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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @"Bazsi.2734" said:3v3 deathmatch is simply too dumb for this game. It's balanced around conquest, where things like disengageing a losing fight, rotating (fast) to other fights, guarding/stealing objectives are all roles you simply do not have in 3v3. All you need is a teamcomp that can go all in to win a teamfight. Have fun with deathballs, nothing short of an AoE silencing mechanic will break them up. And that won't be implemented into this game, I'm 100% sure of it(a-net please prove me wrong, I love being wrong).

    Let's see, we need a class that can "silence" (which is daze btw) or punish spam (confusion).

    ALMOST like we need an actual mesmer build. Who knew.

    devs are not gonna design any role/build for any class, they just adjust individual skills and let community create build which resulted this poor balance and eventually leads to slow death of the pvp/wvw scene.

    everybody with common logic knows stealth long range nuke is bad idea in any PvP game, but anet still decided to introduce DE, look at WvW roaming now.makes you wonder how much anet cares about pvp/wvw skill design wise.

    "Everyone wants to be a stealthed sniper!"

  2. @Kulvar.1239 said:

    @"mikdepadua.8376" said:Aside from being used by healers or backline wvw zergers, I think staff should be competitive with dagger or sword variants of the elementalist for dps roles in raids/fractals/small scale. Staves are afterall a signature weapon of wizards and many people like playing rpgs as their favorite archetypes.

    Why would you use a 1200 range weapon from the frontline ? I'm all for balancing range and melee so you can play both, but when you take a range weapon, you're supposed to go backline :)

    So if you're doing raids/fracs/dungeons/strikes/etc. you should move off the stack and not get buffs/healing and potentially make it harder to dodge attacks, simply because "you're supposed to go backline"?

    The tradeoff is supposed to be : range = safer, melee = stronger.If you're both safer and stronger stacking in melee range, the tradeoff become meaningless.The issue is that stacking in melee is not dangerous enough, while being at range is deadlier.But it's on the boss designer to balance melee and range.There are some means by which boss design can balance melee and range :
    • Threats that can only be dealt with from afar
    • Phases when melee is too deadly so range DPS can catch up
    • Having a stacking damage debuff at close range so melee DPS have to retreat a bit to allow the stacks to reset
    • Making a boss that teleport so melee waste time closing the distance
    • Spawning adds with range attacks so melee waste time switching target back and forth.

    This concept died after PoF and yeah melee is where you are even with 1200 so not sure why they gimp long ranged weps randomly

  3. @otto.5684 said:

    @Clownmug.8357 said:You pvpers are so cute. I can't even imagine condi revs without dire/trailblazer stats and access to tormenting runes being a threat.

    They are not. They just don’t die. SPvP is bunker then AOE and CC spam. Condi rev do all these things well. And no power build deals enough damage to possibly burst someone down.

    And wither you believe it or not, it clearly is the case based on last season results and ATs.

    Honestly, I do t think they need a nerf. There is tons of stuff that needs buffs. Damage is way too low.

    @MTC.9536 said:
    1. 15 out of the top20 players are Revenant mains for the last season.
    2. The April monthly was literally won by 3 Revenants.
    3. Every top team plays 1-2 Revs as an absolute must.

    Balance should be done in favour of as many players as possible.If Revenant is fine for the average (where to vast majority is at), why should it matter if some outliers exploit few broken builds?Rev is very strong at all skill levels, though. Especially since you need to play stare at buff bar simulator to not full heal revs, which is what happens to them at the lower skill levels. Power rev might not be as powerful at all skill levels but condi rev can be played relatively well by someone who just freshly installed GW2 10 minutes ago and just mashes all their buttons - not that any build takes much skill since HoT, but it's skill ceiling is by far one of the lowest to be able to contribute.

    They really need to make glint heal have a gigantic glowly bubble like radiance aura around the character and add some other huge glaring animations to their other stuff

    This isn't even getting into renegade which seems to not take much, if any damage from conditions at all while having incredible(the most?) sustain via mad king runes and tons of area denial. If a renegade is alive your team will struggle to res teammates.

  4. @otto.5684 said:

    @Clownmug.8357 said:You pvpers are so cute. I can't even imagine condi revs without dire/trailblazer stats and access to tormenting runes being a threat.

    They are not. They just don’t die. SPvP is bunker then AOE and CC spam. Condi rev do all these things well. And no power build deals enough damage to possibly burst someone down.

    And wither you believe it or not, it clearly is the case based on last season results and ATs.

    Honestly, I do t think they need a nerf. There is tons of stuff that needs buffs. Damage is way too low.

    Mirage does far more than enough damage to burst someone down.

  5. @ASP.8093 said:

    @UNOwen.7132 said:The issue isnt people going permastealth mid-combat. Because anyone trying that will just find himself downed over and over. The problem is people being permastealthed out of combat, and then killing people who never were even aware of their presence.

    Killing them with what? You can't exactly open up with a 15k Backstab anymore.

    Mesmers can burst 20k+ but also doesn't have perma stealth.

  6. 3v3 is a single node fight where everyone has their cooldowns and there's no strategy besides killing your opponent. It's very boring and one dimensional, not even mentioning how this games combat and class design completely falls apart in a 3v3 deathmatch setting.

    Please stop these deathmatch experiments and just give us fulltime conquest ranked with MAYBE a week of downtime inbetween seasons.

  7. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    • Find a training run.
    • Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.
    • Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.

    Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.

    Then find players like yourself and go finish the Raids what's stopping you?

    There's a lot less leaders than followers.

  8. @Fueki.4753 said:With the game gaining an even higher percentage of open-world-only players due to said requirements, the development would shift even further away from instanced content.

    These people will never understand that all they're accomplishing with their gatekeeping is making ALL development stop on any type of instanced content. They're basically self-defeating.

    @zombyturtle.5980 said:As long as players join groups and do 2-3k as a dps, I will keep putting requirements in my LFG.

    If they ever stop, I will make all welcome groups, but I dont have much hope of that happening.

    Anet had a chance to add recommended builds and gear sets when they added templates but they did not. Giving new players something to use would've helped a ton, as they'd be running a decent build and pulling at least 10k instead fo 2-3k.

  9. @Yosmo.5306 said:

    @frareanselm.1925 said:I was playing against a group of 3 which clearly belong to the same guild (I saw under their names) and probably they organize/teamup by discord.This is a unfair advantage over all those who hot-join and doesnt know anything about their mates, how they play and the strategy.please remove that!

    dont like it. dont play pvp. theres nothing wrong with a 3 man comp

    Yeah man, tell people to QUIT PvP! That's EXACTLY what we need, less players in an already dying game mode!

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