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mercury ranique.2170

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Everything posted by mercury ranique.2170

  1. I think a good trade off is a very welcome thing. I main Holosmith and welcome the Holoforge Overheated. It forces me to plan carefully to not be out of the belt skills when you need them. So in itself a tradeoff (or a penalty as you call it) is a good thing. It depends however on the size of the penalty and the benefit from the main effect. Balance is needed, which brings me to the core. Calling a specific action when balancing bad is not the correct way to go. Eventually it is wether or not the balance is fair and in balance. In my opinion this is a perfection that will never be reached, but the current tradeoffs sound reasonable fair to me.
  2. I don't think you understand the norn very much. I do not think that you understand the art of argumenting very well. It means that it helps if you actually make one, isntead of just saying that someone is not understanding the norn very well. Norn are highly individualistic and prefer living on their own. However, they do like to get together to feast and brawl together (and to have their legends told by the Skaald). for this purpose they need to get together. With the Dragon bash festival there where/are (havent checked if it stayed) some additional lines of dialogue in the sons of svanir area in Houlbrak explaining about the current debate about dragons. I think you might have a fan fiction understanding of the Norn, but without further arguments from your side, I think my understanding seems to be very well in line with my theory.
  3. In general it is perfectly ok to use GW2 footage or other copyright protected material to produce new forms of presentating the artwork unless you make it profitable. Then you need to have permission.So machinima as a whole is not something that can get you into trouble. Besides that, it is unlikely that you get banned for it. This is a case of IP and the dissadvantage was nog harmfull for the game, or the communty. So it is not something that could get you suspended straight away. They should contact you and inform you about the IP infringement and seek out a solution together with you. If you do not cooperate to find a solution together with them and keep on doing so, it changes things and makes it something you can get banned for.
  4. Well mounts in this game are ground breaking, but you don't seem to count those for some reason. A big deal was made about those, and not just in Guild Wars 2 forums. It reached the first page on reddit in r/gaming with 40k upvotes or something. Mounts in GW2 where ground breaking, but not in the genre. The way it is introduced is not unique, except for the mastery-system, but that wasnt unique to mounts.
  5. Guide to use a boost as a new player:Don't do it! Or actually, do not do it unless you understand that it is not a smart thing to do. You will skip a lot of content and a very important learning curve. It is much better to learn how to play your character and class by levelling it up and it also helps you understand this game as it is very different then most others. If you do understand this, you will understand that this is not what you want. However...There are two valid reasons to do so.1: to unlock a mount (raptor) on your account early on.2: to unlock kiting on your account early on. To unlock these you need to be level 80 and do the first story chapter of PoF or HoT Do not use a boost to know how skills and elite specialisations work at level 80. It is perfectly ok to do so in the silverwastes without using the boost
  6. There is nothing officially announced as of yet. There are some strong indications that there will be a festival of the four winds somewhere imminent, but it is unknown when. I think we might have it somewhere during the second half of the summer. As for LS5.1. I do not think that anyone can make a safe bet and to be honest I wouldn't want to.It will be the first major release after the massive layoffs and reorganisation at Arenanet. The announcement said that the new teams will have more freedom to work on new and existing content, so I have no doubt that they want to show us what course they are going to take and set a precedent for the future releases. They better make it good and not quick in my humble opinion.
