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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Justine.6351 said:

    @"Dawdler.8521" said:So what we see in the video - dodge then instakill.

    Sounds like WvWers might love it, no one ever complains about instakills.

    (and yes that kind of damage actually matches whats seen in earlier video, if you thought rapid fire was bad in NW clips a bow autoattack seemed to take 50%+ hp).

    Edit: oh and if they now got opt in open world... lol.

    Bruh. Run toughness. There's dmg reduction food. Stop running 0 toughness builds and complain about other people's dmg....

    Glass cannons blowing up other glass cannons who are trying to blow up other players but it's not fair somehow rofl ;-)

    But players facetanking eachother... much big skillz.

    Because having 3k+ armor is glass, while still taking 10k dmg by an aoe skill. Yep, sure is a fun experience. And also very, very skillful to kill someone in a 50 man zerg, randomly, because he was unlucky enough to get hit by 2 10k dmg skills in 1 sec.

    Reeeee my amazing 3k armor build takes damage from a damage dealer reeeee. All I should have to do is stack toughness and nobody hurts me anymore!

    Did aegis, protection, barrier, -10% damage food and corrupting might to weakness suddenly fall out of usage? You're the zerg master so you will have to tell me.

    Balanced StanceDefy PainLast Stand

    All big damage reduction too

    Ugh, i guess no real point in arguing with you.

    First you say, "oh so weird to take dmg when 2 glasscannons hit each other"Which would be understandable and right.But now you are saying its ok for glasscannons to nuke the living kitten out of tanks. Wow.

    I might be a warrior main, but im speaking for all classes that its not okey to eat 10k and more in a single hit when running 3k+ armor.

    You might be a roamer, and dont want to have anything to do with zergs, but do you not understand how "fun" it is to run amidst 50 ppl against other 50 and just randomly die in a mere second because you were unlucky? It has nothing to do with skill or boons etc, if 2 or 3 skills hits you for 10k each you are dead meat.

    They need to seriously reduce the dmg, the healing, the corrupts and the boon application in the game. Might even help the servers to run more stable, with less lag.

    And i hate to break it to you, the gamemode was made for big scaled fights and should be balanced around those, not 1v1s.

    Okay,well let me know when they chop down on the facetanking because if damage nerfs comes first this game is going to get super boring really fast.

    and btw,its ok for a player to just slap on some toughness stat gear and become tanky but if I slap on full 3 stat power gear, runes, sigils, trait lines and build up might I should do mediocre damage? Toughness should never reduce damage by more than like 25%.

    I just tested out a buld were im seriously running 3.2k armor and 36k hp, i was at 50% health which still is 18000hp!! I was hit by 2 phase smashes, one hit for 8k+ and one hit for 10k+ and i went down. In under 1 second.

    Now most ppl dont run that much hp at all, most build across the board have like 20k hp max. And most builds will never realisticly reach 36k.Now tell me what those ppl are supposed to do...

    Like i said, not just dmg has to be toned down, but everything else too.Now if they tone down dmg first, and then later on healing, im totaly fine with having some time inbetween wete nothing rly dies... Because they are still on the right path. Better fixing stuff slowly, than not fixing it at all

  2. @Justine.6351 said:

    @"Dawdler.8521" said:So what we see in the video - dodge then instakill.

    Sounds like WvWers might love it, no one ever complains about instakills.

    (and yes that kind of damage actually matches whats seen in earlier video, if you thought rapid fire was bad in NW clips a bow autoattack seemed to take 50%+ hp).

    Edit: oh and if they now got opt in open world... lol.

    Bruh. Run toughness. There's dmg reduction food. Stop running 0 toughness builds and complain about other people's dmg....

    Glass cannons blowing up other glass cannons who are trying to blow up other players but it's not fair somehow rofl ;-)

    But players facetanking eachother... much big skillz.

    Because having 3k+ armor is glass, while still taking 10k dmg by an aoe skill. Yep, sure is a fun experience. And also very, very skillful to kill someone in a 50 man zerg, randomly, because he was unlucky enough to get hit by 2 10k dmg skills in 1 sec.

    Reeeee my amazing 3k armor build takes damage from a damage dealer reeeee. All I should have to do is stack toughness and nobody hurts me anymore!

