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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. The fact that it basically instantly starts healing you makes counter play incredibly hard unless you predict it. The only times I don't heal a rev off infuse light is if I predict it coming.

    However, condis and stuff are another story, so is random AOE. But I don't feel that it's absurdly overpowered outside of condi rev since shiro heal is utter trash - almost like infuse light is balanced around shiro heal.

    Maybe rev shouldn't have two heals, tbh.

  2. @Curennos.9307 said:You got jumped by two bursty roamer-ish classes, weren't paying attention enough to notice they were around because revs don't have stealth and you should def be keeping track, had all your utilities on cooldown, and didn't even manage to press shroud.

    Work on your map awareness and mashing shroud faster.

    This is blatant bias.

  3. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @Eugchriss.2046 said:A good trade-off for holo would have been something like: They loose all their F-skills and they re replaced by holo skills. The heat mechanic stays as it is nowFor fb: They loose their 3 virtues and instead can choose to specialize in one (or 2) of them called tomes. Tomes cds are reduced by huge amount tho.

    That is not a good trade-off at all.

    Engineers are
    reliant on toolbelt skills for their builds, it isn't really rare that utility skills are solely taken for their toolbelt skill even.And it would heavily nerf holosmith's damage potential in PvE, while being a damage dealer is engineer's only viable role in that game mode.Some examples:
    • med-kit becomes unplayable, since you are removing the self-heal of the skill (which is located on the toolbelt), this change basically
      1 healing skill option from holo entirely
    • rifle turret toolbelt skill is the only reason to take it, remove surprise shot and rifle turret is dead (just like all the other turrets except healing)
    • grenade kit: removing grenade barrage removes one of the hard hitters in power holo's rotation
    • this change
      removes 3 stun breaks
      (toolbelts from: thumper turret, elixir gun, slick shoes)

    Not to mention that you are entirely removing 5 skills from the game entirely by removing the toolbelt skills of the exceed skills....

    Seriously, that change you are suggesting here absolutely kills build diversity for holosmith. What other class get 1 healing skill and 3 stun break skills removed from their pool to get access to their elite spec? Answer: no one.And you are also destroying the dps of holosmith in PvE, which is the only role engineer is currently viable in. You would have to
    buff holosmith's damage to justify such a change, especially since holosmith is designed to be a dps spec.

    Welcome to what it feels like to play other classes.

    Seriously, Eng players are so used to having everything for free they don't understand what actual balanced class design looks like.

    Remove holosmiths access to kits as a trade off.

  4. @"Kuma.1503" said:If we're going to advocate to nerf a build. Lets try to avoid hyperbolic statements. Yes, losing to a precieved OP build is frustating, but taking that frustration out in the form of a salty misinformed post accomplishes nothing.

    Does Explosives Holosmith lack weaknesses?

    Lets look at the current standard setup:

    It runs Alchemy and Explosives. It does not run inventions, meaning it's not running Anticorosion plating.For utilities it runs Elixir S, Elixir U, and Nades. Elite is either Mortar or Elixir X. It makes excellent use out of the HGH trait, but you might notice a lack of cleanses on it's utilities as well.

    It attempts to remedy this to some extent by running rune of revenant, granting them 2 seconds of resistance on heal. It also has a passive cleanse when it's conditions exceed 3 on a 60 second cooldown.

    In short. Explosives Holo is weak to condition pressure. Given how prevalent conditions are in the meta right now, this is no insiginificant con to have.

    It can shore up this weaknesses by replacing nades with Elixir Gun, running Heal turret, and swapping out for rune of resistance, but this comes at a significant dps loss.

    I should note. I am not confirming or denying that the build is too strong. I am pointing out that the statement "Explosives Engi does everything well with no cons" Is grossly hyperbolic.

    No, it probably has some of the best condition cleanse in the game.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prismatic_Converter+https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enhanced_Capacity_Storage_Unit

    The class, and build specifically, is most def NOT lacking in condition cleanse. You want a class lacking in condi cleanse? Weaver, especially LR weaver.

  5. @Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

    @"lovemghool.7613" said:Coming from a Kalla/Jallis renegade main, this sounds hilarious

    no we dont need more damage nerfs. but we need more viable builds

    now go back to crying about burn guards

    Stay on topic, if you want to make thread about what i play and how i play, do it.

    There are many engis in every game, more precisely "holosmith" engis and they always do the most damage after every game. Even jalis/khalla can't tank them with protection boon, weakness condi on them, stability, heals etc it is rdicilous. Hope devs will do some analyze. Holo got that trait which makes its heat max to 150% which boosts sword damage but also boosting might. So with it, it does so much damage with sword all skills. Grenades seems to scale so well with power with 0.33 power coeficient and since there are 3 grenades, it rises to 1. Blind is also problematic there, explosive entrance should be trait that can't crit as many other traits currently in the game. You can't kite it, because it kites you, you can't outsustain because it can outsustain even better, it is very mobile, very oppressive for no cons. I suggest some cut off from its kit. To be honest i don't support ability for one class/spec to be good in everything, there should be roles, strengths and weaknesses for each class, holosmith has no weakneses but only if it is so bad to overheat itself and take self damage which never happens.....

    Yeah, doing everything with no weakness is what the feb mega patch was trying to fix but then you have classes like holosmith that ignored this game changing transition and it's no wonder it's so strong.

    Elixir S is a good example of how completely overloaded the classes kit is Toss elixir S should absolutely not give stealth and should be moved to another, lesser used elixir. Why should the best defensive elixir also give stealth? That's bloated and too powerful.

  6. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:dragon hunter needs trade off, seriously, skills team is so incompetent..it's insane, daredevil also literally has 0 trade off, because unblockable on swipe is basically a compensation for range cut

    Dragon hunter doesn't need a trade off just like tempest doesn't. The base class(f1-f5) skills of base ele and guardian are horrendous.

    ? you just exampled to yourself why they need trade off

    No, base ele needs to be buffed but base guardian has enough trait lines that are strong that base guardian builds are viable.

  7. Do people actually think Holosmith isn't on the same level as condi rev? The class is absurdly bloated and does everything at once with zero sacrifices - the exact design this mega patch was trying to remove.

    Can't fight at range because grenades global you, can't melee because you die to holo mode, and if you do get them low they can just run away and full heal then re-engage whenever they want because for some reason they have superspeed AND stealth?

    The class needs to lose something.

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