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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Id also like if they made sword offhand scale with ad, so i could use it in a powerbuild.

    Um... It already does though?

    Yea... But bad scaling or never hits, try to hit the throw AND the rip. Even the counterattacks from mace and sword are so hard to hit, when they get triggered.

    Wouldn't really say it has bad scaling, but maybe I'm missing something and you can explain."never hits" is not a part of scaling, but ok . :p

    I never said that its part of scaling, but ok :p

  2. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Megametzler.5729" said:Why is Fire Weaver a problem anyway?Compared to Mirage:It evades less than Mirage.

    Meta fire Weaver way outpaces meta Condi mirage right now in evade uptime.

    1 single block and one 0.5 second evade (Which similar to Full Counter is really just there so the counter attack goes off properly if an attack is absorbed) on the scepter 2, 8 second cooldown verses

    2.75 seconds of evade every 12 seconds between Riptide and Earthen Vortex.

    Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight a Weaver is getting 13.75 seconds of evade frames from Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Mesmers are getting 7 potential blocks and 3.5 seconds of evade frames.

    Illusionary Ambush is 0.75 seconds on a 35s cooldown.

    Twist of Fate is 1s evade on a 40s cooldown, but has the benefit of being an ammo skill. Over the course of a fairly realistic

    60 second fight the mirage is getting 1.5 seconds of evade frames from IA, Weaver is getting 3 seconds from twist of fate.

    Now Mirage does have a built in evade on False Oasis that Weaver's don't have in their build which can be used potentially three times in a 60 second fight for 2.25 seconds of evade.

    Both classes have very high levels of vigor and while Weaver does have more the exact uptime on both is a bit hard to calculate while at work so I'll just say they break even at perma vigor. That's 8 vigor dodges over 60 seconds plus your 2nd endurance bar for a 9th dodge. Equalling 6.75 seconds of dodge roll evades per minute.

    Weaver runs energy, Mirage runs double energy so they're both procing it as much as possible, that's another 3 dodges per minute. 2.25 seconds.

    When you look at the totals you're looking at:

    Mirage: 16.5 seconds of Evade Frames per minute.

    Weaver: 25.75 seconds of Evade Frames per minute.

    Even if you assume a mirage is running a melee weapon like axe instead of scepter that's 5.25 seconds of evade frames per minute instead of 3.5.

    If you want to throw mesmer Distortion on there then you have to throw Obsidian Flesh on there since that's an invulnerability as well, both potentially 4 seconds on 50 second cooldowns so potentially 8 seconds of invulnerability per minute and now we're looking at:

    Mirage: 24.5 seconds of evade uptime per minute.Weaver: 33.75 seconds of evade uptime per minute.

    This is a pretty extreme rough estimate, assuming both classes are using their defensive options off cooldown all fight long in a way that isn't realistic, but if you're going to throw out statements like "mirage has more evades than Weaver" you should probably check what The actual meta builds are roughly capable of first. Meta Weaver decisively beats Meta Mirage in evade uptime right now.

    You would have to count also the mirrors from the trait in mirage, and SoI too, would be impossible to make 100% effective use of all that but in THEORY would be more.

    Personally i used to love 3clone shatter f4 -> SoI -> get 3clones and shatter again for 8s+ of invulnerability, and watching warrior/holo monkeys just run into me anyways while swinging at invulnerable, crying op xd.

    Well, adding those 8seconds to the time the previous post calculated seems quite op to me, but what do i know, im just a warrior monkey.

    And ontop its quite hard to tell from animations or buffs that mesmer is invuln, or how long he will remain invuln.

    Especially when you have to constantly find him between his clones and other pink fluff flying around the whole screen.

    Everything over half a minute of invulns and complete dmg mitigation is completely out of whack and shouldnt be possible.

    Inability to tell the real mesmer from clones, and getting confused by clutter is l2p issue.Not knowing what to look out for, how mirage dodge looks like, cooldowns of their abilities or how disortion looks like, is l2p issue.

    As for warrior.

    Shield block, 3 times for 3s each = 9s. X 9sFull counter 6 times for 6 blocks + 3s. X 3s + 6 blocksGS3 8 times for 6s. X 6sBullscharge 3 times for 3,75s X 3,75s7 normal evades for 5,25s X 5,25Defiant stance, 3 times for 12s X 12sGrand total of 39s of damage immunity, if used with combination of endure pain could go to 45s. and counting rampage as immunity would lend to 55/60s of immunity.Ofc all that is impossible to reach as much as weaver/mirage stuff but you know, your apple is hanging on the same tree along with mirage and weaver mrs warrior.