    Did aegis, protection, barrier, -10% damage food and corrupting might to weakness suddenly fall out of usage? You're the zerg master so you will have to tell me.

    Balanced StanceDefy PainLast Stand

    All big damage reduction too

    Ugh, i guess no real point in arguing with you.

    First you say, "oh so weird to take dmg when 2 glasscannons hit each other"Which would be understandable and right.But now you are saying its ok for glasscannons to nuke the living kitten out of tanks. Wow.

    I might be a warrior main, but im speaking for all classes that its not okey to eat 10k and more in a single hit when running 3k+ armor.

    You might be a roamer, and dont want to have anything to do with zergs, but do you not understand how "fun" it is to run amidst 50 ppl against other 50 and just randomly die in a mere second because you were unlucky? It has nothing to do with skill or boons etc, if 2 or 3 skills hits you for 10k each you are dead meat.

    They need to seriously reduce the dmg, the healing, the corrupts and the boon application in the game. Might even help the servers to run more stable, with less lag.

    And i hate to break it to you, the gamemode was made for big scaled fights and should be balanced around those, not 1v1s.

  3. @Justine.6351 said:

    @Dawdler.8521 said:So what we see in the video - dodge then instakill.

    Sounds like WvWers might love it, no one ever complains about instakills.

    (and yes that kind of damage actually matches whats seen in earlier video, if you thought rapid fire was bad in NW clips a bow autoattack seemed to take 50%+ hp).

    Edit: oh and if they now got opt in open world... lol.

    Bruh. Run toughness. There's dmg reduction food. Stop running 0 toughness builds and complain about other people's dmg....

    Glass cannons blowing up other glass cannons who are trying to blow up other players but it's not fair somehow rofl ;-)

    But players facetanking eachother... much big skillz.

    Because having 3k+ armor is glass, while still taking 10k dmg by an aoe skill. Yep, sure is a fun experience. And also very, very skillful to kill someone in a 50 man zerg, randomly, because he was unlucky enough to get hit by 2 10k dmg skills in 1 sec.

  4. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    @"Zexanima.7851" said:If we change it to a daze and call it "Throw Rock" instead I would be down. You can daze someone pretty good if you lug a rock at their noggin. I do agree though, for a skill where you rip a boulder from the ground and heave it at an enemy it's anticlimactic for it to only do 30 damage. For all the people arguing this doesn't matter, it does. It's an important part of game design. If it didn't then your auto attack would be called "Omega Super Star Blaster" and call a rain of divine energy to the earth, pulling the stars themselves from the sky... for 10 damage.

    Throw rock?! I can't believe what i'm seeing. My immersion is just gone.

    I mean the second part of that sounds feasible, but i'm afraid i'm going to have to fight you on throw rock. In real life, I can throw a rock quicker than 1 second and I don't even have to turn into a massive hulking juggernaut to do it.

    @Red Haired Savage.5430 said:And we don't know the physiology of all the races, this universe everyone could have multiple hearts. :p

    ...and be extra resistant to boulder damage. Yay! Now I can be fully immersed again and so can the creator of this great thread. :p

    Actually it's been stated that no race gets any racial bonuses and that everyone has the same hitboxes/damage multipliers to keep it fair and balanced. To which, personally i'm willing to give that a pass in the immersion department. A large boulder hitting for half the damage of a bolas though? That's where I draw the line. If that's what's considered immersive; i'm taking Master Chief, and i'm getting the kitten out of here.

    If you turn on default player models, everyone is actually a human anyway. So unless you're roleplaying a character with severe cardiomyopathy in PvP, you should have nothing to worry about.

    I highly doubt you can pickup and throw a rock in under 1 second.

  5. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Tittle ^ does it give a worth while amount of healing in a pvp setting or does it require always being around teammates to be at all effective? Was thinking on trying with pally or valkyrie and strength rune but was wondering if anyone has tried it or similar and how it went.

    Vigorous Shouts will provide you and your party with more healing and the cost of some shared might. You'll still have a ton of might share though with "For great Justice!". Plus with MMR + Vigorous Shouts, "For great justice!" basically becomes a second heal for yourself.

    Nice! Thanks for the info I appreciate it.

    Phalanx only provides more heal with max amount of ppl around you. And since warrior isnt really a groupspecc and pvp isnt rly about 5v5 (fights are more stretched across the map)You rarely have enough ppl around you for that. In wvw zerging its a different story.

