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Everything posted by Holykitten.3064

  1. You can only obtain an unbound Eternity by using original weapons of Twilight and Sunrise to create Eternity. This was to ensure those who did craft both twilight and sunrise pre-legendary armory could still forge Eternity without having to remake either of the base weapons. Basically, you're out of luck. The tooltips were quite obvious on the Memories of Twilight/Sunrise.
  2. For a post about visuals, I'd expect a bit of formatting. I hope the OP can see the irony. I can agree that some areas can be quite bland, but given the context of Kaineng Overlook, it's fitting for it to be high-tech and streamlined area. Ankka's fight is quite interesting with the movement, as is Harvest Temple even though you stay on the same platform, the visuals change.
  3. While heavily limited to core Tyria, RIBA, world bosses, gathering to sell, and doing festival content, may be the only way for this poster, but many who will be looking up threads like this titled one will see there's other options with the expansions, with a little investment.
  4. Quick gold guide that doesn't require you to already be in some ascended gear like T4 fractals: RIBA (fool proof, easy, but boring) Drizzlewood Coast (full meta and champs) Fishing (using bait only for legendary fish at correct times of day, easy, can get boring but output is between 20g-40g/hr) Getting ascended gear without crafting: These achievements award ascended items. Several are just a few collections which are relatively easy to complete. You can also loot ascended boxes from almost anything, but this is highly random. Aside from that, you will have to craft the items or farm currencies to buy ascended armor boxes from vendors, a few examples: Crystallographer Smoxxi : Eye of the North, exchanges blue prophet shards (Icebrood Saga Strikes) for ascended armor boxes. Zazzl : In Arborstone, exchanges green prophet shards for ascended weapons. Lambdin the Latish : PvP, exchange PvP tournament vouchers for ascended armor and weapon boxes. Living Story episodes also have vendors to buy ascended trinkets. So I guess, which ever way suits you best.
  5. I'm using Mount Energy and Gliding boost (both at 2 atm), and plan to do the same for my main characters. I use guides for chests etc (I rarely loot chests anyway) (BlishHUD and taco markers are wonderful).
  6. Hey, I'm an experienced player and have played solo-ish for a few years now due to not being in the right guild, I've pugged most of the harder content for this reason. I'm wanting to get into a guild that is not cliquey about making groups for content, especially progression,Fractals, Strike CM's mainly, but if I'm available to raid I'd love to join (I tend to work long shifts 3-4 times a week, so I wont be a daily log-in person). Would this guild be suitable for me?
  7. Hey, I'm an experienced player and have played solo-ish for a few years now due to not being in the right guild, but love to help other players. I'm wanting to get into a guild that is not cliquey about making groups for content, especially progressional (Fractals, Strike CM's etc) Would this guild be suitable for me?
  8. I can't help you directly as I'm on EU, but I can advise : You can use the Prototype Position Rewinder to help. Go to a data pad, set the position on the Rewinder, go get cleansed from Explorer Camelia, then return to position using the Rewinder to activate the datapad. Repeat for all data pads and the entry into Scholar Fryxx's forcefield. It's do-able in the time frame you're given. Good luck.
  9. I had the same thing, but with bonefish. I think I had to fish 300-350 in kessex, in 2-3 sessions, before I got that final one for 30/30.
  10. For world class fisher, your best bet is still polluted lake fishing holes in Kessex Hills. I've not seen anything about that being nerfed, please elaborate as a google search, nor forum search, hasn't produced anything. For Saltwater Fisher, now the nodes have been buffed, any Saltwater Node is fine, ie Rata Sum Docks or Mount Maelstrom.
  11. I don't understand the point of this or how it helps people? Is this a how to level crafts guide? You've just listed ingredients and what they can make, with no context as to *what* it is about.
  12. I'm interested. I'm semi-casual, but looking for like-minded to do Strikes/CmStrikes. Been playing on/off for nearly 10yrs, but have always been in a small/casual guild.