    Edit the X and time after is meaningless, i used it to make it readable for me and im too lazy to remove it now that im done.Edit Edit, Didnt count potential weapon swap endurance or endurancce gained from traits, could potentially go more XD

    I never said i wasnt able to tell the real mesmer, its still bothersome and takes atleast some time, even for you, if you dont admit it, you are lying. You cant tell which one is real in 0.0seconds.

    Mirage dodges dont have an animation, isnt that the whole premise of the specc? They can even cast skills while doing so lol.

    Rampage is nowhere near to an immunity, wtf. If that was the case we might aswel have to count using LoS and how much dmg you can do to an enemy while using LoS without him hitting back.

    Did i ever say this wouldnt go for warrior?More than half a minute is too much, gj adding all thise numbers you get a cybercookie.

    Having that much is too much, if multiple classes need to have that many to survive, then there is seriously something wrong with dmg output in the game.Reduce dmg, across the board, reduce invuln durations so they are not spammable and become meaningfull when you actually block a big burst. Makes for more fun and skillful play than just mindlessly rotating them.

    On a sidenote, im not a mrs.Dunno if you were trying to mock me with that or whatever, im a dude.

  3. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    As i mentioned before, the cd is lowered if you pick it up before it runs out on its own.

    I always hated rampage, and it being nerfed is the first step of other things being hopefully buffed.

    It will probably take a while, but whatever.But ppl in higher tiers of play will realize very quickly that warrior will underperform without overpowered rampage, so logically there has to be made some adjustments (i know anets logic is questionable alot of the time)

    Maybe Signet of Rage could refresh all Bursts and refill the adrenaline gauge when used? That would make it worth taking in every game mode.

    Yea, well, in wvw id still use WoD in zergs and rampage isnt changed there, which still makes it the strongest skill when roaming solo

    In pve, it would make sense if you are berserker, i think in core you only use bursts to keep berserkers power up and using them more is actually a dmg loss in raids...

    For pvp it would make sense. Might actually make it a bit too strong.

  4. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Megametzler.5729" said:Why is Fire Weaver a problem anyway?Compared to Mirage:It evades less than Mirage.

    Meta fire Weaver way outpaces meta Condi mirage right now in evade uptime.

    1 single block and one 0.5 second evade (Which similar to Full Counter is really just there so the counter attack goes off properly if an attack is absorbed) on the scepter 2, 8 second cooldown verses

    2.75 seconds of evade every 12 seconds between Riptide and Earthen Vortex.

    Over the course of a fairly realistic 60 second fight a Weaver is getting 13.75 seconds of evade frames from Riptide and Earthen Vortex. Mesmers are getting 7 potential blocks and 3.5 seconds of evade frames.

    Illusionary Ambush is 0.75 seconds on a 35s cooldown.

    Twist of Fate is 1s evade on a 40s cooldown, but has the benefit of being an ammo skill. Over the course of a fairly realistic

    60 second fight the mirage is getting 1.5 seconds of evade frames from IA, Weaver is getting 3 seconds from twist of fate.

    Now Mirage does have a built in evade on False Oasis that Weaver's don't have in their build which can be used potentially three times in a 60 second fight for 2.25 seconds of evade.

    Both classes have very high levels of vigor and while Weaver does have more the exact uptime on both is a bit hard to calculate while at work so I'll just say they break even at perma vigor. That's 8 vigor dodges over 60 seconds plus your 2nd endurance bar for a 9th dodge. Equalling 6.75 seconds of dodge roll evades per minute.

    Weaver runs energy, Mirage runs double energy so they're both procing it as much as possible, that's another 3 dodges per minute. 2.25 seconds.

    When you look at the totals you're looking at:

    Mirage: 16.5 seconds of Evade Frames per minute.

    Weaver: 25.75 seconds of Evade Frames per minute.

    Even if you assume a mirage is running a melee weapon like axe instead of scepter that's 5.25 seconds of evade frames per minute instead of 3.5.

    If you want to throw mesmer Distortion on there then you have to throw Obsidian Flesh on there since that's an invulnerability as well, both potentially 4 seconds on 50 second cooldowns so potentially 8 seconds of invulnerability per minute and now we're looking at:

    Mirage: 24.5 seconds of evade uptime per minute.Weaver: 33.75 seconds of evade uptime per minute.

    This is a pretty extreme rough estimate, assuming both classes are using their defensive options off cooldown all fight long in a way that isn't realistic, but if you're going to throw out statements like "mirage has more evades than Weaver" you should probably check what The actual meta builds are roughly capable of first. Meta Weaver decisively beats Meta Mirage in evade uptime right now.