  6. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Yeah, soldiers focus should have had a shorter CD, then Tactics would have been amazing as pure support.

    Soldiers Focus, and the traits tied to it, procing on any burst would be a steady amount of healing and might for a party while also doing competent DPS.

    As it stands I'm all in for a support spec... with pistols.

    True, the effects tied to soldiers focus are way too weak to justify a 15 second cooldown. Its pathetic honestly, and i never even wasted much of a thought taking any of the associated skills, considering what the other options are.

    To OP, healing based on your outgoing dmg is imo too unreliant to actually use effectivly. Because to do dmg you need to take dmg alot of the times, and low hp ppl wont want to take the risk of getting too close to taking dmg.

    Id love a support spec based on gw1 paragon. Give me a scepter with a spear skin and let me throw it at my foes.

  7. @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:agreeing with nargilli... heck Anet, just delete the warclaw. it became yet nothing more than a walking target - if you slow it down now , it'll become even more useless and people might really again switch to only-manual-mobility.

    you're more safe with skill-movement, compared to a slow warkitty that gets more likely dismounted, leaving you open to 2-3 5k+attacks, ergo you are dead at that point.

    unless the new mastery is a "triple superspeed for 20 seconds" or "warp instantly to the nearest waypoint" they should better keep their hands off this.

    like what does this make the warclaw? the doorpull is rather rarely used, siege is more efficient;now they make it in two aspects even slower than it is, whoever of the designteam thinks Wvw needs a parade-horse should better find a new job, seriously.

    @ the previous postsi think it really is a big issue that Wvw is not really newbie friendly. if the alliance system would be introduced yet and well-thought through, that might acutally help this; atm we have always the same group around, bandwagoners of toxic elitists who complain the whole time how: 1) this servers sucks 2) everybody else sucks 3) life sucks 4) the game sucks 5) format sucks 6) only get farmed etc

    despite these rants, those people come to the highest tier servers - rather their links bc the mains are often full - each relink again, just to pull off the same scheme again. also the matchups are kinda always the same, unless one stacked server tries to tank on purpose. (and still that happens not that rarely, tho one has to drop anyways each week)

    this basically shows the main issues: current matchups are questionable, leading to unnecessary bandwagoners for high-populated servers and some low-populated servers ending up like fish on the sand;plus lacking motivation to win outside of having people to play with, changes addressing not the acutal issues.

    You know whats also not beginner friendly?The frickin mount. Ppl join, they struggle to follow a commander, because everyone just mounts up and run, while the newcommer just gets rolled over by ppl ON MOUNTS. And they leave wvw again.

    Ive been more often been chased by 4 ppl on mount, while one guy kept me infight, than i have dismounted and ganked a single person with multiple ppl.

    Mountspeed itself helps gankers more than all you warclaw lovers like to admit. Just get rid of that thing. Its ridiculously unbalanced.

    And all those ppl that think warclaw was introduced so they could savely traverse a battleground, sorry to break it to you, but it was meant to more quickly get to fights, not avoid them.And they are slowing it down in your own territory, not to ease the life of gankers, no, they do it because its too quick for defender to reach their objective, making it waaaay harder for attackers to take a defended objective.

    You honestly think anet nerfs the warclaw just so that the ~2% of wvw players, that actively gank, have an easier time? Ooof.

  8. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @"TheGrimm.5624" said:They should never have dropped the requirements for the ones we have. When they did a lot of vets insta-got them which dropped their value on that day.

    Lol, the stonemist titles were impossible to get.Even with 2 zergs just standing there and cap it every 5 minutes (takes longer than 5 minutes with buff and lord)It would have taken several years of nonstop flipping to get it.

    Take stonemist 100.000 times.Even with instantcapping and just 5min timer you could cap it every 10 minutes.Thats 1.000.000 minutes /60/24/365 is 1.902 years of constant flipping.

    Yea give back old numbers.

    Newsflash, it's
    several years. IMO They should have left them as long-term objectives, we'd still have completed them by now but at least people might feel like they achieved something - you know... like the word "achievement" suggests?

    Newsflash, realisticly you still wouldnt be able to have it.

