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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @"Ovark.2514" said:Games are about having fun. If something is un-fun to play against, that is code for "At least one of a class's mechanics are not being put into play." This is a design issue and needs to be addressed ASAP.

    I think mesmer is the biggest offender of unfun to play against. People play a 1 shot mesmer spec where you essentially do not interact with them the entire fight. You are either dazed, or they are blocking, evading, stealthed, or invul to all damage.There's also some mirage bunker build that just runs in circles and can't die. Pretty unfun experience.

    Druid is probably the 2nd biggest offender, where you are CCed 75% of the time.

  2. This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.

    The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.

  3. @ollbirtan.2915 said:Yes, let's remove more runes and amulets. That will be health for the game mode and promote more build diversity indeed!

    Diversity doesn't give you a free pass to fill the game up with builds that are infuriating and unfun to fight.

    @Shao.7236 said:Problem isn't stealth but the ability to hide skills behind stealth. Suggested over 5 times now that someone about to burst (Or any heavy skill), they should be revealed at the start of their attack. Plain and simple. Makes no sense that people can get free 10k hits from nowhere, Backstabs on thief would have all the best reasons to be powerful if they would work this way in the first place.

    I love being CCed from stealth by mesmers and guardians.

  4. @lokh.2695 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Then do that. Every month, on the first day of the month, pay Anet $20 and buy gems. Or go crazy and pay them $50 every month. It cannot be any more simple.

    The good thing about the model ANet has chosen for this game and the general argument in favor of free to play models is exactly this. Whith a set subscription, there's a ceiling what the company can milk from any given player. With the "free to play but buy to convenience" system, there is no ceiling. If you are willing to pay 10'000$(chosing a ridiculous high amount of money to exemplify my point) per month you are free to do so whereas a subscription based model will only allow you to pay whatever the subscription is. Sure, one can think about a system where there is both, but players usually don't want that at all because it feels kinda exploitative to have a monthly fee with microtransactions attached to it.

    There's no ceiling what a company can milk from a given player by having a sub. FF14 is the perfect example of this.

  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @McPero.3287 said:Problem is ranger, holo for example have too much sustain without requiring any healing power. If side noders get nerfed their 'base'sustain you will be able to win 1v1 or die to a plus. Force bunkers to play menders if they want sustain but they shouldn't get away with playing demolishers, paladin, berserker ect.But previous meta was even worse with so much damage and sustain. One second you were winning hp battle the other you are dead.And point of bunkers is kinda to survive a plus so why would you expect that they should die in a 1v1. Bunkers shouldn't have good teamfighting and kill pressure. If that is the case bunkers are completely healthy for competitive conquest.

    Decreasing cooldowns and increasing power ratios is not the solution. Having low cooldowns just makes game braindead because you spam your buttons in a PvE rotation. I believe certain weapon skills could get buffed but have longer cooldowns so it actually matters if you dodge them. Lich form, tornado for example are very impactful and fun to use but have long cooldown (well tornado needs longer one and remove cc from 3).

    Or remove more amulets, seems like ANet trend currently.

    Ye that the solution just remove everything that has healing power or toughness. xD

    @McPero.3287 said:Problem is ranger, holo for example have too much sustain without requiring any healing power. If side noders get nerfed their 'base'sustain you will be able to win 1v1 or die to a plus. Force bunkers to play menders if they want sustain but they shouldn't get away with playing demolishers, paladin, berserker ect.But previous meta was even worse with so much damage and sustain. One second you were winning hp battle the other you are dead.And point of bunkers is kinda to survive a plus so why would you expect that they should die in a 1v1. Bunkers shouldn't have good teamfighting and kill pressure. If that is the case bunkers are completely healthy for competitive conquest.

    Decreasing cooldowns and increasing power ratios is not the solution. Having low cooldowns just makes game braindead because you spam your buttons in a PvE rotation. I believe certain weapon skills could get buffed but have longer cooldowns so it actually matters if you dodge them. Lich form, tornado for example are very impactful and fun to use but have long cooldown (well tornado needs longer one and remove cc from 3).

    Idk man, holo has been mega nerfed.... 3 times now? If sidenoding, it easily dies to a +1. Hard Light Arena doesn't exist anymore. Inventions is a bad traitline. Flashbang on explosives is good, but it' probably going to have it's # of targets reduced. You could say the same about scrapper and its barriers, weaver and its evades, guardian and its symbol spam, but at the end of the day, it's not really the fantastic sidenoder people make it out to be, it's just better at doing that than teamfighting. Just because two high skill players who have sustain equipped don't anticipate being able to kill each other in one isntance doesn't mean the game is broken.

    Meganerfed 3 time yet still played in almost every MOTA match as sidenoder running 0 healing power sustaining on a sidenode. If bunkers can't get away with running damage amulets then they are fine to stay as long as they can't tank 3 people on a node.

    What are you talking about? Any thief +1ing against a Holo on side node will push them off the node and usually kill them. This 3v1ing is actually a problem with core bunker necro more so than anything.

    take a look at mota qualifiers, and how much beating BERSERKER holo can take, even in 1v2 they can hold the node for rather long time, the damage went down too much, and some sustain was not brought down

    Yeah, anyone who's played against holosmiths on the live game can immediately notice how tanky they are. I don't know why they're allowed to be so tanky with 0 investment into healing. Ranger is bad about this too but nowhere near as bad as holosmith.

  6. @"maddoctor.2738" said:It's sad that we lost GW2Raidar. IT had way more accurate data than any "benchmark"

    edit: and it showed a much much different picture than the "benchmarks", especially for the builds on top.

    The benchmarks are pretty misleading since 99.99% of people cannot reach them. Something like Wowlogs would be a lot better for the community to use, but then guilds like snowcrow couldn't get free e-fame.

  7. @Tayga.3192 said:Tempest dies to any pressure

    Every class dies to pressure....

    Also the reason that tempest is in every match is because conditions are completely and utterly out of control and tempest and condi rev are the best counters to them.60%+ uptime shocking aura in AOE is the issue with tempest. Remove rune of radiance.

  8. @lodjur.1284 said:

    @SWI.4127 said:I don't really care about tank builds. It's more the cheese condi builds which are also tank because Dire/Trailblazer is too good with no drawbacks.

    It has drawbacks. I will list the biggest ones here.

    Most condi builds need a dedicated healer to do well.

    This is because they lack self-sustain, with the exception of necro (only recently, and honestly very overhyped) and ele (tho fairly meh atm), all condi builds lack sustain, which is a big problem when your gameplan is to win by attrition.

    I'm not sure why you think this. Necro has the worst sustain in the game, shroud doesn't heal you. Condi rev, condi renegade(the most sustain in the game BY FAR) and condi firebrand all have the most sustain in the game and are condi builds. The only builds with nearly as much sustain as these is power holosmith, power rev, and power tempest. Most power builds have nearly zero sustain outside of holosmith, rev, and power tempest. However, power tempest either gives up tons of sustain for damage, or gives up tons of damage for sustain - something all the above condi builds, power holosmith, and power rev do not do.

  9. @Fueki.4753 said:Revenant extremely weak to conditions and CC, both of which are the strongest mechanics since February.Revenants can easily be stun-locked and killed in seconds.

    When asking for nerfs, people need to look at much more than just numbers output.

    Condi rev has 100% uptime on resistance and thus is immune to CC and conditions.Renegade has so much DR vs conditions that it's nearly immune to them as well.

    Every class can die in a stunlock.

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