outplay you on rifle zerker.

  23. @primatos.5413 said:While you are at it maybe have a look @ how players can be affected by cc chains... like perma stun ... stun (and maybe all other cc) should get a rework... once stunned (uses stunbrak), stuned again, then some time (idk maybe 1-2 seconds) players should not be able to be stunned again.. so (nearly) perma cc (like pistol whip spam for example or some warrior builds or what else) won't be a thing anymore..?! Just thinking.. :)And thanks for the update ;)

    Im absolutely against this, this might be good in zergfights, but in 1v1s there are just so many stunbreaks going around.

    For this reason hammer on warrior is almost not viable anymore in spvp and duels, because since hot and pof everybody just farts out stab and stunbreaks.

    Im happy to see the direction they are going, but having no dmg on any cc?Hope they are compensating for it, atleast for some skills, i mean just take a look at backbreaker hammer 5 from warrior.Imagine casting a singletarget skill with 1sec casttime, meleerange and no damage, that only cc's, and is negated by a single stunbreak or stability and also has 25s cooldown.

  24. The role of warrior is mostly to play the sidenodes and avoid teamfights, since as you noticed, you will die a gruesome death in all the aoe kitten flying around.

    The strength of spb is, that it adds additional defense with fullcounter, boonstrip via various traits, cc, and weapon to and dmg increase via mightstacking.

    What do you not understand about tether? You hit a burst on your enemy, tether procs, it will connect you and your target with a orange line.That line will pulse might on you and reveal on your enemy. And when the distance between you and your target becomes too wide, it will pull the tethered target to you and end the pulsing might.

    The build works mainly due to the great synergy between might makes right and tether.

  25. @witcher.3197 said:I don't even want to face warrior in a 5v1. They've been untouched by almost every spvp nerf that happened in the last 2 years but got all the buffs. Their healing is broken, immunities are broken, endurance regen is broken, damage is broken, and mobility is broken. They are tanky as hell and can twoshot anything.

    Big oof right here.If you cant kill a warrior in a 5v1 you are kitten. Simple as that.2 ppl on any roaming spec that know how to play their build will decimate the warrior.

    Warriors are not godmode, play one, go to a duelspot in wvw, fight ppl that know how to play and get pummeled.

    Ele, because that sword burn weaver build just wont die, and as full melee class i just cant deal with their dmg.

    Honestly, i should say thief, because they are just kitten, but against them i can atleast hope to get a lucky burst in and down them before they run.

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