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Thea Cherry.6327

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  1. Ah well as i thought, the new alliance system is trash. Well, the game mode was fun while it lasted.
  2. As a thief my go to option is to shadowstep away, stealth and run as fast as i can away from that abomination of a build.
  3. Exactly that, the mode is Siege Warfare with Open Field fights, not Fights everywhere with paper thin walls and no real defense options left. Somewhere down the road ANet and the players forgot that.
  4. Indeed i may be very one in seeing black everywhere, while some others here see white. It will propably end somewhere in between, so grey. But it is undeniable, that we had a massive lost of players in the past years and we had some very unbalanced Beta Match Ups before which led to even more players dropping out of the mode for a time. So yeah, i can understand if some people think the new system will improve the population balance, but it does not change the core flaws of the system or the fact, that GW should have made drastic changes years ago. A complete restructure of Servers should have been done even before the linking system, since that system changed absolutely nothing.
  5. What confuses me is, that some people think the change will be positive which can be true for them, but they don't see that for many others it will be the death of the game mode and as we have seen the past years, we don't get new WvW players easily. So the overall WvW population will sink, not enough people will be coming back for this mode, because many left due to core WvW problems which are not adressed by the perma beta. Let's wait and see how good/bad the change is in around 3-6 month (the playtime in the summer is usualy lower anyway), but right now i have a very bad feeling about this.
  6. Well, if you don't enjoy Zerg fights and only want to roam around and make some small scale stuff, dead servers are quite nice, so i stay.
  7. I really hope they change the server or ranking system, so your joke rings true, because his server has risen... to a new game mode. xD The Gandara and FSP problem was one of the reasons why Kodash is now a ghosttown, we were perma locked as full and fought against Links with 2-3 Servers and BB which back then were never full, due to being the only spanish server. So you both have my sympathy.
  8. Soooo the mass transfering over the past 5 years have been a protest against dead servers, when there were no dead servers? WTJs are a funny bunch of people. xD
  9. Quite funny that you an Burial flamed me in the german forums due to my dislike of Drakkar, but you 2 are constantly advocating for Kodash and Miller to be closed, because they are Ghosttowns, that i can understand but why Arbotstone? They are at least somewhat active and the new link seems to suit them well. Other servers struggle more or at least the same imo, the likes of Vizo, Dzago, Jade and in some parts Abaddon are struggling too. FoW has been hit quite hart the past weeks with nearly 100 players leaving the server and from what i saw in the last 2 weeks with them in the link: they did contribute slightly more players in zergs than kodash. It's to early to judge them by that, but man they really got hit hart. In terms of Kodash, yeah we are a ghosttown, but leave us ghosts alone please. Many of us stopped playing due to the last 2 links, because A.) yeah we don't like Drakkar and B.) FoW first being on strike and then the above mentioned player loss. At least from the inititial few hours the new links seems to be quite fine.
  10. Depends on the Tier and the MU, right now i would say T5 is a wasteland, because most players (me included) don't want to play against WSR and just wait for them to climb upwards.
  11. Uhm FoW is as dead as kodash now, after most of them transfered to WSR. xD I still think they should scrap alliances, kill all servers, make new ones and limit the ability to transfer to 1 in 6 month.
  12. That happens if you put a fight player in a dev position. Nerfing everything that was stopping them to cap something is a clear sign of the dev team who don't know what they are doing.
  13. Well the whole distribution is a mess, at the start i got put in a link without my guild, without my friendlist and without anyone from my server, which was quite confusing since i picked my guild for WvW. Even worse, friday they got linked back to the server i was on and i was happy to play with them... but now I GOT transferd away to the next random team where i knew noone, what the? xD We had the same problems with other guild members, where some of us were put in completly wrong matchups full of uncoordinated people like us, because rarely 2 people know each other. Apart from that problem, the balancing is... questionable at best. We have no q on the Weekends, while the other servers are steamrolling over all maps and from what i heard from them was, that they had quite high qs on theire maps. So the inbalance in player distribution has not been fixed too. What a strange system that fixes none of the current problems, but gives us complety new ones.
  14. Bandwagoning and mass transfers are completly out of control and a reason why WvW is in it's miserable state, but that's another matter. Even with the linking problematics, it was at least possible to get a reset planned with your home server, with alliances you can't even do that, because noone knows where he ends up in the end, due to a broken algo and the never ending bugs in all the betas.
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