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Everything posted by Chichimec.9364

  1. That was the very first lesson I had to learn in WvW. Winning feels good, losing feels bad and I'm such an old, slow player that I die a lot in WvW. So I did have to consciously work at just taking it in stride, without getting bothered by it. The second lesson I learned was that, for me, WvW is much more enjoyable if I run there with people I like and am comfortable with. Not everyone is into socializing but if you like hanging with other people, my suggestion would be finding a WvW guild that's a good fit for you. Some are highly structured and organized, wanting you to run specific meta builds that you can play really well. Some are much more casual and relaxed than that. Some guild commanders are fairly harsh and even toxic, others are friendly and welcome newcomers to WvW. Finding a guild that is a comfortable fit was a key part of WvW being fun and enjoyable for me. If that's something that also interests you, ask in map chat about the guilds on your server. Keep an eye on the Looking For Guild sub-forum here. If you keep looking eventually you will find a home guild that suits you.
  2. Ah, all the folks upset about the Wizard's Vault feeding on FOMO need to read both of these responses. Gorani and Danikat thank you for so clearly laying FOMO fears to rest. As for the OP's initial reaction about not enough rewards, I've heard similar reactions from guildies and I always scratch my head in puzzlement when I do. Early on, I got everything I wanted from the WV. Since then I have been happily putting all my AA into the endless gold bags. I haven't bothered to do the actual math but it seems to me if you do the dailies and weeklies, you are getting something like 30+ gold a week from those endless bags. Others may feel differently, but I like that a lot.
  3. I have alts parked at key points to farm mats, jade runestones, and such. They are parked there to earn gold. It's not that I feel pressured to do that though. I like having goals in the game that I am working toward and I like making tangible progress toward those goals on a steady basis. It feels good to make the gold. So it's an enjoyable process for me, not something bad I am pressured into. As for the toxicity in fractals and raids, Find or start a guild that does the training you enjoy without the drama. Me, I'm a WvW main. My WvW guild is casual, friendly, and works at being drama free. Once I was running with a different guild and in their Discord vc, the tag was yelling, screaming, and swearing at squad members who didn''t follow commands precisely enough to suit the commander. I dropped out of that squad and their Discord at that point and never went back. There are WvW guilds that are tightly comped and who want a high level of skill out of every member. I'm too old and slow to play at that level so I don't join those guilds either. I found a guild I am comfortable with and I happily run in WvW on a daily basis with that guild. While I don't do raids and rarely do fractals, there are guilds who do those regularly, with many of those guilds also doing training for newcomers. Finding one that you like or starting your own should help you minimize the toxicity.
  4. Thanks Donari. I really didn't know what to say to the OP but you did, and you said some good things. Appreciate it!
  5. I rarely run in WvW during the NA prime times myself. The folks I know who do though have been talking about the increase in queues with the WvW rush as well as the influx of new to WvW players that's been happening this week. So as far as I can tell from a distance, you two are both right.
  6. Thank you! I really like the Wizard's Vault but the repetition is getting boring. How many times do I need to dodge, do combos, and break a bar? And thank you. How many times do we need to do the same two mini-dungeons? I really have been enjoying it when the dailies/weeklies send me back to play things I haven't played in a while. Hunting Jade Mechs in Cantha and the Forged in The Desolation have been fun. The amount of repetition though, like the dodge rolls, the combos, and the same two mini-dungeons is already bad. There is SO much to do this in this game. Can we please have a wider, more interesting variety of dailies and weeklies to keep things fresh?
  7. Personally, I like the Wizard's Vault and how it allows us to choose our own rewards. I also feel like it has renewed my interest in game activities I haven't played in a while, like different world bosses, as well as hunting down different enemies, like Jade Mechs or the Forged. There's also nothing in the WV that triggers FOMO for me at all. The cosmetics - skins, emotes, and such, don't interest me. The rewards I did want I maxed out early on. Those were the cheap gold, mystic coins, heavy crafting bag, and laurels. Now I'm happily putting all my AA into the expensive gold bags. And I have no issues with taking time off when I need it. Both last week and again this week I took some downtime, doing other things besides GW2. When I got back I just picked up where I left off without any stress or anxiety about it at all. That's just me though. It sounds like the OP has been getting massively triggered by the WV and I have no idea what to say in response to that. OP, I'm sorry it's been triggering you so hard but there's not much I can say besides that.
