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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. Uh… just because one prefers easy mode doesn’t mean they give a hoot about story.
  2. Yes, you sound very well versed in "color theory". (The new Cantha looks fine.)
  3. Quite an oversight by a dev who claimed to have watched hundreds of videos on turtles to get them right,
  4. Well, GW2 is supposed to come out for Steam in the future, even if they stopped working on it for now. When it does, The Steam Deck will let you play it in the palm of your hands! https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck
  5. Can we stop excusing bad MMO designs with "it's the tutorial"? Tutorials are not days long. They're not even an hour long.
  6. Exactly, it is “optional” but makes all the difference. Just make it required and decrease the grind.
  7. Well they do, and have for me, whether you want to believe it or not.
  8. Jesus Christ... even WoW's grind wasn't this bad.
  9. Tell that to the ecstatic dev who said Cantha is going to be a blast on your skyscale!
  10. Except legendaries are for cosmetics, whereas skyscale is a functional upgrade.
  11. Stopped reading at: "it only took me a few weeks". That is an insane grind.
  12. Then we won't have to trade our souls in trying to acquire one. Seriously, the grind is unreal. And it's always excused with: "Well, it's optional!" I'd rather have a mandatory skyscale that wasn't an egregious grind than an optional skyscale that left me feeling excluded and inferior for not being able to obtain one.
  13. Jeez, at least let EoD come out first before speculating on another expansion.
  14. No, the game is mediocre, play literally any other single-player FF instead.
  15. I bought this PC 9 years ago to play vanilla GW2. I've had minimal upgrades, so PoF wasn't the best fps-wise. Edit: I'd rather buy gems than try to upgrade a gfx in this crappy market.
  16. Do you not play other games? This community is a godsend in comparison.
  17. Yes, shirtless lads grinding for housing decorations. Thank goodness ANet doesn't listen to the playerbase.
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