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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @"chilled.6794" said:Openfield is not gvg tho. Imagine in 15v15 three warriors in a comp. There is literally only thief steal that can interrupt bubble and also only when the warrior used his autostability.

    Dont lie, there is not "literally only thief steal to interrupt bubble"

    Thats blatantly wrong.

    Bubble can only be casted without getting interrupted when the warrior has stability, so you rip the stab and cc him, even better if you just corrupt his stabilit, turning it into fear, automatically interrupting the casted bubble.

    And autostab is also just a normal stab boon, which can be ripped/corrupted.

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Please read up on information and how the game works before spouting such nonsense.

  2. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Points for using hammer...used to main hammer way back before it was ever meta. Loved it

    As for outnumbering on SB....no different than a condi mirage. Winning outnumbered fights is gonna happen to no ones surprise so ya lost points for that

    +1 overall as I do appreciate fellow content creators

    Uh, hammer in zergfighting was always the best weapon, even way before hot release hammer was used by every warrior.Atleast on eu.

  3. @Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Thief and mesmer, because if they play well they dont "lose" any fight.Sure they might not win against everybody, but they can almost always just disengage and look for easier, or fewer prey lol.

    That's great n all but that doesn't work at a camp, or say let's say this 1v1 happens inside an objective that the other guy can solo.

    That was not the question, it was only asked about 1v1s.

    Also why care about objectives when winning is meaningless?

    And thief and mesmer can solo camps n stuff aswell.

    If a single. Guy is trying to solo a camp and you engage on him he has to fight you and the guards and is in a pretty big disadvantage.

    The question was about 1v1 and in wvw that can happen at any time, any where.

    Npc camps are usually push overs and the only real threat are tower/keep lords.

    Absolutely, the guy attacking lord is at a huge disadvantage but in my experience anyone that's soloing a lord has a keen eye open for anyone coming.

    And still, thief and mesmer are the ones that will be able to disengage, reset the fight and pull that enemy away from the lord and fight there, while the other classes have to tank lord or while running away from the lord getting under high pressure by the enemy player.

    Which resets the lord.

    Pretty sure more than thief and mes can disengage enough to fight that player alone, they can just do it easier . Ranger/engie even a warrior can if his CDs are up.

    Ofc it resets lord, but nobody should be able to tank lord and another roamer.

    My point is, that everyone who doesnt have stealth has to take big hits or use defensive cds when disengaging the lord, while being chased by the defender.

    They see were the warrior is going, while a thief disengages completely and waits to get cds back

  4. @Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Thief and mesmer, because if they play well they dont "lose" any fight.Sure they might not win against everybody, but they can almost always just disengage and look for easier, or fewer prey lol.

    That's great n all but that doesn't work at a camp, or say let's say this 1v1 happens inside an objective that the other guy can solo.

    That was not the question, it was only asked about 1v1s.

    Also why care about objectives when winning is meaningless?

    And thief and mesmer can solo camps n stuff aswell.

    If a single. Guy is trying to solo a camp and you engage on him he has to fight you and the guards and is in a pretty big disadvantage.

    The question was about 1v1 and in wvw that can happen at any time, any where.

    Npc camps are usually push overs and the only real threat are tower/keep lords.

    Absolutely, the guy attacking lord is at a huge disadvantage but in my experience anyone that's soloing a lord has a keen eye open for anyone coming.

    And still, thief and mesmer are the ones that will be able to disengage, reset the fight and pull that enemy away from the lord and fight there, while the other classes have to tank lord or while running away from the lord getting under high pressure by the enemy player.

  5. @Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:Thief and mesmer, because if they play well they dont "lose" any fight.Sure they might not win against everybody, but they can almost always just disengage and look for easier, or fewer prey lol.

    That's great n all but that doesn't work at a camp, or say let's say this 1v1 happens inside an objective that the other guy can solo.

    That was not the question, it was only asked about 1v1s.

    Also why care about objectives when winning is meaningless?

    And thief and mesmer can solo camps n stuff aswell.

    If a single. Guy is trying to solo a camp and you engage on him he has to fight you and the guards and is in a pretty big disadvantage.

  6. @Dante.1763 said:

    @LucianDK.8615 said:sounds like you are asking for especs to be made baseline.

    No, he wants core skills and traits to be less good when an espec is active.

    And when you dont use the espec they become better.

    In my opinion that would be a nightmare.

    Its called a trade off. Elite specs werent meant to be a upgrade, but thats what they turned in to with ANETS inability release balance patches that are meaningful, and when they do, they either over kill a spec or a class or the patches are super slow. They -should- have been side-grades where you gain something but lose something else. All elite specs that ive used are straight up powergains and its made the game even more of a nightmare than it was for balance. Im hoping anet keeps going down the path its started where an elite spec feels like you have to give something up to use its abilities.