  7. Blizzard and Arenanet has an history. Arenanet founders Wyatt, Strain and O'Brien where all working for Blizzard when they left and started Arenanet. So it is obvious that, atleast at first, they wanted to do something different. Wyatt and Strain went onwards to different positions in the gaming industry and to genre's further away from the MMORPG genre. I disagree that GW1 and 2 have been competing specifically with WoW. They are the lead game in the genre and so they look at WoW, but it is not a real competition. What does worry me is a change of direction after HoTBefore HoT and in the manifesto, Arenanet aimed to do things better then WoW. Something they also did in GW1. I remember that the success of GW1 came with factions and the title system in it. It draw out a lot of WoW players, as it solved the need for a reward for the grind between content releases. Blizzard quickly introduced titles in WoW as well to counter it. It wasn't the first time that GW1 and 2 where revolutionising. Going free2play was another one. Ohters had done it before, but it was basically a very crippled version of the game. F2P GW2 is very much playable and enjoyable. Arenanet was boundbreaking. They didn't care about what an MMO was supposed to be or do, but focussed on what they see best for a game. By looking and imrpoving things from other games, but also by their own innovations. That part is gone it seems and I miss it. Speaking of Patrick Wyatt. A few years ago, he ended up at Amazon game studio's. They recently announced they are working on a new Lord of the Rings MMORPG, so it seems that once more after TERA he is in direct competition with Arenanet and Mike O'Brien. Something that shows some promising signs for the future of this genre.
  8. You udnerstand you made a purchase for GW1 and not for GW2 right??If so, this is the location:
  9. As said by others, Collections are there and do what you want. However, they are somewhat limited in the dialogue and format. I do not see the need to introduce a new element, but the presentation and flow could be improved to make it feel more like an adventure.As an example I'll use the Skyscale collection. there are 5 main collections, with a specific flow in it maintained by locked items and several sub collections. The downside of quests was that it was ridiculious to have a house in the middle of a cornfield with seamingless peacefull fireflies. When you approach the NPC he tells you that the fireflies are attacking his farm (while they are clearly not) and you need to to destroy them. You then do this before his eyes to walk up to him again to tell him that you did destroy them (which he saw).However, with the skyskale, you need to get back to Gorrik and there is a specific flow.I would solve this with hiding the main collections, but only have the smaller ones. Collect something and this collections rewards an item. To prevent going back to Gorrik all the time, make the item double clickable (double click the skyskale medicin to sent it to Gorrik, after which you get a mail from him telling you the next step).
  10. I agree, Also understand the history of the tower and the reason why it is still in game (and a mystery).the quests in GW1 where numbered 1 ,2 ,3, 4, etc (in the dat-file). So the first quest created was the one with number 1. This was to stop Galrath who was trying to get into the tower to unlock it's mysteries. There are specific reasons for the devs to leave it at there. Most likely cause the story didn't fit into the bigger story. It was before the main outline of GW1:prophecy's was made. It also means that this quest and so this tower was one of the first things ever made. This makes it unique. This is simular with the garison in Shaemoor. It was designed very early in the development of GW2 and much more in style of the old krytan architecture. They could have easliy changed it to match the newer architecture, but they left it in for nostalgic reasons. So they made the wizard tower with a mostly abanded idea in mind in GW1. They brought it to GW2 for two possible reasons.1: nostalgic reasons, without anything in mind for it.2: With specifics in mind, that never got implemented for some reason.We know from the Asura personal story step there, as well as the story about the elementals, it is likely they had more plans with it, that where once more abanded. the conclusion is that they tried to make it work on several occassions, but failed to make it work (or didn't even really try too). In either way it is unlikely that they make a story that is fun and worthy of breaking the mysteries.
  11. You bought the game, if the money was accepted and the goods delivered. Thats why my advice is to check those two first. The serial key is evidence of the purchase and ownership (and so it is important that you recieve it), but the deal is recieving the game, for the money you paid. In any case, the only people who can assist you is support.
  12. The first step is to verify if you have the actual purchase on your account.The second step is to verify if the payment actually got through.The third step is contacting support to ask what is wrong. good luck, I'm sure it will get resolved this way.
  13. My experiences is that it depends on the issue. Some issues have been resolved within a matter of hours or even minutes. Others have ended without a sattisfying conclusion and to agree to dissagree. Even the initial response time depends on the subject at hand. Some things are directly escalated to a specific specialist.
