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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. Simple solution to the race story problem: only allow race change at level 80.
  2. Maybe read *my* initial comment so you know what is being argued before bringing *your* own “weird” take on it.
  3. You can’t not bring his ‘work’ into this. The argument is that the quality of his work is exaggerated due to his sex and race.
  4. You’re a hypocrite because you accuse me of not “knowing” for certain, when you are defending a philosopher, who doesn’t “know” anything for certain.
  5. You know you’re the hypocrite, right? Philosophers are themselves not about “knowing” but about questioning what can’t be answered. The moment it’s answered, it’s science, not philosophy.
  6. Well if he were a female of color at that time and place, no one would take his 'metaphysics' seriously.
  7. FFXIV does this, where you have smaller political problems and an overarching world-ending problem, but it just makes the smaller stuff look like filler to the larger stuff.
  8. Yeah, because Kant isn't an ancient Dead White Male who delved into metaphysics, which isn't real.
  9. The problem with seasonal outfits is that questionable companies use them for questionable practices: they go out of style once the season is over, so you have to buy more armor, which also goes out of style once that armor's season is over. So I'm not down with armor that only lasts 2 months.
  10. People have been voicing their complaints to the develepors since Kralkatorrik: they want less world-ending threats. Instead, they want to overcome more everyday problems, such as those present in early Personal Story. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. They are the vocal minority; people who enjoy the larger-scale threats are enjoying the game instead of posting on social media. Why more bigger bads? Well, it's simple: they are exciting. While resolving a bar fight dispute might be fun for a little bit, you can do things like that in real life. We play video games to escape. Dragons? Can't get that in real life. Former gods? Only in Guild Wars 2. So please, when you are done with dragons, keep giving us more large-scale threats -- don't resort to small fry carnival problems.
  11. Seeing as both legendaries and ascended equipment are account bound, why can't we have an "Ascended Armory"? Yes, you can't change ascended stats on the fly, but most people used the same stats across all their characters for the longest time... and it sure beats nothing.
  12. I think it's a priorities thing. They can release it early, and add more things over time while we're doing the early content. Of course, if they developed the endgame content before focusing on early content, then we'd be screwed. Let's just trust them to know what they're doing -- they haven't had a bad expansion yet.
  13. You'd rather they regress to visual novel cutscenes?
  14. Why do people write essays for posts. It's not that they're poorly written, it's that it is very obvious no one's going to read them.
  15. No, those were good stories for MMOs. But they would get murdered by single player RPG stories.
  16. Seriously, if you want story play a single player RPG. Just don't get mad when you want an MMO's gameplay.
  17. Gold is easier to earn than before, so it would stand to reason that gem store items are more expensive.
  18. Not knowing is the point. No one expected gliding or mounts, and I doubt you'll be able to predict what's coming next. If you can, it's a sign of the game's decline into pandering to the masses.
  19. But if everything is trivial, so is your argument that it's trivial, so why say anything at all?
  20. You don't *need* to do anything, does that meaning winning is not winning?
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