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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Lighter.5631 said:core range is still very strong till this day since feb.feels like old mirage, can kit indefinitely, so make 2, 3 people chase him forever, or win 1v1 if enemies leave, very strong side noder, even if inferior can still decap with knockbacks.

    Yeah, this class is slightly below condi rev/holosmith and is completely ignored by the player base for some reason. It's absolutely disgusting fighting this class as you can't kill it as it runs around and lives forever then is very hard to 1v1 as ANY BUILD IN THE GAME. I dare to say it's the easiest and strongest 1v1 class in the entire game for the least amount of effort required.

  2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/691694648745394268/731387113538322442/unknown.png

    5.5k damage done to me without the opponent taking a single offensive action. They dodged rolled then healed due to me pressuring them, but by doing so they get to counter pressure me for 33% of my health ONLY TAKING DEFENSIVE ACTIONS VS ME.

    This is NOT the intended design of the game from the Post-Feb patch philosophy. You are supposed to have to work for damage, time your CC/burst to do damage and land kills. Classes like engineer, rev, and ranger ignore this and just mindlessly mash buttons like pre-feb patch and secure kills. These classes need to be completely re-examined, as this is not fun or proper game design for PvP.

  3. @DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    @"Tayga.3192" said:Guild Wars 2 matchmaking is balanced around 50% winrate.

    When I was nearing Plat2 it put me against the #1 on the leaderboard with another legendary duo he queued with. I was with all golds and lost 0-500. I lost 29 pointsNext match I win and gain 12 points.You think this made me want to keep playing? Nope, I stopped.

    At 50% win rate, if I keep playing, I'll eventually drop down to gold. For most people, playing will make them drop down to gold. 50% win rate ensures nearly everyone is stuck in gold.That means the matchmaker does not function with the current ranking/division system.

    So you are saying that the system thinks you are gold level an tries to get you there. And thats wrong?

    Also. Having the majority of the playerbase in gold (the middle) makes perfect sense.

    My win/losses;+16-25+16-23+13+12+11+12-29

    50% win rate would mean I'd do nothing but tank my rating despite playing vs equally skilled(plat) players. It's an anomaly of game design.

  4. @Majy.6792 said:There's also no real difference in ranked between 1450 and 1800 US. Skill of the top 3 players is the same as anyone at the top of gold as far as I see. I've seen plenty of gold players who are way better than people I've played against in the top 20. The games feel exactly the same and at 1450+ you start getting queued against top players all the time so that makes sense. Duo queue kind of breaks the pvp game in general, but the state of ranks in ranked is silly.

    The first part is untrue but the 2nd is 100% accurate. NA1450 is nothing but rank1 duos over and over gate keeping most people from plat.

  5. Raids are a waste of development time. All focus should be on 5 mans(no more fractals), WvW, PvP, new elite specs, better balance, and probably a completely new tier of materials for something because everything on the TP is losing all value except mystic coins(which are gated, but that's good as this item always retains value).

    Also, strike missions were a massive failure and should be abandoned. Just add LFR raids from WoW/24 man raids from FF14 as the big 10 man content and make it queueable with randoms like PvP where you can only queue with 2 people at most and can't full premade it. Any other 10 man content is dead on arrival and will be gate keeped by this games raiding community and thus fail.

  6. @Josiah.2967 said:I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.

    End game PVE:Worse DPS: Necro CheckWorse Support: Necro Check

    WVW/PVP:Necro At The Bottom: Check

    By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.

    They said they wanted to buff condi thief in PvE, and it got literally 0% damage.They said they wanted to nerf soulbeast in PvE, and it lost, at most, 1% damage.

    Who is not allowing these developers to actually do changes?

  7. @"Tayga.3192" said:Guild Wars 2 matchmaking is balanced around 50% winrate.


    When I was nearing Plat2 it put me against the #1 on the leaderboard with another legendary duo he queued with. I was with all golds and lost 0-500. I lost 29 pointsNext match I win and gain 12 points.You think this made me want to keep playing? Nope, I stopped.

    At 50% win rate, if I keep playing, I'll eventually drop down to gold. For most people, playing will make them drop down to gold. 50% win rate ensures nearly everyone is stuck in gold.That means the matchmaker does not function with the current ranking/division system.