    You would have to count also the mirrors from the trait in mirage, and SoI too, would be impossible to make 100% effective use of all that but in THEORY would be more.

    Personally i used to love 3clone shatter f4 -> SoI -> get 3clones and shatter again for 8s+ of invulnerability, and watching warrior/holo monkeys just run into me anyways while swinging at invulnerable, crying op xd.

    Well, adding those 8seconds to the time the previous post calculated seems quite op to me, but what do i know, im just a warrior monkey.

    And ontop its quite hard to tell from animations or buffs that mesmer is invuln, or how long he will remain invuln.

    Especially when you have to constantly find him between his clones and other pink fluff flying around the whole screen.

    Everything over half a minute of invulns and complete dmg mitigation is completely out of whack and shouldnt be possible.

  5. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Every other Warrior elite skill is trash, so it's pretty much guaranteed warriors will still take rampage inside PvP at least.

    With all the CC/damage skills getting nerfed people will probably just use Rampage 4 & 5 to CC and set up for Rampage 3, if not immediately swapping out of rampage for their GS bursts once they've used it to CC someone. Spamming the auto-attack just isn't practical unless you're trying to punish a revive.

    Rampage is also pretty good for securing clutch revives and stomps because of the damage reduction and Stability so it'l probably still be used in that way. Much better than Battle Standard at least.

    I could be wrong though. With damage going down across the board, there will probably be more bunkers and rampage was never really good VS Bunkers because stability, blocks, and blinds just eat the skill already.

    How would rampage be a better choice to simply stomp or rezz a player than banner?

    You dont have to stand in cleave at all to cast a banner, you can even start casting and walk fully out of range to drop it. Its also harder to see in the midst of a fight than a stomp or a rezz.

    Because banner is complete trash and it's even more trash in unorganized pvp?first of all, rampage has 96 CD, banner has 180second of all, banner can be easily dodged by clueless teammate, either with down state blink/mist form/ w/e. while rampage rez is basically u know some one is resing you so they don't do stupid kitten.third of all, banner is not guaranteed res either, can be easily out damaged or poison or w/e, not only rampage can stop people from damaging the downed, it can also interrupt resses.and finally banner does nothing when there's no down, why would u plant banner before any downs thus making the boons pointless almost, not like the boons are any more useful with all the classes kitten them out like candy.

    tldr banner is trash in pvp.

    personally tho, i would say its trash in all modes

    and signet, it's even more trash in pvp, i'd rather take kick/throw bolas in the elite slot and it would be twice better.

    As i mentioned before, the cd is lowered if you pick it up before it runs out on its own.

    I always hated rampage, and it being nerfed is the first step of other things being hopefully buffed.

    It will probably take a while, but whatever.But ppl in higher tiers of play will realize very quickly that warrior will underperform without overpowered rampage, so logically there has to be made some adjustments (i know anets logic is questionable alot of the time)

  6. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:How would rampage be a better choice to simply stomp or rezz a player than banner?

    You dont have to stand in cleave at all to cast a banner, you can even start casting and walk fully out of range to drop it. Its also harder to see in the midst of a fight than a stomp or a rezz.

    I only speak from PvP because that's really all I play. In WvW, that probably isn't practical.

    In PvP the 2s cast time and absurdly long CD on the banner(even with the update that shaves time off the CD in mind) you're likely to just get CC spammed and interrupted while casting it. That or your target will usually die before it hits them anyway.

    With Rampage you can essentially accomplish the same thing with CC immunity and the -50% damage buff. A revive is probably going to come out quicker with Rampage than full-casting the banner, and the tradeoff for taking another 1.5 seconds to stomp enemies is that you get an elite skill that you can use more often, and in more ways than just the singular and niche way of securing stomps/rezzes.

    Im not so sure about that, you also have 1sec casttime to use rampage, which you have to add to the stomp/rezz

    The dmg mitigation is kinda moot, since you can walk out of the dmg when casting banner + the enemies have to either cleave the down, or attack you, when you rezz with rampage they can easily hit both at the same time. And its no real cc immunity, the stab can still be ripped or corrupted and its 2 stacks of stab every 3 seconds.

    Also i doubt that you rezz someone faster than throwing the banner. And ppl rarely cleave as furiously as they do when they see someone rezzing right next to the downed guy. Same goes for stomp.

    I agree that it adds more variety to the playstyle, with 5 more weaponskills, but honestly i can make more use of my normal weaponskills than some tickle cc or just to run away with it.

    And finally banner gives some buffs to your group afterwards and you can lower its cooldown by picking it right back up.

