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Everything posted by Cerioth.7062

  1. From my experience the no-LI groups that yet advertise themselves as exp and tend to ask for specific class roles are usually the ones that get the job done quickest.
  2. Where to even begin? Too many reasons to list! Awesome combat, always sometihng to unlock or achieve despite my 17k hours, amazing PVP/WvW, fun guild times, just getting immersed to the world of Tyria, charrs...
  3. No it's not possible to have NO way point on a map you ever entered, when you enter it the first time the nearest one is yours, irrelebvant how close you are/come. Head into mount maelstrom from fort trinity (Straight of Devistation). The opening waypoint is far away enough to miss if you don't deliberately move to trigger it, and there is no auto unlocked waypoint. If you don't believe me, give it a try. Oh, you're right. But I am quite sure, that there once was an auto-unlock, maybe it's even a bug now :) Same is true for Kessex hills when you enter it from Queensdale. If you do not walk close enough, it does not unlock.
  4. I have 17k+ hours on this game and not running out of things to do anytime soon. I still progress, too. Maybe not in terms of gear, but in terms of my skill as a player. GW2 has a surprising amount of depth with its combat system, and becoming really good at something takes a LOT of time and effort.
  5. Yeah I can invite you back, I just need your character name. Bumping up means getting this post back on front page so people notice it.
  6. There is a diference.If you see someone (you dont know) has a problem with math homework, you can decide to help him/her (in this example for free). This is you teaching strikes to new players. But at the same time you could go to a movie with friends. When someone join strikes (with some lfg demands) without them, its like a kid that comes to you and give you his homework so you do it for him And huge mistake you made is this: you asume that players ask for high requirements becausethey want loot fast. That is not always the case. I ask for high requirements (well, I only do strikEs with raid static but for same reason why I would ask for high requirements) because I dont care about the loot or kill.When I do strikes or raids, I want to have fun. And I have fun if players come together, they take responsibilities, they comunicate and they try to make every effort to not only kill the boss, but do so in as efective way as possible. We could just take anything, go there and kill it while talking about cats but then it would be ~10 minutes of a chore. Or we can wait 30 minutes doing something fun while waiting for one pug to join and ten have 5 minutes of fun. Well in the long run if players aren't teaching new people, the number of people for your PuG will keep declining. The value of any mmo activity is in how much of the playet base it involves. If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them. Also, let's be real, there's usually less communication when people actually know what they're doing, and you're probably an outlier in the intent behind those high requirements. Teaching runs are different from clear runs. I teach raids, fractals and strikes weekly - but these are NOT my clear runs. Teaching runs require few hours of investment for some things, whereas clear runs only take me 20 minutes or so. I do not wish to dedicate a few hours every time I want to run t4 fractals or strike missions. For raids it can be excused to spend more time as they are cleared once a week.
  7. And if the group is wiping on Fraenir with players doing less damage than the Heal Scourge, and others asking that the fight be explained to them? It stops being profitable and efficient, yes? Aaaaaaaaannnd that takes us back to what the OP is talking about, and why players would want to set requirements for people joining their group. I have never had that experience with Fraenir. My groups clear all strikes in less than 30 minutes, and we've never had to be too hardcore about it.
  8. It is still their choice, and their LFG. Why is it so hard to respect that? You do not have to agree with someone's LFG - just make your own that suits YOUR needs. I agree that some LFGs seem oddly specific or unreasonable, but no one is forcing you to join them. If they waste time, that is on them and is not your concern in any way. I personally ask people to tell their favourite color or link an item upon joining just to see if they read my LFG. If they did not, I kick them out. I think that if they put in the effort to read my LFG post, perhaps they will also listen incase I need to explain anything. Strikes are actually decently rewarding for the time spent. The full run is very fast to do and you have a chance for getting some rarer drops. Sure, it's no t4 fractals, but it does not take that much time to get something out of it, and it is a lot more fun than just running meta trains for some of us. Also you can make ascended armor with the crystals, which is another alternative route for people getting their gear. You get more G/hr elsewhere which was my point. Let’s also not kid ourselves that the average player will be in a group that can clear them all quickly (if at all). But... strikes already give rewards. Runic armor, ascended items. With your logic raids are not worth running either.Read the rest of my post where I fleshed out what I was saying. Runic armor can be bought with gold and you’ll obtain the gold much faster than you would the shards. This is coming from someone who had farmed the shards for all three sets. The amount of time that it would take to obtain a complete armor set through strikes is much greater had you spent that time to farm gold and just craft the set. Raids are slightly different as they contain unique rewards that you cannot get elsewhere. After reading the OP again, this is deviating entirely from what they had written about. If any of the people want to discuss this further then create another thread for it as I won’t respond further on this topic. I would still argue that strikes are fairly profitable for how fast they are to do. Most of my strike groups run through all strikes in less than 20 minutes! and I am not the only one to find it profitable and fun :)
  9. I start by coming up with a generic theme or a color scheme I want to use, then find the weapons/armor that suits the theme. Infusions get added if they fit. Some of my looks use backpack, some dont. I even hide shoulders and gloves on some of them.
  10. It is still their choice, and their LFG. Why is it so hard to respect that? You do not have to agree with someone's LFG - just make your own that suits YOUR needs. I agree that some LFGs seem oddly specific or unreasonable, but no one is forcing you to join them. If they waste time, that is on them and is not your concern in any way. I personally ask people to tell their favourite color or link an item upon joining just to see if they read my LFG. If they did not, I kick them out. I think that if they put in the effort to read my LFG post, perhaps they will also listen incase I need to explain anything. Strikes are actually decently rewarding for the time spent. The full run is very fast to do and you have a chance for getting some rarer drops. Sure, it's no t4 fractals, but it does not take that much time to get something out of it, and it is a lot more fun than just running meta trains for some of us. Also you can make ascended armor with the crystals, which is another alternative route for people getting their gear. You get more G/hr elsewhere which was my point. Let’s also not kid ourselves that the average player will be in a group that can clear them all quickly (if at all). But... strikes already give rewards. Runic armor, ascended items. With your logic raids are not worth running either.
  11. It is still their choice, and their LFG. Why is it so hard to respect that? You do not have to agree with someone's LFG - just make your own that suits YOUR needs. I agree that some LFGs seem oddly specific or unreasonable, but no one is forcing you to join them. If they waste time, that is on them and is not your concern in any way. I personally ask people to tell their favourite color or link an item upon joining just to see if they read my LFG. If they did not, I kick them out. I think that if they put in the effort to read my LFG post, perhaps they will also listen incase I need to explain anything. Strikes are actually decently rewarding for the time spent. The full run is very fast to do and you have a chance for getting some rarer drops. Sure, it's no t4 fractals, but it does not take that much time to get something out of it, and it is a lot more fun than just running meta trains for some of us. Also you can make ascended armor with the crystals, which is another alternative route for people getting their gear.
  12. I love SAB content, dont change it! Obviously bug fixes are always welcome.
  13. You can never know what the person"AFKing" is doing. For example I just tend to find some nice spot in open world with cool ambience and hang out there on one of my alts (which happens to be a ranger) while looking through dyes. Sometimes this can take hours, but I am certainly not AFK even if my pet happens to attack something in close vicinity.
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