  13. I'd like it to be something quirky this year. Maybe like a Birthday Suit Combat Tonic, with leaves to cover woohoo's. 😂
  14. But, "The Cycle, Reborn", does conclude the story of the Elder Dragon plot in Arborstone. See the dialogue from all the NPCs. Then when you do zone to DR, I'm pretty sure there's a banner that says something along the lines of "Several months later". When would you propose that Kas and Jory publicly propose in the bar that they first met? During all the events in EoD story? Before setting off to Cantha? At the start of the next LS? Because it would seem ham-fisted wherever it was placed to be honest. Do I think it was ham-fisted where it was? A little, but I think that was down to the cheesy-ness of it rather than it's placement in the story journal. Cheesy-ness is a personal preference, of which I don't like, but I guess it needs to be cheesy because of the age-rating...
  15. Catmander Warclaw skin, armoured version of the warclaw which has it's own catmander tag above its head.
  16. I'd love some baseline functionality for PvE. I think we should also have a "Commander Cat" Warclaw skin, which the warclaw would have it's own Catmander tag above it's head. Its leaps and speed should retain it's functionality in WvW as it currently is. My suggestions in PVE: It should run as fast as the Jackal (625 u/s) does, personally. It should be able to climb short walls, like a cat would.
  17. Favourite NPC's in no particular order: Dawkurra, the skritt that fell in love with an Exalted. Wholesome. Love it. Detective Rama. Witty, smart, slightly apathetic. I like it a lot. Akane. I like how blazé she is about pretty much everything. Countess Anise. Subtle, sarcastic, with a little bit of understated "I'll blackmail you if you give me the chance". Great character, but under-used.
  18. I had a commander taxiing into DE, that had put into squad message to get your +10 stacks and we org before meta. 5 mins before meta started, the comm then said, "don't worry about sub groups and split accordingly and everything will be fine, we'll get a win just believe you can do it"... I'm not even kidding haha. So 4 or 5 of the squad mutinied and requested for Lieutenant, and organised it amongst us, with a few of us, helping with tacts in squad chat. We succeeded. In fact, every time I've gotten into an organised squad DE's meta succeeded for the last 2-3 weeks now. I've not had a fail since before the major bugs got fixed.
  19. I came back to Gw2 after a 14-ish month break a couple months back, and I was dumbfounded trying to get back into the Fractal/Strikes/Etc content, as either the abbreviations had changed slightly, or new ones appeared, or I had just forgotten them. The wiki for abbreviations helped me a lot, and then the more I got stuck in the easier it was. Now I'm back to enjoying the game like I used to.
  20. I've seen DBS die to sheer force before EoD even dropped, with 3-4 Riftstalkers up. The Jade tech is just making that far easier. Judging by another forum post however, the more content that can be facerolled the better, so I can't see that change being reverted or adjusted to only work in EoD maps.
  21. You mean more than these? There's plenty of CC in game, players who choose to run them on the other hand...
  22. People didn't like Dragons Stand either when HoT released... It is also 1 map for 1 meta event. Iirc, people didn't like that when it first released either. 🤷‍♀️
  23. I suppose a possible solution is to let the player choose. If Anet is tweaking around with the NPE as some people have suggested due to the Steam release looming, then allowing each new character (which I'm implying Veteran accounts have the same options when creating alts) to have some modicum of choice around either levelling "the OG way" or the "fast track way". I'd personally take it a step further with Veteran accounts, choosing to forgo all rewards (Karma, map completion Keys/Transmutation stones/Gift of Exploration etc) for unlocking all of the maps waypoints, POIs, Vistas, (but not Hero points). There's a reason I stick with my usual 5 characters because they have map completed everything, and I really don't want to do that again for the sake of being able to travel wherever I like on any given character. BELIEVE me, I have tried to repeat things for the 6th time, but my gosh I can't be bothered to, just to play a different character. I don't need to experience it all again for that priviledge.
  24. Going to add my two cents about fishing. The Dusk/Dawn catches need adding to either Day or Night, and during Dusk/Dawn you can pull from both tables. Aside from that. I have completed 26 (almost 29) individual fishing achievements, I am still waiting for my last two catches to finish the first Saltwater Fisher Achievement. I think there should be specific fishing nodes to fish for Saltwater fishes (The Maguuma "Saltwater" fishing nodes should be renamed Maguuma Sea or something).
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