  7. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Don't worry, it's not unnatural to not have fun with what had been for the longest time; Rampage, the class.

    The skill that has essentially been Warrior's identity over the past few PvP seasons(Even though it isn't even exclusive to Warrior) is being nerfed pretty hard, and it's not like there's any sort of buff to Warrior/Spellbreaker's base kit, or the other elite skills to make it feel more fun or interesting to play. Basically, if you were bored from relying on this one skill before, nothing about the class has changed. It's just that one skill has been made worse.

    Warrior is headed back to the dark days where it was just before PoF came out. Playing it is going to be a matter of personal conviction, and if you aren't all that attached to the class; this is a perfect time to not be playing Warrior. In PvP at least, Idunno about the other two modes.

    Unique bannerbuffs and empowered allies will keep it in pve.

    WoD will keep them in wvw.

    Nobody plays rampage in those modes rly, except maybe for wvw roaming, but its not even nerfed in wvw or pve.

  8. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Every other Warrior elite skill is trash, so it's pretty much guaranteed warriors will still take rampage inside PvP at least.

    With all the CC/damage skills getting nerfed people will probably just use Rampage 4 & 5 to CC and set up for Rampage 3, if not immediately swapping out of rampage for their GS bursts once they've used it to CC someone. Spamming the auto-attack just isn't practical unless you're trying to punish a revive.

    Rampage is also pretty good for securing clutch revives and stomps because of the damage reduction and Stability so it'l probably still be used in that way. Much better than Battle Standard at least.

    I could be wrong though. With damage going down across the board, there will probably be more bunkers and rampage was never really good VS Bunkers because stability, blocks, and blinds just eat the skill already.

    How would rampage be a better choice to simply stomp or rezz a player than banner?

    You dont have to stand in cleave at all to cast a banner, you can even start casting and walk fully out of range to drop it. Its also harder to see in the midst of a fight than a stomp or a rezz.

  9. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Meh, im not a fan of using pretty much the same skill for another class, dh f3 would be boring. There is also already guards shield 5, that works like that. A on character moving cc wall would be kind of new, and running through a group of enemies, knocking them down would be fun.

    I can see the QQ from here on a moving CC wall. Sounds fun though.

    Ive blasted waterfields so many times in my wvw days... I dont rly want them for myself lol

    More fields is more fields. We've all blasted every field forever at this point.

    0 distance would be kinda moot, because it would just be another ordinary cc, the interesting thing about guards banish for example is, that you can knock downstated players away from his rezzing friend, maybe a 300 range knock would be fitting and should be far enough to interrupt rezz, banish is 750 range.

    0 Distance to keep them close, but if you are wanting to knock a downed away from being rezzed I can see utility in that.

    (i do realize that i just contradict myself here with what i said about dh f3... I do feel like this skill would be more refreshing than another reflect in this game)

    No worries, somethings are bound to be similar to what other classes can do, particularly if we're trying to design something that is remotely feasible.

    Could also just break the enemies kneecaps, to inflict slow...

    My point was, that mace is a very slow moving weapon, without any movement skills, so giving it a ranged attack that applies slow would reduce the dmg taken until you manage to walk up to that enemy,if you hit him.

    Nothing keeping it the proposed skill from lunging forward like Skull Grinder does. Or were you thinking more of another projectile like Tremor?

    Its gw2, were 1 daggerswing hits 2 ppl, so a warrior might aswell can pull like 3 ppl towards him, it would kinda fit the weapon and warrior doesnt have any pull so far, we have knockbacks, that push our enemies away from us??? But none that gets them closer to give them a lovetap.

    Well Spear has a pull, but that doesn't count right? Can we switch out Throw Bolas for Lasso? Give it a flip over skill that pulls them into range.Also, Magebane Tether is a pull.

    So, a forward AoE, say 480 range, that pulls up to 5 foes to you? If this were to be a set up for 100b or Arcing Slice it would need a cripple, immob, stun, or knockdown. Brief duration in any of those cases. You thoughts?

    Well, you wouldnt be pushing ppl with you like a bulldozer, altough id have my fun with it. But just make it so that each individual can only be hit once and the whole thing can affect 10ppl.

    I know, but waterfields are weak nowadays, compared to other heals, hence why they are not used alot anymore to heal the zerg, like back in the pre hot days.

    I understood your 0 distance launch to not have to run after them, but then it wouldnt be any special, just another stun, wooho.

    Well not like tremor, like an axe throw, but with a heavy mace lol.

    Lasso... But how would you throw a lasso, when you are already using a 2handed greatsword? And yea, most pulls have a short knockdown at the end.