    Sure, i agree that they were never meant to be an upgrade, but changing traits to be different, when an espec is active just makes everything more confusing and complicated.

    Then you'd have traits that are split between pve and pvp, pve and pvp/wvw, pve and pvp and especs, pve and pvp/wvw and especs.

    Thats not the way to go.It takes more creativity to change it in a way that you dont have to split between espec and core.

    But take warrior for example, core, berserker and spb pretty much all have their uses and are played somewhere, and they all have their tradeoffs

    Berserk loses bursts outside of berserkmode, but gets a big powerspike when using it.Spb gains cc and anti boon options etc and loses one adrenalin bar, and can only use tier 1 bursts.

  7. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:with the damage change, rampage's duration needs to be buffed, or skill cast time.if i'm not wrong, but 0.01 Power coefficient literally means no damage.or cooldown be brought down to be used as third skill bar for utilities.

    big no, currently rampage is I win button. this elite pack 3, yes 3! hard CC. you can still deal damage during rampage with auto and dash, as for the damage. they remove scaling but base damage still remains, you will still land 1-2k hits.rampage still good for stomp/rez still good for mobility still good for +1 or running. and it still has damage, just gonna have to be used properly instead of spamming rock->stomp->dash->kick->auto->rock where you throw 4 hard cc in 10s that also hit for 5-12k dmg.

    since when x0.01 coefficient is base damage lol, bruh

    He didn't bother to read the wiki huh?

    I think they made it 0.01 because they did not want it as 0 damage, or possibly they were not able to get it to register has a direct hit if they did it as 0? Still... 0.01 is quite lame, 0.4 would have been enough.

    Lol i automatically assumed it was calculated like in league of legends, with the skill having a base value of dmg and an added bonus scaling with power, because 0.01 is so low, i didnt even think anybody would lower its dmg THAT much.

    With the whole thing being a multiplication it truly seems like a bit too much of a nerf, but whatever, anet being anet lol. Never liked rampage anyways.

  8. Uh, just corrupt their boons, stab gets turned into fear, instant interrupt, doesnt even need cc ontop

    @Lala.8752 said:i agree, this skill warrior is too strong in openfield, outnumbered is like impossible against big blob, you just can't interrupt them and they have just to have like 5-6 warrior and rush it's so kitten

    Lol you are outnumbered.Do you ecxpect to win with your 15 man vs a full blob just because you l have the same guildtag?

  9. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I want deceptions, traps, or tricks. Really want warrior with dual pistols and smoke fields...

    Sooo... you want a thief but with more hp and armor? :D

    More like an agent/enforcer. I can see an offhand pistol playing real well with sword, and smoke fields seem a viable option.

    seems like an engi could fit the bill

    Nah, Warrior needs better ranged DPS options and Pistols are whats left to really fill that bill. I just see this flavor working with pistols on warrior. Utilities could even be something new like 'cartridges', load up a smoke cartridge to lay down a smoke field, load up an ice cartridge to lay down an ice field, etc. The lack of fields is another hole in the warrior kit.

    I want to get scepter, give it some spear skins and let me throw it like a spear on like 600 or 900 range.

    Using it with a shield offhand and shouts would make for a great gw1 paragon.

    Ofc running it with a dmg offhand would be fun too.

    just make spear a 1h land weapon as well.

    You mean underwater spear? Thats too hard for them :^)

  10. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I want deceptions, traps, or tricks. Really want warrior with dual pistols and smoke fields...

    Sooo... you want a thief but with more hp and armor? :D

    More like an agent/enforcer. I can see an offhand pistol playing real well with sword, and smoke fields seem a viable option.

    seems like an engi could fit the bill

    Nah, Warrior needs better ranged DPS options and Pistols are whats left to really fill that bill. I just see this flavor working with pistols on warrior. Utilities could even be something new like 'cartridges', load up a smoke cartridge to lay down a smoke field, load up an ice cartridge to lay down an ice field, etc. The lack of fields is another hole in the warrior kit.

    I want to get scepter, give it some spear skins and let me throw it like a spear on like 600 or 900 range.

    Using it with a shield offhand and shouts would make for a great gw1 paragon.

    Ofc running it with a dmg offhand would be fun too.

  11. @Julius Seizure.4985 said:Not a Warrior main, but playing with this on Spell Breaker and Core Warrior it was unbelievably broken. 3x hard CC that can be use multiple times during the transform, all of which are hitting for 4K-8k, while your character is immune to all snares, immune to CC, stacking -50% DR, gaining 2,000 vitality, and having an 11k-damage-1000-range-dash skill on 4.5 seconds of recharge.

    Rampage will still have everything there, including 3x hard CC skills that can be cycled 6+ times per transformation. The only difference is now the CC skills alone won’t kill a foe.