  8. It wasn't until Anet first announced that we would be getting the Armory that I bothered with leggy gear. Up until then, leggies seemed like way too much work to outfit just one character. The Armory though, made leggy gear worthwhile as it enabled me to equip all my alts with leggy gear. Since that initial announcement, I've gotten all the leggies that WvW, a game mode I enjoyed, had to offer as well as the Return To amulet. While I was working on the WvW leggies, I also bought 14 gen1 leggy weapons with gold I earned from playing game modes I liked. So getting legendaries was never a chore or painful grind for me. I played the things I liked to play and got all that leggy gear as a result. So the OP's suggestion for making legendary armor sellable doesn't seem outrageous to me, even though I wouldn't need to buy any myself. There may be something I am missing though. Are there good reasons to not make leggy armor tradeable like a lot of leggy weapons are?
  9. Iirc, they are adding another option to the dailies in today's patch. That's a step in the right direction but I agree with the OP, that more choices would be better. And, while I've enjoyed doing the Cantha dailies/weeklies, it does seem like there are a lot of them. Personally, I'd like to see Anet mix that up a bit too, so that we get more options in other areas besides Cantha.
  10. This OP says the game is too easy but this one says the game is too hard... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  11. Hmm, the OP says the game is too hard but this one says it's too easy... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  12. I really, really like the Wizard's Vault and doing the dailies/weeklies has been fun for me. Still, I think both of these suggestions would improve the Vault even more. The interface for spending aa in the Vault is clunky and more options for the dailies/weeklies would be a good thing. I know there will be 4 choices for dailies starting on Sept 12 and that's a step in the right direction. More choices would be even better though. 🀩
  13. This is in no way against the OP but I never even noticed the change. Out of all the things in the game that need reworking/fixing, pronouns wouldn't even be on the bottom of my list, they/them wouldn't make it on my list at all. The broken defense mechanics in WvW, the Alliance beta that was supposed to happen this summer but instead seems to have disappeared, without a word from Anet, those are the things that concern me. Again, no problem whatsoever with the OP, I'm just giving feedback on what I think would make a better game.
  14. Thanks, Sobx. I was one of those who hadn't noticed any difference with the new mastery and this may be the reason why.
  15. What you are saying makes a lot of sense to me. This past winter I finished the last legendary WvW had to offer and I was wondering if I would continue to play that game mode without a big goal like legendaries to work toward. It turns out that I'm still running in WvW with my guild every day simply because it's fun running with a group of people who laugh, joke, sing, talk, and generally carry on during the entire run. The rewards have been beefed up a bit in WvW which is nice, but that's not the reason I keep playing it, the people in my WvW guild are the reason I still go back there day after day. Once a week I get together with a small group of friends from a different guild to do pve runs together. Sometimes we would do dailies together but there were other things we do too. We've done achievement hunting together, as well as things like dungeons or low level fractals. If someone is having trouble doing a part of a story we all do that bit of story with them to help them out. Heck, this week four of us ran around in WvW together, not for any rewards but just to hang out together and have fun. My friends and I can't do dailies together anymore but there are still plenty of other things ingame that we can do while we hang out with each other. Rhapsody, I hope you can find other things to do with your husband and your friends.
  16. I can't argue with either of you about your responses. Those are your feelings and it's not my place to say your feelings are wrong. What I do want to say is that my response is very different than either of yours. First, the lack of elasticity - I have the EoD expansion but did not like it and rarely, if ever, replay anything in it. This evening though, I went back there to do the Kaineng Blackout meta for one of my weeklies. I had never done that meta before but found it to be a fast-paced, furious, running battle across Kaineng and it turned out I enjoyed it a lot. If Anet had not nudged me into going back to a map I didn't like, I never would have discovered a new to me meta that I did like. Second, the rewards being a downgrade - While doing that meta I also completed another weekly, Defeat 100 Jade Mechs - killing all 100 of them in that single meta. Those two weeklies were the last ones I needed to complete my six weeklies. Each one gave me 40 aa and the chest for completing six weeklies gave me 450 aa. That's 530 aa, which is enough to buy 88 gold, or 58 mystic coins, or piles of any other stuff I wanted out of the available choices. The reward was up to me and I thought that was a mighty fine reward.
