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Everything posted by SevlisBavles.3059

  1. I mean really, who ever thought that was a good idea in principle? It's terrible gameplay.
  2. Couple thousand is a little ambitious don't you think? Feels more like a few hundred at most with another few hundred bots.
  3. Remove Catalyst. It completely pushed Weaver out of the game without offering anything of value to the game or the PvP meta in return. A really fun playstyle got replaced with a bad Tempest knockoff.
  4. The concept is just dumb. They should never have built a Thief-like specialization into a platform that has access to so many sustain skills and traits. Regardless of how different Willbender plays out at different levels, there is too much potential for kitten builds with too much of a mix between sustain and insane damage. This game is just a bingo now in terms of balancing, there are so many egregious builds, chrono, condi reaper, bladesworn, willbender that result in so many matchups you are just entirely unwinnable. Some engagements should favour one type of build over the other, but Willbender has too many build possibilities that are just unkillable to some professions. It's nothing like Shout Warrior or bunker Scourge or other dumb kitten, but it's very much of symptom of everything that is wrong with the current "balance". EoD wasn't made with PvP in mind and it's completely ravaged the gamemode.
  5. The game in general but especially PvP is just oversaturated with meme mechanics now. There is so much that actual "balancing" is no longer possible because there is too much kitten to juggle. Also, to make EoD specs work, core/HoT/PoF specs were tinkered with to the point where some of those builds are out of control as well. There are too many obnoxious condi builds, too many ridiculous glass cannons and too many bunker builds. The current "balancing" is some of the worst I have ever seen and PvP gameplay is just a meme at this point.
  6. Battle Standard is just as bad, if not even worse than pet rez
  7. What is causing this? I am playing a scepter/focus Weaver build with Air/Arcane and every now and then I produce a large ring of earth spikes around me, I think it's in connection to Earth attunement or an Earth skill but I'm not sure.
  8. You can reach platinum with core ele if you'd like, it's not a very high standard. I reached plat 2 with a Scepter Lightning Rod build with Avatar Amulet and Rune of Dwayna, Swift Revenge, Woven Stride and the Arcane trait line. A complete meme build that would never hold up at any level that matters when you look at competitive balancing. But even now, playing at that kind of level is just not fun anymore with funny builds like that. The balance between damage and sustain is gone in Weaver and you will always have to sacrifice too much damage for sustain, or too much sustain for damage. You can't be competitive in duels with high risk high reward builds and you can't hold nodes with bunker builds against players/comps that are actually a high level. Whatever's in the middle isn't good at anything really.
  9. Posts like these are either purely malicious or incredibly dumb. Either the guy is purposely trying to distract from the topic with absolute irrelevant nonsense while the point in the post is very clear. Or he's just utterly clueless and fixates on kitten that doesn't even remotely matter.
  10. Usually I'd agree with you but banning wintraders would remove about 25% of the PvP playerbase. The gamemode is already a ghost town.
  11. There is no build for Scepter Weaver that is even remotely competitive. Fresh Air was not the greatest a year ago, but at least you could squeeze something decent out of it and play around with the build a bit. Weaver in general is kitten-tier now and you can't even play Fire Weaver or D/D Lightning Rod without basically throwing the match by even having those builds. Scepter Weaver is even worse off. Literally an entire playstyle cancelled from the game that was not even remotely egregious in any way. Never mind egregious, it was already a fringe build to begin with.
  12. Moa would be far more balanced if it was a mechanic similar to Blackout in GW1; you disable all of your enemy's skills, but you disable all of yours as well.
  13. Then why has a team that runs 3 engis repeatedly been knocked out of ATs?
  14. I agree. Clearly we're a kittening burden to ANet and let's be real, the PvP balancing team is a burden to us as well. GW2 PvP has so much insane kittening potential, especially in the current eSports and Twitch/Youtube streaming scene. Even a 22-year old game like Age of Empires II has tournaments with prizepools of 100,000$. Even with a tiny bit of effort and actual CARE from ANet GW2 PvP could easily flourish when complemented with the effort of someone like TeaPot. When you compare GW2 PvP to other competitive games out there and when you compare PvP to WvW and PvE within GW2 itself, it's pretty blatant and clear that ANet absolutely doesn't give a kitten about PvP. The entirety of Gold and low Plat is utterly toxic because of kitten balancing and mismatched because matchmaking was not designed to deal with low pops, and top level players also regularly lose their minds on streams because of how frustrating the game is now. Just kittening put it out of its misery. We're a burden to ANet and ANet is a burden to the PvP scene.
  15. Healing allies should take a similar amount of skill and timing as interrupting someone's heal or stowing a skill.
  16. https://clips.twitch.tv/BetterRamshackleHornetMoreCowbell-Zubyr_sJh4_78Aat
  17. This will kill PvP, what little is left of it. Matchmaking problems are due to a decreased population. The bunker meta introduced in the February patch has driven away so many players PvP is on life support, if not dead already. Implementing this will make matchmaking take so much longer and make it so much worse. The primary concern of ANet regarding PvP should be undoing the bunker meta and somehow restoring the PvP population to numbers that can actually support the matchmaking system. The system is fine, it just wasn't designed to work with a low player population.
  18. I hate Chill too. You already have Cripple as a movement impairment condition. Why does a skill recharge condition have an even stronger secondary movement slowing effect, than the condition that is supposed to primarily slow your movement?
  19. I'm generally against alts and smurfing, but it's basically a necessity for some players at this point. The population is so thin now that matchmaking is unreliable and the terrible current bunker meta has driven away so many knowledgeable players that the overall skill and knowledge level has diminished so much. There are a few select hours where you can get normal games, other than that matchmaking is a pure bingo. Every high level PvP streamer is getting frustrated with games nowadays, even when they're already on alts where they don't care about their rating. Even reasonably level-headed guys are losing their minds some matches. I don't blame any of them for needing alts to have a gameplay experience where they don't have to care about rank, and even then there's many games that kitten them off because of how terrible they are.
  20. https://clips.twitch.tv/BetterRamshackleHornetMoreCowbell-Zubyr_sJh4_78Aat
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