    This is LONG overdue. I am pretty sure a moderately competent player will still be able to use this skill... People here are ignoring how hard the auto attacks land for and how much damage Dash does. I am pretty sure players will still view this as a broken skill.

    Just to correct you, rampage does not make you immune to snares like immobalize, otger soft cc's like cripple, chill, blind and weakness effect your movement and dmg output still, also condis will wreck you since you wont be able to clear, since no access to utilities.

    That said, rampage was imo the only real broken thing about warrior and always felt cheap using it against somebody, also felt lame to lose against it in 2 hits.

    Im happy its getting nerfed, ppl in lower pvp ranks will find other stuff to flame warrior for, but thats just how the gw2 community is.

    Atleast now i can take the banner without getting flamed lol. Its just fun to rezz and stomp at the same time.

  12. @chicos.7165 said:Mmmmm and I like heal too, is druid a good profession in pvp and wvw ?

    Not rly, druid is not rly existend in wvw or pvp.They have good burst healing, but what you rly need in wvw is sustained healing, because its way too easy to overheal someone, you need alot of smaller heals to keep your group above 90% at all times, if they drop lower they are at risked being downed instantly by 1 or 2 hits coming in at the same time.

    Guard and ele are the most common healers in wvw.

  13. @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:More options is always good, and my warrior (mara/zerk/cavalier) and rev (diviner/zerk/knight/cavalier) would prob appreciate that. I feel like I'd have to use a lot of demolishers to get the same bonus I currently get from a few pieces of knights and cavalier though.

    Demolishers provide more power than cavalier or knights and since they are 4stat you would end up with more statpoints overall

  14. Yes 0.01 is basically none, i guess their spaghetti code doesnt allow no coefficient, or not as easy as putting it to 0.01

    Just test the dmg in pvp, i hit golems with none power amulets for 2k crit tops :^)

  15. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:You can replicate any PvP Amulet pretty closely with the right combination of stats. I've been using a "Demolisher" Reaper for quite some time now. Without runes and food my stats are extremely close to the Amulet, but because WvW offers more stats overall, it ends up being flat out better with all things added.

    If you have the patience you can tinker with stats on GW2 Build Editor until you find what you want.

    No, you dont.

    There are 4 pve stat sets that have power, precision and ferocity and 3 of them are glass. The only thing close is maras which is a vita/toughness swap compared to demolisher.

    I'm sorry you have no sense of creativity. And apparently the inability to let go of past disagreements or you wouldn't be responding to me with snarky remarks all the time.

    To be fair ive tried to get something like marauders with toughness instead of vitality, but you always lose some statpoints that you wouldnt lose if those stats existed.Also, there are basically no stats that have power as main stat and also provide toughness as secondary.

  16. @Dantheman.3589 said:

    @Arheundel.6451 said:The first has a plethora of counterspecs and counterplay option while the latter
    basically has none
    still Anet pushed in the wrong direction will nerf condi thief which I rarely see these days and will leave SA deadeye out of the picture while it's literally a plague in both PvP and WvW....As I stated in a previous thread, it's possible to counter condi spec on basically all classes unless heavily outplayed....but Anet still go and put nerfing precedence on condi thief while permastealth horror is a thing...just why?

    Can you tell me whats the counterplay to condi thief as warrior? Last season i played ranked was in december last year, but was in plat.I always get kitten up by condi thiefes, especially in wvw. Appreciate tips.

    Hmm I was plat3 last season on condi thief. Ppl always shrug off losing 1v1s to warriors but it seems plausible to me. First off warrior has some instant condi clear and if it’s timed well with good dodges a warrior can mitigate a lot of the damage while doing unblockable damage. This alone isn’t usually enough to win the fight but if you can land anything in rampage or to apply a tether this 1v1 can easily turn around. If there’s a lot of room I feel I can 1v1 most warriors but with little space and with less of a skill gap present in top tier warriors this 1v1 becomes kind of tough

    I met a guy in wvw and he just camped on his longbow and was spamming autoattacks and constantly put poison stacks on me, way too many to cleanse and dodge them all, and when i attacked he just started to kite with bow skills and shadowstep.

    The amount of poison he applied was ridiculous and felt impossible to win

  17. 6-7k hours playtime, most of them roaming, zerging, and dueling without doing anything for my server huehue

    @"Buckeye.9846" said:Reached rank 10k https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/83jsji/its_been_a_long_ride/ 1+ year ago, stopped playing after they changed the multiboxing policy because lack of incentive to play, also the gamemode is in a pretty bad state atm.

    Have gone full pve since then and wouldnt stick my foot in wvw again unless they changed their multiboxing rules or released the alliance system with some fair matched matchups.

    What are you gaining from multiboxing im wvw???

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