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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. the gain from the collection is always 50 skill levels. I meant, does the XP gain from Discoveries make a difference if you level from 441 to 450 or from 491 to 500?Yes. While you get the same number of XP, that moves you a lesser measure up the leveling tree when you're 490 vs. 440. It didn't matter for regular crafting, but this process is 10 levels, not 10 times whatever XP you need. Unless all of the levels from 401-500 require the same number of XP, it's definitely better to do it earlier.
  2. I wish I had paid better attention to him! My eyes were on the oven. :/ You can talk to him again. The dialog doesn't change (I think).
  3. Considering my cook is an alt character I will not waste my time building the kitchen as I will very rarely ever get to see it again. Me : Enters home instance on alt character cook, see's a nice shiny kitchenMe : RelogsMe : Enters home instance on main character, kitchen's goneMe : Such Immersion... Another failed attempt at content... Have you tried it with a level 1 skilled cook?If it works you can just train 1 skill in cooking for all and have it in the back ground as a third unused crafting discipline on every characterNo, it doesn't work. I tried it with a level 400 cook, and no dice. I have not tried it with another chef at 401 or higher, though. Mostly because I don't have any, but I'll be reluctant to spend that much money leveling another toon up.
  4. ANet, don't read this (it might make you think you can make more money selling character slots): I have a whole character who does nothing but carry all my books around.
  5. OK, looks like I misunderstood it as applying more deeply than it does.
  6. they are highly overpriced.i have 7. Pass, Salvage Copper, Salvage Silver, LW teleport book and 3 for the unIDs .maybe 2 or 3 more would be nice, but IMO they are to expensiv I can agree with you there. But, as a self-confessed packrat, I find them handy enough to pay. I would even pay more for later ones. Say if they charged 1000 for numbers 25-30 or something, it would fly out of my (digital) wallet. But, I certainly understand not wanting to pay the high price. Most people do a better job of managing their inventory than I do.
  7. According to their statement (in the patch notes when they made the change), blue unids should always produce blue gear. (Same for green and yellow.) They dident say that, they said magic find wouldent boost the upgrade rate when you id gear anymore only affect if you get blue green or yellow when it droped from mobs.I may have misunderstood. Do you remember a link to that statement? I'll read it again and see where I went wrong. Thanks!
  8. According to their statement (in the patch notes when they made the change), blue unids should always produce blue gear. (Same for green and yellow.)
  9. This is incorrect. While they said they fixed it so that magic find isn't applied twice, they're wrong. I've seen dozens, maybe even hundreds of blue unids turn into green gear (and even a yellow or two). Until they fix the processes completely, it still pays to open them and then salvage. Riiight, that's why I said to open them. Open or sell as is. Never salvage unopen. Unless you meant to reply to someone else? That's why I said opening them would get you things other than blue but salvaging unopened is just blue.No, sorry, I just misread your post.
  10. Illconceived: Thanks for your comments. The tomes and writs come from the daily rewards. Of the Pact map items I only have eight. They'll be gone inside a week. The treasure finding kits are going into the bank. Or, rather, onto a designated Highlands farmer. Thanks for the reminder! Re: the home stone and ML passkey, I use them differently. The home stone is because I don't have a designated home instance farmer. (I may change that, since I have 27 level 80s now.) The ML passkey gets used several times a day, but by different characters. I actually have a route for each homestead. It's pretty efficient; I only have to change the implements 8-10 times (depending on which home). I use the time running between nodes to make the switches (except in the Sylvari home, which has ... issues. I try not to farm there much.) Oh, every character has his own crude salvage kit. Only only have to swap them when one of them runs out. Same applies to the implements. Going to the ML Sanctuary takes time to get to. I only go there or the guild hall when I have more than one swap to make. Your comments hinting at penny-wise, pound-foolish are valid, though. It truly is a time vs. money questions, but my personality won't let me waste money. I know in my mind that it would be better to use the extra time for farming zones, missions, or events, but ... I just can't do it. I would use the excuse that I was brought up in the Depression, but even I'm not that old. :)
  11. This is incorrect. While they said they fixed it so that magic find isn't applied twice, they're wrong. I've seen dozens, maybe even hundreds of blue unids turn into green gear (and even a yellow or two). Until they fix the processes completely, it still pays to open them and then salvage.
  12. I don't remember if you regularly play multiple toons, i.e more than 5. If not, invisible bags work just as well. For example, I invested in the Permanent Bank Access contract. At today's prices, that's about 3500 gold, enough to buy 12000 gems (aka the cost of 25 shared inventory slots). Because, in effect, it turns a single shared slot into however many bank slots you have: 30, 60, 420, etcSo things that I use constantly get a shared slot, while things that only get occasional use do not. It's amazingly useful. There are cheaper ways to conserve shared inventory, depending on what you're currently using them for. I play 27 regularly (at least every other week, and 20+ weekly). Home portal stoneMistlock Sanctuary passkeySeasons three and four tomesmystic forgecopper and silver salvage kittreasure hunting kitsPact Scout's mapping materials. (This will disappear when I've used them all).Seven for implements. (I don't have any infinite gathering tools, and I'm a cheapskate who uses the implement of the right tier to gather.).crude salvage kit (for basic gear and salvage items)black lion salvage kit (for exotic gear)Tomes of knowledge, silky sand, and writs of experience (because we get them every day)bank expressmerchant expressOne kept empty for transfers (I wish you could mail to yourself)
  13. I like the idea of shared slots, too. However, there aren't anywhere near enough of them. I only have one free, and I have to work pretty hard to keep that one open.
  14. Frizz in the Aetherblade fractal end scene: Tybalt Anything Canach says. Really ... anything.
  15. What if you want to kick the defacto party leader? You can't. Advantage for forming a party, I guess.
  16. I just received exactly the same code about 6-8 times in a row. Finally, I brought the whole client down, and logged back in. Now, it's working.
  17. One other possibility: the party leader must be one of those agreeing with the kick. (Which would require re-implementing the party leader concept.)
  18. The current mechanic is OK. But, near the end of a dungeon (or fractal), the requirement should go up from 3/5 to 4/5 (or 3/4 if someone else leaves). It shouldn't be possible to get kicked when you worked all the way to the end, or even close to it. Unless you're a real jerk (i.e. EVERYBODY else agrees to kick).
  19. I suspect it's very simple: All LW maps (season 2 and later) are level-80 zones. If you bring a character less than level 80 there, they don't give full rewards. This is true in dozens of other situations as well (like, jumping puzzle rewards of empyreal fragments, farming map-currency nodes in your homestead, etc.) I suspect they simply want to not reward people for map completion when they're also gaining levels in the process.
  20. Please publish the schedules for "seasonal" changes to Black Lion chests. I'm not asking for detailed information. Just something like "February will feature Canthan New Year themed items", "April will feature mini skimmer pups", etc.
  21. Dialog from the wiki page for Queen's Forest: Bry: Many a might beast has succumbed to my might.Grismettle: That reminds me. Did I tell you my wife is pregnant?Bry: How does that remind you of your wife?
  22. Frizz in the Aetherblade fractal: "You think you've won? You've won nothing! Tremble and cry as I unleash my greatest" … and then splat. Best. Ending. Ever.
  23. There was no edge when I did it. The whole map was the same whitish color all over. Maybe that was the issue.
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