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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Auburner.6945 said:I guess portals should not be functional if walls/gates are closed.

    Quite annoying having to deal with a perma-stealthed Deadeye hiding in a keep or a tower that can port a Mesmer in to port a zerg.

    I won't mind portals, just mind their functionality when the structure is closed as in getting others inside without sieging.

    The problem is clearly not the portal, but the amount of stealth.Portals add a strategy to sneak objectives that are being carelessly defended. (if the defenders dont bother looking for remaining attackers with a portal, shame on them)The problem is, that even if you look for them, you can hardly find or kill them because they just vanish and run away to whereever.

  2. @"VoidNard.7206" said:How are warriors allowed to have so much sustain, damage and that much cc all at once? what are they bad at? Then you say "oh they are weak to ranged combat"..... like no, all they do is pull out their rifle and one shot you like a deadeye would. Where is the idea that some classes are strong at certain things and other classes are stronger at other things. You dont see this concept in pvp and its masking the game unbalanced, since everyone can everything, especially warriors. This game is so frustrating, pvp just sucks. No wonder nobody wants to play it.

    This is the problem with "easy to play classes". As a new player its easy to understand how to deal lots of dmg with it, which warrior absolutely can do.But that comes with a price, those skills have a big animation and time to windup, so are easy to dodge.

    As a new player you are very likely to play against other new players who have no idea what they are doing AND what the enemy is doing, so they get their face bashed in by those easy to tell and slow attacks.

    In higher ranks of pvp ppl know what the enemy can do and how he does it, they see animations and react to them.Thats were the simplicity of the class hurts itself, ppl wont eat each and every of those easy to see skills, even abuse those long animations, in which hes stuck, to burst him.

    Sorry, as much as i hate seeing this term being used, but in this case its definately a "learn to play" issue. Especially if you have such big problems with rifle warrior.

    And btw, warriors cant swap their entire build from melee to ranged in a match.

  3. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Necro could do with a defensive weapon like shield.

    Only if this is a core weapon and the elite spec adds main hand Sword to pair with it.

    Why would that be? Why not use dagger and shield, or scepter and shield?

    because if Necro get a core Shield, I want an Elite Spec weapon that goes with it

    Shield would be the elite specc weapon... Why would necro get a core weapon, when nobody else does? Did i miss something?

    Chronomancer got a shield, no other weapon.

    I assume we are talking about new Core Weapons potentially getting added. meaning weapons any elite spec can use like other core weapons. Not elite specs.Which only Elite specs can use those weapons.

    Uh, maybe read the first sentence of the op's post again. He specifically talks about elite specs.

    Edit: the words elite spec are said multiple times over his whole post :)

  4. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @"Omernon.9762" said:While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.

    Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

    Right, thats what annoys me so much, i absolutely agree, a warrior can beat a thief, BUT unless the thief isnt getting oneshot he will most likey just run and reset, rinse repeat until the warrior starts losing and then chase him down, because warrior is unlikely to outrun a thief.

    The argument that a class beats another isn't even a good reason to consider changing something to begin with. What makes anyone think Anet hasn't designed it to work this way in the first place? The idea that a thief harasses players isn't some weird concept ... it's typical. You're right ... he will do that and I bet that since they have been doing that for 7 years now .. it's not just some coincidence either.

    Thats not even rly the point here, i never said i wanted to change thief (tbh i wouldnt care if thief was deleted) we were arguing wether thief or warrior wins in a duel.

    There isn't an answer to that ... it depends who is playing, it depends on how they are playing it. Not really much value in arguing such a thing anyways.

    Thats your opinion, i believe that different classes have different difficulties of encounters, you might disagree and tell me that every class has the same chance against every other class...

    Im just stating my opinion, that a skilled thief will have the upper hand against a skilled warrior.In low skill areas the warrior will probably win, because the thief really needs to know when to dodge etc.

    But i dont rly look at low skilled encounters, balance should be around players who know what their class can do.

    No, it's not an opinion. Player skill MOST DEFINITELY has an impact on the outcome of these fights.

    And no, i'm not telling you every class has the same chance against every other class. I'm saying you don't know because it depends on the players more than the class.