  10. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Dunno why i understood it like that, but i thought that tactical bursts are for the offhand weapon, and if you use a 2handed weapon your normal burst is swapped to a tactical burst, like primalbursts.

    Makes more sense your way.

    I have a few suggestions for tactical burst changes. Not that i dont like AoE cc, but ppl would definately call you out on making them all feel the same.

    And they should, like I said was running low on steam when I put it in. Some of them
    be AoE CCs, but I am open to your, and other's, ideas.

    Lets start with my favourites.

    For shield:Shieldwall: you raise your shield infront of your body and create an impenetrable defensive line (i know actual shieldwalls require several ppl to put their shields together, but my norn is a frickin beast, he can hold a massive shield ;p)

    For the effect you gain something like guards staff 5 line of warding that moves with you and always faces your direction.Or maybe make it work like that chrono skill, that i think comes from shield, just that it moves with you.Mmm. How about more like the DH F3 active skill? For 2s you block all attacks in front of you. Projectiles are reflected during this time.

    Horn:Horn already has 2 blastfinishers, id rather have it leave a field, that can be blasted with the other 2 spells.The field would maybe be the echoes of the horn still ringing in the air, or just the gust of wind created by the powerful lungs of the warrior. Ice field would work great with your other traits i guess, blasting protection. Whatever, no smoke tho, i dont want to join the solo stealth club anymore. Thats lame.

    Not sure this one. Maybe a water field instead? that way WH4 and WH5 can blast it for more healing?

    Hammer:Yours sounds just like another hammerstun. And its another downward movement, why not give us an upward movement? Something like guards hammer banish, maybe not knocking as far, since you want to stick to your target.

    Valid concern. How about a 0 distance launch?

    Mace:Is just another mace 3 interrupt.

    Not a bad thing to have more of, but the focus was putting slow on there.

    My norn is strong, he can throw a mace, i want to throw my mace at ppl who are poking at me from range because mace has 0 movementskills.Ofc it hits their head, slowing them in their casts down.

    Consider an Asura doing skull crack or skull grinder... Imagine un upward swing not a downward swing for this one..

    Greatsword:You flip your greatsword in hand, grabbing the blade with your plate gauntlet and using the handguard as hook to pull ppl towards you, setting them up to eat 100 blades :)

    I like the visual of the AoE knockdown followed up by Arcing Slice as a mass execution :tongue: but it also sets up 100B. You are right that the cross guards have been used historically to disarm or reposition opponents, but I don't see that working against multiple foes, which a GS F2 deserves to have.

    Meh, im not a fan of using pretty much the same skill for another class, dh f3 would be boring. There is also already guards shield 5, that works like that. A on character moving cc wall would be kind of new, and running through a group of enemies, knocking them down would be fun.

    Ive blasted waterfields so many times in my wvw days... I dont rly want them for myself lol

    0 distance would be kinda moot, because it would just be another ordinary cc, the interesting thing about guards banish for example is, that you can knock downstated players away from his rezzing friend, maybe a 300 range knock would be fitting and should be far enough to interrupt rezz, banish is 750 range.(i do realize that i just contradict myself here with what i said about dh f3... I do feel like this skill would be more refreshing than another reflect in this game)Could also just break the enemies kneecaps, to inflict slow...

    My point was, that mace is a very slow moving weapon, without any movement skills, so giving it a ranged attack that applies slow would reduce the dmg taken until you manage to walk up to that enemy,if you hit him.

    Its gw2, were 1 daggerswing hits 2 ppl, so a warrior might aswell can pull like 3 ppl towards him, it would kinda fit the weapon and warrior doesnt have any pull so far, we have knockbacks, that push our enemies away from us??? But none that gets them closer to give them a lovetap.

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:I like the idea of offhand burstskills, especially for warhorn and shield, since they cant be used in offhand and thus have never had bursts.

    I figured you would like the in particular.

    Some of my thoughts.
    1. You used on 4 finishers basically the same effect, aoe cc around you, 5 if we count the pistol burst.

    I was going for that. I wanted a more tactical approach that would be meaningful small or large scale, and AoE CC felt like it fit the bill. Also did this late at night, so it was probably also my mind filling it in too many of them. Your welcome to suggest a few others. Except Griffon Sweep. That one stays.
    1. Why not put some fields onto bursts? Rigt now you are basically stuck to pistols, bow or utillities to generate a field yourself, so other weapons are kinda weak for the espec.

