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Everything posted by Sylvyn.4750

  1. This is apparently still an issue that hasn't been fixed...just like the Revenant's Coalescence of Ruin bugs...
  2. Same here...WvW only, it shows only 4 tasks, but I can get credit for 5 tasks out of 4...
  3. I don't think anyone is arguing the rewards are less now than before, it's mostly about the narrower path we now have to tread to get there. Change can be good, but how far can choices be narrowed before they run afoul of their original design philosophy as put forth by Colin Johanson: "It’s extremely important that we stay true to our philosophy that you should be able to play Guild Wars 2 the way you want to play the game in order to reach the most powerful rewards."
  4. It's pay to progress just a bit faster because you don't have as much time to play. I've had ascended armor, trinkets and weapons way before getting a couple alt accounts, so there really is no "winning" gained by making more in-game currency at this point. Legendaries aren't any more powerful than ascended, so it's just helping speed up convenience items and cosmetics, especially since I mostly play WvW where the rewards are not as good as in PvE. Oh, but I forgot that some are into fashion wars, and getting legendaries faster night be considered pay to win in that category. 😏
  5. Give us our 10 target effect on overloads back! 😏
  6. Consider players that actually bought expansions to set up alt accounts for the login rewards and perhaps some of the easier daily missions...the loss of those types of sales due to a much longer return on investment won't help Anet's bottom line either.
  7. And if you pick WvW dailies only, kill 3 invaders is also there every time, so that leaves only 2 of the 4 that actually rotate.
  8. Or if they raised/removed the cap, then it would only take 10 seconds to buy the one thing you want and you could get back to doing fun things in game instead of playing the AA math mini-game...but apparently some people like those games, so I don't expect it'll change.
  9. To keep in line with their claim that this is similar to a seasonal battle pass, ideally all AA should reset at the end of the season, no carry overs, no artificial cap needed...accumulate as much as you want and just make sure you spend it by the end of the season. That would be a cleaner approach to what we have now.
  10. What if you're only wanting to save for the next big 1,000 AA item on the list after buying the first 1,000 AA item? You're being forced to either spend your AA on things you don't want right now just because of an artificial cap, which makes it harder to save for that next item, or you're at least having to plan the timing on earning AA to make sure you're not having to spend AA on things you didn't want.
  11. As long as it's not popping up on every daily list, I'm fine with it...it's getting "kill 3 enemy players" every single day that is getting monotonous...not hard, but it probably points to a severe lack of other possible WvW dailies in the current system. I guess Big Spender bit the dust, as I haven't seen that one at all.
  12. The special tab resets quarterly, from my understanding, but my point was in this example that a larger source of AA earnings would not be available to this individual until the next weekly reset where they could earn the weekly chest, or at least have a few days of dailies to top them off. It becomes a dance in figuring out how soon you can finish certain things to accumulate what you want without going over the cap.
  13. At the very least, the AA cap should be set at the sum of the highest reward item, currently 1,000 AA, plus the highest AA task reward, which appears to be 500 AA for one of the story chapters in the Special section, so 1,500 AA for the recommended cap. If someone was at 900 AA and wanted to buy an item for 1,000 AA, but only had that story chapter available to finish for 500 AA before the weekly reset, they would have to figure out what they can spend (or waste) 100 AA on before they could claim the 500 AA to not go over the 1,300 AA cap. I think Anet is really just pushing us to improve our math skills with figuring out how to earn enough to purchase what we want without going over the cap. 😏
  14. When they say the exclusive skins that you don't manage to buy this season will still be in the vault for the next season but at a higher price, I would hope the mount skin that costs 1k AA this season doesn't end up costing more than 1,300 next season...unless they take layaway plans? πŸ˜‰
  15. The odd thing to me is that they also made AA be a wallet currency, and every other wallet currency has no real limit...anything that has a cap like this should not also be a wallet currency. You see your total in the vault, so just leave it out of the wallet. Makes me think they initially intended for there to be no cap, but then they decided to cap it near the end.