  8. What I mean is, if you're bronze/silver/gold/plat/legendary, you should absolutely not be able to drop out of that. If you earned legendary/plat/etc, you should always be legendary/plat/etc for that entire season.

    Watching someone queue at legendary, win 2 games, then lose the 3rd and DROP OUT OF LEGENDARY and go back to Plat is completely discouraging for that player and disheartening to see.So basically, what the current system is saying is that if you go 2-1, you no longer deserve to be legendary? That's insane, tbh.I consistently see anyone who steams tank their rating anytime they play. The safest thing to do is simply NOT play the game at all - when your game discourages people to queue, you've messed up horribly.

    Due to the above, the vast majority of people just get plat then SIT on the rating and only queue 1 game every 3 days to not decay. This creates very, very bad matchmaking as no one is playing except for people trying to get plat to show off their medal, so most plat games end up being all golds

    Please look into your ranking system because the current way it's designed discourages people to play and makes participation rates lower due to the design.

    LoL/DotA(I think for DOTA?) doesn't let you drop out of your bracket, why does GW2?

  9. @Raknar.4735 said:WoW and FFXIV don't need an in-house meter, even though they focus heavily on stats.(FFXIV devs are heavily against built in DPS parsers and even ban people if unofficial ones are used to shame other players)

    I don't think GW2 needs one either. We have Arc, that's enough.

    FF14 raids are literally designed around DPS checks since 2.0 but the devs think it's fair to not add a DPS meter to the game lol.

  10. Really bad outfit. I'm not sure how this game even makes revenue with outfits like this.

    There's a reason if you look around, most people are wearing vipers leggings, human cultural t3 light and medium, human starter t3, elonian elementalist outfit, krytan jerkin, winged armor set, barbaric plate set, and the new tshirt - people want to dress their barbies to be cute and sexy.

    You should not be ignoring your player base when it comes to your REVENUE source. The majority of people playing are weebs who want to make their human female sexy and cute and will spend gems to do so. Your player base is not SC2 players who want to RP as marines.

    If you want to continue to actually gain revenue, then your art team needs to re-examine what they're doing and actually cater to the player base this game has, not some non-existent player base that doesn't exist and won't buy outfits like this.

  11. @steki.1478 said:

    @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:I think we have a "purity of purpose" kind of change going on here. Let me explain:

    Elementalists still have fury. They still have group fury, in a way. It's now all mostly in Air. Zephyr's Boon gives Fury with auras, Raging Storm gives Fury on Crit, and Elemental Lockdown in Arcane gives fury when stunning but only when attuned to air. This reinforces a pattern where all attunements have particular boons associated with them. Fire is might, air is swiftness + fury, earth is protection + stability, water is regeneration + vigor. At least, as far as the traits go. With this change, if you want to give your teammates fury, you have to build an Auramancer, go into Air, and take Zephyr's boon. This keeps all of the boons sorted into nice little rows, as to not taint the purpose of each line.

    And then you have engi which takes alchemy and gets 4 elixir procs and almost every single boon in game on 2 utility skills lol. Literally getting boons while just being in combat and that's just one build out of many others that have the same effect.

    Sorry, only engineer is allowed to be jack of all trades, not ele. Oh btw, they're also the master of all, so not just JACK OF ALL TRADES, master of none, but master of ALL.

  12. @shinta.8906 said:

    @Adzekul.3104 said:Put CMC on the job. He will fix it.

    You have such an unreasonable degree of optimism and trust... I envy you. Also, don't read the patchnotes.

    additionally the mentioned frequent balance updates of cmc were also blocked by the pve team lead by karl.

    LITERALLY Why? Do they INTENTIONALLY like making their game worse? Is this some type of company wide masochism towards ensuring your game is never fully enjoyed properly?

  13. @"DartsFab.5367" said:Is it just me or the new "balance" team doing all their fixes by forum threads? Don't see any good idea that they came up by themselves.

    They didn't copy any forum threads, all their ideas were things no one asked for.

  14. Guardian is too squishy and immobile. It's an anomaly of design, when you have classes like holosmith that are insanely tanky AND mobile, or thief which has a ton of evades and mobility. If a class is going to be as immobile as guardian, it should be a brick wall.

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