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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. I find that hard to believe. It’s surprising enough that they have English voice actors, as they don’t like to put money into this game. What do you mean, believe? Just change your settings and check for yourself. I don‘t get how „it is hard to believe“ either. Checking the settings is simpler than the story, after all ;). From the looks of it this thread wasn‘t created to discuss the story though, but more to bash the game.Hence the „simple story“ and „[Anet] don‘t like to put money into the game“ arguments.Yes, that too. :) Also, third wrong assumption: Players with really low English language skills won't read this forum, let alone actively discuss here. So asking them about their opinion and experience right here is useless.If OP was interested in an honest discussion about the topic, they'd maybe want to go to the other official forums, not the English version of all things... Actually, they do read these forums. Their posts are how I realized there are a lot of international players in this game.
  2. Okay, so they have French, probably Spanish and all the other “popular” languages.... What about the rest of the international players?
  3. I find that hard to believe. It’s surprising enough that they have English voice actors, as they don’t like to put money into this game.
  4. HoT maps are more difficult, so players receive the proportionate reward. Seeing as how no one want HoT difficulty back, sub fee is the only other option.
  5. Ive noticed that Guild War 2’s story is not as “complex” as that of other MMOs. I have also noticed a lot of players for whom English is not a first or easy language. Is that why the story is simple? To be accessible to all players, regardless of their location? International players: What do you think about the story?
  6. Patience is a virtue. If they release a half-finished expansion now, you’ll be bored again in a month.
  7. Why do charr even have a wedding outfit? Marriage is under holy matrimony, and we all know how charr feel about gods.
  8. If I wanted rewards, I’d go to work,If I wanted gameplay, I’d play chess.If I wanted a soundtrack, I’d listen to Spotify. Point is, there’s nothing wrong with wanting story in a game. Nothing wrong in wanting story? True, but why is it required to enter new map? I couldn't care less about WvW/PvP but the story is trash. I have no intrest in listening to NPCs vapid one-liners and the endless comic reliefs, and the "witty banter" replacing basically everything in the story. After all, there is nothing left but "witty banter". Yes, when i play games, i want gameplay. Big shock, i'm sure.I hope you never play one of those other MMOs, then. Guild Wars 2 is story-lite.
  9. Get used to using your keyboard. It’ll be weird at first, but much better in the long run.
  10. The obvious solution is to make PoF maps more rewarding... but that would require a sub fee. ?
  11. Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ... ... If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread. That doesn't make sense. You ALREADY identified numerous reasons to do them in your opening post :confused: If you have a point about how you don't like achievements, just make it ... you don't have to pretend you can't think of a single reason people would do achievements, even if you wouldn't do them for those reasons. The reasons I identified were presented as bad ones to do them. So no, I didn't ALREADY KNOoOW the answer to this thread. That doesn't make sense ... just because you think those reasons are bad shows you KNOoOW they existed when you made the thread. I don't see the honesty or value in making a thread just to argue with people about what they think are good or bad reasons to do achievements. It makes perfect sense. Why would people do achievements if the reasons for it aren't worthwhile? That's what I wanted to know. But they are worthwhile for some people and the way you asked your question sounds like you assumed everyone thinks the same as you ... so your question DOESN'T make sense. You already knew why because you gave examples, even if those examples were tainted with your bad view of them.You’re just cynical. I was genuinely curious as to why people were doing achievements. I did not know why beforehand, so it was a legitimate question.
  12. If I wanted rewards, I’d go to work,If I wanted gameplay, I’d play chess.If I wanted a soundtrack, I’d listen to Spotify. Point is, there’s nothing wrong with wanting story in a game.
  13. Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ... ... If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread. That doesn't make sense. You ALREADY identified numerous reasons to do them in your opening post :confused: If you have a point about how you don't like achievements, just make it ... you don't have to pretend you can't think of a single reason people would do achievements, even if you wouldn't do them for those reasons. The reasons I identified were presented as bad ones to do them. So no, I didn't ALREADY KNOoOW the answer to this thread. That doesn't make sense ... just because you think those reasons are bad shows you KNOoOW they existed when you made the thread. I don't see the honesty or value in making a thread just to argue with people about what they think are good or bad reasons to do achievements. It makes perfect sense. Why would people do achievements if the reasons for it aren't worthwhile? That's what I wanted to know.
  14. Why not? I mean ... you ALREADY know the answer to this question right ... Why not write achievements on a piece of paper and check them off? Why not not do them? If I ALREADY knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this thread.
  15. A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?
  16. I hate having to change character hair to match outfits, so can you please include matching wigs as headpieces? It’s be like a cosplay, and cosplaying with your toon is all the rage now.
  17. So you only care about the boys that affect you, specifically. Okay, then.
  18. More customization options have been requested for years now, so I’m sure ANet is aware of the demand.
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