  16. Same...or how about the horde of mobs that were chain aggro'd and chased you until you ran clear across the zone to the exit? When you heard people yelling "train to zone!", you made a quick exit yourself to avoid getting insta-killed, and you actually lost some experience by dying, more if you couldn't get back to where you died to loot your corpse.
  17. Word! Heck, even looking at one of the earliest MMOs that I played, Everquest, I remember camping a certain room for hours on end waiting for a certain mob to spawn so that I could finally get my own fighting baton for my monk, but of course every good monk had to have 2 of them. At least I could sit in that room for a few hours at a time until RNG was finally in my favor, but I never touched raids in EQ, as they often took 6-8 hours to complete. It got tiresome, for sure, and sometimes I'd be up past midnight dozing in my chair just waiting for a spawn. After EQ, every game since has been easier, not like the good ol' days!
  18. Considering most of the DPS players I've talked to are going with Relic of the Thief as it is clearly meta compared to the rest of the power relics, how does that really give us much of a choice, since most of the other relics are way below it in value? Reminds me of how skyscale rose to the top of the mount heap...if you had to chose just one for the rest of the life of the game, do you really have a choice?
  19. Sure there is! You have to enjoy the "bling" noise it makes when you collect a chest...doesn't that make you want to do it all over again just for that sound effect? πŸ˜‰
  20. This is where many would disagree with you...they only gave us hints and teases of what was to come, so how can you say "they told us?" If Anet did a better job of communicating in advance the details of what was coming, it wouldn't be such a shock, but they chose to keep things, well, secretive and obscure. The picture of the Wizard's Vault they released last week did not give one the impression that you were locked into a small set of dailies that you had to complete in full or get the angry cook saying "No soup for you!" Nowhere was that communicated. Similarly, I have yet to find ANYONE that can definitively say or prove what the 1,300 total means at the top corner of the vault screen as it gives no further explanation. Is that a daily cap, weekly cap, or is that a running cap that forces you to spend down your points as you go rather than try to hoard more than 1,300? Anet hasn't said one word on that...again, secretive and obscure. Most are happy about the choice and generosity of rewards...it's just the lack of choice in getting to those rewards.
  21. World of Tanks does this...you get 3 daily missions and you are allowed to reroll one of those every 4 hours if you have one you don't think you can complete, or wait 4 hours to reroll a second time if you still have one that is tough. You keep the other missions that you did not reroll.. they don't all get rerolled.
  22. Perhaps in PvE...there used to be much more rune diversity in WvW until now. Runes I've used in WvW include: Pack, Brawler, Durability, Ogre, Eagle, Dolyak, Mercy, Speed, Trooper, Fireworks and Water, off the top of my head. Some of these combined with the related relic are still usable, but some relics have been gutted with the change in their effects or how they proc, or they are simply no longer available...whether that is temporary or permanent remains to be seen.
  23. Yes, the new system is very rewarding, but with the lack of choice on dailies, not being able to complete one daily tanks your AA earnings for that category...finishing 2 dailies (beyond the login) nets 25 AA versus 65 AA for finishing all 3.
  24. I don't think we'll really know until we get past the first week, but I believe the 1,300 is just a weekly cap on AA that resets each week, where your currency continues to accumulate in your wallet. Doing a full rotation of dailies and weeklies results in 1,255 AA earned, so only the Special tasks would have you go over the cap, if you managed to not miss any dailies or weeklies. In a way, if you look at your dailies and know there is one you're just not able to complete, then that would be a good time to tackle one of the Special tasks, as missing one daily out of the 4 results in only 25 AA earned instead of 65 AA, and missing a few days can add up. Here is a clue per the Wiki, which comes close to 11 weeks times 1,300 per week, or 14,300, plus maybe a little extra for those that could play at launch until reset on launch day: Over the course of the 77 days players can accumulate up to 14,760 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a7/Astral_Acclaim.png/25px-Astral_Acclaim.png, 76 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/d/d1/Gold_coin.png/18px-Gold_coin.png, and 110 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/5/56/Laurel.png/20px-Laurel.png.
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