    Ofc player skill has an impact but when comparing specs i assume both players are on the same skill level, everything else would be kitten. Whats so hard to understand about that?

    Why do you think i made a distinction between low skilled players war vs thief and high skilled warrior vs thief?

    And i said "thats your opinion" because you made it sound like you think only skill determines who wins a fight, which is simply not true.

    And with around 4k hours on warrior in mostly wvw and pvp im pretty confident to know whats a good and whats a bad matchup. So id say yes, i do know.

  5. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Though I do agree rampage definitely needed dps shaves I feel they are far to drastic. When the changes go through holo forge will feel more like a warriors rampage mode dps wise lol which is not surprising given the game in question.

    How much do you bet that engy elite rampage (forgot the elixirs name) wont see these dmg changes, simply because they will forget about it?

    @Axl.8924 said:has anyone tested boulder strike seismic and the other attacks? just curious.

    I'm referring to this:

    Rampage has been overperforming since the initial change that brought its cooldown to 90 seconds, and continues to with the cooldown at 120 seconds. Rather than just bumping up the cooldown again, we’re looking to address an underlying issue: hard CC skills also doing large amounts of damage. This is something that we’re looking to do across the board for the future update, and we see Rampage as a good opportunity to see the idea in action.Rampage skills have been adjusted as followsKick: Power coefficient reduced from 1.2 to 0.01 in PvP onlyThrow Boulder: Power coefficient reduced from 2.0 to 0.01 in PvP onlySeismic Leap: Power coefficient reduced from 1.6 to 0.01 in PvP only

    Was curious if anyone tested these.

    What do you mean by tested? You mean ppl making the changes testing them before putting them on the live server?If not im not sure what you want to test about those skills, they are pretty straight forward.

  6. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Necro could do with a defensive weapon like shield.

    Only if this is a core weapon and the elite spec adds main hand Sword to pair with it.

    Why would that be? Why not use dagger and shield, or scepter and shield?

    because if Necro get a core Shield, I want an Elite Spec weapon that goes with it

    Shield would be the elite specc weapon... Why would necro get a core weapon, when nobody else does? Did i miss something?

    Chronomancer got a shield, no other weapon.

  7. Well if you want cc, rampage will still be your pick i guess. I never was a fan of rampage, especially when playing against it, you always have to keep one defensive Tool rdy just in case the enemy runs it.

    I much rather use banner, ppl rarely expect the banner stomp and it can also turn fights around when you rally ppl with it. But its not as opressive as rampage.

    Rampage is the only warrior skill that truly feels overpowered and lame to use right now imo.

  8. I do hope they get a shout, we are still missing an elite shout.Probably wont matter in wvw tho, because winds is just so good in zerging... So i guess idc what they give us.

    Id rather get shouts or physicals since we atleast have traits for those, we didnt even get a meditation trait in spb.

    And why do you want magical stuff? Just play guard or rev if you want to have flashy kitten on a plate user.

  9. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Omernon.9762 said:While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.

    Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

    Right, thats what annoys me so much, i absolutely agree, a warrior can beat a thief, BUT unless the thief isnt getting oneshot he will most likey just run and reset, rinse repeat until the warrior starts losing and then chase him down, because warrior is unlikely to outrun a thief.

    The argument that a class beats another isn't even a good reason to consider changing something to begin with. What makes anyone think Anet hasn't designed it to work this way in the first place? The idea that a thief harasses players isn't some weird concept ... it's typical. You're right ... he will do that and I bet that since they have been doing that for 7 years now .. it's not just some coincidence either.

    Thats not even rly the point here, i never said i wanted to change thief (tbh i wouldnt care if thief was deleted) we were arguing wether thief or warrior wins in a duel.

    There isn't an answer to that ... it depends who is playing, it depends on how they are playing it. Not really much value in arguing such a thing anyways.

    Thats your opinion, i believe that different classes have different difficulties of encounters, you might disagree and tell me that every class has the same chance against every other class...

    Im just stating my opinion, that a skilled thief will have the upper hand against a skilled warrior.In low skill areas the warrior will probably win, because the thief really needs to know when to dodge etc.

