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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. Well I don’t like this “specific type of dungeon.” I like the traditional dungeons. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know.
  2. No, they’re not. Dungeons are dungeons and fractals are fractals.
  3. They (dungeons) have been dead for a while now, so maybe I misremember them having puzzles. I just know that dungeons were so much more fun than fractals.
  4. I like speedrunning, not doing a bunch of mini-game puzzles for 30 minutes. Anyone here like dungeons but not Fractals? It's a pretty bad impression for a new player to come into an MMO and see the dungeons are dead.
  5. I don't think ANet even can move away from dx9 due to spaghetti code. I could be wrong, just quoting what I see around here. Uh ohs.
  6. So ANet can use those funds to work on side projects again? No, thank you.
  7. You fail to comprehend basic things. The only person who can say what he meant by "need" is OP. Secondly, you used "we" as well, so if the OP is wrong in speaking for everyone, you are too. Goodbye.
  8. So if he's trying to speak for everyone, you are right in doing so as well? LOL.
  9. Well then, speak for yourself (instead of saying "we"). You may not want it, but I sure do.
  10. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pl/dictionary/english/need "to want something very much" In other words, not absolutely required.
  11. Obviously we don't literally *need* anything, OP is using it as an intensifier, as is obvious by the caps.
  12. I didn't "write" anything, I "typed" it. So yeah, I don't see where that "write" is at all.
  13. Lol taking "need" so literally... someone doesn't have an argument.
  14. There is literally no reason not to want race change... so you are just being defensive about ANet not having implemented it.
  15. People were being defensive about not having mounts in the past, you're doing the same with race change now.
  16. People also said we didn't need mounts, until we got them.
  17. I agree; we need race change. Just make it a requirement to be level 80, so it doesn't affect your personal story.
  18. You're not supposed to use Master Salvage Kit on blues and greens. Use a cheaper kit on those and save Master for yellow.
  19. Let's be honest, very few people are actually going to be in full legendary armor.
  20. Then watch indies or French cinema? No one's forcing you to watch Hollywood.
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