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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

    Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

  2. @Caine.8543 said:

    @"Meteor.3720" said:The whole current meta if focused around chain CC'ing your opponent. It doesn't matter if the CC themselves do 0 damage - your teammates can dps the enemies down whilst they are CC'ed and unable to react.

    (inb4 "judge dodge" or "just bring stun break" - there are not enough dodges/stunbreaks to deal with the amount of spammable CC floating around at the moment)

    Yes, this whole focus by chain CCs is COMPLETE BS. All the stability in the world can't counter that. There NEEDS to be a counter against that.

    pretty sure one firebrand would have enough stability to break cc for his entire team for at least 15 seconds. stability shout + F3 tome. core guards can also bring a ton of stability.

    it'd be cool if more classes had stability or could spec towards it.

    No, that brings us back to everyone running around with perma stab again.

  3. If you stand on the cart you can't be knocked back so if your strategy relies on knocking the enemy off the node to decap(which was their strategy) your strategy is invalidated just because someone is exploiting terrain.

    It's essentially perma-stab for free vs knockbacks.

  4. By that logic PvE should be shut down for 3 weeks to prevent "Burn out".

    Trying to design around preventing burn out is never a good idea. Plus, as I said, people are going to lose interest and get invested in other games during the obscene 3 week downtime.

    Anet does NOT want people to stop playing their game. That's how you lose your players. This 3 week downtime is a relic of the past and needs to be re-examined by the new PvP developers.

  5. The auto-attack is pretty bad but that's fine, every weapon doesn't need a strong auto-attack.

    Skill 2 is fantastic.

    Staff 3 does 500 damage on heavy golem in spvp with a 1k power amulet. I dunno what to say, that's essentially a dead button. This needs to be revamped entirely.

    Staff 4 is barely more useful than #3. Chaos armor is very underwhelming and by far the worst aura. It should auto apply protection on use for 3-4 seconds at the very least. It'd still be the worst aura but at least the button would do something.

    Staff 5 is nice but the cooldown is pretty hefty for only 5 second cooldown. This button is fine.

    I'd revamp 3 and add more things to 4.

  6. As long as ranger and holosmith are A+ in Mobility|Burst|Sustain and thief still hard counters mesmers there's no reason to play anything but ranger/holo/rev/thief/necro + fb or tempest support. Mesmer and warrior get left under the bus due to how overpowered holosmith and ranger are, on top of how thief just eats mesmer alive with zero effort.

    Rev also is far too tanky as all of it's specs for having thief-like mobility and burst or near immunity to conditions and sustain. At least rev has to pick "sustain or mobility/burst" - unlike ranger and holo which get it all at once.

    I think it's time to make a chart of class "Strengths", call it Mobility|CC|Burst|Sustain|Support and take a long hard look at where every class fits in there, and try not to create classes like holo and ranger which are A+ in 3 things at once. Give classes, at most, TWO things A+ and the rest C-F.

  7. @otto.5684 said:

    @"Novuake.2691" said:Seriously. Its just dumb, let me continue playing conquest in a ranked format even in offseason or actually balance around 3v3.

    This bunker stall nonsense you see anywhere from plat and up is not cool. Every game is a slot fest of unfun garbage.

    Mini season ranked is supposed to be off meta stuff. You do not have to play it.

    Then make it optional. Stop this "mini-season". stuff The main game mode is conquest. What if league of legends randomly had weeks of downtime and you couldn't queue ranked? That's just a bad idea and no one would want that.

    Before the mini seasons, there used to be no ranked at all for down time period of around 3 weeks. Would it be better if there is no down time at all? Probably, and then we would not need the mini season. I have no idea why we need the down time between seasons anyway.

    No one knows, it needs to stop. All it does is create dead time in your game and probably ends up making more people stop playing and lose interest, especially if they queue unranked.

  8. @otto.5684 said:

    @"Novuake.2691" said:Seriously. Its just dumb, let me continue playing conquest in a ranked format even in offseason or actually balance around 3v3.

    This bunker stall nonsense you see anywhere from plat and up is not cool. Every game is a slot fest of unfun garbage.

    Mini season ranked is supposed to be off meta stuff. You do not have to play it.

    Then make it optional. Stop this "mini-season". stuff The main game mode is conquest. What if league of legends randomly had weeks of downtime and you couldn't queue ranked? That's just a bad idea and no one would want that.

  9. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Highlie.7641" said:It's still about bad design carrying the player.. So what's the difference? oh right like I said when they dropped the first patch. "same kitten, just slower"

    This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon.

    But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online!

    Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle?

    Are you watching MOTA? Haven't seen such close games in years and the previous meta was nothing but aoe spam condi and super sustain bruiser on the side nodes...literally a snooze fiesta where even the casters had a hard time identifying who killed who with what...Now we have detailed analysis after every match, close matches, visible tactics ...nothing of that aoe zerg spamm moving from point A to point B causing epilepsy

    I much prefer now than the scourge/boonbeast/immortal FB kitten

    Why would I care about a tournament where exploits are openly allowed?

    Do you realize what is happening ?....The druid is playing knockback immobilize build..the rev cover his back with the cart to avoid the knockback and negat the immobilize...hence the "exploit"...it was a figurative sense...........

    No it's literally exploiting.

  10. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Nerf ranger, holosmith, and rev sustain traits by 50% then see what happens. Do not buff warrior or mesmer.

    Kinda but gets to a point where nerfing classes down to a point starts making them feel like gbage to play.

    Why would it feel like garbage to not insane mobility, damage AND sustain on ranger/holo/rev? You shouldn't have all 3 at such extreme levels. Basically having 5 stars in everything is not "balanced".It's also not just sustain, all 3 classes just run around with perma prot or perma resistance in condi revs case which is stupid.

  11. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Highlie.7641" said:It's still about bad design carrying the player.. So what's the difference? oh right like I said when they dropped the first patch. "same kitten, just slower"

    This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon.

    But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online!

    Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle?

    Are you watching MOTA? Haven't seen such close games in years and the previous meta was nothing but aoe spam condi and super sustain bruiser on the side nodes...literally a snooze fiesta where even the casters had a hard time identifying who killed who with what...Now we have detailed analysis after every match, close matches, visible tactics ...nothing of that aoe zerg spamm moving from point A to point B causing epilepsy

    I much prefer now than the scourge/boonbeast/immortal FB kitten

    Why would I care about a tournament where exploits are openly allowed?https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663499079803863071/718688444012036116/unknown.png

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