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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Toku.5972 said:

    @Toku.5972 said:An inexpensive Open World starting point is Staff/Staff w/Rabid gear. You can purchase all of it as Exotics on the auction house without spending too much gold, and it will be able to easily solo most Champions (and even some Legendaries). This is probably the most bang for your buck in open world. It excels against durable, dangerous targets, and is weaker to smaller groups of trash mobs (because they die too quickly to get condition damage ticking on them). It is sustained damage, and has very little burst. Trailblazer is better than Rabid, but you can't buy it from the trading post and it is considerably expensive to craft.

    Full Rabid gear. Krait Runes. Two Staves. Energy and Malice Sigils in both.Dueling 1-2-3Chaos 2-2-3MIrage 2-2-1

    Skills - Mirror or Mantra of Resolve, Signet of Domination, Signet of Midnight, Filler Skill (I usually run Illusionary Ambush for Target Swapping with 3 clones, but Crystal Sands is technically better dps. You could also run Feedback, or Null Field, or Mantra of Distraction or whatever other utility skill you need), and Jaunt.

    Doesn't this do like 3k dps?

    You shouldn't have any trouble breaking 10k with this setup with selfbuffs only.

    On solo DH I do 20k+ so even that is super underwhelming ;/

  2. @Lilyanna.9361 said:I love how people think that it's cool for unranked folks to see the top players consistently in their game. No, it's not good, they're not teaching me anything, and I know kitten well my team ain't gonna learn anything from it.

    Most games, even when declining, you NEVER see top players ever. Ever. Period. Learning the game and getting better is about gradual progression, not going from 0-100 and praying that you learn from the massive noobstomps. God, these people on these forums bruh.

    It's like playing a fighting game and half your matches are you being perfected by tournament winners. Zero fun, zero learming.

  3. @Toku.5972 said:An inexpensive Open World starting point is Staff/Staff w/Rabid gear. You can purchase all of it as Exotics on the auction house without spending too much gold, and it will be able to easily solo most Champions (and even some Legendaries). This is probably the most bang for your buck in open world. It excels against durable, dangerous targets, and is weaker to smaller groups of trash mobs (because they die too quickly to get condition damage ticking on them). It is sustained damage, and has very little burst. Trailblazer is better than Rabid, but you can't buy it from the trading post and it is considerably expensive to craft.

    Full Rabid gear. Krait Runes. Two Staves. Energy and Malice Sigils in both.Dueling 1-2-3Chaos 2-2-3MIrage 2-2-1

    Skills - Mirror or Mantra of Resolve, Signet of Domination, Signet of Midnight, Filler Skill (I usually run Illusionary Ambush for Target Swapping with 3 clones, but Crystal Sands is technically better dps. You could also run Feedback, or Null Field, or Mantra of Distraction or whatever other utility skill you need), and Jaunt.

    Doesn't this do like 3k dps?

  4. @Raiden The Beast.3016 said:Hope they delete this boring unskillfull clownfiesta and just focus on conquest rank w/o any timeout after season ends

    Yes please, but hilariously, 3v3 shows how bad this games balance is and how badly designed so many abilities, weapons, and classes in general are.

  5. @avey.4201 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:

    @avey.4201 said:people complain about 1 shot, but it still exists, before 2/25 every class had the option, now only 3-4 classes have the option, balanced?step in the right direction?thief ranger and mesmer still have 1 shot, you know the highest mobility classesguess what happens when low mobility class dodges 1 shot from high mobility class? they reset, and try again, infinitely, because you can't return the burstwhat people miss, you can dodge the 1 shot leaving them with their skills on cool down, then follow up with your own 1 shot(pre2/25), stunned? bring a stun breaknow you only need random dodges in most fights, because 30 damage is 30 damage, doesn't matter what you dodge as long as you press all the buttons.

    1 shot pu mesRidiculous op 1 shot from rangers and infinite escapes beforeridiculous stun spam 1 shot warrInsanely op aoe scourge spam fest.insane op spam from aoe firebrandaoe spam that was also insanely op and broken from herald.

    There is a reason why people complained about scourge, unless you think its skilful or rangers being able to practically 1 shot with greatsword and longbow procs and with soulbeast transformation

    Its not just the damage either, but sustain was also nerfed. Basically the reason invuln spam and things like that were so high, was because the damage was basically too high to survive. Only way to survive 1 shot meta is either to have perma block invuln, or have enough mobility to escape, and it so happens rangers had resetting abilities that were crazy good.

    Weavers too also had pretty nuts dmg with sustain, and none of this was healthy for the game, neither is being auto cc spammed and blown up in 2-3 seconds.

    ele can aoe cc spam a party of 5 in spvp for several seconds, and a mesmer can still blow them up in those seconds, happened in tournaments a few weeks agothere was invuln spam one shot builds and many broken things before, no one says the balance was perfect, but from my perspective it was betterthis thread was about fun, not necessarily balance thoughat least when a thief tried to one shot me, I could one shot him back(fun)I could macro 3v3I have the longest win streak of my history in this gamethe fights are boringmost fights, when we win, I realize I'm starring at the wallI press all the buttons and win nowI had to watch animations beforeI had to be aware of my surroundings beforenow its just whoever presses all the buttons firstworst part of this balance, you can't open certain loot bags in spvp, and cleaning inventory mid match leaves these bags behind

    The difference is the ability to one shot was lowered from what it was. The so-called time to kill is increased, making fights last longer.

    I do believe invuln was touched somehow on mesmers reduced and guardians were probably touched in ways i don't know. I know that some stuff was already touched that was recent and thats important to mention.

