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Everything posted by Chichimec.9364

  1. That was beautiful! Thank you to ThyWeepingWillow and to Anet for that wonderous video.
  2. Hmm, as I said earlier in this thread, I have one main account and four alt accounts. For all five accounts I bought the HoT/PoF bundle, the EoD expansion, as well as such QOL items as the 3 permanent salvage kits, the home portal stone, the Recharging Portal to Friend, a set of permanent gathering tools, and the share inventory slots to hold those QOL items. All that was added income for Anet, which benefited both the company and everyone of us who enjoys playing the game. I've put a lot more money into my main account of course, including pre-purchasing SotO but clearly there are some positives to people having alt accounts.
  3. Thanks Grimm. That post had some of the things I remembered that we are still missing. In the last point there, Anet said that a future update would bring rewards for failed assaults. We haven't seen that yet. However, I don't think we are getting rewards for failed defense, are we?
  4. Here's the post that introduced the weekly rewards. There may have been more comments later about refining the weekly rewards but I haven't found those yet. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/wvw-january-31-preview/
  5. What you are saying about the current WvW weeklies makes sense and I hope you are right. If we kept our existing weeklies with their gold/key rewards and then got additional WvW weeklies giving the new currency as a reward, that could be really sweet indeed. 🤞 Me too! That is something to be concerned about. Iirc, the sense of that prior note was that there were additional pieces of the WvW reward system that were going to be put into place at some point, including adjustments to the attacking & defending rewards. Ah, Grimm, now I'm gonna have to go back and track down that earlier note to see if it reads differently in light of all the new info that just dropped. It would be a shame if we lost those additional parts of the WvW reward system. Let's hope they didn't get lost down the same rabbit hole that the Alliance beta disappeared into. 🤞
  6. We don't know yet. If I understand the discussion correctly, Linken.6345 was just giving what he thought would be a fair return for the 25 aa. I don't think we have any definitive information yet on the cost of the items which can be bought with the new currency.
  7. Ruby Bayer said this in the OP in response to questions in this thread... So logging in and doing two activities gives you the 25 AA.
  8. If you haven't seen it yet, Anet's latest news post talks about the changes in the dailies and daily log in rewards, changes which will be introduced next week. There will be new daily, weekly, and special tasks for pve, pvp, and wvw. In this thread, Ruby Bayer answered some questions about the new system but there is still a lot we don't know yet. For example, what will happen to the existing WvW weeklies? Will they be replaced by the new WvW weeklies or be in addition to them? Doing the existing weeklies now gives us gold and keys for opening the recently introduced chests. The new weeklies will give us a new currency that can be used to buy a range of things, including mystic coins, mystic clovers, gold, skins, weapons, and, iirc, mats for the new legendaries. If we will still have our existing weeklies, will we get gold and keys for doing them or get the new currency? And the new dailies/weeklies may be a pain for some of us. If you look at the first image in that news post, you'll see that one of the new WvW weeklies will be doing the Obsidian Sanctum JP. For those who don't know, there are a couple of issues with that particular jp. For one thing, you lose participation when you do it. For another, the jp is in a WvW area. In the past, griefers have been known to hide in that jp just to try and take down anyone doing the jp. Personally, I'm lousy at jps and am not good at one on one WvW combat. So that weekly could have been a nightmare for me. Fortunately, I have a very friendly and supportive WvW guild that will probably send in groups to do that jp together, both to take down griefers and to portal folks who can't do the jp by themselves. What about folks who don't have that kind of ingame WvW support though? There really aren't enough details yet to know for sure if these coming changes will be good or bad for WvW mains. Given how Anet has treated us in the past though, I just can't be very optimistic.
  9. Sigh. When Anet told us last May that the first, actual Alliance beta would be in early to mid-Summer, I was really excited about Alliances finally happening. When Anet told us at the end of June that we'd have the details on that beta in "a week or so", I was on pins and needles with excitement. Sigh...Anet once again pulled its magically disappearing Alliance hat trick and we have not heard a peep about this beta since that June 28 post. At this point I am actually hoping, quite despondently, that we don't get that beta till mid-September at the earliest. The SotO expansion is going to be bringing some significant changes to the game and it will take a bit for us all to assimilate those changes. Things like the new reward structure, the new weapons available to each profession, as well as the new relics, not to mention playing the expansion itself will take some some time to sort through. Trying to do our first Alliance beta during all that seems like too much to me. That's just me though, an old, slow, tired guy. Your mileage may vary of course. I just wish the beta had actually come in early Summer. That would have been a fun thing to do leading up to the new expansion. There is one last thing I do have to add - Each and everyone one of us has most likely had experience with things not working out the way we had planned. That's part of life. This whole delayed beta experience would not have been so sour for me if Anet had just kept us all posted on what was going on. It's their total Sound of Silence when it comes to WvW issues that is so galling.