    Did you not think about what i wrote? 1.9years with capping it EVERY 10 minutes 24/7 without taking any breaks inbetween. Now think about how often stonemist castle is actually being capped and tell me your big newsflash again.

    Ps. To put it i to another perspective.We just assume the game is already 8 years old (release was 28. August 2012)Thats would be 8*365=2920 days.100.000/2920=34.25 stonemist caps per day.34.25 (i know you cant flip it just a quarter) stonemist flips each and every single day, for 8 years straight.Even if you played 24 hours each day for 8 years you would have to flip it more than once per hour.THATS the most hardcore karmatrain ever, and you would need 2 of those, one who caps it back, so you can retake it.

  9. @TheGrimm.5624 said:They should never have dropped the requirements for the ones we have. When they did a lot of vets insta-got them which dropped their value on that day.

    Lol, the stonemist titles were impossible to get.Even with 2 zergs just standing there and cap it every 5 minutes (takes longer than 5 minutes with buff and lord)It would have taken several years of nonstop flipping to get it.

    Take stonemist 100.000 times.Even with instantcapping and just 5min timer you could cap it every 10 minutes.Thats 1.000.000 minutes /60/24/365 is 1.902 years of constant flipping.

    Yea give back old numbers.

  10. @Junkpile.7439 said:

    @Junkpile.7439 said:There is lot's of enemies to kill, but you can't really kill anybody because of barriers and firebrands.

    Yea nah, those barriers or firebrands wont keep ppl alive when meteors regularly hit for 10-15k in 1 hit, rev hammers also 10k.

    Who could ever die from that, when most classes in wvw run around with around 20k hp.

    If your zerg cant kill anyone in this burst heavy meta, than they are doing something very very wrong.

    We don't have zerg and i wouldn't run in zerg anyways. Go drop meteor shover in zerg and even if they crit 20k every time you still won't kill anybody. Would be actually funny test how much damage you can do one player inside zerg before he goes down.

    Then why do you say that there are many ppl to kill but no one dies? If you dont even have a zerg nor played in one then you have no experience to talk about.I play mostly in zergs nowadays and im telling you, ppl die, alot.

    And yes, a 20k meteor will most certainly kill someone, are we talking about the same game here? How much hp do you think most ppl are running around with in wvw? And like i said its not even 1 ele alone, there are 50+ppl trying to kill each other, get hit by 2 big spells and you are dead in under a second.Phase smash regularly hits 9k+. CoR still does more than enough, drop the hammer, necro wells, and many more.

    Ive seen ppl get hit by guildgroups with staff thiefs, staff 5 vault doing 20k+ dmg on a single target, and that thing is an aoe lol.

    Ps. An ele doesnt need to stand inside the enemy to hit meteor....

  11. @Junkpile.7439 said:There is lot's of enemies to kill, but you can't really kill anybody because of barriers and firebrands.

    Yea nah, those barriers or firebrands wont keep ppl alive when meteors regularly hit for 10-15k in 1 hit, rev hammers also 10k.

    Who could ever die from that, when most classes in wvw run around with around 20k hp.

    If your zerg cant kill anyone in this burst heavy meta, than they are doing something very very wrong.

    @XenesisII.1540 said:

    @Yasai.3549 said:Warclaws are easy to get, but shouldn't be the first thing to unlock because
    Gliding is vastly more important and useful

    Sorry but no, the mount lets you get by most places without needing the glider. The only place you would need it is if you're going to spend significant time on desert bl and it's high cliffs, but even then you can get by easily on the mount. Plus the glider isn't going to let you keep up with groups all across maps. In any case you only need 3 points to unlock gliding and 1 for warclaw to start, but all efforts should be made to master the warclaw first.

    And this. Mount is op and should honestly be removed (wont happen).Just put the first point in to start the reward track, use celebratiin boost, guild boost and exp boost to get through as quick as possible, if you follow a zerg you should be done with everything when you finish the track. And have those few points for gliding ontop.

  12. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @"Skorpion.4850" said:It's pointed elsewhere (pvp forum), what's t the difference in armor class if everyone has the same power output beyond the logic of glass cannon.

    When you are commanding as a light class and you are the " head of the turtle", that 13% could make the difference between your party heals and your enemies damage.