    Well, most of the F2s are also blast finishers, which is the other aspect of the spec, and teamwork is a thing. An 'Earth' field isn't a thing otherwise I would have put it onto Hammer. But a smoke field created by a dust cloud would work as well. Do you have other ideas on possible fields?
    1. Rifle burst is kinda awkward, since killshot is the defining skill of the build, but giving him an immo is weird, since you often need to somehow cc your foe to set up that long casting killshot, for it to connect. When killshot actually connects, your foe should be dead, or atleast close to be dead (hence the name KILLshot), what good is an immo on it, just to hit 2 more aa's for the finish? Thats kinda lame.

    I wanted something that could be a setup for Killshot. F2 to immob, F1 to finish. You did catch where both are available to use back to back right or was I not clear enough on it? Honest question.
    1. Why would i ever go for area denial if weakening vapor is that much stronger.

    One is in Adept Tier and another in Master? Also adrenaline gain when you cripple a foe is built into the spec, so Area Denial would end up fueling large amounts of adrenaline over time. Outside of PvE, players will just move out of fields, but before they do you'll get a few procs of each trait for more adrenaline, weakness, and chill.

    Area Denial also combos with Leg Specialist which would immobilize them in the field, which was my thought initially. Weakening Vapors is more support oriented focused while Area Denial is more offensive minded.
    1. The commands read like shouts, and would synergize well with tactic vigorous shout. They are pretty weak, except for the elite and the # 3 and # 4

    Meh, More like the Ranger 'Commands' that used to be shouts, so no Vigorous Shout synergy. #1 and #2 are more offense and #3 and #4 are more support (which is why you like them in particular :wink:). I tried to not make #1 and #2 too powerful seeing how quickly Warhorn's Charge damage bonus got nerfed. But you are right in that it probably should be split between game modes, which I don't want to bother with for this post.

    Also remember that #1 can be used WITH Charge. #2 is really meant to be a condi version of #1, its essentially 8 stacks of bleed over 2s for every ally affected. So with 5 (yourself included) people, that's 40 stacks over 2 seconds. Granted its their condi damage that dictates how painful it is, but with the right group (or Raids) that is a fair bit of extra group DPS.

    I mean for these to be to give buffs to allies along the lines of Charge or Ashes of the Just. I almost made #3 and #4 proc off of attacks as well, but decided that group stunbreaks were more useful. The Elite may have to long of a duration on the boons, but then boons can be corrupted so its a double edged sword.

    Edit: im mostly seeing this from a wvw perspective, because thats what i mostly play.

    I tried to focus on how this would work in a group, so WvW, Raids, and FotM are the main focus though it should work fine in PvP or open world.

    Also, area denial makes only sense with leg specialist

    And with adrenaline gain. Also its an Adept Tier trait, so the question becomes do you want to focus on controlling enemy movement (especially paired with Leg Specialist), Group buffs with Inspiring Finish, or personal DPS with Sundering Attack? Also keep in mind that someone may rather have the cripple but not Weakening Vapors. Weakening Vapors competes with group Boon support, and boon conversion on foes, both or which are also strong. I can see a condi spec wanting Area Denial to fuel LB F1 Burst, but wanting Reversal of Fortune to convert boons into more condi.

    Thanks for commenting :smile:

    Dunno why i understood it like that, but i thought that tactical bursts are for the offhand weapon, and if you use a 2handed weapon your normal burst is swapped to a tactical burst, like primalbursts.

    Makes more sense your way.

    I have a few suggestions for tactical burst changes. Not that i dont like AoE cc, but ppl would definately call you out on making them all feel the same.

    Lets start with my favourites.

    For shield:Shieldwall: you raise your shield infront of your body and create an impenetrable defensive line (i know actual shieldwalls require several ppl to put their shields together, but my norn is a frickin beast, he can hold a massive shield ;p)

    For the effect you gain something like guards staff 5 line of warding that moves with you and always faces your direction.Or maybe make it work like that chrono skill, that i think comes from shield, just that it moves with you.

    Horn:Horn already has 2 blastfinishers, id rather have it leave a field, that can be blasted with the other 2 spells.The field would maybe be the echoes of the horn still ringing in the air, or just the gust of wind created by the powerful lungs of the warrior. Ice field would work great with your other traits i guess, blasting protection. Whatever, no smoke tho, i dont want to join the solo stealth club anymore. Thats lame.

    Hammer:Yours sounds just like another hammerstun. And its another downward movement, why not give us an upward movement? Something like guards hammer banish, maybe not knocking as far, since you want to stick to your target.

    Mace:Is just another mace 3 interrupt.My norn is strong, he can throw a mace, i want to throw my mace at ppl who are poking at me from range because mace has 0 movementskills.Ofc it hits their head, slowing them in their casts down.

