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Everything posted by spectrito.8513

  1. You'll have a hard time trying to solo roam now, specially as a melee, but If you really want to go solo, pick anything with good burst and good mobility/stealth, otherwise you will die over and over to 5+ players on a mount, also dont try necro.
  2. After proccing the trait from Weaver stances are not providing stability, it's been reported 15 days ago and no fix yet, it's unplayable in PvP/WvW.
  3. I don't think most players find the grind fun and I don't think most players actually grind. I have a guild full of people who don't grind but manage to get stuff. We do what's called incidental farming. It doesn't matter if it takes longer to get something because we've having fun. That's how the people I generally play with roll> We're not so goal driven. We're fun driven. Same here, but unfortunately thats what most people do, grind for skins and once they get it, they burnout because that what gw2 endgame offers and why you see so many people saying they dont know what to do, they are bored etc...And yes, its their fault they got bored but its also gw2 lack of fun and satisfying endgame, i know this because it happened to myself when i started playing gw2 and its the reason i took a breakIn vanilla i get the exact opposite feeling once i get a new item,while you can get frustrated at times when you lose a roll or the item didnt dropped after weeks of raiding, its so satisfying when you get what you wanted and this satisfaction is what keep most people playing the game in the long term.I play gw2 for a different reason, the combat is what keeps me playing despite class balance being a disaster and powercreep, it's fun.
  4. Because none of that is forced grinding. When a new LW chapter is released, do players need to grind new gear? New reputations? New crafting levels? No. In WoW you must grind, there is no choice, while the grinds in GW2 are completely optional. This is true, WoW has always been centered around Raiding and Arena, their actual endgame activity, while GW2's endgame remains largely static, with both new raids and fractals being released at a very slow pace, and WvW/sPvP additions even slower. Completely and entirely incorrect, and anyone who has spent any time playing WoW knows this. WoW is likely the MMO that lead to the phrase "rock, paper, scissors" PvP balance. Some classes hard counter others, so in a fight of equally skilled players, the outcome can be 100% pre-determined depending on composition . A Ret Paladin for example will never beat a Frost Mage if both players are of equal skill - never. Even if the Ret is exceptional, it's still a toss up. If a Priest meets a Rogue, the Priest is dead. End sentence. Gear and class/spec matchups make up a large percentage of a player's effectiveness in WoW, both in PvP and PvE. If you think you're going to jump into WoW and "outskill" your opponents in a 1v3 like you can in GW2, you're in a for a very rude surprise. EDIT: forgot to address PvE being more complex in WoW. Again, false. In Vanilla it was a joke. You took 40 people into a raid, and in many cases, 5-6 of your team were afk the whole fight. Things changed as the expansions went on, but in WoW there is no specialization, no build diversity, and no room for customization, unlike in GW2 where you choose the stats on your gear, the type of weapons, sigils, runes and utilities you use - for good or ill. It is much easier to neuter your character with poor gear, weapon, upgrade, trait and utility choices in GW2 than it is to do the same in WoW. We are talking here about vanilla wow not retail which is a completely different gameAny class can beat any class because profession items, trinkets and usable items.And priests are the kings of 1v1 in vanilla wow and everyone who PvPed in vanilla know this.And in fact, its quite possible to 1vx in any class that its not a full healer or tank, just type it on YouTube. Yes, in vanilla builds are restrict with dull rotation but you have so many usable tools for general or specific uses/bosses.And no If 5-6 players afk in a fight its almost a guaranteed wipe in most bosses, this plays a part on its complexity, you need 40 people paying attention in the fight, in some fights 1 player is enough to wipe the entire raid.Also vanila didnt have arena. Dont try to give opnions based on your experiences on retail WoW, they are irrelevant on a vanilla wow discusion
  5. @Vayne.8563@BlueJin.4127Its optional but thats the only thing left to do for players that are not into WvW/PvP where (most) people play for fun and not for the grind.Thats why farming maps are so populated and what most people do in gw2, a mind numbing farm.Thats why so many people burnout from playing gw2, its a constant grind for gold to convert it into gems, its not challenging, rewardful or fun.This game is in a vicious cycle, people get bored until a new map is released with more grind to get bored and wait for the next grind.Im a player who enjoys all kinds of content except for single player story mode content(there are plenty of single players for that).For me Gw2 lacks what wow offers, long term goals, challenging open world, meaningful PvE progression, open world PvP and competitive PvP and i can almost guarantee that at least that the reasons most people quit gw2 is among one of these topics and classic wow will drag a lot of those players. Dont get me wrong i really like gw2 but its turning into what retail WoW is now a grind for the sake of grind and you can already see players asking for a vanilla gw2 server.