    I'm not asking to lower the damage of heavy class since the Big Numbers meta but I'm demanding at least to have same treatment damage reduction wise

    If that's going to happen, can we also look at the HP pools for the different classes, too please? I mean, why are warriors HEAVILY armoured, with MAX health AND potential for high DPS, while guardian is LOW health?

    I bet everybody forgot that was a thing. /sigh

    I bet you also forgot that warrior is a full melee class with not as much dmg mitigation and sustain as guard, while guard has viable ranged options.If you put them on the same healthpool you would create an unkillable monster.

    And dont come with the "but warrior op reee" argument. They have basically not protection, no good regeneration, no blinds, no aegis and mostly rely on very small heals over time, that are not good to heal back from bursts.

    If you give guard those free vita stats, he can spend all those points into some other stat, that would just make him more op than he already is.

    Same goes for other classes, why gives mesmer or thief for example the same base defensive stats as warrior, when they have so many evades, good range options ontop of stealth?

    Imagine a thief with plate and high health, good luck killing that thing.

    Eles are already flamed in the pvp forum for being too hard to kill, imagine them with ~23k health and heavy armor, yikes.

  13. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @RisenHowl.2419 said:I'm pretty sure you could just run scrapper+spb with a couple berserkers tossed in and one push anyone

    You would most likely not be able to even reach the enemy, because you would lack stability to push through to them, atleast if they actually use their buttons their ranged dmg and cc will stop you in your tracks. Especially if the enemy commander is going to fight you in a choke point, where you have to move through all the dmg.

    @L A T I O N.8923 said:This most likely Will lead to stacking up scourges

    This most likely would lead to the other side stacking thieves and rangers which would in effect obliterate the scourge zerg faster than one can blink.

    What they should do is make a week out of it. Instead of no downstate week, do no Guardian class week (no guardians, no DH's, no Firebrands), and watch how the play drastically changes.

    And then come to forum and watch how many people complain ANet are being classist because they can't play Guardian? :D

    Anet said that they will never make an event that would leave out classes, because they dont want to force ppl to play a class they dont want to play. Because of this they wont give us a vanilla week.

    Both have plenty of stab and a block/invuln to get in melee range, or they could just mount/stealth in. Once they're in melee range it's gg, that many spb can chain multiple bubbles while spamming CC and immob. Without fb to stun break and layer stab, there isn't much you could do about it

    The other zerg has firebrands... It was asked for a zerg setup that could beat a meta setup.

    That might work 1 or 2 times, but as soon as they get wary it wont work anymore, they would kite you to death

  14. Speed runes increase the movement speed increase of swiftness, you will run fairly fast. I used to have to stop and wait for the Zerg to catch up prior to the arc law being released.

    But is also expensive almost 52 gold for 6 runes ;) vs traveler that dont even cost 1 gold for all 6 and keeps my char with +25% movement increased outside combat plus save me 1 utility/trait spot.

    Always a consideration ;P

    Sure it is, making gold isnt an easy task in this game specially for begginers and specially when they cant buy gems. The community should consider lower the price of items so more and more people would have access to them and not to mention cheaper items sell MUCH MORE than expensive... some items are EXCESSIVELY HIGH PRICE(I saw sword selling for almost 3k gold and a dye for almost 700) and the only 2 'easy' ways to get gold in this game are by doing daily that gives 2 gold and selling craft materials.

    The thing is, that those very expensive things you mentioned are not needed to play the game, those expensive things you mentioned are just for looks, and thats what the endgame of gw2 is... Its called "Fashion Wars 2" for a reason.Beginners dont need that to play the game as good as veterans.

    Most expensive stuff sells for 10k-25k gold in the trading post.

    Second. Unless you are into sparkles there is no need for gold. Now Legendary equipment and Ascended equipment do have purposes. Ascended for the infusion slots, and legendary for the ability to change your stats. Legendaries become more worth owning the more characters you have that can use said legendary. The runes are not worth it. Weapons, trinkets, and armor are with getting the legendaries for.

    If you only ever play one character though it may be better to just swipe a card for gems and buy the extra bag space for more gear though, speaking cost wise.

    I only play warrior and i have full legendary armor and weapons, it is good when you like to experiment around with your builds. Way cheaper than changing stats in the mystical toilet and overwriting runes all the time.