  17. When there are things I don't like about the game, I tend to say so here in the forums. So it only seems fair that when there are things I like about the game, I should say that here too. I bought the Ultimate Edition of the pre-release soon after it became available. For days this past week I was excitedly waiting for the expansion to drop like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. As soon as I had it downloaded, I jumped into the game to start looking at and playing with all our new toys. So far I really, really like this expansion and it even had an unexpected, positive effect on me. First, some of the basics though. The story line seems to be moving a lot faster and is a lot more engaging than I found EoD's story to be. At this point, I'm partway into Chapter 3 and have been exploring the beautiful new maps as well as doing the story. Where I've spent most of my time though since SotO dropped is with the Wizard's Vault and the new dailies/weeklies system. That's where SotO had that positive, unexpected effect on me. I've got one main account and four alt accounts. On the main account I spend a lot of time in WvW and the rest of my ingame time doing my mat gathering/farming routine. I also have a set mat gathering/farming routine on my alt accounts that I run though with all of them every day. What I hadn't realized was how boring that set routine had become. The new dailies/weeklies system shook up that routine and had me re-engaging with parts of the game I hadn't gotten to in a while - and it was fun! I liked going back to the Shadow Behemoth on my alt accounts, as well as running around to do so many events, kill so many enemies and so forth. Core Tyria came alive for me again. I particularly liked that it was things like "complete 10 events" without specifying which map I had to complete them on. That way I could run each alt account on a different map to help keep things fresh. Another thing that I really, really like about the Wizard's Vault is that I get to chose for myself what I want to spend my aa on. Since Tuesday, those alt accounts have been sending a nice chunk of gold every day back to my main account and I really like that too. As to some of the things folks have had issues with - having more choices in which dailies/weeklies we can do would be nice. The range of options every day under the old system was something I liked. Adding more choices would make the dailies/weeklies even more fun for me. When it comes to relics, I am NOT a theory crafter at all. The different effects of the various relics are too subtle for me. So I'm just waiting to see how the community rates the different relics and starts making suggestions for which relic to use with which kind of builds. @Rubi Bayer.8493 if you happen to read this post, please convey my gratitude to the SotO team for giving us such a creative, engaging expansion. In your post about what the Devs were looking forward to in this expansion, one of them said something about the deer they had put on the various maps. Please tell her that I saw a deer on the first SotO map and I thought of her and that comment. Finally, Rubi, if you've made it this far, there is one negative thing that I have to go full toxic on, unleashing all my horrific Karen energy - Please, please would you ask the WvW Devs to let us WvW players know what happened with the Alliance beta that seems to have disappeared? Something seems to have happened and keeping us posted about the delays would be better than the total Sound of Silence we've gotten so far about it. Thank you C.
  18. This is one of the changes the expansion is bringing that I am looking forward to. One of the gaming mags that got an advance look at SotO posted some of the new relics and they sounded pretty wild. It's gonna be fun playing around with them..
  19. rofl - Karen energy, huh? I don't remember if accusing someone of being a Karen is supposed to be "woke" or "anti-woke". Doesn't matter either way to me though, as I just step away from all that culture war foolishness. So I won't argue with you about that. What I will say is that I was asking a "manager" to get a WvW Dev to tell the WvW sub-forum what is going on with the seemingly disappeared Alliance beta. πŸ‘€ Whew, you do scare easily, don't you? πŸ™„ Thanks. I didn't realize that was a requirement to play WvW either. πŸ˜… Or maybe the requirement is for all of us to watch Mighty Teapot Twitch streams to keep up with the latest memes? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  20. Sigh...Since he is with the "Rewards/WvW Team" I was wondering if there was a faint possibility that something new and exciting with WvW nodes was coming out that we hadn't heard about yet. Nope. It turns out he meant this... So we don't even get a bad joke. All WvW gets is a meme that many of us don't even know anything about. πŸ™„
  21. Well, now we know what at least one WvW Dev is excited about in the new expansion. @Rubi Bayer.8493 posted a note about what the Anet Devs were most excited about in the SotO expansion. It was fun to read their responses until I got to this one... I assume he meant that as a joke but if so, it sure fell flat for me. Instead of a bad joke, can the WvW team please give us some info on our missing Alliance Beta?
  22. I know, right. πŸ™„ Reading that list, seeing what the Devs were excited about in this next expansion was fun - until I got to that sour note. @Rubi Bayer.8493 would you please point Roy Marks toward the WVW sub-forum so he can give us an update there about our missing Alliance Beta? For anyone who doesn't know what this is about, you can read this thread to get the long, sad story about the Beta that seems to have disappeared, leaving nothing behind but the Sound of Silence. That WvW sadness aside, thanks for this post, Rubi Bayer. I'm looking forward to next Tuesday too. ❀️
  23. At the moment we're actually fighting each other, I think. I'm on SoR. 😁 Who knows what might happen in the future though? 🀩
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