    But i dont rly look at low skilled encounters, balance should be around players who know what their class can do.

  10. @saerni.2584 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Great changes so far, but can we pls change thief venoms in a way that when i avoid attacks with venoms active, he actually loses those stacks? Right now hes coating his wepon in venom, throws it at me, i dodge or block it and he has tge same amount of coated weapons, yay, its hard to counterplay that kitten

    That’s actually how thief venoms work right now. The stacks disappear if you block or evade.

    Only time they don’t is when you hit an invulnerable target, afaik.

    They do? Mhh my bad, was under the impression they didnt, probably because stealth definately works like that. When i manage to anticipate the backstab and dodge or block it i get the dodge/block note but thief is still stealthed

  11. Great changes so far, but can we pls change thief venoms in a way that when i avoid attacks with venoms active, he actually loses those stacks? Right now hes coating his wepon in venom, throws it at me, i dodge or block it and he has tge same amount of coated weapons, yay, its hard to counterplay that kitten

  12. @Widmo.3186 said:

    @Widmo.3186 said:Balance is kitten, population is kitten, rewards are kitten. Meanwhile gw2 community:

    hurr durr lance, javelin, spear

    Amazing.Welcome to the forum, where you can have muliple discussions going at the same time, instead of waiting in line for your turn as the first topic is resolved.

    Aint technology marvelous?

    Technology? No. What is truly marvelous is that ANet is gonna listen to topics like this one but totally ignore actually worthy threads with 40+ responses. This is brilliant.

    Yes, because changing a name is easier than fixing stuff they have to actually think about. And that will make ppl think that they actually read the forums.

  13. Oh yes, also dont let ppl pass through enemies so its an actual class and 5 fulltanks block a keepgate with their bodies. Now we can also not just gank the poor ppl running to their zerg, we can block them off in corners and wait until they log out.

  14. So you cant attack towers and camps...You cant siege a keep from a nearby tower, because you cant get insideYou cant take away supplies from enemies by constantly taking away camps with roamers.You dont even have to bother attacking a keep, when you dont have a full 50+ zerg.

    Aye, sounds incredibly fun... Yikes.

  15. @apharma.3741 said:

    @SeikeNz.3526 said:why should remove imoblize? is holo a snowflake that stunbreakers remove it?I think it should be removed because elixir S is meant to make you immune to condis or at least damaging condis. Not sure what snowflakes have to do with it.

    Eles vaporform has that for years and its the only way to stop an ele in downed state from vaporing away. Since they are both invulns in which the person can move it would have to be treated the same way

    That pretty much answers it, consistency is nice to have.

    It indeed is nice to have, so not being able to move while in elixir s when immoed should stay.

  16. @Dantheman.3589 said:

    @SeikeNz.3526 said:why should remove imoblize? is holo a snowflake that stunbreakers remove it?I think it should be removed because elixir S is meant to make you immune to condis or at least damaging condis. Not sure what snowflakes have to do with it.

    Eles vaporform has that for years and its the only way to stop an ele in downed state from vaporing away. Since they are both invulns in which the person can move it would have to be treated the same way

  17. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Omernon.9762 said:While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.

    Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

    Right, thats what annoys me so much, i absolutely agree, a warrior can beat a thief, BUT unless the thief isnt getting oneshot he will most likey just run and reset, rinse repeat until the warrior starts losing and then chase him down, because warrior is unlikely to outrun a thief.

    The argument that a class beats another isn't even a good reason to consider changing something to begin with. What makes anyone think Anet hasn't designed it to work this way in the first place? The idea that a thief harasses players isn't some weird concept ... it's typical. You're right ... he will do that and I bet that since they have been doing that for 7 years now .. it's not just some coincidence either.

    Thats not even rly the point here, i never said i wanted to change thief (tbh i wouldnt care if thief was deleted) we were arguing wether thief or warrior wins in a duel.

  18. @"Arctisavange.7261" said:Youre complaining about something in a game mode you have no understanding of.