  10. Hmm, at this point I have one main account and four alt accounts. The alt accounts have all the expansions up to and including EoD. Don't know yet if I'll get SotO for them though I did pre-purchase it for my main. On my alt accounts I log into them every day, usually just after the daily reset, get the log-in rewards and run them through some mat gathering. If the dailies look quick and easy, I'll do the dailies on each one. If not, I'll skip the dailies on them. The alt accounts funnel their mats and gold into my main account. With my main account, I do two hours of WvW a day, some mat farming, some metas, and then whatever else I feel like doing. Today I've been running a key farmer. I'm not sure how any of that could be considered abusing multiple accounts or why it should be against the TOS. The money I've put into those alt accounts helps support Anet and that helps everyone who enjoys the game. As for the main discussions in this thread, I don't know enough yet to be either for or against the coming changes to the dailies and the daily log-in rewards. When the new expansion drops, I'll have to see all the details before deciding whether I like the changes or not. One minor thing that I can say already that I like is that the existing log-in rewards contain a lot of fluff that I don't find useful. It seems like the new system will allow me to focus on things I will find useful. The question there that still remains to be answered, as several people have already said, is how much those 5aa's that we'll get just from logging in will actually be able to buy.
  11. If you can, you might want to wait until after the SotO expansion drops next week. At this point I don't think it's clear how some of the changes coming with that expansion may affect WvW. That's things like each class and profession getting access to new weapons as well as the changes to runes with the introduction of relics. Those changes should make for new builds and possibly new meta builds relevant to WvW. Personally, I'm holding off on new gear, new builds, and such until I see how things look after that expansion arrives.
  12. From what I've seen, the defender problem isn't a matter of too few choices. I've gotten the weeklies every week since they were first introduced but only completed Tower Guardian once or twice in that time. The squad I run with regularly doesn't even bother to try getting the defender weeklies any more because the mechanics are so broken though we do work on getting everyone all the other weeklies. It's the defense mechanics that are broken. For example, one day last week we were defending our home garri against a determined attack through four or five defense timers. I was in the Lord's room the entire time using an arrow cart as well as my own ranged and melee attacks against wave after wave of enemies. I got one Keep Keeper credit out of that fight as did a friend of mine in the same squad. I did not get Tower Guardian last week, iirc I got credit for one tower defense the whole week even though we also defended tiered up towers regularly. I did get my eight gold for the week though. From my perspective, the solution isn't adding more Defender options, it's fixing the broken Defense mechanics. Though even that might introduce another problem. It would seem silly to me if I got credit for 5 Defenses in that garri fight while the attackers got credit for only one attack. That would also need to be balanced in some way.
  13. roflmao - Mr. Hobson, I've said on this forum and would happily tell you to your face that there are broken things in WvW. To give only one example, the Defense mechanics are badly broken. What's even worse than the broken mechanics though is Anet's refusal to keep its WvW orphans informed about what's going on with WvW development. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you have been listening to the wrong people in your "analytical research". Check this thread for some actual feedback from some of those who actually do run in WvW. EDIT 1: That article is actually 4 years old. Does anyone know if Hobson still works for Anet? EDIT 2: Never mind. It looks like he stopped working for NCSoft in 2021 and is currently working for Epic Games.
  14. Hehe, the first few times I did that meta, I stood there twiddling my thumbs, staring at the wall waiting for it to go down. Finally, someone at the wall asked why we all had to just stand there. Someone else said that was a good time to go grab the chests in the various lanes. That ended my waiting time! 😂 When I was doing the meta on a daily basis to help me buy provisioner tokens, I'd jump onto a Tangled Depths map right at the start of the meta, then use that waiting period for clearing chests and resource nodes in the lanes I hadn't fought in. Racing the timer to get as much of that done as possible before the wall went down was a fun mini-game for me. After the wall went down and I grabbed the chests in there, then it was off to Auric Basin for that meta. Fun and very lucrative times! 😁
  15. We should know in the next week...or month...or year...or decade...or century...or millennium or so.
  16. Actually, the ability to mount in combat is one of the things I'm looking forward to in this next expansion for the very reason Mongori is pointing to here. Judging from the reactions in this thread, both the posts and the emotes attached to the various posts, there are other folks who like this coming feature too.