    Greatsword:You flip your greatsword in hand, grabbing the blade with your plate gauntlet and using the handguard as hook to pull ppl towards you, setting them up to eat 100 blades :)

  12. @rng.1024 said:

    @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:Before i throw my feedback, let's get this straight:

    The idea is that one slot becomes stunbreak slot and any skill you put there will stunbreak.In return all utility skills that were stunbreaks lose that feature.

    Is this correct?

    More like every skill that has stunbreak functionality today would retain it, however you could only equip them in a certain slot.

    In other words you have all the same stunbreaks you had before, but they can only be equipped in a specific slot. Those that weren't stunbreaks will remain non-stunbreaking.

    Id prefer it to work in a way that skills that are not in that slot lose their stunbreak, so i can still equip shake it off as condi cleanse and balanced stance as stunbreak/stability for safer stomps etc.

  13. I like the idea of offhand burstskills, especially for warhorn and shield, since they cant be used in mainhand and thus have never had bursts.

    Some of my thoughts.

    1. You used on 4 finishers basically the same effect, aoe cc around you, 5 if we count the pistol burst.

    2. Why not put some fields onto bursts? Rigt now you are basically stuck to pistols, bow or utillities to generate a field yourself, so other weapons are kinda weak for the espec.

    3. Rifle burst is kinda awkward, since killshot is the defining skill of the build, but giving him an immo is weird, since you often need to somehow cc your foe to set up that long casting killshot, for it to connect. When killshot actually connects, your foe should be dead, or atleast close to be dead (hence the name KILLshot), what good is an immo on it, just to hit 2 more aa's for the finish? Thats kinda lame.

    4. Why would i ever go for area denial if weakening vapor is that much stronger.

    5. The commands read like shouts, and would synergize well with tactic vigorous shout. They are pretty weak, except for the elite and the # 3 and # 4

    Edit: im mostly seeing this from a wvw perspective, because thats what i mostly play.Also, area denial makes only sense with leg specialist

  14. @chilled.6794 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:

    ive played in gvgs aswell, and first, if you die to the first thrown warri bubble you are doing something wrong, you should have defensive stuff up to get out.second, if the warrior pulls it later in the fight its less likely that he has all the boons in the game, so easier for you to corrupt.and third, if you know so much about the game, then you probably also know, that lesser balanced stance (aka autostabi) is bugged for years and triggers when he runs through ANY cc while already having stabi, so throw one random cc in his way at the beginning of the fight, his autostab pops, regardless of having guards stabi and not needing balanced stance right there.

    boom he has a whopping 5 seconds of auto balanced stance and 40 seconds cooldowns on it, while not even gotten close to your group.i absolutely agree, so broken, yikes.

    anyways, regardless of how likely you are of interrupting him, its still not "literally impossible" except by thief to interrupt him, just refrain to use such exaggerations.

    you can trait that their target cap is increased to 10, just saying.and your warriors can remove his boons aswellalso most boon removel effects trigger before the actual hit, so using a cc that removes a boon beforehand will increase your chance of interrupting the enemy, because you remove a boon right before the hit, if that boon in stab, its very unlikely for him to gain stab inbetween the boon removel and the actual hit.

    first,I don't make this post, because I complain dying to it. I just think it should have more counterplay than right now. The skill has insane value just because the mechanic is too strong with defense.second, The current meta is not some kitten right now, so the chance he has all boons up is actually pretty high, because pull out game is big right now. You rarely bubble when you pushed already, rather wait for spike cd's.third, I don't main warrior and I was actually memeing, because game time has only to a certain extend something to do with your knowledge or skill in this game.Out of my experience balanced stance still happens most of the time, that is works and it's the first time I hear about this bug actually. Might be true, might be not idk.

    I don't get what you want me to tell with the last sentence.

    I wont expand much more on this topic, ive made my point clear, the defense traitline doesnt bring bubbly anywhere near of being impossible to interrupt or counterplay, theres also immob, chill, cripple and blind you could use on him to deny his removel and him moving inside you.

    You dont have to believe me, just test it out for yourself, thats what i did today, just to make sure that, after all these years, it hasnt been fixed.

    Go into your guild arena with a person you know, equip the trait, pull dolyak signet for stab, let your buddy use guard shield 5 for example and watch how last stand triggers balanced stance ontop of your dolyak stab.