    1. Antitoxin runes got nerfed and made useless and cause of that the scrapper condi cleanse is down atleast by 2-3x times compared to when the rune was worth using.

    2. This game has a thing called corruption/ boon removal. Meaning all those conditions you manage to corrupt into precious boons usually get instantly removed.

    3. Continuing on from upper point, this game has far far more corruption skills being used compared to condition cleanse with conversion.

    4. Boons make people more tanky which is healthy for the game mode itself as of right now everyone dies in 1-2 shots. You dont gain 25 might stacks from the condition conversion, thats something other classes provide for you via class utilities.

    Please get in touch on how this game mode works before throwing in "this is OP" when you have no understanding on how many counters to your statement exist.

    One thing, antitoxin removed 1 additional condi whenever you cleared one condition, making it impossible to up the amount of cleanses by more than 2 times.

    I never played that build, but i believe even if you cleared 2 condis with one skill, the rune only cleared one additional condition, making it even less than double the amount of condis cleared.

    Just getting this straight.The rune wasnt as good as you make it seem, it sure was good, but never 3 times the clear, im pretty sure not even double the amount.

    Imo for wvw balance we need to town down everything, dmg, heal, corrupts, boonoutput.

  19. @"Aigaion.7981" said:Hi everyone.So... This post is gonna be weird. It's venting, but I'm gonna try to be as constructive as I can.I am a Guild Wars 2 day one player. I've been through beta and player a little over a year before leaving for IRL issues. A little less than a month ago, I decided to come back for a look at the game... Boy was that a ride... I'm not gonna smacktalk or anything, but the current state of the game makes me just want to jump back out as quick as I jumped back in.

    World versus World is insufferable, pretty sad when the main aspect that makes you want to play seems to be the worst. I don't do PvE in Guild Wars 2 so I'm pretty much exclusively here for WvW. How much classes are there already in the game ? 9 if I'm correct adding the Revenant ? All I see all day long in WvW are the same classes and specs, Firebrands, Dragonhunters, Mirages, Scourges, Soulbests. Only ridiculously OP classes that just require to slam the face on the keyboard to win a fight like who cares.

    Ascended gear is ridiculous. Back in the days of Exotic only, you had a chance against other people. Now, if you are not full Ascended, you're just gonna be a ridiculous dummy that gets stomped by literally everything without a single chance to win. And this is supposed to motivate players to gear up ? Does ANET really expect people to tank through the WvW BS and hope for the best that everything will change once they grinded several month to gear completely ?

    Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing the fact that gearing is long, I am criticizing the fact that I really don't feel any interest in doing it in a game that is all about playing the latest meta class that rolls over everyone's face with zero pressure. If at least Ascended didn't give people such a huge power spike and if I had a chance just by skill to win fight, I'd take the chance, but right now I'm not even remotely going through the grind to get full Ascended and hope that things will go better since my class in not a meta one.

    Some classes and speccs overperform, yes.

    Is ascended gear the problem?Not rly.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/31wbip/ascended_vs_exotic_gear_comparison_spreedsheet/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body

    This thread made a good comparison.Its not gear that kills you, its powercreep that does. And the fact that you took such a long break and expect dmg to be as low as in 2012 or 2013.

    Id recommend sticking to zerging with good public commanders and voicechat, soloroaming is basically dead, its gotten that frustrating.

  20. @Omernon.9762 said:While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.

    Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

    Right, thats what annoys me so much, i absolutely agree, a warrior can beat a thief, BUT unless the thief isnt getting oneshot he will most likey just run and reset, rinse repeat until the warrior starts losing and then chase him down, because warrior is unlikely to outrun a thief.

  21. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Justine.6351 said:Thinking,


    I encourage any person out there who zergs to make one a lamer spec to get back to the zerg if someone is harassing them and then once there they can swap back to zerg spec.

    So if you are still playing lolHammer Rev as renegade you can make one slot a carry me mara dura s/s 1v1 herald build for traveling to your zerg.

    Is there hot keys to load a full build set?

    You can bind hotkeys to specific traittemplates and also to gear templates

    I have them bound to my numpad, gear template 1 on numpad1 and the fitting traits on numpad4, next build on 2 and 5 etc.