  15. Speed runes increase the movement speed increase of swiftness, you will run fairly fast. I used to have to stop and wait for the Zerg to catch up prior to the arc law being released.

    But is also expensive almost 52 gold for 6 runes ;) vs traveler that dont even cost 1 gold for all 6 and keeps my char with +25% movement increased outside combat plus save me 1 utility/trait spot.

    Always a consideration ;P

    Sure it is, making gold isnt an easy task in this game specially for begginers and specially when they cant buy gems. The community should consider lower the price of items so more and more people would have access to them and not to mention cheaper items sell MUCH MORE than expensive... some items are EXCESSIVELY HIGH PRICE(I saw sword selling for almost 3k gold and a dye for almost 700) and the only 2 'easy' ways to get gold in this game are by doing daily that gives 2 gold and selling craft materials.

    The thing is, that those very expensive things you mentioned are not needed to play the game, those expensive things you mentioned are just for looks, and thats what the endgame of gw2 is... Its called "Fashion Wars 2" for a reason.Beginners dont need that to play the game as good as veterans.

    Most expensive stuff sells for 10k-25k gold in the trading post.

  16. @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:Do you know guys if the heal from Shrug it off works for others sources of condi cleanse, like the runes of soldier, the warhorn, the torch etc ? And if it's per condi removed or per "application"

    Use "Shake It Off!" automatically when you have a number of conditions on you.
    Removing a damaging condition from an ally heals them.

    I was hoping that it worked on every dmg condi removed, that would actually be a good source of healing, but sadly it doesnt work that way.I think it works per application, but would need to test it out specifically again, i think i testes it out once, when the change was made, but cant remember anymore.

  17. @DeceiverX.8361 said:Low TTK isn't implicitly a problem, but rather low TTK coming from builds with high survivability, too. And how a lot of the survivability is really low-interaction coming from stuff like boons/effects/invulns.

    Like if you wanted to play D/D glass thief or GS berserker shatter mesmer in core game you still one-shotted people (one person every 30-40 seconds). But it's a glass cannon with no utility or disengage and poor durability. Its burst is visually clear (thief has to get into melee, land the CnD from non-stealth, and backstab will follow the CnD within 3 seconds, usually on 1.5) and has poor follow-up given D/D having bad mobility, or if not mobility, no condi cleanse or endurance refunding.

    Burst builds are good for larger-scale encounters because they are the answers to builds with Area of Denial damage effects like traditionally your glass ele, hammer rev, and wellomancer/scourge as well as taking out priority tactical targets. Disrupting leadership is considered good tactics, and the best groups will have people who understand the battlefield able to take over seamlessly when the primary commander dies.

    Just dropping TTK isn't a good thing - you end up with stuff like BoonBeast and condi trapper thief which just whittles people down using superior mobility/defenses until the opposition runs out of resources and eventually dies. There's very little interaction occurring here; instead of punishing someone's misplay or making a really aggressive move, it leverages wins by stealing agency from the opposing player, which is really not good practice at making a product people will want to return to.

    What ANet's been doing is adding too many damage tools to builds universally or with ones which really didn't need it, and where what were once small disparities like food buffs are now an even better piece of the balance, considering stuff like T7 food is better than the benefits of having multiple traits combined, rather than a small stat bump.

    Well, thats why they also want to lower boon application and heal, ppl always forget that those are also part of the powercreep, not just damage.

    Right now you CAN heal someone from 1% to 100% in a second, but only theoretical, because right now you have no 1% because you go from 100 to zero in a second.

  18. @RisenHowl.2419 said:I'm pretty sure you could just run scrapper+spb with a couple berserkers tossed in and one push anyone

    You would most likely not be able to even reach the enemy, because you would lack stability to push through to them, atleast if they actually use their buttons their ranged dmg and cc will stop you in your tracks. Especially if the enemy commander is going to fight you in a choke point, where you have to move through all the dmg.

    @Fish.2769 said:

    @L A T I O N.8923 said:This most likely Will lead to stacking up scourges

    This most likely would lead to the other side stacking thieves and rangers which would in effect obliterate the scourge zerg faster than one can blink.

    What they should do is make a week out of it. Instead of no downstate week, do no Guardian class week (no guardians, no DH's, no Firebrands), and watch how the play drastically changes.