  17. Welp, it's been five weeks since Anet said that "in a week or so" they would give us the details of the WR beta that was supposed to happen in early to mid-summer. So far, there's not been a word about those details. We are past early and are now into mid-summer and there is still no sign of the beta that is supposed to be happening now. Clearly something happened to delay all this but despite repeatedly being asked for an update, Anet refuses to say a word to its WvW orphans. This is the last time I'm gonna bother to rez this poor, tired thread as it's also more than clear by now that Anet is just ignoring us. Their official stance seems to be "I Won't Tell You."
  18. So far I haven't heard a thing about why this delay is happening - and that is a significant part of the problem. Before I retired, I worked several jobs where keeping to a schedule was important for keeping customers happy. As anyone who has worked on a schedule knows, delays can happen for a variety of reasons. When they do, it's important to let the customers know what is happening, why, and when they can reasonably expect to receive whatever it was that got delayed. In the discussion about the new relics being introduced in the next expansion, Anet was two days late in posting a statement clarifying some details about the relics. They let the players know the statement was going to be delayed, why it was delayed, and when it would actually be released. Beyond that, Anet has been listening and responding to players' concerns about relics in an ongoing discussion about all that. The contrast with Anet's response to the WvW community could not be clearer. The announcement with more details about the next beta is now more than three weeks overdue and we are now in the middle of the time when that beta was supposed to start. What have we heard from Anet? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Can you please let us know what's going on with the next WR beta? You've been doing your best to keep people informed about the relics. It would be good if you could also keep us informed here about the WR beta.
  19. We're supposed to get the next WR beta in early to mid-summer and we were supposed to get more details about it within "a week or so" of June 28. Welp, it's been a month or so since June 28 and we still haven't heard a peep out of Anet about any such details. Just for the heck of it, I asked google when this summer started and when it ended to get a sense of when "early to mid-summer" was. Lo and behold, this summer started on June 21 and ends on September 23. That means we are within "a week or so" of reaching mid-summer. And still, all we've gotten out of Anet are The Sounds of Silence. What was it that @TheGrimm.5624 said? Oh yeah, it was, "For the WvWers, we are still watching and waiting......" How many years have we been waiting for Alliances? I guess Anet figures a few more days, weeks, months, or years won't matter. 🤮
  20. Just in case you hadn't noticed, earlier today Anet posted an announcement about the relics coming in the SotO expansion. Now don't get me wrong, that's an important topic for all players. As someone with 7 legendary runes myself, I've been waiting to see what they had to say about all that. HOWEVER, it's now been more than three weeks since Anet said we'd be getting more info on the next WR beta in "a week or so". As a WvW main, I'm very interested in what Anet has to say about that too. Will they ever tell us the details about the next beta? I sure hope they do soon since this Studio Update said "We’re targeting early to mid-summer to run the first World Restructuring beta with alliances." Well, we are in "early to mid-summer" right now. Let's just hope they meant "early to mid-summer" 2023, not 2024, 2025, or later. ☹️
  21. roflmao - Actually, if it's any consolation, I caught myself in the same trap and literally fell down the rabbit hole when linking that video. This video was a suggested link and when I made the near fatal mistake of watching it, I got dragged into a whole series of other suggested vids from the Sixties, the days of my youth. It was almost an hour before I managed to drag myself back out of that rabbit hole. 🤣 (This post is totally off topic, but I just couldn't help it. Sorry! 🙃 )
  22. Oh, the sound of silence surrounding us poor WvW orphans! There's been a fierce debate raging in the SotO sub-forum since the coming relics were first announced. Anet heard the uproar and responded to it with this... Then, yesterday, when Anet realized their promised announcement would be coming two days late, they said this... It has now been almost three weeks since Anet deigned to tell us WvW outcasts that they would give us the details on the next WR Beta in "a week or so". PVE's announcement is going to be two days late so they get an advance heads up about the delay and why it is happening. WvW's announcment is almost two weeks late and what have we gotten but The Sound of Silence...
  23. Just to be clear - @XenesisII.1540 , @ArchonWing.9480 , and @Ubi.4136 that's a sad emoji I added to each of your posts, not a confused one. And I added it because sadly, I think you are all right.
  24. Welp, Anet did a lot of talking today, here , here , and even here. If you wanna know about the Four Winds Festival, the latest balance changes, or the new stuff in the Black Lion chests and the Gem Store, those links have got you covered. Heck, there's even a video at that last link showing off the latest shiny new mount skins. If you want to know what's next for WvW though or would like to finally get the details on the next WR beta you are just out of luck. There's not a peep in any of Anet's new posts about WvW. So all that us poor WvW orphans and outcasts can do is keep waiting for the overdue update that was supposed to come almost two weeks ago now. Sigh... 😭
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