    Im using a zerg specc and 2 different roaming speccs. Its quite nice to go so fluently from roaming into zerg mode and vice versa.

    Especially when i roam, i often pass by ppl defending a tower or keep, were my roaming specc is completely different and not rly helpful i can now press 2 buttons and jump straight into the fight and help my group out.

    Thanks for pointing out why its cancer

    You might want to elaborate on why this is cancer? It helps ppl to get more action out of the gamemode, i dont see anything wrong with that. Being able to adapt to zerging while roaming and vice versa allows me to participate in more fights and lets me be relevant.

    I see a problem on the tools you choose to have and switch Them Any time you want and in Any circumstances on big scale. Certain builds Will bring IT to a huge advantage, especially if the enemy disengages really easily or has access to different aspects like stealth or traps

    Im game for having IT at Spawn only or in combination with certain buffs from like keep lords. But not anywere or anytime

    You cant swap in a fight to a stealth build to run away... Or chase someone and while chasing change to a mobility build, get him infight and then swap back to dmg

    Think he's talking about people who will see you and then instant switch builds to hard counter you and then instant switch back. Before they might have just played out the fight with the current build.

    I have had people roll through core and both elite specs trying to kill me on a hammer Rev in the past...To make an example:

    You bring a decently powerful sustain build made to outlast and kill glassier dps builds.You suddenly face a zerker built thief.You easily handle the zerker thief but at 5% hp he teleports 2000+ range and out of combat.Within seconds he turn around and you prep to face him again...And he's back as a full condi bunker.

    Is this
    the gameplay we want out of an MMO where you are supposed to have made your choice of class and build?

    Since i despise any thief build idc rly, let them do it, who cares i dont have much respect left for hit and run classes like that anyways.

    And in the end nobody stops you from countering him aswell (even tho condi thief doesnt rly have a counter, except maybe walking into your tower and wait for him to get bored, but thats not fault of the template, but of the balancing team), and at this point it just becomes a mindgame.Will he swap to a build to counter you, will you swap your build aswell to counter his counter or will he anticipate your swap and just stays on his power build to destroy your anti condi specc.

    Overall it in my opinion it should give more ppl the confidence to fight back, because they can swap from a zerg build to a roaming spec when they see the roamer approaching. Making for more interesting fights than just a zergling getting farmed by a roamer.

    And more action overall, because of above stated reasons to quicker get into a zergbattle with a fitting build etc.

  22. @L A T I O N.8923 said:

    @Justine.6351 said:Thinking,


    I encourage any person out there who zergs to make one a lamer spec to get back to the zerg if someone is harassing them and then once there they can swap back to zerg spec.

    So if you are still playing lolHammer Rev as renegade you can make one slot a carry me mara dura s/s 1v1 herald build for traveling to your zerg.

    Is there hot keys to load a full build set?

    You can bind hotkeys to specific traittemplates and also to gear templates

    I have them bound to my numpad, gear template 1 on numpad1 and the fitting traits on numpad4, next build on 2 and 5 etc.

    Im using a zerg specc and 2 different roaming speccs. Its quite nice to go so fluently from roaming into zerg mode and vice versa.

    Especially when i roam, i often pass by ppl defending a tower or keep, were my roaming specc is completely different and not rly helpful i can now press 2 buttons and jump straight into the fight and help my group out.

    Thanks for pointing out why its cancer

    You might want to elaborate on why this is cancer? It helps ppl to get more action out of the gamemode, i dont see anything wrong with that. Being able to adapt to zerging while roaming and vice versa allows me to participate in more fights and lets me be relevant.

    I see a problem on the tools you choose to have and switch Them Any time you want and in Any circumstances on big scale. Certain builds Will bring IT to a huge advantage, especially if the enemy disengages really easily or has access to different aspects like stealth or traps

    Im game for having IT at Spawn only or in combination with certain buffs from like keep lords. But not anywere or anytime

    You cant swap in a fight to a stealth build to run away... Or chase someone and while chasing change to a mobility build, get him infight and then swap back to dmg

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