    You didn't mention the modifiers nerfed for rangers pet and damage on bow greatsword and other stuff, or mobility and sustain spam and even stab spam.

    Huge amount of stuff was nerfed, and i think it was for a good reason, because pof simply created way too much power creep. I also think its probably a good idea to not make specs (reaper for instance) to be instantly a upgrade.

    If i go and play firebrand, it should be a different playstyle, not necessarily superior to all other guardian specs, same with mesmers, and this was problematic in the past.

    Also what you on about? thief damage is nowhere near as strong as it used to be. Sure they can hit hard, but not insanity levels of damage they used to have with their weapons and with daredevil. Remember the camper daredevils who used to 2 shot from range with 0 counterplay and from stealth?

    Also condi teef got nerfed recently as well.

    I didn't mention most of it because it's endlessjust went and done another 3v3, pressed all buttons, wonmy heal does almost 2x the damage of my other utilities, 20x the damage of my eliteenemy had a burn guardian with some gross damage, 0 effort to kill himwasn't funI'm not saying the entire 2/25 patch was badele was capable of using invulnerability while casting an unblock-able 1 shot before, that was brokenwarrior, and rev to this day are healed by incoming damage, that is poor designbroad unspecific ratio reductions left the game noncompetitive, unbalanced, and plainly mundane

    But does burn guardian require less skill than any ranger build?unknown.pngThis ones probably better: unknown.png

  6. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol

    Because conquest ranked has downtime for some unknown reason.

  7. I don't have any friends who still play this game, and who could blame them for no longer playing?

    Anyways, unranked in it's current form probably makes more people quit PvP than it keeps. I think unranked should be deleted for perma seasons. You get completely utterly unplayable horrible games nearly 100% of the time in unranked, it's very offputting and will make someone have ZERO interest in ever trying out the ranked modes.

    Unranked basically kills off the player base by existing. The reason queues are so bad is because it allows solos vs premades which skews the matchmaker and makes every game uneven.

    If you want more players to stick around playing PvP, then unranked either needs to be deleted, solo and premades need to be their own queue pools, or there needs to bea 24/7 ranked only conquest queue.

  8. Rune of speed is really stupid to deal with, however, if you are using run of speed to kite someone, you've removed yourself from the battle and can't participate. That's why thief counters necro so hard, it's not that it beats you 1v1(which it does), it's that you cannot protect yourself and slowly die from constant re-opening without protection or healing from a support.You can kite the entire enemy team endlessly, but you can't help your teammates while doing this, and since matchmaking expects you to carry 90% of the time this is basically a free loss.

  9. I'm understanding the issue, and it's 100% group queues. They need to be put into their own queue because I get games nearly instantly before 8 PM and 80% of them are 5 solo vs 5 solo, then after 8 PM it's 80% group queues.

    That means that there's more than enough people for group vs group and solo vs solo only queues to work. Trying to put both in the same queue pool destroys match balance, as I'm seeing every single day once the group queues start.

  10. This game modes matchmaking is fine as long a it's solo vs solo. However, it tries to put solo and 2, 3, 4 and 5 man queues all into the same pool which COMPLETELY destroys the system and makes it non-functional. The majority of my games are 1 sided stomps from either side.

    By having such bad matches in your "unranked" mode, which is the introductory mode for new players, you're actively making players stop PvPing entirely as their first introduction to PvP is nothing but uneven unfun games where you don't learn anything. It doesn't encourage people to queue for ranked - it does the opposite, it encourages them to give up on PvP all together.

    I spend so much time adding people to my friend list to queue dodge their premade that it's gotten absurd.

    Please look into revamping the unranked systems matchmaking if you'd like this game mode to gain players.https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231147378990645248/719777484383584286/unknown.png

  11. @"Tyga.7056" said:This is something that has been requested for a long time from the community and is now even more relevant, because of the state the PvP community is in right now due to MOTA and the lockdowns. If you want people to sustainable continue playing at’s and competing against eachother, this is a key element of it.Classes should be played, because they fulfill a certain role in a team concept and not because they’re overpowered at a time and you just duplicate them to faceroll everything.It would generally make it easier to balance around the competitive scene for you and also give us more time to play the game inbetween balance patches.If you‘re on it already, swapping classes should also not be allowed during a match.

    This is a bandaid to the problem. The problem is ranger/eng/rev currently do everything (tanky and hold nodes, quick with insane mobility for rotating, and high burst). Fix these "I do everything" classes and you won't have class stacking.

  12. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"mrauls.6519" said:Lower defenses. Let enemies kill each other!

    We already out here getting hit by 10k trueshots lol, lower defenses?

    That's the problem with gw2, I've got classes that are tank/dps classes instead of one not being great at the other. Gustds and fb are suport specs yet can burst like a dps class, dh can be very tanky while dpsing as well, temp can do the same.Anet needs to decide what each spec is soposed to excel in cuz as it stands a few classes are excelling in everything and these are the ones constantly spammed in matches etc.

    Like some specs can duel/burst and team fight....
    hey there revenants...how is your rev main?
    ...oh wait let's not leave out
    core necros
    , the classes in the clip seems to be a rev against another rev...yet you dare to say that tempest can do better...the bias is real

    There's nothing overpowered with base necro. I've never seen a class hard counter another in a PvP MMO as hard as thief hard counters every single necro build. Base necro also doesn't do enough damage to be threatening on it's own, it's mainly a control mage with helpful damage. There's a lot of builds that are flat out immune to your damage on base necro, can't say the same for holo, ranger, or rev.

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