  15. @"chilled.6794" said:Well and I've been plaiyng gvg since game release 3-4 times a week. Insane right? Taking gametime as an arguement xd.You know that I've been talking about GvG since the beginning. Thats the whole point of argument. You have a 4 man max nec comp, 1-2 thiefs and thats it for corruption.So we have necro with either shades, breach, wells or weapeon 3(either scepter or axe)shades F2 are 2 conditions x8 because of necro + skill cap of 5 people.You got breach, which is also a common skill to use to break pushes, but only removes 1 condition on an interval of 1 second and is static. Same formular as above.Wells is 1 boon a second. Same formular as above.Weapon 3, 2 condition same formular as above and first be in the position to do that while backpaddling.

    And this is only on paper, practical is another story.

    So basically you have to cast all those cd's in the hope the warrior hasnt casted autostab yet for interrupting a bubble if not 2.And lets say you cast all those skills only on those 2 warriors like you said. That would mean your round is lost in the first place.

    It's just unbalanced to waste this much skills as a trait for one and really no one is stupid enough to do it, because the risk is way too high to not get value out of.Also I'm not bashing survivalbility of warrior itself, I'm criticising the bubble mechanic.

    ive played in gvgs aswell, and first, if you die to the first thrown warri bubble you are doing something wrong, you should have defensive stuff up to get out.second, if the warrior pulls it later in the fight its less likely that he has all the boons in the game, so easier for you to corrupt.and third, if you know so much about the game, then you probably also know, that lesser balanced stance (aka autostabi) is bugged for years and triggers when he runs through ANY cc while already having stabi, so throw one random cc in his way at the beginning of the fight, his autostab pops, regardless of having guards stabi and not needing balanced stance right there.

    boom he has a whopping 5 seconds of auto balanced stance and 40 seconds cooldowns on it, while not even gotten close to your group.i absolutely agree, so broken, yikes.

    anyways, regardless of how likely you are of interrupting him, its still not "literally impossible" except by thief to interrupt him, just refrain to use such exaggerations.

    you can trait that their target cap is increased to 10, just saying.and your warriors can remove his boons aswellalso most boon removel effects trigger before the actual hit, so using a cc that removes a boon beforehand will increase your chance of interrupting the enemy, because you remove a boon right before the hit, if that boon in stab, its very unlikely for him to gain stab inbetween the boon removel and the actual hit.

  16. @chilled.6794 said:

    @chilled.6794 said:Openfield is not gvg tho. Imagine in 15v15 three warriors in a comp. There is literally only thief steal that can interrupt bubble and also only when the warrior used his autostability.

    Dont lie, there is not "literally only thief steal to interrupt bubble"

    Thats blatantly wrong.

    Bubble can only be casted without getting interrupted when the warrior has stability, so you rip the stab and cc him, even better if you just corrupt his stabilit, turning it into fear, automatically interrupting the casted bubble.

    And autostab is also just a normal stab boon, which can be ripped/corrupted.

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Please read up on information and how the game works before spouting such nonsense.

    What’s worse is correcting someone wrong.If someone is channeling bubble and auto stab from Defense is not used yet, the channeling doesn’t get interrupted. The trait procs on the interrupt and it doesn’t let it happen. Source:
    Also try to cc pulsing stab, you can rip 1 stack all 0.75 seconds. Also count in guard stab stacks in.Converting is also not really an option, because of movement. It‘s basically a huge are effect that you need to escape out of. You can‘t just stay in it without getting killed, because there is follow up.Also the amount of boons a warrior has in an engage is obviously almost max.And to come back to the internal problem I mentioned, stacking bubbles is a thing, try to corrupt 2 bubbles by boon conversion in a gvg. I‘ll bake you a cake.

    So my friend I guess you should simply read up information and have a clue what you‘re talking about before spouting out nonsense. Pretty pathetic to call someone out like this.

    Well, i have over 4k hours on warrior, mostly in wvw, and im telling you, it happens alot that your bubble gets interrupted, and its not from being jumped by thiefs constantly, there is enough boonrip and corrupt flowing around.And i know very well how last stand works.

    Also, i was just stating facts, you said its "literally impossible" to interrupt a warrior bubble, except for thief steal.That is just wrong. Its a lie. Yes, im calling you out for being a liar, and saying wrong stuff to get other unknowing ppl onboard of your opinion.

    If the bubbles are stacked on top, the warriors are close to each other, meaning that basically every necro skill will affect both warriors, meaning that both of them get their boons corrupted.

    And no, im not your friend.

    Edit: what the kitten has movement to do with being unable to corrupt his boons? And no, you dont rip 1 stack every 0.75 seconds, you use up 1 stack every 0.75 when you would get cc'ed.A boonrip removes all the stacks at once.

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