  14. Understanding timelines in GW2 is a very complicated thing, one even the devs do not always understand.It is impossible to tie ingame dates/times to the actual time dates due to the moment the commander is experiencing it. On top of that, maps are frozen in time. This means that e.g. Queensdale is frozen in time just after the attack on shaemoor. But to make it more complicated, you also have an invasion from Palawa Joko forces there.Lion's Arch is even more confusing. It is frozen between the moment the player joins his order, but before the battle at claw island. But it also got destroyed by Karka and Scarlet and rebuild.
  15. It is canon. This was told years back - around 2010 - in an interview with Jeff Grubb. I guess in current ArenaNet usage, that would make it "psuedo-canon" or "canon until stated otherwise". But it was told to us as to why the states are called "downed" and "defeated" not "downed" and "dead". Either way, there's only two canon deaths that were not permanent: the Commander's in PoF, and Aurene's in S4. Of course there was this guy who died in the human PS but unexplainably survived. We literally (dictionary literally) have to kill him to kill Zamon, but he's alive and well in HoT. So I guess that's three canon deaths that were not permanent, but one death being retconned out no doubt due to ArenaNet devs not paying close attention. There was almost another - Gaheron Baelfire - but we prevented that resurrection. GW1, on the other hand, had mechanical deaths that were deaths in lore too, with resurrection spells mentioned here and there throughout the story. But for some reason, Rurik, Saidra, Togo, and Gadd died a permanent, non-resurrectable death. I think your terms psuedo-canon or "cannon untill stated otherwise" are understandable, but also a bit harsh.There are several levels of canon. None are set into stone. Canon can and should be changed if the story requires it. Specially canon that is made to bridge the gap between game mechanic and lore. The first level of canon is that which is in game. This is the hardest form and must be considered a fact. If changed, the story should explain why. A good example is Aurene. Between All or nothing and war eternal, Aurene was dead. It was canon (atleast to us players). war eternal changed this, but it was explained in detail in the story. The second level of canon are official publications outside the game. A few examples are the ecology of the Charr, Edge of Destiny, What Scarlet saw, and the requims between all or nothing and war eternal. The third level are unofficial publications by Arenanet employees. These can be interviews, forum/reddit chats and conference talks. The level of canon in these are depending on two things.1: how well it is documented2: how well it is rememberdYou are a walking lore encyclopedia, but this is not true for most players. So what is canon for you cause you remember it, is not even existing for most players. We know much proof of this lore is lost, specially if it is older. Several websites and sources recording it has been shut down over time to various reasons. This means the content is lesser known to us. the main question is how well it is known by Arenanet. We assume they have somekind of lore-bible in a vault containing all bits and pieces of lore that are important. But how big it is and how well documented it is is unknown. They might have well got nothing and just use the wiki as well. We simply do not know. So to me, the last category can hardly be called canon in the first place. I do believe that Arenanet writers have freedom to talk in the third category and talk about lore without being chained to what is or might come in the future (which is what canon is). A requirement is that it is not set canon in the first two categories. This makes it more like semi-fan fiction then any kind of canon.