    And then come to forum and watch how many people complain ANet are being classist because they can't play Guardian? :D

    Anet said that they will never make an event that would leave out classes, because they dont want to force ppl to play a class they dont want to play. Because of this they wont give us a vanilla week.

  19. @Blocki.4931 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:That build is really kitten fun, I love it!I expected to feel bad without Fast Hands, but it's alright after a while of getting used to it.My issue would be adrenaline generation at the start? Always bubble to get you started on that?

    I swap in cleansing ire, if i feel like my guard is competent, or the enemies not instagibbing meIt adds alot of adrenalin generation.

    And yea, not having fast hands turns off alot of ppl, many dont even try to play it, or try it for 1 or 2 fights, feel weird with it and go back to their super omegalul dmg warriors (who in reality cant compete with any of the current meta dmg speccs, like weaver or rev)

    I switched to Axe for a bit more aoe and I always forget how good Axe 2 is at generating Adrenaline. Went Rousing Resilience for that extra bit of sustain on me and had a ton of incredible fights. This is so much fun! Usually I'd complain that Fast Hands is gone because I don't get to swap weapons enough to make use of all the skills,but with all this sustain I can pull off so many swaps lol This is exactly my playstyle.

    Im not a fan of axe in zerg because sword offers more mobility, especially since hammer has none rly.Its good to jump in and pull bubble at the right place. Its f1 is also deadly if used on enemies in your teams bomb, you almost always see ppl get stuck from the immo and die, even with stability on them :p

  20. Who said that support is going to be removed?Heals and boons need to be lowered, when dmg and corrupts are getting lowered, because you wouldnt be able to kill stuff, honestly i think more support builds will even be viable, because support right now in wvw works like this:Alot of constant smaller healings to keep ppl as close to full hp as possible, because the amount of dmg flying around oneshots ppl, leaving no time for healers to target heal someone with a big heal.

    If the dmg gets lowered, ppl wont die instantly and healer with big bursty heals like druid or ventari can actually do their thing.

    This would even seperate good healers from bad.Because right now you just more or less passively heal everyone, but with less dmg and burst healer you actually have to actively look out for ppl who need heal etc.

  21. @Blocki.4931 said:That build is really kitten fun, I love it!I expected to feel bad without Fast Hands, but it's alright after a while of getting used to it.My issue would be adrenaline generation at the start? Always bubble to get you started on that?

    I swap in cleansing ire, if i feel like my guard is competent, or the enemies not instagibbing meIt adds alot of adrenalin generation.

    And yea, not having fast hands turns off alot of ppl, many dont even try to play it, or try it for 1 or 2 fights, feel weird with it and go back to their super omegalul dmg warriors (who in reality cant compete with any of the current meta dmg speccs, like weaver or rev)

  22. @Axl.8924 said:

    @Tycura.1982 said:None stand out very much. The other specs should be buffed to match current performance. There's many viable classes right now and not a one of them doesn't have counterplay.

    In my estimation the classes in need of the most love are druid, scourge, renegade, core engie, dragon hunter, chrono, core thief, and berserker.

    How about we stop the powercreep and instead of buffing the underperformers, we nerf the overperformer to bring them in line?Your way of balancing brought us into this powercrept state of a game.

    @Hylo.1968 said:Permastealth DE, condi Mirage, Symbolbrand, Bambi

    Edit: Warrior 0 effort self sustain

    Warrior has to hit f burst skills to get sustain, be it adrenal health (defense trait line isn't even meta anymore) or magebane tether/mmr

    If you avoid getting hit or break the tether you deny the warrior most of his sustain in the current meta build.

    Some classes underperform compared to other people they are aggressively controlled(Necromancer) and the other classes are simply power creeped.

    You don't address power creep by adding more power creep, you nerf the over-performing classes then sure if a class is still kitten compared to others you buff them in a necessary fashion.

    In fact: Everyone should get the necro treatment because then we wouldn't have mesmer mains complaining about being hard countered by thieves or necros and eles complaining about thief players, you get my point.

    Reaper is already quite good, what needs major reform is scourge.

    For ele: My experience is mostly tempest, but tempest has to get in a lot of melee range and doesn't have much evades like weaver has.

    Was that supposed to reply to me? My post already stated that i want to rather nerf than buff to no have more powercreep

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