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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I thought sure it said I had an item to pick up (and items to pick up, and coins). But, the "item" one disappeared as soon as I went into the BLTC.
  2. I got yet another notification that there was an item to pick up in the Black Lion Trading Company. I went, no item. This is around the fifth or sixth time in the last couple of months. What's going on? Am I missing the item, or is the message just bogus?
  3. One other thing: if you DO complete a bounty, you always get another bounty as a drop. So, the number you have will never go down; it always stays the same or goes up.
  4. I did see that, but it was in another language, so I didn't even try to check it out. Thanks! That should help!
  5. I already tried that. The only useful bit I found was that you have to jump off something onto a tower, but no details beyond that. Pretty useless, actually.
  6. There's an achievement in the Shattered Observatory called Live Wire. The description says "Vaporized by the Active Spire of a Highly Charged Coil." What does that mean?
  7. For collecting them, it makes no difference. The last one of each is at like 33k and 36k.
  8. Also, you can type /wiki zone name in-game, and it will open a wiki window in your default browser pointing to the correct page.
  9. I tried that. You can see if a character played it through at all there, but not which branch you took.
  10. Thanks. That's similar, though: I have to run to Amnoon to find out. I was afraid of that.
  11. Equipment bag is greyed out for me. All it says is Unlock: Overcome the challenges in the Nightmare fractal to unlock this item for purchase. But, I've completed that fractal many times, and I even have all the achievements for it. So, what is it needing?
  12. Not too high, but when I finally got all of my characters to have ascended armor? I dropped 3 in the last 3 days. Go figure.
  13. Is there any other way to which of the three factions your characters supported besides going to Amnoon and looking at banners? I'm standing on the chest for one of the items, but not getting the item. But, I hate to go through all 27 of my characters trying to find banners in a place they never go to any more.
  14. For me, there's no difference. I was unemployed before quarantine.
  15. The wiki has (as others have said) an app that looks them up for you. But, you need an API key to use it. You get those through instructions on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:API_key. Once you've entered your key one time, you're set for life. (Although, you do have to click an apply button every time you reload one of those pages.) But, the same key works for all the dye kit pages. This is a true lifesaver.
  16. Some folks put them into their shared inventory slots and swap them between characters. I'm different: I'm working on getting the tools for each of my characters. It's expensive, but then I don't have to swap implements out all the time. NOTE: While I am buying infinite tools, I still use darksteel implements for the synthesizers in the guild hall and WvW. This is to optomize value (cloth above tier 4 is nearly worthless, as is metals above tier 4).
  17. What I do is let the game choose randomly for me as I'm building the character. There are 15 story lines (5 races times 3 stories each), and you get another choice partway through each of them. So, ultimate, there are thirty different paths you can take. When I get one I've done recently, I just skip through the dialog. But, I find after a few months, I've pretty much forgotten the majority of them. One other thing that I find FASCINATING is that they refer to each other. You can see the other warbands you might have joined if you chose one of the other legions, or krewes in Asuraland. One of the Asura stories includes references to Teyo's floating grizwhirl, which is an element of one of the human dungeons. There are tie-ins all over the place. I once played through every single mission in all the storylines, and am frankly amazed at the interactions between the stories and other stories, and also with the world at large (events that stem from story elements, for instance.)
  18. You can buy them from vendors in several places. Go to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Heroes_Banner for details. You can also type /wiki Guild Heroes Banner anytime from in the game and it will open that same page in your default browser. (This /wiki command works on any wiki page.)
  19. Do you mean, me personally? Because it isn't affecting my gameplay directly--in your opinion--I'm not allowed to weigh in? Would you like me to submit my fractal trainer's resume? Account for the times I spend in T1 fractals? Yeah...no. The fact that an experienced player has had the experience being discussed is all the more qualifications a person needs. Essentially, you're saying that people who have gone through the process of learning fractals shouldn't share an opinion about the process of learning fractals because only people who have minimal or no experience can truly understand the topic at hand. That doesn't make any sense. Or, perhaps you are saying that because I myself am not biased by being personally affected by the outcome of the request, my opinion is of less value to the conversation than someone who will either suffer or prosper as a result. :/ Sounds to me like you just don't want to hear opinions that disagree with yours. Not what I said. Not at all. I asked how making tutorial-like changes to low-level fractals does anything to a high-level player. If it does nothing, then how can you say "it's not broken"? Because I went through the process, and it functioned just fine. Nice dodge, but you didn't answer the question. How does it affect you?
  20. Do you mean, me personally? Because it isn't affecting my gameplay directly--in your opinion--I'm not allowed to weigh in? Would you like me to submit my fractal trainer's resume? Account for the times I spend in T1 fractals? Yeah...no. The fact that an experienced player has had the experience being discussed is all the more qualifications a person needs. Essentially, you're saying that people who have gone through the process of learning fractals shouldn't share an opinion about the process of learning fractals because only people who have minimal or no experience can truly understand the topic at hand. That doesn't make any sense. Or, perhaps you are saying that because I myself am not biased by being personally affected by the outcome of the request, my opinion is of less value to the conversation than someone who will either suffer or prosper as a result. :/ Sounds to me like you just don't want to hear opinions that disagree with yours. Not what I said. Not at all. I asked how making tutorial-like changes to low-level fractals does anything to a high-level player. If it does nothing, then how can you say "it's not broken"?
  21. The majority of fractals are exactly the same at high and low levels. Just different health and damage ... If you make lower easier so it can be done without knowing anything then all you have done is to delay the problem. We can leave that sort of thing to politicians. I can't think of a single fractal that's the same at T4 vs T1. And that's not what OP is asking for, nor what I said. We want it more explanatory, as a tutorial (the OP's word). Not easier.
  22. Question for all the experts: how does changing low-level fractals do ANYTHING to you? If you can't answer that, then any answer that "it isn't broken" should be an answer you refrain from giving.
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