  16. C00000005 is an access violation error. As you have this with several games and applications it is very likely this issue is limited to things to do with games in general.1: windows2: DirectX3: driversYou have re-installed windows and direct x and switched versions. This means it is unlikely that this issue is being resolved by looking at directX or windows. My main focus would be on the drivers. I would suggest trying to download an earlier older driver. If this doesnt resolve it, please check the error message, specifically where the dmp-file is and use it to identify the issue further
  17. My prediction for the next season is that it will focus on the 5 races once again. Ever since the threat of the elder dragons, we have been working on a common goal and the commander has grown beyond his own race and faction as a fighter for the entire world. This means he/she can be envolved with all faccets of the races. There are many bits and pieces left. So I predict 5 sidestories ultimately comming together. Human: The rise of the white mantle has caused a new civil war.. with Lazarus and Balthazar gone, the balance has shifted again, but the shining blade and the Queen are activly working on resolving the conflict with the white mantle once and for all.Norn: There are several factions forming. some wants to move back north totheir old homesteads. Some want to stay where they are. Some want to worship the dragon and others oppose it. the assasination of Knut Whitebeard brings this back in a political battle over the leadership of the norn while struggling to keep the community together.Charr: The cement of the Charr has been war and conflict for a long time. Now the final threat is over the search is for a new enemy. They just can not be without conflict as peace would overthrow the charr society. However, the newly found Olmakhan shows more and more Charr that there is a different way of life. One of peace and without constant conflict. This leads to tensions and internal conflicts.Asura: Now primordus is back asleep many want to return to their old dwellings in the depths of Tyria. Others want to remain at home.Silvari: the secret is out. They are dragon minions. The tree lied to them and they struggle to find their new focus. In the past society was devided by first born and second born, but now it s more between those who answered to Mordremoths call and those who did not. The guidance of the pale tree and ventari's tablet is openly questioned as part of this.
  18. There is an issue with cheating death and storytelling. This is almost always handled in a way that breaks the story and seems inconsistent. GW2 offers very few remarks why some deaths are permament and others are not. I do not think that the difference between defeated and death is canon (Or I must have missed a source explaining it). It is a plausable explaination. You can also look at other stories to find solutions to this problem. A strong one is Dr. Who. The doctor is a timetraveller and can simply go back in time to change the events. However, there are events with a fixed point in time. It has to be that way. No matter what you do, and how often you revert it, is simply will happen. It is nearly impossible to cheat this and only can happen if it is allowed by the author In GW2 we do not have a real mechanic explaining it in detail, but there are fixed points in time. The character has to die for the purpose of telling the story. Sieran, Tybalt, Forgal are examples for this. They need to die to make place for Trahearne, someone who is more neutral to acompany the PC so they can later form the pact. There are other ways to do so, but this is the best dramatic way to do so and make sure that your old friend is really gone.There are ways to cheat death. The PC did it after being killed by Balthazar and Aurene did it. the methods differ.
  19. Hi,I am personally a very very casual player the last few years due to real life. I do not think my playtimes would match yours. But I do hope you find a few people who do match it. It would help to know the region you are in (EU or NA) and as well the timezone and times you are most often online.
  20. That is not entirely true.They can not help an individual with issues. But they can gather complaints from a few dozen customers, all with the same ISP or backbone and contact the ISP on their behalf. They can contact Amazon customer support about issues with AWS. They might not have direct control, but they can help in trying toget it solved. There is however a big difference in responsability. Arenanet is responsable for the behaviour of the server and how it is connected to the internet. They have hired Amazon to do the job for them, but they still are accountable for it. They are not responsable for issues further down the line. the route taken and the home internet connection are the responsability of the customer and the ISP they hired to be connected to the internet. Fur us as a customer, we can hold the ISP accountable for this. For both issues Arenanet has an interest in helping to get it resolved, so contacting CS always helps.
  21. Build templates: this feature is announced and in development (although this means it can be in the "planned" phase, also the actual amount of work needed is unknown. It depends on how many database modification is needed to implement it), so it is not possible to put a timeframe on it. Months or even years is more realistic then weeks. There are no known plans for another expansion, it does not seem something currently being worked on and not currently planned.
  22. You heard somewhat incorrect. The free trasnfer is when you change from free to play to a paying customer. This happens when you have a free to play account and buy one of the expansions. So this doesnt happen when you have e.g. the original game from before free to play. If you do had a free to play account, it should give you the option to transfer for free, there is a waiting period.
  23. The price is often depending on supply and demand. There are always new players, but more and more existing players got a legendary, this means a drop in demand, while supply mostly stays the same as long as it is profitable to gamble.
  24. Gw2 exist cause they could not do what they wanted in gw1.Instead of gw3 I rather would like to see them do a second stand alone campaign (similar to how they did it in GW1), but first they should finish the tale of the elder dragons
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