  6. I dont really understand why people say gw2 is great because you dont need to grind, but that is what most people do, just take a look on how populated are the farming maps : Istan pre-nerf, dragonfall, SW.In gw2 we dont grind for gear, we grind for skins, which is the same thing but more mind numbing and way less rewarding, you just need to faceroll mobs in PvE spamming auto attacks. WoW maybe doesnt compete with gw2 for the casual pve audience which are interested in open world PvE content and single story mode released every 3 months.But it competes for the hardcore Raiders, WvWers to some extent and casual and hardcore PvPers.Combat mechanics in gw2 are better, but the skill ceilling in wow(classic) is much higher because you need to have a knowledge of the game in general not only on classes, wow is way more complex game compared to gw2 PvE and PvP wise.WoW will not have updates but it's better not have updates than have bad ones.
  7. That's what everybody will do. Because Anets' balance approaches are super incoherent. They aimed for sidegrade specs, but delivered strait upgrades. Then they admit it, but refuse to nerf PoF specs (because of sales or something, i don't know) and instead go ahead and just add trade-offs to HoT specs which...surprise, leads to even more imbalance. And we are back to only one viable support, that dominates competitive modes since its introduction. It's like nerfing the visuals of eles' fireball because of clutter just to introduce an expansion one week later that is a complete funfair of skills. Those decisions are made at the same time and wether it's on purpose or by lack of coordination, i don't know what is worse. While i agree with you, this is a problem for people who only enter WvW to play on optimized zergs where playing meta builds matters more than having fun. WvW is the only game mode which you have freedom to play whatever build you want without harming your team.Now if you chosed to play the game in a single way among many other styles... well, thats on you. I don't really understand how you want to talk about any balance changes under that premise. That also collides somehow with your later statement that people tend to have no fun when they get steamrolled.What im saying is, If you want to play the game in a single way you will play the same builds/classes.You cant balance the game with different classes in the same role without over buffing/nerfingFor example, how much damage Ele need to do to replace Rev as a dps ?You cant balance this without nerfing Revs or buffing Eles too much. You will be stuck with those builds because you only play WvW for optimized zergs whereas havoc/roaming/clouding is much more open to other builds than zergs.I cant see how it collides with bandwagon since its a completely different subject.
  8. They create one sided matches for easy wins, making their opponents not log for the week because in WvW numbers matters more than skill, and next relink they bandwagon again leaving the first bandwagoned server to die slowly until it becomes a link. People matched against those servers will either not play during the matchup or they will transfer to another tier to not be stomped over and over.Also people who dont follow the bandwagon will be playing on a dead host server for 2 months unless they're willing to pay a transfer, some will pay, some will play and some will quit. While you assume WvW would be dead without them, i say this is one of the reasons WvW is dying.It benefits Anet and bandwagoners while it harms the rest of the community
  9. That's what everybody will do. Because Anets' balance approaches are super incoherent. They aimed for sidegrade specs, but delivered strait upgrades. Then they admit it, but refuse to nerf PoF specs (because of sales or something, i don't know) and instead go ahead and just add trade-offs to HoT specs which...surprise, leads to even more imbalance. And we are back to only one viable support, that dominates competitive modes since its introduction. It's like nerfing the visuals of eles' fireball because of clutter just to introduce an expansion one week later that is a complete funfair of skills. Those decisions are made at the same time and wether it's on purpose or by lack of coordination, i don't know what is worse. While i agree with you, this is a problem for people who only enter WvW to play on optimized zergs where playing meta builds matters more than having fun. WvW is the only game mode which you have freedom to play whatever build you want without harming your team.Now if you chosed to play the game in a single way among many other styles... well, thats on you.
  10. So, if i understood OP is a bandwagoner who wants to play busted support classes to be carried by his teammates?Just play FB then.
  11. Maybe if a thief ports with a stealthed spellbreaker casting WoD but it needs a really good coordination and with the current lag issues i dont see it happening on large fights, maybe on GvG's but im not sure. I think its just easier to pick a meta build and spam aoe buttons which works wonderfully even when lagging.
  12. This is the reason that pushes me away from buying gems, Anet is too focused on the short term gain.To me a company who prioritizes on short term its either greedy or its failling.
  13. Idk, i think WvW should be like it was design in DAoC only 3 servers would be easier to balance, just make more maps.Fun 24/7
  14. WoW classic is appealing for those stuck in sPvP and WvW who barely gets any attetion from Anet.Those 2 game modes are dying, bugs takes ages to be fixed, promising updates that never come, updates are rare and most of the times they only create more problems than they fix.WoW classic is fun a lot more fun for PvP oriented players, hardcore and casuals.
  15. They sell +20 stat infusion in china...and people complain about powercreep here ?
  16. Despite popular belief and Anet's effort, WvW is one of the few places in this game that shouldn't be a boring repeatable experience where people do always the same thing to get the same things like in fractals and raids.Just because its funNot because you feel forced to do it everyday to get a daily
  17. What i find funny is that people didnt enjoyed WvW because they were being ganked running back to tag.Little did they know that outside zergs ganking got much worse and much less populatedBut who cares ? what matters is the pip farm xD
  18. Thanks to our ganking machine.Before we had action on other BL's, now it's just ganking groups running with 3+ supports looking for outnumber fightsOther BL's only purpose it's to k-train for ranks and skins, pretty much like SW but worse.
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